weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #140

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Bolded in red to address these two issues.

These two statements are contradictory. Who aims an unloaded gun and pulls the trigger? Isn't the purpose of pulling the trigger to fire the weapon?



I know, right? There are so many contradictory things in that little gun/closet situation.

She is trying to escape from a homicidal maniac, so she turns left, away from freedom, and into a closet with no locking doors.

And she said during direct, that she did not choose the closet because of the gun, because she did not remember about the gun being there, until AFTER she chose the closet door over the exit to safety.

So she happens to choose the closet, then she REMEMBERS there is an unloaded gun there, and she knows that Travis knows it is unloaded too, but she decides that it will still stop him anyway because ..well, because...

So at some point she realizes that part of the story makes no sense, so she throws in her new addendum, that she now remembers that he told her it was loaded, and once she saw him take it somewhere, or other, or something, in December...

HOWEVER, she forgot to tell ALV about the revision, so ALV testified that she did know it was unloaded all the time.

:liar: :clown: :liar: :clown: :liar: :clown:
The articles I've read said she got a lot of phone calls at her office, and angry emails, which I presume someone else told her about. In fact, I would assume a lot of what she learned she heard from someone else. That talk that she cancelled on April 6, I think she actually cancelled that herself. So she must have been hearing it from somewhere.

I'm convinced she never thought it would turn out like this. Why she thought that, I have no idea. But I will say this, I'm going to look at my circle of friends pretty carefully and make sure they understand that if I were about to get myself into this situation, they should tell me the truth no matter how much it hurts.

Her had pretty thick skin when sparring with Martinez. Maybe all the backlash is to let her know its her turn for TIMEOUT.
I have a question? Why is ALV upset about internet backlash? If you are unaware and don't read it why should it bother you? If you have 30 yrs. experience with DV you should have pretty thick skin.If you are answering truthfully nothing anybody says hurts you ,unless there's no truth to it. I do not bully online. ok once on TMZ against LILO. But I wasn't really mean.more snarky. The only thing we want and expect from a witness is truthfullness, honesty, and if you mess with the jurors and us watching OUR JUSTICE SYTSTEM, not just for Travis, but any other victim of violence, you violate all of us ALV not just victims of DV but all of Americans, so you deserve the backlash.IMO OH I don't like you. I like Alice from the Honeymooners more than you, watch it sometime she might teach you something.

My guess is that she has been getting calls from people who she was scheduled to speak for and they told her about the petitions, etc. They may be worried about their association with her in the future.
Thanks to the member who posted this link about JA's premeditation:

I hope JM explains it so simply and clearly. And step by step.

I for one did. although this person usually does spoofs .. this one is a very very very good one as to statistics and her trip.. explanation of her version.. which I had never seen anywhere posted like this and help me understand very much.

It is very educational! Highly recommend.

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Her had pretty thick skin when sparring with Martinez. Maybe all the backlash is to let her know its her turn for TIMEOUT.

There's another remark that's going to haunt her forever. I wonder if her family and/or friends encouraged her. It sounds like something you'd joke about at the end of day over a drink, and here she just came out with it in court on live TV.
The articles I've read said she got a lot of phone calls at her office, and angry emails, which I presume someone else told her about. In fact, I would assume a lot of what she learned she heard from someone else. That talk that she cancelled on April 6, I think she actually cancelled that herself. So she must have been hearing it from somewhere.

I'm convinced she never thought it would turn out like this. Why she thought that, I have no idea. But I will say this, I'm going to look at my circle of friends pretty carefully and make sure they understand that if I were about to get myself into this situation, they should tell me the truth no matter how much it hurts.

I wonder she cancelled because people were cancelling to come to her speech. Just a thought
I am sure this has been asked and answered may times. I've been at work all day and had WS floating as a drone in my back screen so I could pop in occasionally to see what was going on. Far and few between pops unfortunately.

I read at one point that there may be a motion for mistrial because lovely ALV spoke to Sam and it may be the DT filing for the motion. That just cannot be correct.

I have been trying to find the answer but I've not found any. If anyone knows please explain. That is just not right in so many ways if that is true.
I wonder she cancelled because people we cancelling to come to her speech. Just a thought

That's a distinct possibility. The other is that the articles did say she got one call serious enough to call the police. It's probably both.
His lack of money was due to Jodi's constant leeching, I'm sure of it. He was trying to help her and gave her the BMW which she promptly destroyed and he could have made a pretty penny selling it.

She had no money and no prospects apparently so he hired her to clean his house for $200/month. She took the job solely to have access to him.

I read someplace that Travis was up and coming with PPL (she criticized him for trying to get people to join ... duh that was his job ...:facepalm: ) and that he was making at or near $100k plus he'd purchased that new Prius, a new camera, probably clothing for his trip so I find it hard to believe he had any financial issues other than Jodi. Not to say he didn't. I just don't believe that he did because she didn't bother to look into his life. She took Jodi's word and presented it to the jury as gospel.

I think she had her own camera. By all accounts, she always had it with her and she constantly took photographs only of Travis. I think she had her own camera with her and I think she took photographs of that horrific scene and of Travis. She was really only concerned about her camera once she deleted the photos.

I don't think she intended to wash the camera; it was just entangled in the bedding. Since she was so focused on getting her own photos and cleaning up, once the photos were deleted, she put his camera down and lost track of it.

I think she knows exactly where the gun is and she has it and that camera buried somewhere. She's arrogant enough to think she'll be a free woman at some point and she'll want to enjoy her handiwork anytime she wants for as long as she wants.

Odd that her camera wasn't in her trunk when they searched it and found the 9mm. She never mentioned it either. It was never mentioned and I know that if it was there, the police would have taken it when they went through her room and her car.

I interpreted the poster to mean in the past whenever he was in the shower or when she was alone with the phone, she got to work.

I don't get why she personalized and internalized everything almost from the beginning.

And what kind of therapist gets all worked up when someone is aggressive? Isn’t she supposed to be an expert at crisis intervention and conflict resolution? Nice job of DE-escalating. She's the one who needed a Time-Out.

She really doesn't get when and where she went oh so wrong. She doesn't even get she was wrong. She feels victimized.


What IS the deal with her camera? Where is it? Is it another thing the DT successfully kept out? I have this nagging feeling there was a brief exchange about it between nurmi and JM at the very beginning of the trial. Anyone else remember? It's been so long ago, I could be wrong.

Even if I am, it is VERY strange we don't have the professional photographer's camera.
Hey there friends and fellow sleuths,
I just found this and had a much needed laugh ~
If you could use a laugh today , please enjoy~

Jodi Talks About God To A Unlikely Audience - YouTube

That's how most of us were staring at our monitors when we weren't screeching.

I still find it astounding that for a person who thinks she's as smart as Einstein and with 2 years in jail to think of nothing but every single second of that day, this story is the best she could do. :facepalm:

Or does she simply think everyone else is dumber than a bag of hair?
I think she had her own camera. By all accounts, she always had it with her and she constantly took photographs only of Travis. I think she had her own camera with her and I think she took photographs of that horrific scene and of Travis. She was really only concerned about her camera once she deleted the photos.

I don't think she intended to wash the camera; it was just entangled in the bedding. Since she was so focused on getting her own photos and cleaning up, once the photos were deleted, she put his camera down and lost track of it.

I think she knows exactly where the gun is and she has it and that camera buried somewhere. She's arrogant enough to think she'll be a free woman at some point and she'll want to enjoy her handiwork anytime she wants for as long as she wants.

Odd that her camera wasn't in her trunk when they searched it and found the 9mm. She never mentioned it either. It was never mentioned and I know that if it was there, the police would have taken it when they went through her room and her car.

In one of the police interrogation tapes, I remember Jodi talking about her camera that was "in storage". She went on to blather about wedding pics that were on it etc. Could that be the camera of hers you've mentioned?
Thank you so much for this post! I hadn't looked at the Lifetime schedule for today and will post this on the TV shows board here at WS now. Looks like the movie is based on the real case of a female stalker.

Tonight at 8:00PM (EDT) on Lifetime:

Stalkers (TV 2013)

Revolves around a criminal prosecutor who penned the law on stalking in California and is based on the true story of a hot-head cop and polished district attorney who team to bring a stalker obsessed with her former lover to justice.

:what: OMG... There's an actress named "Jodi" in this movie!!! What are the odds???
I am disgusted, but strangely, GRATEFUL. What do we know now, because of ALV?

--- The Manifesto. New territory, but very fertile ground, I bet.

---The knife was on the bed stand. I think Juan will build on this.

---Jodi never complained about sexual degradation. There goes Nurmi's contribution.

---Jodi said she thought the gun was unloaded, confirmed by ALV..

---Jodi remembers pulling that trigger, confirmed by ALV...

---Jodi might have said that the *advertiser censored* was on the computer, which is a lie...

---Just because Jodi lied, it does not mean she is a liar...

---Psych tests, like Samuels uses, are unreliable...

So What else did ALV teach us ?

REVISED: What do we know now, because of ALV?

--- The Manifesto. New territory, but very fertile ground, I bet.

---The knife was on the bed stand. I think Juan will build on this.

---Jodi never complained about sexual degradation. There goes Nurmi's contribution.

---Jodi said she thought the gun was unloaded, confirmed by ALV..

---Jodi remembers pulling that trigger, confirmed by ALV...

---Jodi might have said that the *advertiser censored* was on the computer, which is a lie...

---Just because Jodi lied, it does not mean she is a liar...

---Psych tests, like Samuels uses, are unreliable...

---Jodi says she shot Travis in the CLOSET. OOps, ALV misspoke she says.

---ALV referred to the killing as a MURDER...oopsie....

So What else did ALV teach us ?
I am sure this has been asked and answered may times. I've been at work all day and had WS floating as a drone in my back screen so I could pop in occasionally to see what was going on. Far and few between pops unfortunately.

I read at one point that there may be a motion for mistrial because lovely ALV spoke to Sam and it may be the DT filing for the motion. That just cannot be correct.

I have been trying to find the answer but I've not found any. If anyone knows please explain. That is just not right in so many ways if that is true.

I don't think it is true. I don't think the defense can file for a mistrial for this issue. I think it's getting confused with the fact that next week there is (a) a hearing for motion for mistrial about JM's photo-op incident (at least that's what everyone assumes it's about) and (b) ALV was told in no uncertain terms to return next week about an "issue." Nobody knows what it is.
I have lost all sympathy for ALV .. any that was left has been eroded by watching and re-watching her answer juror questions that contradict her answers from mere seconds before, and ignore rational thinking for the sake of attempting to prop up a failing defence case that never had a chance to work in the first place because it was based on a ton of bald faced lies by the accused.

This may have been posted already, but it's the best article I've seen yet: http://eggtreenews.wordpress.com/2013/04/12/alyces-mad-hatter-kool-aid-party/

And you know what, there really was a case here for the defence team if they had managed to get jodi in front of a truly insightful psychologist / expert witness .. someone who could have discussed the REAL issues of this case. How a girl with a shaky past, who ceased being parented at a very young age developed a personality disorder which was never addressed and lurched from one failed relationship to the next then met a man she thought she loved who just wanted to have sex with her and discard her if someone he thought 'worthy' came along, only to pick up with her and discard her again for the next 'worthy' candidate. How that would effect someone with a severe personality disorder and perhaps why things ended up the way they did. I mean at least we'd be hearing an argument based on the truth of things, as opposed to the insulting and ridiculous defence put on.

No wonder the juror questions are harsh, they may as well have asked ALV if she thinks they are idiots, as that was pretty much the underlying message in all of them. No wonder Nurmi's gunning for a mistrial, the whole things a disaster, and you have to wonder at a defence team that didn't see this coming a mile off.

Note for next time Nurmi: Once you get your strategy together shell out for a focus group so you can get a little feedback on how things are going to go down, since clearly you have a hard time reading the writing on the wall yourself. Because you may not be able to get yourself out of this now, and it's not your head on the chopping block, it's your clients, and every future client is going to know about it.

I'm in LOVE with whoever does Eggtree News!!!

Man, woman, monkey...I don't care! I dig their brain, Man!!!

Thank you so much for sharing!
I keep asking this as a serious, not snarky question.... does the state of AZ have an requirements for a witness to be seated as an "expert"?

Thank you, LambChop. How ever did RS and ALV qualify? I remember seeing other court cases in other states where one side would present credentials (unless opposing side stipulated) in open court.
Different standards are used in several states. FL used Frye (if you saw any of the Casey Anthony hearings) and AZ has as of Jan 2012 changed to Daubert. They may be in process of changing again though, as I understand it. Here is the statute covering it:
12-2203. Admissibility of expert opinion testimony

A. In a civil or criminal action, only a qualified witness may offer expert opinion testimony regarding scientific, technical or other specialized knowledge and the testimony is admissible if the court determines that all of the following apply:
1. The witness is qualified to offer an opinion as an expert on the subject matter based on knowledge, skill, experience, training or education.
2. The opinion will assist the trier of fact in understanding the evidence or determining a fact in issue.
3. The opinion is based on sufficient facts and data.
4. The opinion is the product of reliable principles and methods.
5. The witness reliably applies the principles and methods to the facts of the case.

B. The court shall consider the following factors, if applicable, in determining whether the expert testimony is admissible pursuant to subsection A:
1. Whether the expert opinion and its basis have been or can be tested.
2. Whether the expert opinion and its basis have been subjected to peer reviewed publications.
3. The known or potential rate of error of the expert opinion and its basis.
4. The degree to which the expert opinion and its basis are generally accepted in the scientific community.
In one of the police interrogation tapes, I remember Jodi talking about her camera that was "in storage". She went on to blather about wedding pics that were on it etc. Could that be the camera of hers you've mentioned?

Didn't she have two cameras when she "stopped by" to see Travis? I get so confused by all her stories I can't keep them straight. I'm almost positive she had at least one camera with her -- didn't she say they allegedly made a sex video on her camera because they couldn't figure out how to record on Travis'?
In one of the police interrogation tapes, I remember Jodi talking about her camera that was "in storage". She went on to blather about wedding pics that were on it etc. Could that be the camera of hers you've mentioned?

Yes. She had more than one camera. Travis' friends have said on NG and DD that sometimes she would show up with her "big camera" and make everyone crazy with the constant picture taking and there have been photos of her with a smaller P&S.
I went back and watched part of JM's cross of AVl on April 9. There was a section where he was outlining JA's stalking tendencies in her previous relationships with BJuarez and MMcCartney. Wilmott made a lot of objections when Juan was talking about how after breaking up, JA moved to Medford after Bobby moved to Medford ( that's where she eventually met Matt). So I went back and reviewed JA's direct (YouTube, croaker queen day 13 part5-6) re: the Bobby relationship and it IS SO CREEPY. She really did hound Bobby and traipse around after him, even going so far as to move to another city where he had moved AFTER their break up. Just like she did with Travis! It was only when she had Matt to glom on to that she let Bobby alone, it seems. Lucky Bobby.
In one of the police interrogation tapes, I remember Jodi talking about her camera that was "in storage". She went on to blather about wedding pics that were on it etc. Could that be the camera of hers you've mentioned?

I remember that. Is that the only one she had? She was so concerned about it.

I wonder what else they found in her little storage unit? I wonder what she needed a storage unit for anyway? She was like a flea jumping from dog to dog. She didn't have anything of her own.
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