Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #2

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Jul 30, 2008
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Here is the start of thread #2 on charts for the ongoing Caylee Anthony disappearance.

Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #1
[ame=""]Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #1 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]


I will say again. I am an amateur astrological researcher. I do not do personal astrology, and follow the Bible. That means I do not do "fortune-telling", and I do not "predict" the future.

Please do not send me private PMs asking me to read your charts. That goes against my Chritian faith, for one thing, and I am the sole care-giver for my disabled husband (Parkinson's), so even if I wanted to, I do not have the free time it takes to do this properly.

There are several online sites where you can get your chart cast for free, and you can also get computer interpretations of your aspects and your transits. Seek out these, and learn to observe your own ups and downs. Soon you will understand what Ecclesiastes has to tell us all. There is a time for everything.

Now, other astrologers see it differently, approach forensic astrology differently, and have much to add. Some very fine astrologers have posted their findings on the first thread, which was 29 pages long.

If you haven't read through it, and taken notes on the books and sites mentioned, please do so, and don't ask us to clog up the bandwidth by repeating what has already been suggested. I know the mods would appreciate that.

I will re-post the chart for this coming week-end, for that looks like the time period when we :might: see more developments in this case.

Tensions are running high between now and then, and I know we all hope that a resolution for Caylee will come sooner, rather than later. But, we must remember that Someone much higher than we humans is in charge, and we pray that His will be done.
Since my last post was ignored. I will restate. Today I notified the kind women who did the hard work astrologically on myspace that her blog was posted on websleuths it was done so with out her knowing...she is ok with it and now my friend on myspace...because her insight amazing....Astrology is hard work I am still stuck on my Sabian symbol for last week...the least we can do is ask the author's permission before reposting their work.Thank you
OK, the first chart of the thread, and it is set for very early morning on the 21st, which is Sunday.

I chose a time when the aspect patterns would show up clearly, and would be linked to the ascending degree and the midheaven. It doesn't mean that anything will happen at the moment. It is just so that you all can see the patterns better.

First, notice the "grand trine" (blue lines with triangles on them) formed with the Moon, Neptune, Mars, Mercury, and Venus. Also notice the little blue line with a star on it going to Pluto. Then, follow the hot pink line going up to the Moon.

From the Moon, look at the red lines with the squares going to Uranus, Saturn, and the Ascendant. The Moon moves the fastest, and will soon (within a day) form a square to the Sun, and then an opposition to Pluto. This is the most important forming aspect, and when all the energies are the most apt to be expressed.

Let's not wonder :what:. That is beyond our human knowledge, but we can watch and wait, and see. Whatever it might be, it will fit the energies involved in this case, and we will be able to learn from it.

In the meantime, we can consider to think about all the other more positive ways such energies could have been used. Casey had free will, and could have made different choices. Unfortunately, she didn't.

i apologize if I offended you housemouse, I searched her site today friended her and learned she knew nothing of anyone asking her permission to use her myspace page here and as a myspacer myself I was offended, I keep mine on private so strangers are not allowed to visit without my permission, a myspace page becomes like a little home where you can post anything you want and you do not usually have unwanted or unknown people dropping by willy nilly,especially when you have photos of family there.....Please forgive me of being protective of other people. I would hope someone down the line would look out for my myspace page or my work.....Thanks and Peace. May you be blessed by God for all the work you have done to try to bring some insight into this baby's life...she is part of all our hearts and has touched us like no other.....A true Leo warm hearted teacher.....she has given me so much, Miss Caylee I hope you know how much you have touched us.........
Meena, you didn't offend me! Whatever gave you that idea?

I am a bit skeptical of her "work", but that is nothing new. Astrologers can't even agree on the birthdate of the USA, never mind who will win the next presidential election!

Just a reminder to all viewing here. Astrology is just another way to try to understand life, and you are going to get all sorts of opinions.

There is no GRAND TRUTH to be found in astrology. If you want truth, go to the Bible. Even if you are not a Christian! Even if you are an atheist!

Start with: !!!!!

Ecclesiastes 3

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;

A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;

A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;

A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;

A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

You notice that Ecclesiastes speaks about :time: Think about that.
Here is the start of thread #2 on charts for the ongoing Caylee Anthony disappearance.

I will say again. I am an amateur astrological researcher. I do not do personal astrology, and follow the Bible. That means I do not do "fortune-telling", and I do not "predict" the future.

Please do not send me private PMs asking me to read your charts. That goes against my Chritian faith, for one thing, and I am the sole care-giver for my disabled husband (Parkinson's), so even if I wanted to, I do not have the free time it takes to do this properly.

There are several online sites where you can get your chart cast for free, and you can also get computer interpretations of your aspects and your transits. Seek out these, and learn to observe your own ups and downs. Soon you will understand what Ecclesiastes has to tell us all. There is a time for everything.

Now, other astrologers see it differently, approach forensic astrology differently, and have much to add. Some very fine astrologers have posted their findings on the first thread, which was 29 pages long.

If you haven't read through it, and taken notes on the books and sites mentioned, please do so, and don't ask us to clog up the bandwidth by repeating what has already been suggested. I know the mods would appreciate that.

I will re-post the chart for this coming week-end, for that looks like the time period when we :might: see more developments in this case.

Tensions are running high between now and then, and I know we all hope that a resolution for Caylee will come sooner, rather than later. But, we must remember that Someone much higher than we humans is in charge, and we pray that His will be done.


Hi, Housemouse! First of all, thanks for the new thread. This case is sooo complicated--and your readings indicating all the Neptune aspects show it well. Second, by no means last, thank you for generously allowing us to share what you know and your art.

PS sent you a pm a few moments ago : )
Since my last post was ignored. I will restate. Today I notified the kind women who did the hard work astrologically on myspace that her blog was posted on websleuths it was done so with out her knowing...she is ok with it and now my friend on myspace...because her insight amazing....Astrology is hard work I am still stuck on my Sabian symbol for last week...the least we can do is ask the author's permission before reposting their work.Thank you


Agreed. I think the misunderstandings are clarified in some postings from the last thread. People think because something is on the internet, have at it. Work product is property. : )

Ok, then, let's go! What is up for KC or LE on Sept 21st? Or is it little dear one who will once again be the important one? (How I chafe at KC's stealing the light.)

Sorry. Let's go! Justice for Caylee!
Meena, you didn't offend me! Whatever gave you that idea?

I am a bit skeptical of her "work", but that is nothing new. Astrologers can't even agree on the birthdate of the USA, never mind who will win the next presidential election!

Just a reminder to all viewing here. Astrology is just another way to try to understand life, and you are going to get all sorts of opinions.

There is no GRAND TRUTH to be found in astrology. If you want truth, go to the Bible. Even if you are not a Christian! Even if you are an atheist!

Start with: !!!!!

Ecclesiastes 3

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;

A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;

A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;

A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;

A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

You notice that Ecclesiastes speaks about :time: Think about that.

Thank you so very much, HM, for everything you are doing and for who you are. I may not know the Bible verse above as well as you do, I mostly remember it as one of my favourite songs from the 70's. It is beautiful, isn't it and lends such a balance to life. Everything in its time. I know O/T Sorry

This is a fantastic chart will be looking at it for days Saturn on top of ascendent! Big.
The Grand Trine with Mer/Ven/Mars to Nep then to Moon on Midheaven.Interesting perhaps CA will come out from believing her daughter and take Caylee's side. Maybe it is my hope but CA is a Gem, with Caylee moon Libra. I am tainted, not objective at all this is why I can't see anything in charts God Knows, there is so much of my family in this mess, and I am not objective at all.
What you wrote about Ecclesiastes is beautiful, I just want her found........Everything in me screams to be one of those protesters.......
Since my last post was ignored. I will restate. Today I notified the kind women who did the hard work astrologically on myspace that her blog was posted on websleuths it was done so with out her knowing...she is ok with it and now my friend on myspace...because her insight amazing....Astrology is hard work I am still stuck on my Sabian symbol for last week...the least we can do is ask the author's permission before reposting their work.Thank you

Meena, the internet is a public place. If she doesn't want "everyone" reading her posts, she can make her account private, and no matter how many direct links are posted to her site, we won't be able to read her posts unless she allows us to, by allowing us to join her site.

Since she is publishing for anyone to read her stuff, it's more than okay to post the link to her site. That's acceptable internet practice. I have my own astrological sites, one for my students, and one for our local astrological society. Both sites are locked and people MUST register and be approved by me to join. When they are accepted into my groups, they can read all we have posted. If they don't join, no read. See? Sometimes we discuss highly personal information, that's why we're private.

The only thing taken from that lady's site and posted here was one little paragraph which did NOT include her astrological work, and was posted with a link to her site. Again, a perfectly accepted internet practice. I don't see a disclaimer on her site that forbids anyone to quote a paragraph or post a link to her site. If there is one, I missed it. I believe she is more than welcoming for us to read her stuff, if not, she'd have her site locked.

I know you mean well, but what has been done here is fine, unless she asks us to remove the link to her site, then I'm sure the mods can delete it from the closed thread. There has been no invasion of her privacy, nor has there been theft of her work, just one simple quote that was referenced back to her site. I hope you don't not take this as a personal attack. It is simply meant to clarify "internet theft".

Almost out of orb Tsquare (harsh aspect) with moon Saturn, and Pluto very harsh. I have a book on Moon/Pluto aspects between Moms and Daughters because of My own ugly Moon Pluto mothering. Again for me this points to CA possibly having blinders removed by force........Reminder this is only my opinion...can be to correction
No I am fine with what you said...I was just being a bit overprotective....I was wrong...I have my myspace on private so people don't come lurking about...I don't understand why others don't.and then when there privacy invaded..verklempt.......LOL I love that word
Almost out of orb Tsquare (harsh aspect) with moon Saturn, and Pluto very harsh. I have a book on Moon/Pluto aspects between Moms and Daughters because of My own ugly Moon Pluto mothering. Again for me this points to CA possibly having blinders removed by force........Reminder this is only my opinion...can be to correction

MeenaMom, it is an almost out of orb Tsquare, but remember this chart is just the overhead snapshot of 9/21/08 at 6:33 AM in Orlando.

The moon will be moving on, quickly, to square Uranus when it hits 20 Gemini. And, then it will oppose the Sun and Pluto, and these seem to be the most important points, as I see it from looking at Casey's noon chart, and Caylee's natal chart. (But, I could be wrong, don't ever forget that!)

An after thought. Maybe we should be watching Venus in Libra? Will "she" have a place in the configuration? I am too tired to cast another chart tonight to see when Venus gets to 28 Libra. Maybe in the morning....
so somewhere before 630 will give us an exact Tsquare to the Moon.......our Lady that we were debating tonite believes Caylee is represented by Venus I have to go back and look tomorrow to make sure....It would make sense to me with Caylee's moon in Libra..Makes perfect sense she was closer to CA than her Mom...I was taught our moon sign runs our lives for our first 7 years..
Moon square Uranus on the desc sticks out. even without Tsquare.Moon on the Midheaven and Saturn moving towards ASC....Speaks to me that something of importance might happen..but then again they may just rearrest her for more check charges..They have stated on our news down here that there are more check charges coming her way.
You are right only God knows...My ego self just keeps hoping this baby gets justice soon..she is exactly 6 months older than my youngest and I cannot imagine the pain of not having her with me every second..I have a strong Neptune...but Not like miss KC.
No I am fine with what you said...I was just being a bit overprotective....I was wrong...I have my myspace on private so people don't come lurking about...I don't understand why others don't.and then when there privacy invaded..verklempt.......LOL I love that word


I am liking the word "harsh" for KC. Things have run too much her way. o/t I know. Just waiting....making nervous convo.
so somewhere before 630 will give us an exact Tsquare to the Moon.......our Lady that we were debating tonite believes Caylee is represented by Venus I have to go back and look tomorrow to make sure....It would make sense to me with Caylee's moon in Libra..Makes perfect sense she was closer to CA than her Mom...I was taught our moon sign runs our lives for our first 7 years..
Moon square Uranus on the desc sticks out. even without Tsquare.Moon on the Midheaven and Saturn moving towards ASC....Speaks to me that something of importance might happen..but then again they may just rearrest her for more check charges..They have stated on our news down here that there are more check charges coming her way.
You are right only God knows...My ego self just keeps hoping this baby gets justice soon..she is exactly 6 months older than my youngest and I cannot imagine the pain of not having her with me every second..I have a strong Neptune...but Not like miss KC.

PLEASE! Don't pay that much attention to the chart posted. I really meant it to be more "explanative" (is that a word) of the overall influences for the time period.

Some planets move very slowly in transit, and some move very quickly. We must pay attention to these faster ones as they affect the charts involved.

Just be patient, friends. I know it is like watching paint dry to watch the moon move into place. And, we cannot predict it all that accurately, can we?
Since my last post was ignored. I will restate. Today I notified the kind women who did the hard work astrologically on myspace that her blog was posted on websleuths it was done so with out her knowing...she is ok with it and now my friend on myspace...because her insight amazing....Astrology is hard work I am still stuck on my Sabian symbol for last week...the least we can do is ask the author's permission before reposting their work.Thank you

Forgive me if I am mistaken, but was there not a link posted and to see this woman's blog you had to follow the link? If I recall correctly that is how I saw her blog, by clicking on the link to it and going there...
i apologize if I offended you housemouse, I searched her site today friended her and learned she knew nothing of anyone asking her permission to use her myspace page here and as a myspacer myself I was offended, I keep mine on private so strangers are not allowed to visit without my permission, a myspace page becomes like a little home where you can post anything you want and you do not usually have unwanted or unknown people dropping by willy nilly,especially when you have photos of family there.....Please forgive me of being protective of other people. I would hope someone down the line would look out for my myspace page or my work.....Thanks and Peace. May you be blessed by God for all the work you have done to try to bring some insight into this baby's life...she is part of all our hearts and has touched us like no other.....A true Leo warm hearted teacher.....she has given me so much, Miss Caylee I hope you know how much you have touched us.........

I am also fairly certain, as I visited, read and then subscribed to her blog that she did not have HER settings set to private, as I viewed them BEFORE subscribing. When one has a problem with the public viewing one's blog, I would think they WOULD set it to private, much as you have done...There is no offense in posting a link to a public site that has information that is pertinent to what we are discussing...imop
Forgive me if I am mistaken, but was there not a link posted and to see this woman's blog you had to follow the link? If I recall correctly that is how I saw her blog, by clicking on the link to it and going there...

Let's just drop it, for there is no problem here. People are free to click on the link, evaluate the blogger, choose what they want to think about his/her opinions on the case, etc.

The very last thing we need is a squabble amongst ourselves about whose astrological insight is better, in my humble opinion. (obviously, I treasure mine above all others, lol!)
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