What's in the Minds of Her Mother, Father, Brother Right Now?

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Carpe Pacem

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Dec 15, 2003
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I can't begin to imagine how they're reacting to the insinuations that have been let loose.

Are they outraged? Conflicted? Still supportive? Are their minds full of chaos and indecision?

Will they present a united front?
"Don't worry I didn't say anything" Well I told them a little......
Their mind - "Where did we go wrong"

ICA's mind - "If I'm going down I'm taking 'em all with me"
I think that they've known this was going to happen. Or at the very least knew that ICA was saying that GA and LA had molested her.

On one of the days when CA and LA went up for questioning I was struck by the way that the two of them really wanted to catch ICA's eye and how disappointed and hurt they looked when they didn't get any kind of response. I just caught a glimpse of it because I was cleaning, but it really struck me that they really do love ICA. I didn't see what happened when GA was returning to his seat, but I'm assuming it was something like what Cindy and Lee did.

Then to see CA out there in front of the jail after ICA refused her visit on Mother's day. I saw love there too. CA didn't have leave the $200 she brought with her. I can't imagine refusing to see your mom on Mother's Day. ICA murdered her own daughter, CA's grandbaby in cold blood. I don't know about everyone else but on Mother's Day I celebrated my grandma too. I know CA must have been thinking of Caylee.

So right now I think they are scared they are doing everything they can for ICA and not only is ICA pushing them away, they are hearing rumors that George is going to be the scapegoat.

I know there is a possibility that ICA was molested by someone in the family, and if so ICA has every reason to be mad. But for crying out loud ICA killed Caylee and they are still supporting her. ICA could confess tomorrow and they would continue to support her.

I think that they are going to remain supportive because they don't know what else to do. I can't imagine the confusion they are feeling. I hope that they are able to comfort one another because if I were them I doubt I'd be able to trust anybody.

I'd really like for them to feel outrage, anger, vindictiveness. Maybe there's some hope that George or even Lee could get there. I want them all to be able to sit in the courtroom because I think it would force them to look at reality.

Odds are that they won't get angry, or not angry at ICA. Its going to take awhile for that to come and it will be after they are able to grieve the loss of Caylee.

Sorry I'm so long winded, I'm working on it :) Interesting thread starter.
Great question but like you, I too am stumped as to what might be on the minds of George, Cindy and Lee as all this unfolds in jury selection.

I can only think back to the memorial held for Caylee. The family dynamics shown during that event had me thinking each one of Casey's family members has a different agenda they wanted to bring forth in front of the camera. And a specific message to ICA. It was a faux memorial for a little girl whose life was over so early.

I almost expected a family fist fight to break out. I see this trio as an angry group ready to point fingers at each other. To me they not only have been fighting for ICA's freedom but fighting among themselves.

Regardless what happens to ICA, Lee, Cindy and Geoge will never be at peace.
This subject is very close to my heart. I lost my own father around the time Caylee's remains were found. Naturally, seeing a man on the news, night after night who reminded me of my own dad, but who had an ungrateful beast of a daughter, broke my heart. As I mentioned before, I have a soft spot for George. Throughout this whole thing, I have always felt sorry for him, if no one else.

I know George, at least, is feeling unimaginable pain. He is probably torn in little pieces right now, not knowing which way to turn. I am certain he is angry with himself for being led so deeply into the protect-KC-at-all-costs tunnel. But, he wants to save his daughter too. If anyone will do the right thing, it will be George.

Cindy is probably a little bitter and somewhat disappointed with KC now. Probably more than she ever has been. I think, once the shock wears off surrounding the realization that she and her husband are going under that bus, she will snap back full force into her crusade to save her baby girl (gag). She will even try to convince George to just do this 'one more thing,' to save their worthless spawn.

Lee is probably seething. He knows what he is going to do, especially knowing what KC's defense team is going to do to him. Lee is probably more than pi$$ed that he protected his spoiled little monster of a sister during the early phases of this tragedy's aftermath. Like George, I have no doubts now that Lee will get up on the stand and tell the whole truth as he (and the world) sees it.

I could be wrong and they could be all planning to admit to these terrible acts that a psychotic mind invented to save her own arse. Or, they could be baking some cakes with nail-files in them right now for a special delivery to KC's cell, for all I know, lol.
"Don't worry I didn't say anything" Well I told them a little......

I think ICA has told them a lot by now. Especially with Ms. I Married a Serial Killer by her side.

The family must be gobsmacked!


Their mind - "Where did we go wrong"

ICA's mind - "If I'm going down I'm taking 'em all with me"

When I look at ICA if she wasn't moving I would think that she's dead, like there is zero brain activity. I don't know how to read her, but I would think that it is something like that.

Regardless what happens to ICA, Lee, Cindy and Geoge will never be at peace.

-Respectfully snipped and bolded by me-

Maybe not at peace, but they will move on and heal. Slightly OT, but I have a strange feeling the A's are going to be grandparents again soon. This feeling keeps nagging at me. If it is true, the healing process will move forward that much sooner. They need some kind of solace.
I think ICA has told them a lot by now. Especially with Ms. I Married a Serial Killer by her side.

The family must be gobsmacked!



Today when I saw Mrs. IMASK fawning over ICA was thinking that she has no idea that ICA is guilty. Now that I know who she is married to, I'm thinking she may in fact know the truth and she's just the biggest co-defendant I've ever seen or thought possible.

Cindy will be angry about ICA's and Mrs. IMASK. I hope that it will be the last straw and will get her to actually tell the truth when she gets on the sand.

I'm thinking that the A's will angry with JB and blame him for any finger pointing.
Mother Cindy-Anguish. Whether she's handled it well, or handled it poorly or had a hand in it after the fact, anguish.

Lee-I imagine there's still a desire to protect his sister. I also imagine, since he seems to be a realist, that he knows what lies ahead.

George-Sorrow, self-pity, rage.

Note all of the above are pretty much the way each of them have behaved this whole time. But because their antics get in the way of anyone even attempting to humanize them, I still feel kinda empty as far as having any sympathy left for them. Except Lee-To the poster that said they had a soft spot for George, my short sightedness is in Lee.
Great question but like you, I too am stumped as to what might be on the minds of George, Cindy and Lee as all this unfolds in jury selection.

I can only think back to the memorial held for Caylee. The family dynamics shown during that event had me thinking each one of Casey's family members has a different agenda they wanted to bring forth in front of the camera. And a specific message to ICA. It was a faux memorial for a little girl whose life was over so early.

I almost expected a family fist fight to break out. I see this trio as an angry group ready to point fingers at each other. To me they not only have been fighting for ICA's freedom but fighting among themselves.

Regardless what happens to ICA, Lee, Cindy and Geoge will never be at peace.


So true!
I wonder if Cindy will write another impassioned letter to KC? If she does, we'll see it I imagine.
I think all they are thinking of right now is how to prepare for a fight while still trying to claim Casey is innocent. I'm 100% sure they will blame this whole thing on Baez. They will all claim that Baez made Casey say these things and that none of this is coming from the "real" Casey. Just like I am certain they blame it on Baez that they haven't had visits with her in years.

And I also think there is a strong possibility that when this all goes really wrong and Casey gets LWOP or the DP, Casey will also flip & blame the whole thing on Baez and she will start visiting with her parents and enlist them in a campaign to get her a new trial. Right now Casey has lots of interaction with her DT. Once the trial is over and she no longer has that she will need someone on the outside to be on her side. She will start using her parents again. I think the A's will be easily sucked in because their mindset it that everything is always everyone else's fault and it's always an "us against them" fight.
I wonder if Cindy will write another impassioned letter to KC? If she does, we'll see it I imagine.

All I keep seeing/thinking of is ga letter to her of "Why" then that interview on CBS when ca said it was okay but didn't happen, and ga more or less was still peeved (as most would be)-===after all this can't understand why they are still trying to save her--while she is trying to best to kill them. They can assign blame on jb all they want but as ga mentioned she is the "ceo"---they got these stories somewhere and she is the one providing the story line....all in all doesn't equate to murdering a child....
I think all they are thinking of right now is how to prepare for a fight while still trying to claim Casey is innocent. I'm 100% sure they will blame this whole thing on Baez. They will all claim that Baez made Casey say these things and that none of this is coming from the "real" Casey. Just like I am certain they blame it on Baez that they haven't had visits with her in years.

And I also think there is a strong possibility that when this all goes really wrong and Casey gets LWOP or the DP, Casey will also flip & blame the whole thing on Baez and she will start visiting with her parents and enlist them in a campaign to get her a new trial. Right now Casey has lots of interaction with her DT. Once the trial is over and she no longer has that she will need someone on the outside to be on her side. She will start using her parents again. I think the A's will be easily sucked in because their mindset it that everything is always everyone else's fault and it's always an "us against them" fight.

Great post, and ITA. Casey is a user. She will use anyone available to her, then move on to the next 'victim'. Casey's parents (especially Cindy) will never let themselves believe that any of this is Casey's fault. They will go on making excuses for her. I think on the inside, George is probably steaming mad at Casey, but he is too controlled by Cindy to do anything about it... he will go along with whatever Cindy tells him to do.

What I am interested in seeing is how Lee will react. When describing the abuse she allegedly suffered at the hands of George, Casey was a bit vague, stating "I THINK my dad did the same thing" (abused her like Lee allegedly did). However, she was very clear & descriptive about the abuse she allegedly suffered at the hands of Lee. I am very curious to see what Lee will say on the stand about all this. I have no idea how he will react, what he will say, etc.
-Respectfully snipped and bolded by me-

Maybe not at peace, but they will move on and heal. Slightly OT, but I have a strange feeling the A's are going to be grandparents again soon. This feeling keeps nagging at me. If it is true, the healing process will move forward that much sooner. They need some kind of solace.

As some one who has suffered through a horrible tragedy, you never heal. You find a medium in learning how to cope, but healing is something we strive towards, but it's always just a little beyond our grasp.
I think they are all planning for what news outlets to talk to after it is over!

I have no idea what they are thinking. I know KC is still their daughter, they have not yet blamed her for Caylee's death, at least not publicly. If they have accepted that, and know that KC is lying and trying to throw them under the bus, and they can still stand by her, I am in awe. My family would never stand by me, even if I didn't do it.

It seems they may be thinking about the bus what with the article about what GA can do if falsely accused, but that bit of MSM may have all been baloney like much we have seen pass through before.

I cannot imagine what they are thinking, how they are handling it. I am certain CA needs to wake up and see the tire tracks on her back already and she can no longer manipulate KC in any way, but KC is sure manipulating them to the bitter end. GA knows it is wearing the tracks, don't know what LA thinks, he has been kind to keep out of the media.
Even though I always thought her claims of abuse were to save herself, what if they are true (not that it matters in the murder of her daughter) and that is the reason for them keeping her snack account in money, Hoping to bribe her. I can't think of any other reason you would leave $200 in her account when she won't even see you on Mother's Day.
Unless they are on board, I would think they are livid and devastated. They are among a handful of people who defended her. They gave her unconditional support. It really galls me that they may use video of GA blowing up at protestors as proof that he may have abused her. SHE was the reason those unusual people were out there! It was HIS (well CAs) house! I would have blown up at them too! It will be very interesting to see how this unfolds.
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