What Is the Defense Strategy?

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Feb 22, 2009
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There use to be a thread discussing the defense strategy but it was removed due to behavior that was not productive. I asked Kimster if I could make a new thread and she said I could, but I never did so I am making it now, because the latest motion just has me floored...

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE Follow the TOS, we all know what they are no name calling, don't attack posters, all of that if you can't follow the rules just dont post in this thread, because I really want this to stay open so we can discuss WTH the defense is doing.

We have 9 months until the trial if I am remembering correctly, What do you think defenses stratagy is going to be? With all these motions such as the latest filing against Mark Nejame, investigating George Anthony, the DC emails with the psychic, in the begining attempting to throw JG under the bus and now Rk, or is it Amy they are throwing under there, heck I don't even know any more, the doctor visiting KC in jail. How are they going to step away from Casey's police interview, the fact that she was in possesion of the car and 31 days with out her reporting Caylee missing? How are they going to throw all of these SODDI in there, How does KC not know if it was Amy, Jessi, RK, George or Zanny, and if it is Zanny WHERE IS SHE?

We have seen nothing from the defense, except Psychics, a fishing expedition of a SODDI, and investigating those like Judge Strickland and MN to see who is going to make money off this case. Please help me out what is the defense stratagy, someone tie it up in a neat little bow for me.
I think that the defense's strategy is to try to persuade the jury that there were volunteers searching in the same location where Caylee's remains were found, and that since none of the searchers found her during the TES searches, she must have been placed there during a later time when Casey was already incarcerated. Therefore, they will say that SODDI.

It states in yesterday's "RESPONSE TO MOTION TO QUASH THE COURT'S ORDER ON DEFENDANT'S APPLICATION FOR SUBPOENA DUCES TECUM FOR THE DOCUMENTS IN THE POSSESSION QF TEXAS EQUUSEARCH BASED ON BAD FAITH", from Baez, that "It is the Defense position that Casey Anthony was either in custody or under such relentless and continuous public scrutiny that she could not have placed the remains of her child, where discovered, any time after the Texas Equusearch searches. Thus, when the remains of Caylee Anthony were discovered on December 11, 2008 the Defendant had been in custody and could not have placed those remains there. The inescapable conclusion, therefore, is that, if there is evidence ofthe searches ofthe area revealing the absence of the remains, then the discovery proves, conclusively, that somebody else had to put the remains there."

I think their strategy is going to be that LE made a 'rush to judgement' re; Casey, and then once the media got a hold of the story the entire situation became a circus, and got political, and so now Casey has become the victim of the Orlando 'players' needing to save face / save their jobs / etc, and the truth of the situation is long lost.

I think they'll explain Casey's behaviour after Caylee 'disappeared' and even in her interviews with LE by saying that some kind of post traumatic stress disorder / ugly coping came into play, and that she was a sex addict anyway so she retreated into her addiction, as she always had under stressful circumstances. They may say she told herself the 'Zanny' story to comfort herself because the truth was harder to face.

As far as who committed the murder...well, now who could that be? There are several possibilities....did George do it? Was there a conspiracy of fusion druglords? Was their a real Zanny? I have no idea....I don't think that the defence will say..I think what they'll say is that LE didn't investigate thoroughly because from the very first night they had focused in on Casey so the trail went cold and now we'll never know....they'll just try to create enough reasonable doubt to say someone else could have done it...and throw some possibilities out there.

JMO....and I reserve the right to change my mind as other posters come up with better ideas. :smile:
I think they will refute all the expert testimony pertaining to Caylee's remains and attempt to prove the body was placed in the woods after Casey's incarceration in order to create reasonable doubt.
but how are they going to get past Casey not telling who she gave Caylee too? If I was on the Jury that would be the big thing that would lead me to convict. She says that Zanny has her, but they say the SODDI but the SOD is either JG, AH, RK, GA, KT well who did Casey leave her with?
They'll have to say Casey knew something had happened to Caylee to explain the 'ugly coping' 'disassociation' , otherwise none of it works. I think there are a couple of options.....they go back to 'zanny', and say that zanny was the palatable story Casey told herself to pretend to herself that 'Caylee is fine, she's with the nanny' etc...and say either George did it and Casey knew, or SODDI (Jessie Grund, Fusian druglord, anyone with a pulse) and Casey witnessed it, or divert into the 'accident in the pool story'.

Caylee dies not by the hand of Casey, Casey loses her mind, sooths herself with the Zanny story, drives around with the body in the trunk in a crazed state and dumps it in that state, then drifts off into a haze of partying and disassociation, LE catch up with her....she tells them the story she's been telling herself and they stick her with Murder 1 without looking further and miss the true story because they took her madness for lies. Now everyone can't back down because there's too much at stake politically.
I think DC's emails have blown any theories they may have had to he!! and back. If anyone would have access to information on a possible suspect it would be the PI. The emails prove they have nothing. All they have is a mother who refuses to tell anyone what happened with her daughter. Will be interesting to see where they will go next. Nine months is not a lot of time to cook up another whopper. jmo
I do believe the state just put the defense in check ( as in a game of chess)..I wrote this earlier on the TES related thread. Those emails show the "conspiracy" to create doubt.

The State will blow all theories away. This will become a battle of the experts. The states experts will prove Caylee was dumped at Suburban by the middle of June, just days after ICA claimed the babysitter took her or didn't return her, depends on which story you believe, if any..The botanist will prove this by how Caylee's remains were found. Roots growing through her skeletal remains. Duct tape over her airways, all evidence found with her remains originated from the Anthony's house. No one saw Caylee after June 2, 2008, according to her boyfriend du jour. The 30 days she was allegedly 'missing', she never cried, told anyone Caylee was not with her, in fact she made excuses to where Caylee was and who she was with.

If she uses ugly coping, she still can be put to death. His Honor Belvin Perry, Jr. would have no qualms to sentence her to death and watch it carried out. She deserves just that! What her family is doing sort of solidified the states burden for they have sabotaged her from the start. I do hope they will soon find themselves in this same position. I can't understand why the county looks the other way. They have obstructed justice in more ways than one. CA gave incorrect evidence which manipulated the outcome of the tests. The hairs came back to either Caylee or Casey, when if she would have given the exclusive hairbrush for Caylee, the test would have had a different outcome.

She can't continue with the nanny did it, for she did exonerate the "real" nanny in her letters, which are basically like coming from her own mouth. How dare she continue to allow her defense team to blame an innocent man. Most want the one responsible to go to jail, I see this family doesn't care who goes to jail as long as it isn't their darling daughter..Why would they want her home anyway? Would Lee allow her to be around his own child, when he has one? Would any relatives want their children around Casey??? Not me! I'd move far from her just to feel safe. No matter what happens, she could never live a good life for the stigma will always be with her...which, IMO, is a good thing!

I can't believe a family would go this far. I'd be damned if this were my child, that I would risk my freedom just to save her arse. I've stated this before, the A's could have took a stance, they could support their daughter, they can continue to love her, for love is unconditional but she must be held accountable for her actions. How about telling ICA to not fight the state, that the evidence is overwhelming against her. That she should consider taking responsibility for her actions and ask for mercy in doing so. I think ICA, her parents, her attorneys have that needle aiming straight for her arm...JMHO

Justice for Caylee will happen without her grandparents.

Justice for Caylee
IMO the defense is going to stick with reasonable doubt. They wll be attacking all of the forensics, methods, test results, personnel involved; TES searches despite what Mason said; other evidence recovered from the scene; lack of KC's opportunity, and whatever else Baez et. al. can attack - in other words, everything the prosecusion brings up. I think they will be attempting to vigorously discredit friends and experts.

And, also, IMO this is what they should be doing. They have no exculpatory evidence. I think that JB now realizes that KC duped him in the beginning, but he still has a job to do. Even though JB is not very strong in legal writing and even though I question some of his ethics, I realize that he is a defense attorney (I personally would not approach him to represent me). I think also that DC duped him (as well as CA) but miraculously JB caught on and terminated his contract and refused to pay him.

Go JA and LDB, and keep on keepin' on HHBP!
I'm not sure what the defense is going to do. I'm guessing they will go with a defense of 'slam anything the State says'. I don't think it will work. The defense seems to be going in too many directions and not very strongly in any one. They will attack the LE, they will attack TES, they will attack the coroner, the plant experts, the neighbors, the family (and Cindy will go right along with it but I don't think George will), the labs, Casey's friends, pretty much anything and everything. But it won't work because just saying "they're lying" or "not true, not true" will not hold up against evidence and explanation of evidence.
The defense seems to spend more time pandering to their favorite tv station than they do actually working on a defense. They will not be able to get past 31 days, the car, Casey's actions, and the poor body of little Caylee duct tape and all. The defense has barely done depositions, has made more time for name calling and innuendo, and has worked too hard to discount witnesses the State probably won't even use. It's almost as if they aren't bothering with a real defense, and without proof of the Nanny or the other names Casey invented they have nothing to use to save her. All I can figure is that they (Mason, Baez) are focusing on the tittle tattling because they have nothing of merit to work with. When it comes down to it, their vendetta against Kronk, Tim Miller, Mr Najames, and the Grunds isn't even important, their job is to save Casey and so far they have not even been doing it. It's no coinky-dink that Ms Lyons left the day before the deadline for leaving.
I think they are going to stick with the ugly coping as well. Obviously KC's story was not the truth so the defense has to account for the lies. They have a real problem though. The fake phone call she got from Caylee the day she was arrested. This act alone shows that she needed folks to believe that Caylee was alive. This one act will be her demise. Any parent that could make up a phone conversation from their dead child deservers whatever fate has in store.
Sheeze, they are going to go through the entire alphabet of theories until one looks like it will stick. But they won't find one. I still on the fence that there will be a plea either right before the trial begins or before the jury gets it.
The defense strategy should be to take a plea agreement in which KC must tell exactly what happened in order to get LWOP and save her from the death penalty.
if they wait until the night before the trial to try and plea this out, I sure hope Linda says, no way jose!
I am not sure which defense strategy they will use come trial. They have thrown out a lot of trial balloons to see which ones go up and which ones burst. they will attack every single prosecution witness and rebut every prosecution expert witness in the hopes of 'reasonable doubt'. I have said before that dueling experts are going to be hard on the jury. I think the experts will cancel each other out in the minds of the jurors and they will look at everything else to come to their decision. The 31 days, never reporting her missing and all the lies are going to be hard to explain.

I wonder if, at this point, they would hope for a hung jury and then negotiate a plea bargain in place of a second trial.
In all honesty I dont know what they are doing.After reading all the pages etc.it seems they are going in circles, just trying anything.They have been bouncing from one thing to another.I know I dont understand it all but it is sad the way they try to tear decent people apart.That will get them no where.:banghead:
The defense's biggest defense is that how Caylee died is not clear. If it is unknown how Caylee died, how can there be certainty about who is to blame? (They're saying it, not me). The circumstantial evidence indicates drugging and smothering, but without fingerprints and physical things that tie KC to the crime scene---how do we know KC is responsible? (They're saying it, not me II).

KC is innocent until proven guilty and the defense will undoubtedly pin KC's aberrant behavior during and after Caylee's disappearance on KC's family family. It will be a tough sell, but it is conceivable that the defense will educate the jury about the symptoms of long standing emotional and sexual abuse. We've all seen for ourselves that CA in particular does not function normally and the defense will try to convince the jury that KC is a product of this strange house of mirrors that we know of as the Anthony family. In MOST households the offspring are educated about learning how to live outside of the family. CA didn't want KC to grow up. (If she did then CA would lose control and Caylee). These are things, if proven, could go a long way in gaining some sympathy for KC. KC acts like a preteen and didn't graduate from high school. The defense will definitely look at making KC the victim and they will also say they don't know how Caylee died.

P.S. I think they would be SMART to agree Caylee died in a neglectful situation and then KC staged a kidnapping because she was out of her mind distraught etc. Many jurors could get that..HOWEVER, now that they have taken it this far (the Zanny story) how could the defense possibly change gears now? They couldn't, could they?
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I truly believe some of the posters above have given an actual defense more thought than JB has at this point.

Seems that he is still throwing out anything he can think of to see what sticks and I just don't see that there is a well-reasoned and cohesive defense case being honed even yet.
Even if they want to say someone was threatening her, the fact is she tells Cindy I am giving you clues, she was free to roam for 31 days, free to use the phone, etc.

So I guess we are supposed to believe that the kidnapper does not mind if KC gives clues but will kill Caylee if KC tells any more than that. What is it that Cindy, the delusional, keeps saying - she picked up KC and KC said "thank you" because she could not go to the police herself. Cindy says she can't be blamed for the police coming into the scene because I brought the police in, not KC.

This is what we are supposed to believe.

The defense better come up with something good and not insult the jury or at the very least get a jury of idiots so they can mold them into believing this farce.

Otherwise, they should all start working on their sentencing opening and closing statements. Actually, they should start working on that now - but George is going to be predominant in that one - for sexually abusing KC.

This girl has pretty much destroyed this family and Cindy is letting her do it. Cindy is the matriarch of this family and it is fine with her if they all live a lie - even her son. That is the height of selfishness. Or a psychiatrist might say, it is the height of denial. But cindy is not 100% delusional - she knows the child is dead and she knows KC had a part in her - and that is what separates her from someone who lives in another world of fantasy - she is aware.
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