Questions for Reporters to Ask Kaine, Desiree, Tony or any player***LIST ONLY***

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Aug 17, 2008
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During the Q&As with reporters and Kaine, Desiree, and Tony, I've noticed there are quite a few times when there are long pauses with no questions asked. I also have questions that I'm surprised no reporter has asked.

Let's put together a list of questions for the reporters to ask during the Q&As.


Kaine said he, Terri, & Kyron planned on going for ice cream, and then he planned on playing Wii with Kyron. Desiree said that Terri was supposed to drive Kyron to her for a fishing trip with her and Tony.

Kaine, what was your understanding on June 4 of the next time Desiree would have Kyron? When was it to be, and how was Kyron to be gotten to Desiree? Who told you these details? When was the last time you talked with Desiree or Tony prior to Kyron's disappearance? Did Terri mention a fishing trip or taking Kyron to Desiree to you? If so, when was that supposed to take place?

Desiree, when were the plans for the fishing trip made? When was the last time you spoke with Terri about the fishing trip and/or the arrangements for her to drive Kyron to you?

Was Terri (or Kaine) driving Kyron to Desiree routine or out of the ordinary? Whose idea was it to do this?

Was the baby seen inside the school with Terri? Was Terri holding the baby or was she in a stroller or what?

Did anyone see Terri leave the school?
Kaine, during your last interview you told the interviewer that Terri took your toddler with her to the science fair on the morning of Kyron's disappearance. The flyers/questionnaires that LE distributed to the parents of the Skyline students to complete and return did not mention that Terri was with her toddler at the science fair. Why did these questionnaires not mention that your toddler was with Terri? Did Terri take the toddler into the school?

What are the uninhabited areas, in which Terri is very familiar, that are within a 10 mile radius of Skyline School? Have all of these area been searched with SAR and cadaver dogs?
1. Is there a family friend or acquaintance who is an electrician?

2. Any family, friends or acquaintances who live on Suavie Is.?

3. Any friends of Kyron's whose parents are also members of the same Gym Terri attends?

4. Does Kyron know the phone numbers and how to make a call home or to Kaine's cell phone?
Did she have GYM CLOTHES on the morning she took Kyron to school ??
Why did Terri take the truck instead of her car that day?

Was she wearing the same clothes that afternoon as in the morning when
you left?
Such a good idea for a thread, now if we can just get this passed on to some reporters.


1) KH, do you normally drive the truck to work?
If so, whose idea was it for you to not drive it that day and why?

2) KN, what time did you leave for work?
Was Terri already dressed to take Kyron to school that morning before you left?
Had it been a hectic morning before you left for work?

3)Was the actual Science Fair project taken to school that morning?
If not when was it taken to the school?
Was there any conflict over the project among the 3 of you?

4) Was Terri on any medication for her PPD now or ever within the last 18 months?
If so how did this medication affect her?
Why was J sent to live elsewhere?
Oh BeanE, this isn't easy :)

You see, I wouldn't want a reporter to ask him something that he isn't going to answer, i.e. like "that is part of the investigation" If he answered something that the defense attorney might get a jump on, that's not so good.

So...I'm not sure if I want reporters to ask him, or LE :) But here are some of my questions for someone:

1. For Kaine: Did Terri do the family bookkeeping? If so, did she use a money management program and, if so, did she save reports on life and/or accidental death insurance payments? (as in a memorized report layout)

WOAH! I just thought of something -- I have been theorizing that maybe Kyron was "disappeared" to make Kaine despondent and then create a "made to look like suicide" accident. BUT..."accident" would be better eh, there is a such thing as double indemnity, isn't there. Wonder if Terri has word searched "double indemnity" or asked anyone exactly what it means in the last year or so, or made sure to get such a policy.

2. For Kaine: Has Terri taken an interest in auto mechanics in the last year or so, i.e. how to fix (break) wires or brakes? Also, there has been a rumor that a family tractor was purchased not long ago, is there any truth to that?

3. For Kaine: When was the last time Terri asked you whether you had gotten all of your "beneficiary" paperwork updated. If she manages this type of thing for you, have you checked to see if she has updated/signed any such thing for you in the last year?

4. For Desiree: Kaine has mentioned that Terri talked to others about her depression, he mentioned she talked to you. Did you get a sense of "leading" in the types of things she discussed, e.g. did she intimate that she felt so emotional and out of control that she felt she could do something scary? Did she intimate that she might need a break from some of her parenting -- like maybe you would want custody of Kyron for a while? Oh...can you tell us who was responsible for driving Kyron to your mutual meeting place to exchange custody? Was the Mustang generally used for that purpose?

5. For Kaine: Did Terri receive child support from her eldest's adoptive father? If so, did she use that support for her personal spending money? If so, did she lose that support check when her son went to live elsewhere?

6. For Kaine: Was it intended for the school to call Desiree, or was someone else, like Terri, supposed to call and tell Desiree that Kyron was missing?

7. For Desiree: When you did first speak to Terri upon learning Kyron was missing, what do you remember her saying in the first few sentences. Were these sentences delivered to you in a way that was reminiscent of something in the past, a tone of voice that she might have used when lying to you about something at some earlier point in time?

8. For Desiree: In the past, have you and Kaine ever had "one on one" phone or sitdown meetings to discuss your concerns about how Kyron was being parented at either home? Had you ever expressed concern to Kaine about a particular concern you had due to Kyron expressing or displaying something to you -- something that Kaine might have needed to address with Terri?

9. For Desiree: When Terri was announcing her failure of lie detectors, did you get the impression she was trying to garner sympathy due to just how nervous and distraught she was when taking them. Did she express a particular knowledge that negative results on lie detector tests really were unimportant -- particularly if someone were nervous or medicated when taking them?

10. For Kaine: You mentioned Terri being on her laptop. Has Terri requested or purchased a new laptop within the last few weeks or months? Or has her laptop needed a new hard drive for some reason?

That's it for me for the moment.
What time did Kaine arrive at work that morning?
I would really like to know more about what evidence they have that Kyron is still alive, and if this evidence has been presented to them recently, causing a change in their beliefs from the early weeks of the case.

(I know it's not an easy question to ask the parents of a missing child, but I would dearly like to know.)
Was Kyron meant to perform in the talent show at the school on June 4th?

If so, was Terri meant to go see him at that performance? Was that written in any home or computer calendar?

Had Desiree been informed that Kyron was going to perform in a talent contest? Would it have been customary for her to go to such a thing had she been informed?
Desiree, you have mentioned that you have always had a great working relationship in regards to the kids. How were visits and activities arranged? Did Terri call you, or email you, did you talk to her regularly? Or did you usually talk to Kaine?

Was it odd that Terri didn't simply call you to tell you that Kyron was missing? That she had the school secretary do it? Did that contribute to you immediately having suspicions?
Has Terri ever expressed an interest in any of the schools power needs, electrical sources, or how these were managed -- wanting to tour any type of facility involving the schools facility for this management (in the school or out of it)?

Are there any high tension plants local to the school?
I would like to know more about the black, CSI shirt that Kyron wore to school the day he disappeared. To Kaine's knowledge had he ever seen him wear that shirt to school before?

I know it's been said that Kaine's house and property was searched thoroughly a couple of times but did they ever use cadaver dogs in the search? That would probably be a terrible question to ask but it's something I've been wondering about.
who helped Kyron complete his poject?

was it planned fo Terri to take Kyron to school that morning?

what was Terri's relationship with her own bio son like prior to Kyron's dissappearance?

Was Kyron's backpack and jacket left at the school? If so where?

What kind of cellphone did Terri have iphone/blackberry etc? did it have gps capabilities?
Kaine, Desiree has indicated that she suspected Terri from the moment she got the call telling her Kyron was missing. When did you first suspect Terri was involved?

Of the three children who had been living at home, did Terri demonstrate a preference for one over the others? If so, who? Did she dislike one more that the others? If so, who?

Kaine, how many extramarital affairs have you had during your marriage to Terri? When did she become aware of the affairs?

Did a landscaper perform any landscaping services at your home within the last 9 months? Who hired the landscaper and monitored their work?

Immediately after Kyron disappeared, the family choose not to speak to the media or really divulge any personal information about their relationships, wanting to "keep the focus on Kyron". What changed in the last two weeks where you are now willing to acknowledge that the relationship is not as presented initially?

Are you aware of any physical evidence directly relating to Kyron that has been found as a result of any search? His eyeglasses? Any article of clothing?

Has LE interviewed members of the gym(s) Kaine and Terri frequent?

Are Terri's parents still staying at Kaine and Terri's home? Kaine, describe your relationship with Terri's parents.
Kaine or Desiree: Are there any land searches still going on for Kyron?
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