Art Harris article: Misty Cracks (changes story again)

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Emma Peel

an unexpected turn of events
Aug 26, 2008
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Good Grief.
I'm outta words. Anyone?

Sources close to the family and the investigation tell me tell me it was about 1:30 p.m. Friday when the methodical grilling of Ronald’s’ 18 year old ex wife began. Only this time, it was with a well-prepared prosecutor with a fresh set of eyes, veteran state attorney Ed Davis of Daytona. He was there watching as investigators hammered away at the inconsistencies and lies Croslin has told for a year and a half about the night she reported five year old Haleigh Cummings missing in February, 2009.

Then the unthinkable happened. No longer able to hide from her lies, Misty Croslin cracked.

Amid tears, weeping and shaking, she blurted out that her brother, Tommy, did it and knows everything. Towards the end, she was distraught, yelling, and believed to be so shaken, required a brief suicide watch on a jail medical ward.
From the same article:

At the time, her mother was also pitching the Joe Overstreet theory, but now says there’s only one person Misty truly feared, her now ex husband, Ronald Cummings, convicted drug dealer, wannabe .

Law enforcement long ago ruled out the so called Mexican drug gang angle, focusing the missing child case on close friends or family; Chelsea now interprets his faux drama as a ruse…Cummings projecting the illusion of a distraught, angry father to cover up what she believes really happened: that Haleigh accidentally overdosed on his pills, and he ordered Misty to to “get rid of the body,’ with Tommy’s help.”

Oh yeah, this is about to be very interesting. Let the chips fall where they may.
I was already discussing this in the Levi thread, I wonder if we discuss it here or there?

Well anyways. I could totally beleive this. Tommy went down hill fast after Haleigh went missing. I can see all of them covering for each other which was my original theory, that Misty was still hung over from the weekend didn't want to baby sit, either Ron gave Haleigh something before work or had Misty or GGS give her something, Haleigh probably aspirated on her vomit and died Misty panicked on the phone with Ron, Ron calls Tommy over. Tommy gets rid of Haleogh, Misty is left to clean the blankets and stuff. No one wanted to go to jail, they all covered for themselves, I think Tommy may have feed Haleigh to the gators.
This was my original theory and its really the only one that makes since, now I think that Timmy helped as well thats why Chelsey keeps inserting herself in it.
Okay then. 40 phone calls to Misty from Ronald's phone.
An old theory raises it's head: They dosed Haleigh so Misty would not have a hard time babysitting.

Big Question:THEY being ... WHO?

Misty left to deal with it. Tommy helps Misty, and gets a Rat for a Thank you? Then Tommy slowly sedates himself into drug addiction ... and tries to be loyal to his family...???

aha - just read you butterfly. :highfive:
Misty shot down the Ron theory, while talking to Chelsea, & I believed her. I've felt for awhile that Tommy is guilty, but who knows for sure. I do think with these family dynamics, Misty would cover for protect him for her parent's sake. But, I don't know if I'm buying that Misty was there & saw this & knows for sure. That doesn't fit her early confusion, on Tommy & Joe. Yes, she pointed her finger at them, but she seemed like she was making an educated guess, or a guess made by process of elimination. I'm not sure about this. But, if she's telling the's about d****d time. But I can't help but feel, here we go again.
I just don't believe it. Haleigh went to school that day and should have been tired enough to at least eventually lay down and go to sleep. Misty said that she and Ron slept til after noon that day, practically admitting that they could care less if kids were up and awake while they dozed. She admitted that Jr. was up walking around as she went to sleep, so it means nothing to her. With drug addicted parents, she would also have been raised the same way. I think Tommy "found" Haleigh outside or the blanket, and feared incrimination or maybe Ron, and that Lindsay or he washed the blanket at another location or even replaced it.
CROSLIN: I don`t have it, though. And I keep telling them that and I keep telling them that. It seems like they just want me to say something, so that`s what they -- they want me to say something just so they`re happy, you know? I keep telling them, I don`t know, I don`t know, I don`t know. And they keep pressuring me, Yes, you do, Yes, you you do, Yes, you do. (INAUDIBLE) want to make you (INAUDIBLE) I don`t know. They put kind of like -- I can`t even explain it!
HANK CROSLIN: It just tells that -- that -- they said that Ronald snuck out of there, out of that -- out of the work.
MISTY CROSLIN: Then when I called him that night, how come he didn`t answer the phone? I called and called and he didn`t answer the phone. And then as soon as I opened the door, he`s there. And he talks like -- he says that he was a drug dealer and all this stuff back in the day, talked about all this (EXPLETIVE DELETED) Why`d that black guy tell -- say that they -- them people had her and he was going to go back and get her, but if he told -- if Ronald told, then he was coming to kill him. There`s all this (EXPLETIVE DELETED). They don`t even look at nothing. They just want to look at me. And I`m tired of it. I`ve got to start thinking about (INAUDIBLE) myself. I`m not letting people (INAUDIBLE) running me down no more. I`m not. I know I didn`t have nothing to do with anything. And God knows. .
Considering this new story, it begs many questions. One being:

If Joe was not there, but Haleigh was transported in Timmy's van, then how did Timmy's van get to Misty's? :waitasec:

(They worked pretty hard to put Haleigh into Timmy's van with all of their various stories...)
I have to admit, if this is what really happened at the interagation Friday, and this was what was said, I totally 100 percent beleive it is the truth, why beleive her now? because it makes since.
1. Misty was gone all weekend she was tired and didn't want to babysit.
2. The only one anyone ever covers for is themself.
#. I don't think anyone wanted Haleigh dead, I think that Ron needed to go to work, Misty was hung over, and they sedated her to keep her from being a problem.
4. Tommy went straight down hill after this,and he lied about one specific question that caused Lindsey to leave.
5. I think Tommy was going to come clean and tell, until the rat thing which put the fear of God in both Misty and Tommy.
I could go on and on because there are a thousand reasons why I beleive this, and its the simplest reason for everything...

Now my question is, if ALL OF THEM come clean now what charges would they face? Murder, manslaughter, I'm sure child abuse..... I just want answers at this point even if they only serve time for the drug charges. God will ultimately punish them.
Of all the stories that have come down the pipe from this young lady.

This one---sounds plausible. It has a ring of truth (if that can be said about anything Misty has said, not being nasty or snotty just seriously she has told a lot of stories; they all have as a matter of fact.)

But yes, if this doesn't evolve into a bizarre story, I could possibly believe this one.

Considering this new story, it begs many questions. One being:

If Joe was not there, but Haleigh was transported in Timmy's van, then how did Timmy's van get to Misty's? :waitasec:

(They worked pretty hard to put Haleigh into Timmy's van with all of their various stories...)
I'm not sure that Joe was ever there. I think that Tommy and Timmy disposed of her. I think that why Timmy and Chelsey split. I think Tommy came in the truck and Timmy in the van, they may have dropped the truck back off at the house so Lindsey would think Tommy was passed out somewhere.
I was already discussing this in the Levi thread, I wonder if we discuss it here or there?

Well anyways. I could totally beleive this. Tommy went down hill fast after Haleigh went missing. I can see all of them covering for each other which was my original theory, that Misty was still hung over from the weekend didn't want to baby sit, either Ron gave Haleigh something before work or had Misty or GGS give her something, Haleigh probably aspirated on her vomit and died Misty panicked on the phone with Ron, Ron calls Tommy over. Tommy gets rid of Haleogh, Misty is left to clean the blankets and stuff. No one wanted to go to jail, they all covered for themselves, I think Tommy may have feed Haleigh to the gators.
This was my original theory and its really the only one that makes since, now I think that Timmy helped as well thats why Chelsey keeps inserting herself in it.

Butterfly, I must admit that I never entertained the thought of Haleigh overdosing. Chelsea made the claim on NG that maybe Haleigh got into one of Ron's pills that were laid out around the house....Joe P claimed that Haleigh Od'ed but it was WBG who helped Misty dispose of Haleigh's body....Maybe Joe P. had heard the story but had the characters mixed up. But no matter how I look at it.....Ron was the one giving orders, hence the 90+ calls he made that night....I can totally see that happening. And that's why Tommy and Ron's story did not match up regarding the phone call made to Tommy that same night, in which, an hour or so later, Tommy ended up at the mh. To me, that would also explain Ron's behavior after Haleigh disappeared and the need he had to protect Misty.....She was only doing what she was told to do....

Let me sleep on this for awhile....
I a, just about tempted to pull the old theory thread and wade through all the thousands of posts to find where I posted almost barbadian this exact theory minus Joe insert Timmy.
"it will hurt 2 people, one we care about and one we kind of care about" (not her exact words)

Who does Misty care about? Who would she be willing to protect only because she cared about them?

FWIW, I don't think she was talking about caring about RC too much to hurt him. JMHO.

I dont' know who she was talking about but this latest story puts an interesting spin on that statement and trying to figure out who she was talking about JMHO.
Of all the stories that have come down the pipe from this young lady.

This one---sounds plausible. It has a ring of truth (if that can be said about anything Misty has said, not being nasty or snotty just seriously she has told a lot of stories; they all have as a matter of fact.)

But yes, if this doesn't evolve into a bizarre story, I could possibly believe this one.


Me too, Kat. It also makes me think about the statement Teresa made about sending someone (GMSykes) over to the mh to check on the kids. I don't know why just yet, but it does.
Quoted from AH article
Amid tears, weeping and shaking, she blurted out that her brother, Tommy, did it and knows everything. Towards the end, she was distraught, yelling, and believed to be so shaken, required a brief suicide watch on a jail medical ward.

So Misty is saying Tommy did it........

Is she saying Tommy did in...he got rid of the body...???
Is she saying Tommy did in.....took Haleigh's life???

It is not clear to me...what she is...REALLY saying.......but she want them to go talk to Tommy...and he will tell them what happened....

So I we go again......

OMG I found it I posted it on 4-14 post 83

I posted this in the theory thread but think it also fits into the search and whats happening so I'm posting it here as well.
Since Misty had been on a 3 day binge and didn't want to babysit that night, maybe Ron gave Haleigh something before he went to work to get her to sleep, since Misty was recovering from her wild weekend. Haleigh got sick, vomited or peed her blanket, Misty was calling Ron telling him. GGS came over to try and help. Haleigh died, they didn't take her to the hospital because they were illegal drugs and Ron gave them to her. Maybe she tried giving her CPR, which is what junior saw the couch bouncing, Ron called Tommy and had him and Joe go help dispose of Haleigh, probably threatened them if they did not,they put Haleigh and blanket in a garbage bag and throw her out at the dock. Ron stayed at work for an Alibi and stopped at the store on the way home because he knew it had a camera. Ron tells Misty we will say she was kidnapped, he flushes or gives Tommy and Joe the druggs he has at the trailor used on Haliegh. They are all involved I think possably Timmy to.
Tommy started going down hill along time ago, I think he was going to crack way back then and thats the reason for the rat thing. I think Tommy is the weakest link and he now gave it up, they confronted Misty and told her they know what happened and she thought they were bluffing so they took her to the scene to show her and try and get her to talk.

and here post 498
I think he is very involved, I think he told Misty not to take her to the hospital, I think he called Tommy to go help Misty get rid of her, I think he probably got rid of all the drugs when he got home and continued the lie. So with all that he would be charged with, Accessory, destroying evidence, filing a false report, endangering the welfare of a child, neglect, the drug charges and possibly involuntary man slaughter. Plus he knew that he would lose junior to Crystal so he still would have been looking at LOTS of jail time, so he figure he had an alibi as long as he stayed at work, and no body they could claim kidnapping.

Oh Lord I hope I didnt give someone something plausable to use as to what happened
Everybody, & now Lisa goes on about Misty's changing stories, but really all I remember, is that she was asleep & didn't know, then Joe & Tommy, & now Tommy. Early on, she pointed her finger at those 2, so this really comes as no surprise.
OMG I found it I posted it on 4-14 post 83

I posted this in the theory thread but think it also fits into the search and whats happening so I'm posting it here as well.
Since Misty had been on a 3 day binge and didn't want to babysit that night, maybe Ron gave Haleigh something before he went to work to get her to sleep, since Misty was recovering from her wild weekend. Haleigh got sick, vomited or peed her blanket, Misty was calling Ron telling him. GGS came over to try and help. Haleigh died, they didn't take her to the hospital because they were illegal drugs and Ron gave them to her. Maybe she tried giving her CPR, which is what junior saw the couch bouncing, Ron called Tommy and had him and Joe go help dispose of Haleigh, probably threatened them if they did not,they put Haleigh and blanket in a garbage bag and throw her out at the dock. Ron stayed at work for an Alibi and stopped at the store on the way home because he knew it had a camera. Ron tells Misty we will say she was kidnapped, he flushes or gives Tommy and Joe the druggs he has at the trailor used on Haliegh. They are all involved I think possably Timmy to.
Tommy started going down hill along time ago, I think he was going to crack way back then and thats the reason for the rat thing. I think Tommy is the weakest link and he now gave it up, they confronted Misty and told her they know what happened and she thought they were bluffing so they took her to the scene to show her and try and get her to talk.

and here post 498
I think he is very involved, I think he told Misty not to take her to the hospital, I think he called Tommy to go help Misty get rid of her, I think he probably got rid of all the drugs when he got home and continued the lie. So with all that he would be charged with, Accessory, destroying evidence, filing a false report, endangering the welfare of a child, neglect, the drug charges and possibly involuntary man slaughter. Plus he knew that he would lose junior to Crystal so he still would have been looking at LOTS of jail time, so he figure he had an alibi as long as he stayed at work, and no body they could claim kidnapping.

Oh Lord I hope I didnt give someone something plausable to use as to what happened

I believe your theory is very very possible...and probably most likely what really happened......Well said!!! and Good post!!
"it will hurt 2 people, one we care about and one we kind of care about" (not her exact words)

Who does Misty care about? Who would she be willing to protect only because she cared about them?

FWIW, I don't think she was talking about caring about RC too much to hurt him. JMHO.

I dont' know who she was talking about but this latest story puts an interesting spin on that statement and trying to figure out who she was talking about JMHO.
Yes I remember this and I think the one they both care about is Tommy and the one not so much is Ron.

and Timmy was high that day they even admitted to smoking a joint on the porch, Tommy later claimed he was also messed up on zanex I think it was.
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