CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #27

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Dylan Redwine, 13, in his baseball uniform this past summer.
La Plata County Sheriff’s Office is continuing to search for a 13-year-old Four Corners boy missing since Monday.

Dylan Redwine was reported missing Monday afternoon by his father, Mark Redwine, who lives in Vallecito, about 22 miles northeast of Durango.
Dylan is described as 13 years old, standing 5 feet tall and weighing 105 pounds. He has blond hair and blue eyes.

He was last seen wearing a black Nike shirt, black basketball nylon shorts, black Jordan tennis shoes and a two tone blue and white Duke Blue Devils baseball hat.

Anyone who may have information on Dylan’s whereabouts are asked to contact La Plata County Sheriff’s Office Investigators Dan Patterson (970-382-7015) or Tom Cowing (970-382-7045). People can also call the hotline for the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children at 1-800-THE LOST (1-800-843-5678).

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Important Changes to the discussion :

Websleuths is a victim friendly forum. To be clear, the victim in any case we cover is the victim (missing and/or deceased child and/or adult). Dylan Redwine is missing and he is our victim.

We are going to open discussion and sleuthing on Dylan's father Mark Redwine although he has not been named a person of interest. More often than not, we are finding that LE is reluctant to name a POI unless and until an arrest is imminent. However, the actions of LE may often times speak louder than words and for this reason, we are now going to allow discussion about Dylan's father.

Any questions or concerns with the above? Please personal message a moderator or administrator.
The discussion rules have been relaxed but that does not mean you can outright accuse him.

We can discuss our speculation based on facts, we cannot post out and out rumors. You can not speculate on something that is not known thru the media and or law enforcement.

All opinions are welcome, please don't talk about being on one team or another. We all want the same thing... Dylan to be found safe and brought home!!!
Folks, we have allowed the discussion of Dylan's father in this case because there are a lot of questions surrounding Dylan's disappearance and he was the last person known to see him prior to his disappeance.

We do not know what happened to Dylan or who is responsible. It is not a foregone conclusion that MR is responsible for the disappearance of his son.

We are web sleuths and as web sleuths, we'd like to see any and all possibilities as to what may have happened to Dylan discussed here. Any members chastising other members for putting forth alternative theories will be hit with hefty timeouts.

All reasonable theories and discussion of facts are welcome in this thread.

Please carry on and let's do what we do best.

Thank you.
Continue the discussion here: Please remember to discuss the case with respect to your fellow posters.
And the house outside of Monument that they moved into two weeks before Dylan disappeared has an empty bedroom that she never enters.

“Every time I look in there I see these little socks and …” she breaks into tears.

Except that according to, unspecified "family members" had to bring some of Dylan's clothes for the dogs to use as scent sources. So who got the clothing, and why hasn't the room been searched?
Except that according to, unspecified "family members" had to bring some of Dylan's clothes for the dogs to use as scent sources. So who got the clothing, and why hasn't the room been searched?

Maybe I haven't had enough coffee yet, what do you mean? This article didn't address the scent item issue or any searches of the Monument home (although why search in Monument when he went missing from Vallecito). Wasn't she just talking about how hard it is to see Dylan's socks sitting in his bedroom and breaking into tears over seeing his little socks?
Why would anybody search Dylan's bedroom at home as he did not go missing there ?

Well I would actually think if they were 100% thorough, they would search his home at the new place. There could have been love letters from an unknown girlfriend he planned to run off with ? Or messages on his computer from an online predator posing as a kid his age? Or some indications of what he was up to in life........ strange items hidden in his sock drawer no one could explain that may have been gifted from a stranger....... a journal......... I can think of lots of reasons why I would hope they searched there.
Well I would actually think if they were 100% thorough, they would search his home at the new place. There could have been love letters from an unknown girlfriend he planned to run off with ? Or messages on his computer from an online predator posing as a kid his age? Or some indications of what he was up to in life........ strange items hidden in his sock drawer no one could explain that may have been gifted from a stranger....... a journal......... I can think of lots of reasons why I would hope they searched there.

That makes sense. I am not sure if during a search they would remove things like his socks, I don't know. But I definitely believe what she's saying that the socks are in the room and it hurts her to see them.
Why would anybody search Dylan's bedroom at home as he did not go missing there ?

Exactly. Everybody knows he didn't go missing out of his room at his mother's house.
I don't think anyone is suggesting that Dylan went missing from his room at his Mom's house in Colorado Springs, or that he would have been found there after reported missing.

IMO, it would be prudent to examine his room at Mom's to get a better idea of anything going on that Elaine/LE were not already aware of. Example: Could he perhaps have had a private journal in which he documented some details about his relationship with MR and his feelings or possible fears about visiting over Thanksgiving? Details from his September visit?.... etc.

I don't think anyone is suggesting that Dylan went missing from his room at his Mom's house in Colorado Springs, or that he would have been found there after reported missing.

IMO, it would be prudent to examine his room at Mom's to get a better idea of anything going on that Elaine/LE were not already aware of. Example: Could he perhaps have had a private journal in which he documented some details about his relationship with MR and his feelings or possible fears about visiting over Thanksgiving? Details from his September visit?.... etc.


I am a girl but i knew no boys at 13 who kept diaries in my social circle or in school . Way too much into sport and other interests than to sit down and actually write in a book or read one .

Originally Posted by MrsPC
here's the list of texts

At 5:40 p.m., Dylan tells his friend that his plane has landed, and Ryan asks him how the flight went.

“Weired my head went numb from all the vibrations,” Dylan replies.

Soon after, they begin making arrangements to see each other. The texts, provided by Ryan, are unedited.


Dylan was in Vallecito for a court-ordered Thanksgiving visit with his father, Mark Redwine, Bender said. Mark Redwine and Dylan&#8217;s mother, Elaine Redwine, divorced in 2007.

Ryan Nava, 13, a friend of Dylan&#8217;s said in a phone interview Saturday that Dylan was originally going to Bayfield to visit his friends Sunday night but then changed that to meet them at 6:30 a.m. Monday.

Ryan said he and his friends expected Dylan&#8217;s father to drive him into town from Vallecito, but Dylan never arrived.

Mark Redwine showed up later asking where Dylan was but the three friends didn&#8217;t know.

Ryan said he texted and called Dylan&#8217;s phone all day but didn&#8217;t get replies.

Last night I read where some posters were reviewing the case from the beginning. What has always bothered me was the change in plans of Dylan not being taken to his friend's house the evening he arrived.

However, I have never read anywhere why MR had changed the pre-planned arrangement of taking Dylan to his friend's house. Maybe I missed it, anyone? Has MR ever mentioned why he changed the plans? I might has missed it. I can see where Dylan would have been upset with the change, what young boy wouldn't have, most young children would rather be with their friends than..... Also it makes me wonder if MR had had 'certain plans'! jmo

I don't think I could accept and excuse of it is out of the way. Or that MR was overly anxious to spend time with Dylan, he had many days later to enjoy Dylan's company. Anyone who knows kids, knows how important their friends are to them. One usually imo would want to please their guest, and especially MR once being re-unitied with a son, knowing he would have many more days to be with Dylan. jmo Dylan stated, idk Originally Posted by MrsPC
here's the list of texts
Hopefully, the computer Dylan used was looked at for any searches/sites he may have visited before that fateful day he got on the plane....
Except that according to, unspecified "family members" had to bring some of Dylan's clothes for the dogs to use as scent sources. So who got the clothing, and why hasn't the room been searched?

Maybe this will help:

None of Dylan&#8217;s belongings that could carry his scent was available in the first days of the investigation. But the family had articles of the boy&#8217;s clothing delivered on the weekend.

&#8220;We have the clothes,&#8221; Bender said Monday. &#8220;We don&#8217;t need them here (at the reservoir), but can use them later.&#8221;

It is my understanding that because Dylan had all of his clothing/everything with him when he disappeared, there was nothing that could carry his scent in the first days of the investigation. Furthermore, apparently the couch, pillow, blanket he reportedly slept on/used were not candidates for scenting for whatever reason. I believe there was also a statement in MSM that there were some articles of clothing left behind; however, apparently these, too, were not good candidates for scent.

I seem to remember reading somewhere, and will try to find a link, that MH was asked to bring some of Dylan's clothes to Vallecito, which seems to coincide with Bender stating that "we have the clothes". They had to have been clothes from his Colorado City home since Dylan had everything with him and it was stated they didn't have anything available for scent.

As far as the search, in the last thread I posted some links/information about the initial search of MR's home where they stated it wasn't a very thorough one - there were just looking to see if he was there and for his cellphone, and then some days later they re-searched MR's home with a warrant and did a more thorough search (i.e. took vehicles, Nerf football, sweatpants, etc.).

I have seen nothing in MSM about any search of ER/MH's home in CS. I would love to know if they did do that! If anyone knows, please share!
I am a girl but i knew no boys at 13 who kept diaries in my social circle or in school . Way too much into sport and other interests than to sit down and actually write in a book or read one .


That's fine. I realize that not every 13-year-old boy keeps some kind of journal. However, if any 13-year-old boys in your social circle had any kind of journal at that age, I doubt they would have told you... it certainly does come off a bit 'girly' to boys at that age. My brother and I went through some tough family stuff similar to Dylan at that age... and he kept a "secret" journal (how much can you keep secret from your little sister who rifles through your room?? ;)) Sometimes at that age it is difficult to speak to your friends about tough family issues such as divorce, being in the middle of a custody battle, etc. A secret little journal (or for some kids these days, a blog) is truly not all that rare for kids or teens who need an outlet.


ETA: this hypothetical 'journal' or blog is just an example of possible things that could be found in Dylan's colorado springs room/home to help the investigation. While it may be unlikely that anything would be found there to assist in the investigation; I do think it is possible.
Mark talks about the change of plans in the uncut interview, I think. Something about it being to late.....
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