The FLDS Temple and compound

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Apr 30, 2005
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Someone in the FLDS said the temple had now been desecrated during the raid and was of no use for the purpose of which it was created — will the FLDS now torch this enormous building in the middle of virtually nowhere, i wonder?

or will they (the FLDS) turn it into a shopping mall or something? what to do, what to do . . . :waitasec: :crazy: :waitasec:

in fact, i admire what they made of their entire compound. until i remember it was put together with child slave labour and adult slave labour. they were constructing a town and had already got a grid pattern of roads with some fine looking buildings quite apart from the temple. altogether worth millions of dollars. much of it (all of it?) taxpayer's monies.
I watched Richard Jessop while he was talking to Keith Morrison. He was saying exactly what he thought Dateline wanted to hear. We need to remember that he isn't in charge of the FLDS compound, so his so-called lack of concern about the future of the temple really doesn't matter. He will clean and repair it if Merrill Jessop or Warren Jeffs tell him to do so. At this time, the FLDS know the value of milking the image of the "desecrated temple" with the media. They won't destroy it.
I watched Richard Jessop while he was talking to Keith Morrison. He was saying exactly what he thought Dateline wanted to hear. We need to remember that he isn't in charge of the FLDS compound, so his so-called lack of concern about the future of the temple really doesn't matter. He will clean and repair it if Merrill Jessop or Warren Jeffs tell him to do so. At this time, the FLDS know the value of milking the image of the "desecrated temple" with the media. They won't destroy it.

They surely do. :furious:
I watched Richard Jessop while he was talking to Keith Morrison. He was saying exactly what he thought Dateline wanted to hear. We need to remember that he isn't in charge of the FLDS compound, so his so-called lack of concern about the future of the temple really doesn't matter. He will clean and repair it if Merrill Jessop or Warren Jeffs tell him to do so. At this time, the FLDS know the value of milking the image of the "desecrated temple" with the media. They won't destroy it.
They will destroy it - if doing so makes a good show for the media - Scorched Earth... besides it isn't THEIR money and destroying it doesn't impact the FLDS at all. These people throw away BOYS...what's an $$8 Million $ Temple compared to THAT?

I expect to hear some "money-lenders in the Temple" parable next....
You know even Jesus didn't throw out the Temple with the spoiled wine - a temple is just a PLACE TO WORSHIP...unless the FLDS has the Ark of The Covenant in this one, it isn't any different than a million OTHER churches in the world....a building. God can be with us wherever we are - he doesn't need (or ask for) a special Temple.

Most churches don't have safes full of "special records" and the books of "plural celestial marriages" in them either - the FLDS put all those records in the Temple banking on the authorities either not to find them, or not to desecrate their temple by entering it in the 1st place. The FLDS ATTEMPTED to HIDE their records and their secrets inside the Temple. That might have worked in UTAH - but HERE, if you want to hide something where no-one will touch it - you'd better put it into an OU Football Jersey.

Do NOT be surprised if they dismantle that Temple - even if they SELL the property they will remove every trace of the Temple 1st if they are permitted. They don't want anyone to see it, use it or exploit it. Especially they don't want someone to use against them. A mainstream Mormon Temple is NOT like a regular Church in EVERY way - an LDS Temple has some "special" private, members only areas used for their specific religious ceremonies. MANY Mormons dream of a "Temple Wedding" with all the special ceremonies and the husband symbolically pulling the bride thru the veil and the declarations of the secret names by which husband and wife will identify each other in heaven etc. The LDS does not share these areas with visitors or non-members. I am SURE the YFZ Temple contained ALL of these same private areas meant for members only. This was Warren Jeffs' TEMPLE - a PERFECT FLDS TEMPLE...a monument to HIM..the Prophet. They never had a TEMPLE of their own before. Warren must be LIVID that the infidels "touched his Temple". And when he is mad, he WILL destroy his own TOYS so no-one else can even LOOK at them (much less play with them).

Funny how that TEMPLE has become the symbol of this whole event now - pretty and white and sparking on the outside and perhaps hiding something darker on the INSIDE....where it can't be seen by "outsiders".

No matter what happens, I predict the FLDS is going to leave the USA - leave the compounds in Texas and SD and CO and UT and AZ too. Canada will also push them out - If the FLDS survives, it will be in Mexico or South America. Don't be surprised if a a big underground building starts going in somewhere South of the Border - they won't rub our faces in the next Temple...but if the group survives, you can bet they will BUILD IT! We'll see it, it will look like a concentration camp - Casa De Razor Wire - and in REMOTE Mexico or S America they will NEED those assault rifles and walls - to keep the powerful drug cartels out.

My Opinion
Your opinion carries a lot of weight with me. you are making sense.
Thank you Floh:blowkiss:
I am sometimes walking a different path than others - and I don't usually care (I am so OVER what other people think) if other people agree with me but THIS, well, it's in my backyard and I am physically SICK that in 2008 we have such an organization as the FLDS OPENLY thriving and expanding with not so much as a blink from ANYONE. And they are growing with my tacit APPROVAL if I don't speak I MUST SPEAK!

I have no horse in this race - but I do have FACTS and my ability to read and research at light speed - so I am following this very closely and trying to sort thru ALL the info out there as FAST as possible. It is important (I think) to know as much as possible and SHARE that info with others (so they may interpret it themselves). I am TRYING not to interject my own opinions into this, but to just present the information in a clear way. I am not always successful in remaining neutral - but I am trying.

We ARE NOT like the FLDS Women - people shouldn't accept MY opinions (that's the whole point) they need to THINK FOR THEMSELVES! I am happy that we have this forum and that people are THINKING!

Because we are free, I believe the TRUTH will shine ON ALL OF US eventually!

My Opinion
Most churches don't have safes full of "special records" and the books of "plural celestial marriages" in them either - the FLDS put all those records in the Temple banking on the authorities either not to find them, or not to desecrate their temple by entering it in the 1st place.


This was Warren Jeffs' TEMPLE - a PERFECT FLDS TEMPLE...a monument to HIM..the Prophet. They never had a TEMPLE of their own before. Warren must be LIVID that the infidels "touched his Temple". And when he is mad, he WILL destroy his own TOYS so no-one else can even LOOK at them (much less play with them).

Flowerchild you're absolutely right, they figured if they hid behind the religious aspect of that temple that LE wouldn't bother searching it. Your analogy is so apt. That describes Warern Jeffs to a T. When he gets mad he destroys his "toys" and that includes people's lives.
No matter what happens, I predict the FLDS is going to leave the USA - leave the compounds in Texas and SD and CO and UT and AZ too. Canada will also push them out - If the FLDS survives, it will be in Mexico or South America. Don't be surprised if a a big underground building starts going in somewhere South of the Border - they won't rub our faces in the next Temple...but if the group survives, you can bet they will BUILD IT! We'll see it, it will look like a concentration camp - Casa De Razor Wire - and in REMOTE Mexico or S America they will NEED those assault rifles and walls - to keep the powerful drug cartels out.

Sad to think what their children and wives will go through in such a place. But, unfortunately we can't save the world in one fell blow. Baby steps. LE in Texas tore the scab off of the FLDS to expose the pus hiding underneath.

I hope that Texas LE is very careful how they react to ANY FLDS in the near future so that they won't have any valid excuse to blame a possible destruction of the Temple of Doom on the authorities.
They will destroy it - if doing so makes a good show for the media - Scorched Earth... besides it isn't THEIR money and destroying it doesn't impact the FLDS at all. These people throw away BOYS...what's an $$8 Million $ Temple compared to THAT?

I expect to hear some "money-lenders in the Temple" parable next....
You know even Jesus didn't throw out the Temple with the spoiled wine - a temple is just a PLACE TO WORSHIP...unless the FLDS has the Ark of The Covenant in this one, it isn't any different than a million OTHER churches in the world....a building. God can be with us wherever we are - he doesn't need (or ask for) a special Temple.

Most churches don't have safes full of "special records" and the books of "plural celestial marriages" in them either - the FLDS put all those records in the Temple banking on the authorities either not to find them, or not to desecrate their temple by entering it in the 1st place. The FLDS ATTEMPTED to HIDE their records and their secrets inside the Temple. That might have worked in UTAH - but HERE, if you want to hide something where no-one will touch it - you'd better put it into an OU Football Jersey.

Do NOT be surprised if they dismantle that Temple - even if they SELL the property they will remove every trace of the Temple 1st if they are permitted. They don't want anyone to see it, use it or exploit it. Especially they don't want someone to use against them. A mainstream Mormon Temple is NOT like a regular Church in EVERY way - an LDS Temple has some "special" private, members only areas used for their specific religious ceremonies. MANY Mormons dream of a "Temple Wedding" with all the special ceremonies and the husband symbolically pulling the bride thru the veil and the declarations of the secret names by which husband and wife will identify each other in heaven etc. The LDS does not share these areas with visitors or non-members. I am SURE the YFZ Temple contained ALL of these same private areas meant for members only. This was Warren Jeffs' TEMPLE - a PERFECT FLDS TEMPLE...a monument to HIM..the Prophet. They never had a TEMPLE of their own before. Warren must be LIVID that the infidels "touched his Temple". And when he is mad, he WILL destroy his own TOYS so no-one else can even LOOK at them (much less play with them).

Funny how that TEMPLE has become the symbol of this whole event now - pretty and white and sparking on the outside and perhaps hiding something darker on the INSIDE....where it can't be seen by "outsiders".

No matter what happens, I predict the FLDS is going to leave the USA - leave the compounds in Texas and SD and CO and UT and AZ too. Canada will also push them out - If the FLDS survives, it will be in Mexico or South America. Don't be surprised if a a big underground building starts going in somewhere South of the Border - they won't rub our faces in the next Temple...but if the group survives, you can bet they will BUILD IT! We'll see it, it will look like a concentration camp - Casa De Razor Wire - and in REMOTE Mexico or S America they will NEED those assault rifles and walls - to keep the powerful drug cartels out.

My Opinion

Boy are you right flowerchild. Great post!

Unfortunately the scab has been ripped off on many occasions and yet nothing was done. Public outcry was limited to the area in which the newspaper article was written. The Los Angeles Times had numerous articles in years past and there was a movie based on the flds years ago. Public officials HAVE known about the situation but its such a hot potato because of past history that no one wanted to commit political suicide. Especially those who's constituency happened to encompass the flds areas. They vote as a block the way the leader wants them to. This time though, the ripping has engaged International interest as well as national.

With the FBI involved in an investigation at the same time the civil and legal authorities are conducting theirs, it might be the first step in dismantling the financial empire that runs off the taxpayer's backs and enables these men to enslave the women and children.

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