Theories on what happened to Haleigh

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kiki the parrot

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Sep 22, 2008
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Everything from stranger abduction and SO's, to custody feuds, drugs, and even drownings have been proposed. Please share your latest theories here.

*Theory Only*

Hayleigh wets bed/mouths off/whatever and leaves the trailer, she's going to run away to her mom's. Misty is ticked off, props the back door open with a cinder block that was under the trailer and chases her down. Misty finds her at the rr tracks, smacks Hayleigh around and really hurts (kills) her. Misty runs to her brother's home and enlists her brother and/or her sister-in-law to help take care of the body. Misty does NOT go straight home, but goes and gets high/drunk. She arrives home shortly before Ron and points to the propped open back door as evidence that someone stole Hayleigh.
I don't have much of a theory since we haven't been told a whole lot yet. From what we do know, my theory is that whatever happened took place first at the trailer and that a female propped open the screen door to carry something out then forgot to remove the concrete block. I believe, according to the tracking dogs, that Hayleigh was taken out the back door, to the dock area, to the outbuilding to hide her for a bit, and finally taken away in a vehicle over by the railroad tracks. Whoever had her seemed to be trying to decide what to do before help came with a vehicle. I also believe a missing blanket fits in as well.
A theory I had was that maybe while she was washing the blankets, she opened the back door (complete with cinder block) and went outside to talk to neighbors. I know where I'm from, its not unusual for people to sit outside in their lawn chairs, drinking and talking. She may have joined them, thinking if the back door was open, she could hear the clothes AND the kids. And perhaps the rest of her story - putting the blanket on Haleigh, going to bed at 10-10:30 was the truth.
I really don't think Misty has any idea "what" happened to Haleigh because she was wasted out of her head. Whoever took Haleigh knew Misty was out of it. I really don't believe someone just broke into the home and took her with Misty only sleeping and just a few feet or inches from her. Who ever took her knew Misty would not wake up. I can't explain why whoever took Haleigh didn't just use the front door unless it's because they just didn't want to be seen by neighbors or unless they carried a passed out Misty into the house from their auto. Maybe they pulled up to the side/back door since you'd be able to pull closer to the door there. Probably propped the door before carrying passed out Misty in. Put Misty on the bed or wherever and took Haleigh. Out the door they went and never looked back. Listening to the 911 call Misty sounded really groggy and like she was in a fog, possibly still high or drunk. My thought is she was high. I'm thinking she put the kids to bed, went out and partied and maybe got a little too wasted. Friends brought her home, she crashed and they took Haleigh or after they left someone else took Haleigh.
I'm torn, but I have a nagging feeling something may have happened to Haleigh on both Misty and dads time. Dads alibi was to go to work.... He's the adult, Misty is still a 'minor'... they made a mistake and daddy did not want to lost custody for jr. This was the only way they could 'stage it' in order for him to not lose his son.
I am convinced that whoever took and did something to Haleigh that it was someone she knew. I think she was alive and walked to the pond and to the end of those tracks hence the reason why her scent stopped at the end of them. I think whoever it was that had her made her walk there and the fact that she KNEW them explains why she would have willingly went with them and didn't make a noise. They could have easily lied to her to get her to go with them if it was someone she knew and I have though since the day this news broke Haleigh knew whoever it was that took her and that this person knew their way around that house. It also explains why they knew exactly what room to go to and why they got out of that place with no one in the house knowing.

The POI could have parked his/her vehicle near the train tracks(ONLY IF THIS IS POSSIBLE) then walked to the Cummings house getting the brick on the way there so that they could use it to get Haleigh out of their faster. They then go in through the front door making their way into the kitchen and turning the light on. After doing that they go to the backdoor, open it up and then prop the brick there. They then make their way to the bedroom to get Haleigh who wakes up and willingly goes with them since she knew whoever it was. They walk into the woods, go near the pond to try and make people think she fell in or her body was dumped there, and they then leave the pond making their way back to the vehicle at the train tracks. While walking back to the vehicle they could have been lying to Haleigh all along about where they were going and why they were there.

This could explain why her scent was no longer there, the trail of scent to the pond, and would explain the brick there at the home.
I think the GF left the trailer to go party somewhere else once the kids were asleep. GF left the back door unlocked so she could easily return - maybe she didn't have a key. (Dad said he locked all the doors when he left and no signs of forced entry.)

The perp likely had been eying the house for sometime and new the dad's work schedule and possibly knew the GF's plans to leave that night or that she would likely leave. Maybe the perp knew the layout of the trailer (possibly knew the GF or dad).

From here on out the perp just ran in, propped the door open with the brick, snatched the girl and left.

This girl was failed on so many levels. It breaks my heart.
They're closing old thread,so I'll post this again here.Hank,Misty's Dad was in hospital,here is myspace posts of cousin Kayla and Lindsey's comments...
!!~Kayla~!!Feb 9 2009 7:11 PM
thats suck so bad he has been doing so good then this happens.ell tell him i said i hope everything goes good and tell he we love him.. love ya kayla
♥Lindsy SPN♥ Feb 9 2009 9:58 AM
hey he is in alot of pain. he had surgery yesterday to put a rode in his leg and he still is in a neck brace for some reason. they said he will he in the hospital for 6-8 weeks. it's so sad all he does is scream in pain!he is gonna make it but he probably wont be able to walk the same.
When someone like Hank being head of family is in hospital,sometimes other family members come,might have been at Tommy's.Tommy did stop by at 5:00,only stayed a half an hour,did Misty go over to Tommy's when kids went to sleep?Originally thought she might have went to hospital,but nurses would have already said she was there.
From the myspace pics of gf's brothers,Dad,and Pacey,seemed like he was close with them and possibly on HC's side.He could have been at brother TC's on Tyler st. and left while MC was at brothers,going back to trailer.He does look like gf and wonder if this is the cousin she was talking about.I think they might be looking for her cousin,whoever he is and CR.
From the myspace pics of gf's brothers,Dad,and Pacey,seemed like he was close with them and possibly on HC's side.He could have been at brother TC's on Tyler st. and left while MC was at brothers,going back to trailer.He does look like gf and wonder if this is the cousin she was talking about.I think they might be looking for her cousin,whoever he is and CR.

Paternal grandmother was just on NG, I find it very odd that no one in the family is commenting on this cousin, asking people to help find him, or saying that the police are investigating it. I am not completely buying this story personally. She said they showed her a photo and it wasn't him, why would LE have to be digging for photos with all the extended family around. None of them will identify him? Someone knows his name.
CR has been missing two weeks,if no car and walking to area he knew,Putnam county,he could have been watching for opportunity to get in a trailer for food and whatever.Woods are behind trailer,could have seen MC leave and if she didn't have keys to door,left it unlocked.Or,bio Mom had said when Haleigh wakes in middle of night goes to her bed,she's big enough to turn light on.She could have woke up,walked in on CR or walked out door and he saw her.Or CR had even seen Misty walking w/kids on road and was first watching Misty,but Haleigh was in bed alone.
One theory: Ron or Misty or both, owed big drug money & had no way to pay. It was either forfeit their own life (lives) or give up the little girl to satisfy the debt. They can't implicate the drug thugs (incur their wrath plus incriminate themselves) & so staged the abduction to explain the disappearance.
I'll tell you,myspaces are evil and you can look for people in your area and young people tell just about every move they make on comments,he could have been looking at Misty's myspace.I don't think her myspace was private before.CR had two myspace sites.
No,what the LE showed Misty was a pic of a SO from Tennessee and she said she didn't know him.I found only one SO with her last name in Tennessee.She never said he was a SO on record,just that a cousin had messed with her when she was younger and he looked like her.He had stolen a gun from Ronald and had been there a couple of weeks ago.
NRN,if I had only seen the first interview of him in yard with his Mom I would also think that,that was a disturbing video.I felt he was broken hearted,but he seemed like he was on drugs or something,it was kind of strange.After that,I feel he's for real,but I don't know.It seems like they all know something and are afraid to say.Bio Mom looks at her Mom in interviews and they seem to want to want to say things,but hold back.
Isn't it strange that noone has interviewed Tommy?That would be an interesting interview.
My theory.....Misty puts the kids to bed around 8pm. Waits to make sure the are sleeping, till 9pm or so. Leaves to go hang out, probably partying and all that that entails at friends, family, or maybe a b/f's house. I feel this has become a habit. There are several people from the park there as well. One of them, probably someone she knows well, has noticed that she makes this a habit. He decides "tonights the night". He leaves the party and goes to Ron and Mistys trailer,coming up from the back so hes not seen and goes in the back door (which Misty has left unlocked as she leaves this way), takes HC and leaves out the back door.

With this theory it wouldnt matter that he turned on the light if indeed he did do it because hes confident of Mistys where-a-bouts. Also wouldnt matter if he decided he needed the extra help of using the cinder block to prop the door open for the same reason.

Misty comes home an hour or more later. Discovers HC is gone and is frantic. She looks everywhere for her knowing she cant call Ron, 911 or anyone in the neighborhood because the first question will be "Where were you????" She comes up with her story and watchs for Ron to come home where she meets him at the door with her story as if it just happened seconds before he got home.
Have any of you thought of the possibility that Misty had somebody over to the house, they drank or smoked together ... and HE made sure she was drunk/high enough to pass out or at least enough for him to take Haleigh?

Just a thought ...
I'm torn, but I have a nagging feeling something may have happened to Haleigh on both Misty and dads time. Dads alibi was to go to work.... He's the adult, Misty is still a 'minor'... they made a mistake and daddy did not want to lost custody for jr. This was the only way they could 'stage it' in order for him to not lose his son.

Say that happened, dad transports HC in his truck, car.........wouldn't LE have picked up a scent with dogs? Van taken? blanket gone with HC in it?
I do believe something happened at an earlier timeframe...........was HC rally seen playing outside at 5:30pm THAT night?
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