100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 16th day on the stand #74

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I liked how they ask if the closet doors had locks on them & of course they didn't.
so, now we've heard of someone else who she says saw and commented on her alleged "bruises" at a PPl event...

name? witness? nope...

First time around, she only mentioned MM seeing the "bruises".
Recess for audio issue- poquito shaking head on way out- watching jurors like a hawk- none of them seeming like they are buying it ESP the males
28 For I, the Lord God, delight in the chastity of women. And whoredoms are an abomination before me; thus saith the Lord of Hosts. (Book of Mormon, Jacob, Chapter 2)

coinkidink? i think not
Oh I feel so much better! Clearly they are not buying what she's been selling. LOVE this jury!
Dangit, it's not fair. Damn technological issues. It gives her a chance to regroup, and confer with her attys. The girl is getting a lot of breaks, so she had better not cry "I didn't get a fair trial!"

I just hate that TA's family has to go thru this. Love and prayers to them!
Why aren't they asking about the actual killing? Who cares about Bobby, etc?
The questions are being asked in the order they were received.

Her and Bobby broke up so she bought him all his favorite groceries and put on the porch?? SHe's a riot!! Ha ha
Not another recess. . .

It appears there's a well schooled Mormon on the jury. JMO

Not necessarily. The vow of chastity would be covered in the Word of Wisdom, the BOM is more scriptural.

(not mormon but 90% sure on that one)
Not sure what relevance reading "the book of mormon" has...reading it doesn't mean you believe it or follow any of it

This signals to me there is a Mormon on the jury! Being a Mormon myself, I would have asked the same question.
Did she read book of Mormon and does it explain law of chastity.

And BOOM it mentions "whoredoms" which is the word used over and over in the threatening email to Lisa.

But they don't know what that letter says - it was never admitted, right? So they are not able to draw the same conclusion as we are.
Oh he11. Maybe the judge should just tell JA to speak with her grownup voice so the juror can hear her! :banghead:
This is my favorite part of this whole trial so far. It doesn't get better than this. Her attorneys know she's a goner. I wonder if Jodi knows or if she thinks this is her opportunity to shine and convince them of all these lies
I have a feeling this is a smart jury. I don't think they are fooled by her bs.
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