11/1/11 MSM article claims JI with kids during trip & neighbor kid saw Lisa at 6:30pm


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Jun 20, 2008
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http://www.kmbc.com/news/29651699/detail.html#ixzz1cUwfHYkR - "Bradley's brother was with her when she went to a store hours before Lisa Irwin disappeared. She bought a box of wine and some baby supplies during that shopping trip. Jeremy Irwin, the baby's father, was home with her and her two brothers.
Jeremy Irwin left the house later that afternoon for an electrician's job and Bradley stayed with the baby and drank wine with a neighbor. The neighbor's younger daughter said she last saw the baby at 6:30 p.m."

I'm just not sure how much to believe this. Mods, please merge if needed.
Really? Neighbor's daughter saw LI? Supposedly the daughter is 4 years old.
The neighbors 4 y/o daughter saw Lisa, but the neighbor didn't?
If you have to count on a four year old to figure out when LI was seen last by somebody not related to family-well...
The neighbors 4 y/o daughter saw Lisa, but the neighbor didn't?

This is understandable IMO. I have a baby and My four year old daughter is obsessed with her. If Lisa was already in bed when the neighbor came over, I can totally see a four year old sneaking into the baby's room to get a peak.
How soon after, were the neighbor and little daughter interviewed by police? Because I have a 4 year old daughter and she'd blurt out *everything* she knew.. there would be no way to keep her quiet, even if I wanted. And at 4, they can be quite good at details!
Whoops, of course she wouldn't know the time was 6:30 when she left.. guess I should add that. But she'd lay out the sequence of events: We saw X and then we did this in the kitchen, and the tv was on when we were leaving, then we walked back home', etc, etc. Full of details. I would have a hard time having her not disclose something.

If you have to count on a four year old to figure out when LI was seen last by somebody not related to family-well...

a four year old that can tell time, and recall a specific time???? Most 4 yr olds would refer to time as "right after I had dinner" or "right after scooby doo was on TV" Sorry, but I do not buy this bit of info...
How soon after, were the neighbor and little daughter interviewed by police? Because I have a 4 year old daughter and she'd blurt out *everything* she knew.. there would be no way to keep her quiet, even if I wanted. And at 4, they can be quite good at details!

I can believe this. I've learned more about what goes on in families than I ever wanted to know, simply by teaching a Sunday School class of 4's and 5's. I'm just thrown off by her ability to tell time. Of course, if she knows her numbers she could have seen a digital clock and remembered that for some reason......
I can believe this. I've learned more about what goes on in families than I ever wanted to know, simply by teaching a Sunday School class of 4's and 5's. I'm just thrown off by her ability to tell time. Of course, if she knows her numbers she could have seen a digital clock and remembered that for some reason......

I teach jk/sk.....none of them have mastered the concept of time or even begun to. They may know that at 4pm their fav cartoon comes on, but they have no concept of when that is. They would never refer back to a time by using the hour/minute concept. JMO
You know what...this story officially makes me sick. I don't think I can give these people one more ounce of my heart and energy. RIP little Lisa... you deserved better!
I teach jk/sk.....none of them have mastered the concept of time or even begun to. They may know that at 4pm their fav cartoon comes on, but they have no concept of when that is. They would never refer back to a time by using the hour/minute concept. JMO

They might have referred to the time with just the description you used. She might have said "sponge bob was on tv on my favorite channel" and they could have gotten the time from that. (My granddaughter just turned 5 and when ever she comes over here she always would be able to tell me what channel her shows were on, I never knew the channels she would so this is possible). JMO
From the OP link:

Jeremy Irwin left the house later that afternoon for an electrician's job and Bradley stayed with the baby and drank wine with a neighbor. The neighbor's younger daughter said she last saw the baby at 6:30 p.m. Bradley told police she last remembered checking on Lisa at about 10:30 p.m.

Must be lazy/mis-reporting, if not confusion with DB's latest story about last seeing Lisa at 6:30pm. This article has DB's last sighting as a previous version, 10:30pm. :angel:

And note: "stayed with the baby"...no mention of the boys.

So, we're to believe the reporter interviewed the 4 year-old, but not the child's mother? Or interviewed both, but only mentioned the child's "last seen time"?
But uh wait.. This means the time line changed again. I thought JI left for work well before that. I am so confused, this family is a pack of liars and I dont know what to believe anymore except to say at this point in time I would believe a 4 year old over either one of them and I dont for a second believe that Jersey was involved and apparently neither do the police.
I saw that in the article too. Is there contact info for the reporter? I really think it is a mistake,
a four year old that can tell time, and recall a specific time???? Most 4 yr olds would refer to time as "right after I had dinner" or "right after scooby doo was on TV" Sorry, but I do not buy this bit of info...

I want to know if the adult neighbor saw baby Lisa, and not have to rely on a precious 4 year old :( Bless her heart!


From the OP link:

Must be lazy/mis-reporting, if not confusion with DB's latest story about last seeing Lisa at 6:30pm. This article has DB's last sighting as a previous version, 10:30pm. :angel:

And note: "stayed with the baby"...no mention of the boys.

So, we're to believe the reporter interviewed the 4 year-old, but not the child's mother? Or interviewed both, but only mentioned the child's "last seen time"?

That's what I think too. I cannot believe they put the 10.30pm time in a new article. :banghead:
I want to know if the adult neighbor saw baby Lisa, and not have to rely on a precious 4 year old :( Bless her heart!



I wonder why this reporter did not ask and quote what the adult saw, why just quote the 4 yr old...did the mother not see her???? Was she drunk as well and didn't know the time???? did the reporter ask her???? Reporters leave so many holes in their stories, hmmm just like DB and JI ! ! !
But uh wait.. This means the time line changed again. I thought JI left for work well before that. I am so confused, this family is a pack of liars and I dont know what to believe anymore except to say at this point in time I would believe a 4 year old over either one of them and I dont for a second believe that Jersey was involved and apparently neither do the police.

He left for work at 5.20pm. That's the time he gave weeks ago. I don't think the article has changed that info, have they? DB was at the grocery store at 5ish and then went home and Jeremy left.

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