17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #22

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I don't believe that there was intent to kill someone, but I do firmly believe that there was every intent to stop and hold Trayvon and find out what he was doing, and keep him there for LE. The fact that doing that was not legal, and the fact that he was doing that while carrying a loaded gun IMO does add up to malicious intent, but that is only My Opinion.

I would agree with that, but I also believe that he had no qualms about the idea that he might "need" to shoot Trayvon, if Trayvon resisted his attempts to hold him. I do believe he had in mind that that course of action might be necessary and had planned for it.

All JMO!
Did you watch the entire video?

Where she says that the moment she heard the charges she thought, finally the person who shot and killed her son is being held accountable?

Or where the father say that he needs to be locked up and held accountable?

Or where she said that all they've ever asked for is an arrest?

At the end is when she was asked what would she say to GZ if she came face to face with him. The quotes in the article were just a part of her response.

Context is everything.


Once again, I'm not a mindreader and neither are you. You have no idea what is behind her thought process as to why she believes this is an accident.

Lets just move on.
This morning I saw the video of him in the plaid shirt, I agree with you, he did not look skinny.

I agree...the officer leading him in was a large man with a bit of a belly roll, and GZ was WIDER than that person by quite a bit. I would guess that the 250 pounds may be very close to accurate.

Don't know....but $80 is A LOT of soap and toothpaste for someone who expects to be out on bond within less that 24 hours of booking......

He is not safe on the outside, he may plan to stay right there till the case is over.
ACorey said yesterday GZ was being held with no bail...but that his attorney can ask the judge for bail...don't think he'll get it especially since after the incident, he left the state of Florida so he'd be a great flight risk..

I dont' think I've ever seen anyone charged with murder bailed out...

But he was a free man when he left the state of Florida.

And he turned himself in like he said he would.

I personally do not think he is a flight risk. He had weeks to run if he wanted to. He didn't.
Once again, I'm not a mindreader and neither are you. You have no idea what is behind her thought process as to why she believes this is an accident.

Lets just move on.

I asked if you watched the actual video, the entire interview?

Don't need to be a mindreader when listening to all of her words, in context.

JMO,IMO etc.
I respectfully disagree. There is something that happened that justified the 2nd degree murder charge. I don't believe Trayvon's mother has been told what why. AC and her team are working hard on this case, and I don't get the feeling they leak specific details early, even to the murder victim's family.

I still think she knows enough to have come up with that sense about that night.
I do not think anyone especially a MOM who feels it may have been intentional would call it an accident.
I think the shooting was an accident, don't get me wrong, GZ getting out of his vehicle was NOT an accident, but, I don't believe that GZ got out of his vehicle that night with the thought in mind that he was going to kill this ....But I DO believe that he got out of his vehicle with the firm intent to stop him, and hold him for LE, that he was going to stop this as he saw it casing of his neighborhood or robbery in progress. (whatever he believed was going on) He was armed, and he intended to follow and stop Trayvon, and it went sideways on him, and the killing was an accident, but a foreseeable one, one that could have been avoided at many many points before the shot. IMO JMHO and stuff.[/QUOT

If there wasn't the 911 tapes where we clearly hear someone repeatedly scream in terror, and it lasted for a considerable time, I might believe an accident. There was too much time in my opinion for GZ to put the gun down or point it away from him, just some different scenario that ended with Trayvon alive, imo.
He is not safe on the outside, he may plan to stay right there till the case is over.

Or his attorney might find it easier to stay in contact with GZ if he is under lock and key. None of that pesky cell phone "out of range, dropped call" stuff. :winko:
That's an incredible interesting quote and I would think would give those who believe this was pre-planned by GZ some pause. If the mother of the victim doesn't believe there was intent, I also wonder if she also believes in some small way GZ has been victimized here, with a majority of the public making him out to be the devil.

I never thought there was intent either, the evidence as we know it does not support that theory.

She may not understand intent under the law as explained by Nancy Grace, it takes one second to form intent, so chances are he will be convicted.
I would agree with that, but I also believe that he had no qualms about the idea that he might "need" to shoot Trayvon, if Trayvon resisted his attempts to hold him. I do believe he had in mind that that course of action might be necessary and had planned for it.

All JMO!

you may be right about that, the idea that he had that gun and was ok with shooting someone if they tried to get away might be another reason it could be seen as malicious intent. According to Taafe he patrolled with his gun all the time, and I would imagine that at some point he did have a plan for what he would do if he ever "needed" to shoot someone. IMO JMHO and stuff.
Snip from Robert Zimmerman Sr. interview with Sean Hannity on 4/4/2012:

ZIMMERMAN: When the dispatcher said we know longer need you to do that, and George acknowledged OK. He no longer knew where Trayvon was. So he continued walking down the sidewalk directly in front of him to the next street to get an address. He got an address


Wonder why he walked all the way over to that next street to get an address?

What did he want an address for?

Snip from Robert Zimmerman Sr. interview with Sean Hannity on 4/4/2012:

Wonder why he walked all the way over to that next street to get an address?

What did he want an address for?


I may be wrong, but didn't the dispatcher ask GZ near what address he saw TM?
She may not understand intent under the law as explained by Nancy Grace, it takes one second to form intent, so chances are he will be convicted.

Apparently second degree precludes intent. If there is intent it is first degree. (Based on the links that were posted upthread.)
This defendant is the youngest person to ever be charged as an adult with murder in Jacksonville, Florida.
He is 12 years old.
If convicted, could spend the rest of his life in prison. His name is Cristian Fernandez.
“Yes, I have compassion for Cristian Fernandez, but it's not my job to forgive,” says Florida State Attorney Angela Corey. “It's my job to follow the law."

Read more: http://latino.foxnews.com/latino/ne...fernandezs-case-sparks-outrage/#ixzz1rntBKCIw

I just read this link, and I know it is OT and another case.
But IMHO this boy was an abused child, I'm not sure he even knew he was too forceful.
I think the Mother is damaged, and needs to be on trial and the 12 year old needs to be in
some home where he can be re-habilitated and live as a child not as prey… :(
I hope WS has this case on another thread. This boy deservs some help.
Snip from Robert Zimmerman Sr. interview with Sean Hannity on 4/4/2012:

Wonder why he walked all the way over to that next street to get an address?

What did he want an address for?


Very astute question, since he was unlikely to impress LE if he told them," Well, I lost sight of him about here, and I don't know where he is or where he went, but here is an address that I got from the next street over."

Either he knew where Trayvon had gone and went to get an address from the last place he was seen...in effect following him, or he didn't know where Trayvon was, at which point an address was superfluous...so which is it do you think?

I Think that he knew where Trayvon was or was headed, and he was following him, and the idea of an address is all just malarky. IMO JMHO and stuff.
If people are genuinely interested in why Zimmerman might have had to spend so much so soon, I have an idea. I used to consult on prison programming and one of the things I learned is that in my state there were rules about fashionable items. For their own protection, inmates were not allowed to have desirable items that might result in someone hurting them to steal them. For example, there had been some violence over sport shoes so inmates coming in with the then-popular Nike sport shoes wouldn't be allowed to keep them but would have to buy a generic or less popular brand like Keds from the commissary. Prisons and jails are all about keeping things peaceful and orderly.
you may be right about that, the idea that he had that gun and was ok with shooting someone if they tried to get away might be another reason it could be seen as malicious intent. According to Taafe he patrolled with his gun all the time, and I would imagine that at some point he did have a plan for what he would do if he ever "needed" to shoot someone. IMO JMHO and stuff.

I think he had made in his mind a certain profile of criminals in the neighborhood, saw someone that fit that profile, and was intent on stopping any criminal action from occurring. He was so focused on criminals and crime that it never occurred to him that this could just be some kid walking home from the store. If anything, he had the intent to stop anyone that was going to commit a crime in his neighborhood, even if it meant shooting and killing a criminal. That is the problem I see here. It wasn't Trayvon in particular, it could have been anyone with a hoodie on, walking through that neighborhood late at night.

His biggest problem is that if someone, anyone, fits his idea of a criminal, then he automatically assumes that person is a criminal, and it's okay to use to deadly force if necessary on that person. That, to me, is malicious intent on anyone who happens to fit his profile, and that is very scary to me. It's generous and kind that Trayon's mom thinks it was an accident, but to me, it wasn't. Once he made up his mind that he saw a criminal in his neighbhorhood, it was game on to stop that criminal at any cost. And it's even scarier that he's rationalized what he did so quickly, and has just wanted it to blow over. Being a criminal doesn't mean someone deserves to be shot and killed. And the saddest part is, Trayvon wasn't even a criminal.
GZ did not know the exact address, when on the phone.

But unless Trayvon went into a house, they would not need an exact address unless they were actually expecting him to stand still at that address and wait for them. The name of the street and a general idea of how far down the street or on what sidewalk would do. Do we really think that our neighborhood watch guy who patrolls diligently would not know the names of the three streets in his neighborhood? IMO JMHO and stuff.
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