17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #23

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I'm not sad at all. He's been demonized in the publc... because of his own words that lead up to this trajedy. If he was minding his business, smoking a cig in his truck, and Trayvon Martin grabs him out his truck and assults him, and he's forced to fire, then this doesn't make the news outside of Sanford. But we have his own words of contempt on the 911, then we hear the screams of this kid, and our minds start to put the pieces together...

If Trayvon laid there, screaming, begging not to be shot, and Zimmerman pulled the trigger anyway, then he is a monster. IMO. And if i was the parents of Trayvon, i would not accept the apology of a man that profiled, stalked, and executed my son. IMO.

I think they were both screaming at different times, I think they were both on the bottom and on the top at different times.
I did not make it up… I heard different accounts from the 911 witnesses.
I think w can all take out one or two things and make it the entire case.
But a case has 2 sides not one.
a case has many details and a few missing can change the picture.
A case is not to be trialed in the public eye we do have courts.
And I do know that people can be very short sited at times.
SO if you find yourself justifying your position of only wanting to see one side, this does not make it a case or the correct way to look at it.
Thats open to interpertation. He is dead, but things could have gone the other way if what GZ is saying is true.

The reason TM is dead is because GZ stalked and killed him. There is no blaming TM for walking through a neighborhood he had a right to be in, or defending himself from a madman with a gun, or not calling the right person when he needed to, good Lord. He's a teenager. The last thing they want to do is call their parents for anything.

GZ had no right to go after him just because GZ determined TM was suspicious! I cannot understand how any blame whatsoever could go on TM for his own death. Unbelievable.
I haven't had a chance to catch up on all of the overnight posts and didn't watch much about the case last night. As much as I think that GZ's attorney is a professional who will not try this case in the media, I couldn't help feeling angry when I heard him say several times that "George is facing second degree murder charges, and he's frightened."

Did GZ consider how frightened TM was the night that he was hunted down like an animal and shot to death?

I thought the same thing!! And for the life of me I can't understand WTH they ever use analogies like poor GZ can't walk to the 7-11, or walk to the store, his former attorney said the same thing. Hello? isn't that the exact reason GZ is where he is, a now dead Trayvon couldn't just walk to a store at 7PM???

GZ's attorney is impressive, he reached out to Trayvon's family, and when what Sybrina said about it being an accident was mischaracterized, he was asked about it and he was very gracious, saying something like he isn't going to use the words of a grieving mother against her.

BUT he is GZ's defense attorney and he is going to try to do everything he can to paint him in the best light possible. His style may be different, he may think it's better to catch more flies with honey than vinegar, kind of like good cop bad cop. Unlike some other attorneys that we've seen act out in the media.

But in the end he's still his defense attorney so he's going to say whatever makes his client look better.

Thats open to interpertation. He is dead, but things could have gone the other way if what GZ is saying is true.


But GZ is under arest...right now it's GZ who's on trial for the 'murder' of an unarmed teen, Trayvon Martin...so until there is a trial on the SYG law and GZ wins that, it's TM who is the only victim now...
Oh Lord, that is not good for him. That is going to be a disaster for him. He must insisting on it since I can't imagine O'Mara would recommend he get up on the stand.

On the other hand, it'll be fun to watch if he gets up there and makes a dang fool of himself.

Don't know why but I somehow think O'Mara will just try to flea bargain the case down to manslaughter and let it go at that.
:gasp: RE Zimmerman's myspace account <--Yahoo news.com hyperlink

....username was &#8220;datniggytb,&#8221; ...... &#8220;datniggytb&#8221; name is not a racial slur, but a friendly nickname that referred to George himself.

&#8220;That was an old nickname his black friends gave him,&#8221; the Zimmerman family member said. &#8220;He didn&#8217;t have an issue with the profile name.&#8221;

Asked about the significance of the letters &#8220;tb&#8221; at the end of the username, the family member insisted that they did not stand for Trayvon Benjamin, his shooting victim&#8217;s first and middle names.


What is disheartening, is that we know from another Florida case it is the state of mind DURING the crime that is allowed.
Oh Lord, that is not good for him. That is going to be a disaster for him. He must insisting on it since I can't imagine O'Mara would recommend he get up on the stand.

On the other hand, it'll be fun to watch if he gets up there and makes a dang fool of himself.

He won't have a choice. This will be one trial I'll DVR for sure. If it gets that far. If he takes a plea bargain, it will probably involve jail time. The use of a gun makes all the difference in this case.
Don't know why but I somehow think O'Mara will just try to flea bargain the case down to manslaughter and let it go at that.

Okay... I know that's just a typo, but it made me LOL for realz.
Oh Lord, that is not good for him. That is going to be a disaster for him. He must insisting on it since I can't imagine O'Mara would recommend he get up on the stand.

On the other hand, it'll be fun to watch if he gets up there and makes a dang fool of himself.

I don't think he will have any choice but to take the stand otherwise he can't claim self-defense under the SYG law. I can't wait to see what he has to say. I predict he will be a mixture of his brother and Taaffe.

The reason TM is dead is because GZ stalked and killed him. There is no blaming TM for walking through a neighborhood he had a right to be in, or defending himself from a madman with a gun, or not calling the right person when he needed to, good Lord. He's a teenager. The last thing they want to do is call their parents for anything.

GZ had no right to go after him just because GZ determined TM was suspicious! I cannot understand how any blame whatsoever could go on TM for his own death. Unbelievable.

What law did GZ break even if he did follow TM? Lets look at this up to the point someone put their hand on the other one. TM was walking home, GZ was following him. That not against the law. It is a public place and they BOTH had every right to be there. To me it ALL comes down to whom placed their hand on the other one.

Not blaiming TM here, but he COULD have told GZ that he was just on his way home. And he CERTAINLY should have called 911. He did not have to say "You got a problem?" (If that is what happened). Where I'm from "You got a problem?" is a provocation.
:gasp: RE Zimmerman's myspace account <--hyperlink

....username was “datniggytb,” ...... “datniggytb” name is not a racial slur, but a friendly nickname that referred to George himself.

“That was an old nickname his black friends gave him,” the Zimmerman family member said. “He didn’t have an issue with the profile name.”

Asked about the significance of the letters “tb” at the end of the username, the family member insisted that they did not stand for Trayvon Benjamin, his shooting victim’s first and middle names.


What is disheartening, is that we know from another Florida case it is the state of mind DURING the crime that is allowed.

It's going to be interesting to find out when that account name was created... but no matter when, it shows that he had no qualms about freely using words known to be racial slurs in a public setting.


I have a pretty good idea why Taafe keeps misrepresenting the facts. He seems quite proud of himself when he does it too. I think he's too arrogant and impressed with himself to see that he never did GZ any favors.

Especially now when he says that he spoke to GZ and GZ wanted him to get his message out, I can't imagine that Taafe won't be called as a witness, if there is ever a trial. Would love to see his smugness and arrogance up on the stand.

This supposed break in at his house that he keeps talking about, he wasn't there, he is going by what GZ told him, GZ claims to have "thwarted" a burglary. Given what we've seen about GZ's so called suspicions regarding Trayvon, all of his 911 calls about supposed suspicious behavior, given Taafe's misrepresentations about the facts regarding blacks doing all of the breakins, it would not be surprising in the least to find out that it was another boy who dared to walk while "looking about".

Even the details of that story has changed by Mr Taafe.


All BS...there was no burglary, just an opened window and this is what's meant by GZ 'thwarted' a burglary that didn't even happen...just trying to make his buddy GZ's actions look better than the last action of taking an unarmed teens life...
Don't know why but I somehow think O'Mara will just try to flea bargain the case down to manslaughter and let it go at that.

I disagree. I think they have a very strong case. They may accept a plea to reckless endangerment or something, but I don't think the prosecution would ever offer that. I bet its going to trial.
Here's another article regarding the burglaries -

http://www.cnn.com/2012/04/03/justice/florida-teen-shooting-burglaries/index.html -
The incidents occurred over 14/15 months.
~"City officials posted police reports to the city website detailing eight burglary reports in the neighborhood in the 14 months prior to Martin's February 26 death." ~

~"In three of those incidents, black males were implicated by witnesses or arrests. A fourth incident was less clear."~

~"In the other four incidents, there were no witnesses or suspects, according to police reports."~ ---

Not sure why FT keeps misrepresenting the facts? http://sanfordfl.gov/investigation/trayvon_martin.html - The burglary report document and other articles are no longer on the Sanford PD website.

It's possible FT was counting the sightings and near misses like the call GZ put in that there was a black man near his condo and FT had left his window open. LE never found the man so it's possible this man was just walking and GZ saw the open window and thought this man had broken in. No one actually broke into FT's home but it was called in. So is it possible they are counting the twarted break ins because GZ called in suspicious black men walking in the area? It does not appear there were 8 break ins unless we have not found them all. Five of the incidents there were no witnesses so they could have been white if there were actual break ins. jmo
Don't know why but I somehow think O'Mara will just try to flea bargain the case down to manslaughter and let it go at that.

It's been said during commentaries on the various TV programs, that Angela Corey doesn't offer plea bargains very often so I don't think we will see them offering Zimmerman any sort of deal.

I'll have to say ~jmo~ on this issue because it was on TV.

:gasp: RE Zimmerman's myspace account <--Yahoo news.com hyperlink

....username was “datniggytb,” ...... “datniggytb” name is not a racial slur, but a friendly nickname that referred to George himself.

“That was an old nickname his black friends gave him,” the Zimmerman family member said. “He didn’t have an issue with the profile name.”

Asked about the significance of the letters “tb” at the end of the username, the family member insisted that they did not stand for Trayvon Benjamin, his shooting victim’s first and middle names.


What is disheartening, is that we know from another Florida case it is the state of mind DURING the crime that is allowed.

At what point does something become verified as legitimate simply because it has GZ's name attached to it and a couple of pictures?
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