17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #26

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I'm so sorry to hear about your husband! :grouphug: :blowkiss:

I just don’t understand comparing Natasha, who died from a traumatic brain injury, to George, who claims to have had a head injury (to support his SYG excuse imo) but so far there’s no proof. Also, paramedics cleared George at the scene while Natasha refused to let them take her to the hospital, so to me that means according to paramedics George was okay but Natasha was not. I’m just not seeing any similarities for comparison. :) All jmo.

Thanks Francie. Hubby does ok. The memory loss is still a problem and as he ages it get worse, which is what the doctors said would happen. You just learn to live with these things.

I understand how you are having a hard time comparing Natasha to GZ because one lived and one died. The point is that if what GZ says is true, that Trayvon was pounding his head on the pavement or ground, then it is very possible for GZ to have a brain injury. In my husbands case he was in the hospital for 3 days and released. After he was home for several days is when I started noticing how he was acting (very far away and lost). He also was feeling these tingles (I think thats what he called the feeling) in the back of his head. That is when we called the doctor and he started seeing specialists and was diagnosed with a Traumatic Brain Injury. I'm guessing that it all depends on how hard your brain is jarred inside the skull. Hubby did have an MRI at the hospital, but he was still released because there were no blood clots. Therefore, it is possible for GZ to have a brain injury whether or not he went to the hospital that night or not. Believe me, before hubby was in his accident, I knew nothing about head injuries.
Doesn't hide the fact that people still do it. Doesn't make it right.

That's the real elephant in the room. There is a certain percentage of folks who are outraged at this case but would of judged TM the exact same way that night.

That may be true, but I believe most people who would have judged TM to be up to something would have stayed in their cars until the police arrived.

If you find someone suspicious, you avoid them at all costs. JMHO. I don't believe that GZ actually found TM to be threatening or he would have stayed in a well-lit, safe place (like his car) after he called the police.
Everything could have ended as simple and as peaceful as this:

---- What's your problem? .. what's your deal with me?

---- Umm, it's a gated community here, and we had a bunch of break-ins etc.. it's late, raining and it's cold .. Where are you going, may i ask?

---- Oh! I see... My father's girl-friend lives in that house over there.. and i am visiting them ... went to the store to buy this drink and skittles.... Cool? .. Have a good night!
Thanks Francie. Hubby does ok. The memory loss is still a problem and as he ages it get worse, which is what the doctors said would happen. You just learn to live with these things.

I understand how you are having a hard time comparing Natasha to GZ because one lived and one died. The point is that if what GZ says is true, that Trayvon was pounding his head on the pavement or ground, then it is very possible for GZ to have a brain injury. In my husbands case he was in the hospital for 3 days and released. After he was home for several days is when I started noticing how he was acting (very far away and lost). He also was feeling these tingles (I think thats what he called the feeling) in the back of his head. That is when we called the doctor and he started seeing specialists and was diagnosed with a Traumatic Brain Injury. I'm guessing that it all depends on how hard your brain is jarred inside the skull. Hubby did have an MRI at the hospital, but he was still released because there were no blood clots. Therefore, it is possible for GZ to have a brain injury whether or not he went to the hospital that night or not. Believe me, before hubby was in his accident, I knew nothing about head injuries.

Right, that's IF GZ really had his head pounded into the pavement. We have no medical proof that is what happened. If it comes out in court that that is what happened, then maybe he does have a brain injury. But there has been no proof of that whatsoever, only GZ's word that that is what happened. Plus, it's been how long since the murder now, and there has been no brain scan that I've heard of being done for GZ, nothing medical done at all. I would think if he did have a brain injury, it would have showed up by now, right? Or if he thought he had one, surely he would have had an MRI or some kind of brain scan done? There is nothing that says that has happened.

If he does have a brain injury, I hope he's getting help for it. But there is no proof that he had one, or that his head was bashed into the pavement. If he was as bad off as Natasha Richardson, he'd be dead by now. I think that is why the comparison is so confusing. I do have sympathy for you and your husband, but we don't know here what injuries GZ actually got that night.
As a Floridian, we walk/run/dance/play/run errands/ in the rain? It's what we do! If we didn't leave our homes everytime it rained here... we would never get anything done. I see you are a Gator fan, so I can only assume that you have lived in Florida?

Walking in the rain in Florida is like walking in the snow up North.

Can't agree with you there. Lived in Florida for nearly 30 years and I don't like getting wet walking in the rain.
Right, that's IF GZ really had his head pounded into the pavement. We have no medical proof that is what happened. If it comes out in court that that is what happened, then maybe he does have a brain injury. But there has been no proof of that whatsoever, only GZ's word that that is what happened. Plus, it's been how long since the murder now, and there has been no brain scan that I've heard of being done for GZ, nothing medical done at all. I would think if he did have a brain injury, it would have showed up by now, right? Or if he thought he had one, surely he would have had an MRI or some kind of brain scan done? There is nothing that says that has happened.

If he does have a brain injury, I hope he's getting help for it. But there is no proof that he had one, or that his head was bashed into the pavement. If he was as bad off as Natasha Richardson, he'd be dead by now. I think that is why the comparison is so confusing. I do have sympathy for you and your husband, but we don't know here what injuries GZ actually got that night.

The point your missing is that it is not up to GZ to determine if he has sustained enough pounding to cause a head injury. He only has to be in fear of losing his life to use deadly force. I think he will be able to show that a reasonable person, who is being straddled by someone who is "beating him up" according to the witness, would have used deadly force in his situation.

He will probably argue that he has no mode of escape since he was being straddled, and that his choices were to continue to be assulted, or use his firearm.
The point your missing is that it is not up to GZ to determine if he has sustained enough pounding to cause a head injury. He only has to be in fear of losing his life to use deadly force. I think he will be able to show that a reasonable person, who is being straddled by someone who is "beating him up" according to the witness, would have used deadly force in his situation.

He will probably argue that he has no mode of escape since he was being straddled, and that his choices were to continue to be assulted, or use his firearm.

COREY: “Nancy, our laws are very clear that it has to be a forcible felony and that a reasonable person would have to believe that deadly force is necessary as opposed to just physical force, fighting back and that sort of thing. I’ve prosecuted a woman who shot her husband and killed him because he slapped her, and we argued that was not deadly force and she was convicted and sent to state prison.”

The point your missing is that it is not up to GZ to determine if he has sustained enough pounding to cause a head injury. He only has to be in fear of losing his life to use deadly force. I think he will be able to show that a reasonable person, who is being straddled by someone who is "beating him up" according to the witness, would have used deadly force in his situation.

He will probably argue that he has no mode of escape since he was being straddled, and that his choices were to continue to be assulted, or use his firearm.

That could be correct, but, that is all his story of what happened that night. There has been no actual PROOF that that is what happened. That is the point I was making. That, and if he had a brian injury, surely he'd have already shown signs of it, and hopefully other people would have noticed, like his family, friends, or even lawyer. A brain injury doesn't go unnoticed, at least not for long. I just am not going to believe his story or that he has a brain injury until there is PROOF of it.
As a Floridian, we walk/run/dance/play/run errands/ in the rain? It's what we do! If we didn't leave our homes everytime it rained here... we would never get anything done. I see you are a Gator fan, so I can only assume that you have lived in Florida?

Walking in the rain in Florida is like walking in the snow up North.


I've had family in Florida for many years. I don't recall any of them allowing rain to alter their plans. Rain comes with the territory, no big deal. ;

My family did get a great deal of amusement from "Snowbirds" who came down and complained about the wet weather.
They usually were told "At least you don't have to shovel showers." :floorlaugh:
Can't agree with you there. Lived in Florida for nearly 30 years and I don't like getting wet walking in the rain.
And I used to live in Florida years ago.
ITA - I did live in Miam a long time ago and may do it again.
It does not rain that much or that often that people have to be out in the rain.
besides, I used my car all the time and did not get wet if I had to go out in the rain. (was not that often - that I HAD to go in the rain)
776.012 Use of force in defense of person.—A person is justified in using force, except deadly force, against another when and to the extent that the person reasonably believes that such conduct is necessary to defend himself or herself or another against the other’s imminent use of unlawful force. However, a person is justified in the use of deadly force and does not have a duty to retreat if:
(1) He or she reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the imminent commission of a forcible felony; or
(2) Under those circumstances permitted pursuant to s. 776.013.
History.—s. 13, ch. 74-383; s. 1188, ch. 97-102; s. 2, ch. 2005-27.



Another reason why GZ was arrested for 2nd degree murder...

What felony was TM in the middle of committing???

GZ must be held accountable for his actions...He took a life due to his paranoia, what his mind told him TM was up to no good...

I believe GZ and many others have misinterpeted the law to use for their own personal agendas....and GZ does appear to be using vigilante justice...

YEP! That's exactly what I asked yesterday.
COREY: “Nancy, our laws are very clear that it has to be a forcible felony and that a reasonable person would have to believe that deadly force is necessary as opposed to just physical force, fighting back and that sort of thing. I’ve prosecuted a woman who shot her husband and killed him because he slapped her, and we argued that was not deadly force and she was convicted and sent to state prison.”


I agree with AC's statement. She says "a reasonable person would have to believe that deadly force is necessary as opposed to just physical force". If TM is straddling GZ, and GZ had no way to escape, what were his options?
And I used to live in Florida years ago.
ITA - I did live in Miam a long time ago and may do it again.
It does not rain that much or that often that people have to be out in the rain.
besides, I used my car all the time and did not get wet if I had to go out in the rain. (was not that often - that I HAD to go in the rain)

JMO. The rain-avoidance habits of people with vehicles might possibly be irrelevant to teenagers who may not have one at their disposal at all times. Did Trayvon have a driver's license or a car?

Perhaps TM just wasn't made of sugar and didn't think he would melt if he got wet.
Here's the video, at around 1:10 listen to her words in context, she's not saying that Trayvon made it home or that he was on the porch when he was killed. She is obviously rambling about everything he had been doing while he was visiting, as if to say she can't believe that he wasn't doing anything while he was visiting and wound up being shot. And common sense would say that if Tracy Martin is telling exactly the spot where Trayvon was killed, Brandy wouldn't be saying that he was sitting on the porch when he was killed.

She is obviously upset and doesn't appear to be giving a timeline of events as they occurred, or saying that Trayvon had made it home.



Thank you so much for this :) What a difference it makes to actually hear what Brandi said compared to what was stated she said.
That could be correct, but, that is all his story of what happened that night. There has been no actual PROOF that that is what happened. That is the point I was making. That, and if he had a brian injury, surely he'd have already shown signs of it, and hopefully other people would have noticed, like his family, friends, or even lawyer. A brain injury doesn't go unnoticed, at least not for long. I just am not going to believe his story or that he has a brain injury until there is PROOF of it.

I never said he had a brain injury. I am saying he was in fear for his life because the assult very well COULD have caused a brain injury.

The proof that he was being assulted was the witness "John".

1. GZ being assulted with no method of escape.
2. Witness observed GZ being assulted.
3. GZ had choice to either allow the assult to continue or to use his weapon.

To me, unless GZ struck TM first, this is clearly self defense based on the current evidence availavle. IMO
Good morning all!

Does anyone know when GZ moved out of his residence at Twin Lakes and is it in msm anywhere? IDK if this is rumor or fact.

The reason I ask is because I've read that it was a day or two after Trayvon's being killed. So I wondered how he could have tackled something as physically exhausting as moving so soon after an alleged brain injury. My son had a concussion once and the Dr ordered he stay on bedrest until the Dr released him.

Perhaps he hired a moving company but even so moving is stressful, IMO.

Just one thought/question leading to another and MOO.

I never said he had a brain injury. I am saying he was in fear for his life because the assult very well COULD have caused a brain injury.

The proof that he was being assulted was the witness "John".

1. GZ being assulted with no method of escape.
2. Witness observed GZ being assulted.
3. GZ had choice to either allow the assult to continue or to use his weapon.

To me, unless GZ struck TM first, this is clearly self defense based on the current evidence availavle. IMO

I don't think any witness observed that he had absolutely no chance of escape or that TM was bashing GZ's head into the pavement. I have not seen one witness say those two things were true. Also, witnesses are notoriously unreliable. I am not going to consider what a witness says as proof that GZ had no escape, was getting his head bashed in the pavement, and therefore had to shoot TM. That is just not enough for me.
Good morning all!

Does anyone know when GZ moved out of his residence at Twin Lakes and is it in msm anywhere? IDK if this is rumor or fact.

The reason I ask is because I've read that it was a day or two after Trayvon's being killed. So I wondered how he could have tackled something as physically exhausting as moving so soon after an alleged brain injury. My son had a concussion once and the Dr ordered he stay on bedrest until the Dr released him.

Perhaps he hired a moving company but even so moving is stressful, IMO.

Just one thought/question leading to another and MOO.

I dont know. Just guessing...
---Many times people do not lift a thing - the movers do it.
---He may not have moved his things out. Just left home for safty.
---His family may have done the work for him.

Lookin' around to see if I still live in the good ole U S of A where it's still okay to walk outside in ANY type of weather without it being considered some sort of nefarious or suspicious behavior.
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