17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #28

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But according to the attorneys on HLN today, the state has now admitted they have NO EVIDENCE that GZ was the one who attacked first. That is a big problem, imo.
Stuff like that happens when people are murdered because 1 person is dead and can't tell his story so the state goes to circumstantial evidence that points to what probably did happen. Most murders do not have a video tape of them.
Do you have a link that says Martin was committing a felonious assault against GZ ?
GZ could have fell back on his own and caused the 2 very small scratches

Nope no link, I said it was MOO.

I guess that could be the case. But the witnesses statements (that they were wrestling on the ground) say otherwise.
To me, without having blown the pic up yet, it looks like the plastic snaps in an adjustable cap may have dug into skin on his head while the cap was being pulled forward (downward on the face). JMO

...or possibly fingernails that dug in, idk. IMO

I wish we could see the injuries after they were cleaned, immediately after.
Is this how a bond hearing is held normally?

I know I'm way behind y'all...

IIRC, there were quite a few people who testified at Casey A's bond hearing. I believe that's when we got our first look at Det. Yuri Melich.
I never said anything about who struck who first, simply that the injuries are consistent with an assault against GZ...a fact that many people did not believe were possible before this picture was released. Hell, even after the enhanced booking area video was released, people were talking about how minor his injuries were. Sure does not look minor to me.

Nobody credible has said anything about Zimmerman being the physical instigator, Corey's PC affidavit simply talks about "stalking" and "profiling" TM and an confrontation taking place.

I've drawn more blood hitting my head on the kitchen cabinets. I sure don't see serious, life threatening injuries in that photo.
So far we have not heard GZ's exact words to Le that night.How can anyone say he is lying or telling different versions when no one has seen any of the police statements.

Because he told three completely different stories within one minute on the witness stand today??? First he did NOT apologize during the police interviews, then that he definitely DID apologize on a RECORDED interview, then that he didn't remember if he did apologize....

There is only ONE truth, so TWO of those statement have to be lies!!!

Maybe they don't need it.........maybe the other evidence they do have proves their case. If GZ was following and threatening TM and they can prove that, that's all they need.

They also admitted they do not have evidence that GZ was actually following TM. When the investigator was asked what evidence they had he said a witness saw shadows, but declined to say which witness.

I think if you are going to bring 2nd degree murder charges that you need proof of who started the physical fight and proof that the shooter was following him.
I would vote guilty right now for involuntary manslaughter, but 2nd degree, I have reasonable doubt.
Saw the photo. Right now, I have no reason to believe it is faked. Head wounds bleed like that, even scrapes. It does not show his head was bashed in, but it does show scrapes and bleeding. It's something.
A line like that could be from having your head hit on the edge of a cement sidewalk.JMO
It will be very important in the case if they can prove he lied in his statements. If what he did was legal there was no reason to lie.

But then there's the head injury excuse. I've mentioned before that my ex-DIL used a concussion as an excuse (she couldn't think clearly) for a hit and run offense.

JMO, OMO, and :moo:
To me, without having blown the pic up yet, it looks like the plastic snaps in an adjustable cap may have dug into skin on his head while the cap was being pulled forward (downward on the face). JMO

...or possibly fingernails that dug in, idk. IMO

I wish we could see the injuries after they were cleaned, immediately after.

I would like for whoever took this picture to go on Nancy Grace tonight and tell us exactly how he was able to get so close to the suspect in a shooting, that was supposed to be handcuffed, during an investigation, to even get this photograph??

Unless -- it was taken before LE got there? Someone did say they seen someone with a flashlight and it looks like someone shone a light on the head? Or it may be the flash? It would have to be someone he knew and someone who didn't care that a kid lay dying on the ground? Since I don't think anyone tried to give Trayvon any kind of medical care.

But who was George calling right after he shot and killed Trayvon?? He has the phone in his hand? I mean, it had to have been within seconds of the shooting as police arrived very quickly right?
The initial police report said clearly GZ was bleeding from his nose and back of his head.

The marks on the new picture line up with the marks some see on the police video.

There are medical records backing up the claim that GZ's nose was broken.

IMO its clear he was getting his arse whooped when he pulled that trigger.

I say GZ was acting in self defense and it is my opinion, as of now, there will be no 2nd degree murder conviction.
IMO there is no way 12 jurors will find him guilty.

Doesn't the Zimmerman family have to find a bailbondsman who will agree to the requirements? The family puts up the 10% and the bailbondsman covers the rest of the bond, right?

Or the other route would be to have some other entity that is willing to underwrite the entire $150,000?

I've never had to deal with bail, so I am not clear about the details. Most of what I know about it, I learned from Stephanie Plum (Janet Evanovich books) - :floorlaugh:

IMO, JMO, etc.

Well let me tell you what I'm thinking. And maybe it isn't a problem. But if a defendant leaves the state where a bail bondsman is licensed, does a bail bondsman lose the right to pull the bond because of jurisdictional issues.

In other words, what if GZ was allowed to leave the state and a bail bondsman didn't know where he is, what then? I would think that a bail bondsman licensed in FL has no jurisdiction in another state unless he/she is also licensed there. So if George were to commit some crime in another state and the bondsman wanted to surrender him could he?
remember that when george made his original statements..he did not even know his victims name..nor did the police at the time. In Georges mind he had bagged a wouldbe /druggies and knew full well the victim cant contradict whatever he says. Why would he apologise or state he felt sorry for his victim's parents that night??

He pretty clearly found out the next morning after ID was made, that the victim had been ID'd by the father, and that the victim was an innocent minor who actually was living there at the Green house. WHY didnt he march right over there and apologise, and show remorse??

We know what he did do however..Packed up and fled, left his job and went into hiding:banghead: February 27th, less than 24 hours after he shot this minor :maddening:

I don't think he believed TM was "innocent" and it doesn't look like he was. The injury to GZ's head didn't come from nowhere. TM attacked him imo.
BBM~ I have no clue what has or has not been fabricated. BUT, I do know something is amiss with this photo. Somebody is covering up something...the line is just too clean (see arrow).
Someone mentioned he was wearing a hat?

The initial police report said clearly GZ was bleeding from his nose and back of his head.

The marks on the new picture line up with the marks some see on the police video.

There are medical records backing up the claim that GZ's nose was broken.

IMO its clear he was getting his arse whooped when he pulled that trigger.

I say GZ was acting in self defense and it is my opinion, as of now, there will be no 2nd degree murder conviction.
IMO there is no way 12 jurors will find him guilty.


All of the boded can be true and it still be 2nd degree murder. None of that proves what GZ's intent was.............
Injuries to GZ or not, it doesn't matter. It also doesn't prove who the aggressor was in this situation. I really wish people would try to understand that. Debating the authenticity of any photos right now is pointless, in my opinion.

GZ was the aggressor. Trayvon was defending himself (standing HIS ground)and he had every right to do that. If my attacker was injured in my attempt to defend my life, so what?!?!


I believe TM was clearly the aggressor as evidenced by the injuries to GZ's nose and head. He seems to have escalated the situation.
Stuff like that happens when people are murdered because 1 person is dead and can't tell his story so the state goes to circumstantial evidence that points to what probably did happen. Most murders do not have a video tape of them.

But relying upon circumstantial also brings up reasonable doubt. There were a lot of potential witnesses in the complex, many called 911. But none were able to say who started the physical fight.
All of the boded can be true and it still be 2nd degree murder. None of that proves what GZ's intent was.............

I can't see what's bolded. Tapatalk.
I'll just assume we will agree to disagree.
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