17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #32

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Remember these posts I made this morning on Thread #31. I meant to post these up yonder when I made the new thread but work got away from me.
This is not a warning to one poster, but to many:

I am on duty (off and on) during the day today and I will NOT put up with the personal jabs like the mods did yesterday. If you guys want to get personal with each other, expect a time out because it will happen. I am not here to edit and remove posts. :saber:

Everyone has now been forewarned. Continue on and play nice!

Stop discussing what other posters should be posting NOW. If you see victim bashing, alert the post. Mods don't read every post and by bringing this up on the thread, you are merely going to start problems.
Maybe? But, according to the "friend" that reported this story, he said George had informed them all that he had gotten his AA in criminal justice? Whatever floats his boat, I guess? I personally think he was trying to get his parents approval, as it seems he and his brother were not really raised by them? The same way I feel he wanted the approval of LE? I just think he has problem? Like serious problems!



Who were they raised by?
Bringing belle3's post over from closed thread.


The above linkisthe administrative investigation intothe collison case. Is that the same officer timothy smith that arrived onscene in the tm killing?

Officer Anthony Raimondo was another officer that was involved in that case who was also on the scene the night of Trayvon's killing.

There was some discussion about it here;

I can understand that if you take it out of context. The totality of his behaviour suggests to me a narcissistic component. For example, I think he fancies himself as the hero of his high flying fantasies, superior to others and special; he is grandiose. He acts above the law- the rules don't apply to him. He showed no remorse until it was convenient and useful. He seems to be paranoid as well. He doesn't have a stable job history either and possesses a cleaned up record of aggressive behaviour. He's skilled enough to get others to cover up for him or fix things for him and is weak in accountability. I wouldn't be surprised to find that the bad things that happen due to his behaviour are always someone else's fault and that he portrays himself as the eternal victim. He even has cultivated a meek and mild persona (yet carries a gun with hollow point bullets). Makes me go hmmmm.

ITA. And at least he's run up his own credit cards, not run up other people's credits cards and stolen money and checks from people like someone in another case. I don't see nearly as much narcissism here. I see more of a sense of entitlement. A lot of people act entitled, but narcissism doesn't necessarily go along with it. I don't think he's sociopathic either, unlike Casey Anthony. He desperately wants approval and to see himself as better than he is. He sees himself as a hero because that makes him feel good and feel like he is doing something good with his life. He needs to be the hero or what else is he? Narcisstic people don't care about approval - they ARE the approval and everyone knows it. They do what they want and everyone just has to deal with the fallout. Casey didn't care what anyone though and people just had to deal with her, and mom and dad just had to cover for her.

I think he has a lot of mental problems, cultivated for years by his family who probably thought it might be a good thing at first, and didn't realize what it was growing into. I hope he's getting help for it. I think he can get help and be better, unlike Casey A. There's no help for her. I just don't put him in the same category at her. Casey is evil. GZ is paranoid and entitled, but not necessarily evil. I think he shouldn't run around armed ever again, that's for sure.
I still question whether he was ever really behind it or not.

Didn't GZ's wife say at the bond hearing, when asked about how much was in there, that her brother-in-law, GZ's brother, knows or would know? I can't imagine that the family did it without GZ's knowledge.

Didn't GZ's wife say at the bond hearing, when asked about how much was in there, that her brother-in-law, GZ's brother, knows or would know? I can't imagine that the family did it without GZ's knowledge.


I think they were told to distance themselves from that website. I think they were behind it along with GZ, or he may have been at the forefront and it seemed like a good idea at the time, but then it wasn't, and maybe MOM told them to distances themselves from it. And then it was just in GZ's best interest to shut it down. I think MOM was behind that, and that is a smart thing to do. MOM, thought annoying, seems to be a pretty good lawyer for GZ so far.
I don't know. I'm pretty confident you don't, either. But if you do know, I'd love to hear the statistics.

You're right. Don't know. Don't care.

However, GZ IS up on second degree murder charges. So his level of responsibility and accountability is of interest to me. It helps me to form an opinion as to his character (or lack thereof).

GZ has made himself a public figure by shooting a young black man to death. His history is now up for public discussion and scrutiny <modsnip>
I still question whether he was ever really behind it or not.

His former attorneys confirmed it was his. FT confirmed it was created and owned by him. His family has acknowledged it belonged to him. His brother confirmed it was his on one of the shows he appeared on.
IMO, there's only one question in this case. Why did GZ get out of his vehicle? Seriously, why? The police had been informed and were on their way. So WHY DID HE GET OUT OF HIS VEHICLE?????? Trayvon was not committing a crime. Even GZ said only that TM "looked suspicious." I think he's going to have a heck of a time trying to explain that one and that goes to the entire case against him. JMHO, etc.
Still have 3 more pages to catch up from the last thread, but wanted to pop in for a moment to respond from the old thread:
ScubaTwinn said:
LinasK - Have you ever been in a position where you identified yourself with your Neighborhood Watch? TIA.
The answer is no, because I have never followed nor questioned a suspicious person. When I have spotted one, like a break-in I thought was occurring 2 houses down from me because noone was living there, I called LE. They immediately followed up and found out that it had been temporarily rented, but this chick left the front doors wide open and had the doors to her van open, and was new to the area.
I believe it was yesterday when it was posted the # of crime reports that were documented in GZ's community in a year's period. Does anyone recall the #? I believe it was over 400.
I believe it was yesterday when it was posted the # of crime reports that were documented in GZ's community in a year's period. Does anyone recall the #? I believe it was over 400.

You may be referring to a video Concerned Papa posted. It said the police had been called to the 260 unit complex 402 times between 1/1/2011 and 2/26/2012.

[ame="http://websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7825282&postcount=766"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - 17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #31[/ame]
His former attorneys confirmed it was his. FT confirmed it was created and owned by him. His family has acknowledged it belonged to him. His brother confirmed it was his on one of the shows he appeared on.

His former attorneys are not credible to me. One of his family members may have been running it, doesn't mean GZ was though.

Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. We'll never know if it doesn't come back online.
I believe it was yesterday when it was posted the # of crime reports that were documented in GZ's community in a year's period. Does anyone recall the #? I believe it was over 400.

This short vid will answer that for you ladonna.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnS3lpHHX0w"]Sanford PD Smoke & Mirrors 1 - YouTube[/ame]
You're right. Don't know. Don't care.

However, GZ IS up on second degree murder charges. So his level of responsibility and accountability is of interest to me. It helps me to form an opinion as to his character (or lack thereof).

GZ has made himself a public figure by shooting a young black man to death. His history is now up for public discussion and scrutiny as is allowed<modsnip>.


Personally, I like to consider both sides of the story when I'm voicing an opinion, particularly a very strong opinion, regarding whether a citizen of this country should spend the rest of their natural life behind bars or where, even if they do not, they have been destroyed in the media and in the court of public opinion so that their lives will never be the same, regardless.

I get Trayvon and his family's side, here. But that doesn't mean there isn't another perfectly valid side of the story, or that it shouldn't be sought or brought out elsewhere, or that judgment shouldn't be reserved until it has been. jmo
Remember, we have some very lively conversations about this case in our SOUND OFF forum. That forum is not moderated.

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=484"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
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