2008.10.14 Casey A Arrest Video - Can it be Used in Court?

2009.04.06 Today's Current News

Links to the videos are in red font at the bottom of the first post on the thread.

Thank you!

I watched... It looked lke it was KILLING her not to look in the file folder Det. EE left in there with her.

Also, JB seemed peeved when he asked for some where to talk to KC in private. Kind of a "What the hell are you thinking" tone.

The picking of the hands? Just creepy...
I was absolutely amazed when watching KC in the arrest video.
In the past, I have displayed more anxiety when being pulled over for a traffic violation.

I think KC thinks every man is interested in getting it on with her.
She thinks there is not a man out there she can't seduce.

Did KC not know she was being video-taped? I can't get over the constant tucking in, pulling, and fidgeting with her hair and clothes. What is wrong with this woman???

I do hope the jury gets to see this video.

I can't imagine the police treating a man like they treated KC with kid gloves...and the flirtation going on in both directions. The police really should be ashamed of this video. you would think she was in there for jay walking and that she was going to go out with them and have some drinks after this.
One of the TH's on NG said that KC was playing the cops like a fiddle. I thought that was a rather stupid comment since the cops got to go home that night and KC hasn't seen home since. She isn't playing anyone at all. She is a player in her own mind.

They just let her rattle on and on as they sat there calmly and politely. She thinks she is so smart "I don't know whether you have buckets of evidence down there, or. . . or. . .or. . . just speculation. . . ". Cop response - blank stare. She was waiting for them to show their cards as if they have NEVER done this before. Hahahahaha! She is an idiot of the first degree.

I personally have never met any English speaking person who is as unskilled in the use of words as she is in her everyday communication.

The tape makes me want to shake her to death. Too bad CA didn't finish her off on the 15th when she had the chance. Caylee would still be here and everyone who ever knew KC would testify that it was a justifiable homicide.

There was one sided flirting -cops will play whatever game you play to get you to talk. They weren't flirting with her. They were just playing along, giving her all the rope she wanted.
I would think that behavioral profilers would be advising LE on how to act with KC if they have any hope of getting info out of her. They know she likes to flirt and be seductive so they play to that. Never forget that when LP finally confronted her he told her to cut the BS and she said, "Get out of my house." I think LE is using a tactic. I any case, it makes me sick.

Personally, I would love the jury to see the tape. Her narcissism is in full bloom with the hair flipping, etc. Maybe the SA can show the tape during closing arguments along with her bumping and grinding at Fusian juxtaposed with pictures of Caylee's remains. Maybe KC flipping her hair and then the skull with the hair attached from the duct tape. As you can tell, that monster pushes every one of my buttons. :furious:
I can't imagine the police treating a man like they treated KC with kid gloves...and the flirtation going on in both directions. The police really should be ashamed of this video. you would think she was in there for jay walking and that she was going to go out with them and have some drinks after this.

Bold by me
Sorry, but I don't think that is fair at all. It didn't seem like flirtation to me. Casey had already invoked her right to counsel, so they couldn't come down hard on her with direct questions. LE was just trying to be non-confrontational to keep her talking about whatever she would until her attorney arrived.
Sorry if this might not be the time or place, but I was discussing with my bff how different this might have played out if only there had been some females in that room.

We have seen KC very few times in the company of females. I don't count the fake stuff with LKB in court, the cameras were on. But the only first hand scenes we've been privy to are how horrible she is to CA in jail and how nasty she is to Kristina on that very first phone call.

When she is around guys she goes into charmboat mode - it take her longer to get "frushtrated". Personally I feel sorry for all the guys that have had to be so circumspect and observe protocol so well when they speak with her. I think she would have cracked and lost her cool much quicker if she had been confronted by a female officer and interrogator. When she loses her coo around women, she tends to slip up more imo. Even in the early interview with LE where she is confronted firmly about lying, she has almost no affect, and never gets overly excited.

Maybe it's the female in me (and I know there are quite a few of us out there who would have tied a knot in our daughter if the safety of our granddaughter was half as much at stake as it seemed here) but it's really hard to watch that scene where she can't keep her hands off herself, twitching and fidgeting and fixing herself constantly as if she has to remind herself that she exists and is still the center of the universe.

A woman could have made her feel more quickly that it is no use trying to flirt your way out of this, honey, I'm immune to that crap, and now let's get down to business before I lose it and break something.

(thank you, that felt better). I just think even the presence of another female in that room would have shifted the chemistry a bit and thrown her off guard. I wonder if LE noticed as well and might shift their tactics in the future. Female sociopaths are like cobras - they need to be disarmed by a mongoose not a man.
Your post is right on, Cecy. I found myself quite bewildered at Casey's obvious flirtation with the males around her. She seemingly uses her sex appeal to attempt to pull the wool over the eyes of all males around her. A female in the room would be quite telling.

And this statement Female sociopaths are like cobras - they need to be disarmed by a mongoose not a man. I stood up and applauded you! No truer words could be spoken.
I would think that behavioral profilers would be advising LE on how to act with KC if they have any hope of getting info out of her. They know she likes to flirt and be seductive so they play to that. Never forget that when LP finally confronted her he told her to cut the BS and she said, "Get out of my house." I think LE is using a tactic. I any case, it makes me sick.

Personally, I would love the jury to see the tape. Her narcissism is in full bloom with the hair flipping, etc. Maybe the SA can show the tape during closing arguments along with her bumping and grinding at Fusian juxtaposed with pictures of Caylee's remains. Maybe KC flipping her hair and then the skull with the hair attached from the duct tape. As you can tell, that monster pushes every one of my buttons. :furious:

KC pushes all my buttons as well. No doubt, KC will not be a likeable defendant. IMO
Bold by me
Sorry, but I don't think that is fair at all. It didn't seem like flirtation to me. Casey had already invoked her right to counsel, so they couldn't come down hard on her with direct questions. LE was just trying to be non-confrontational to keep her talking about whatever she would until her attorney arrived.

I agree with you completely. LE already tried the tough guy approach...and if we have learned one thing from Casey over all this time...is that she cuts and runs when the going gets tough. When folks don't play along and believe her like what she is used to - she throws a tantrum or runs. Avoidance. I thought that was pretty clear when she started to lecture the detective about how it wasn't right to have filmed her mom without her knowledge. When the detective didn't back down and just stared at her...she very quickly bailed and said "well I guess you don't HAVE to tell people." She tried being in control...but realized it wasn't working.

I think she went in that room from the beginning knowing she was being recorded. She had an agenda and wanted to slide in a few comments she knew would be heard by the public when it was released. She talked about filming without knowledge, she talked about leaking info about the grand jury, and she primped and primped and primped to look good on camera. She wanted to look in control too. I believe all her fidgeting was an attempt to look bored and not concerned...but it truly revealed her anxiousness because it was too excessive.

All of this is my opinion of course...but I don't believe she ever intended to answer any questions from LE. That was all a bluff. When she was called on it...she caved. Typical Casey from what I see.
I would think yes. I was a juror on a murder trial many many years ago. The prosecution showed us a tape...similar to this one...in that it showed the defendant's cold indifference. It was an image that stuck with the jury for sure. I couldn't get over in that tape how much she adjusted her clothing and flipped her hair. She was constant motion. She was clearly agitated but still primping primping primping. She is all about the primp. That would not be lost on a jury.

My favorite was the gum smacking and nail picking when left alone in the room - oh, and the up, down, up, down while tucking in her too small blouse in the back then immediately pulling it back out again in the front. Considering the magnitude of the charges against her in that hour, I hope the jury sees this video.
KC made me crazy watching her chew like a cow and fix and adjust her hair, clothes, nails etc. She made a huge point of mentioning the Amber alert, along with the media leaks re the GJ and video, probably the result of being coached by JB and the other A's to make sure she "got that out there" if she was ever in a situation where she might be recorded. I am also curious as to where the video camera was hidden as KC seemed at one point to look straight at it but then continued to look around trying to find it. I would think that it was in a light fixture. All in all, she presents herself as a very brazen, conceited, self-centered, manipulative, cold-hearted b#### who is acting under the delusion that this is only a temporary situation and she will be found not guilty and released when the jury sees how gorgeous and charming she is, after all her father calls her "beautiful" and her mother calls her "sweetheart" after she killed their only grandchild.
KC made me crazy watching her chew like a cow and fix and adjust her hair, clothes, nails etc. She made a huge point of mentioning the Amber alert, along with the media leaks re the GJ and video, probably the result of being coached by JB and the other A's to make sure she "got that out there" if she was ever in a situation where she might be recorded. I am also curious as to where the video camera was hidden as KC seemed at one point to look straight at it but then continued to look around trying to find it. I would think that it was in a light fixture. All in all, she presents herself as a very brazen, conceited, self-centered, manipulative, cold-hearted b#### who is acting under the delusion that this is only a temporary situation and she will be found not guilty and released when the jury sees how gorgeous and charming she is.

The A's "no Amber Alert" complaint drives me nuts!!
31 one days too late, wouldn't you say?

The A's "no Amber Alert" complaint drives me nuts!!
31 one days too late, wouldn't you say?


Totally ridiculous. I especially couldn't believe my ears when George spouted that on LKL on December 10th, the evening before Caylee was found. He said it like he couldn't believe that LE was so incompetent in not doing so. That was really the high point of all of George's dishonesty throughout this entire case.
Thanks for your answers all!

Haven't been able to check back in since beginning this thread.

Now, off to finish reading & catching back up again!

I was absolutely amazed when watching KC in the arrest video.
In the past, I have displayed more anxiety when being pulled over for a traffic violation.

I think KC thinks every man is interested in getting it on with her.
She thinks there is not a man out there she can't seduce.

Did KC not know she was being video-taped? I can't get over the constant tucking in, pulling, and fidgeting with her hair and clothes. What is wrong with this woman???

I do hope the jury gets to see this video.

And the laughing and joking!

It literally made me sick. When I heard about Sandra's mother's reaction when she found out her child was in that suitcase I cried for her. This is a truly caring loving and devastated mom. Casey A is....... there just is no word for her as a mother OR a person. Other than demonic.
I've probably watched too many movies and police procedurals, but I thought maybe the ones who are nice to her are hoping to get her to slip up if they treat her like she's their friend. To me in these videos it looks like she falls for it to some degree, even though she doesn't admit anything. IMO she thinks they like her or find her attractive. There's got to be some psychology involved in police work, I would think, as far as sizing up your suspect or informant and trying to figure out what kind of approach will work on them best. Unfortunately for LE, I'm sure Casey would actually rather sit in jail forever than talk about what happened to Caylee.

I was stunned at first about the way LE was approaching her. But once I thought about it more, what might just work to get her to 'talk'....... Just what they did! They may not have gotten their confession but they certainly learned how very concerned she WASN'T for her missing, presumed dead baby girl!

As tho her 'GUT' feeling over rode any of the evidence. I don't think she's capable of a gut feeling, she certainly wasn't showing any anxiety over her arrest nor the fact they told her straight out they KNEW Caylee was dead!
I'm so glad to read that I wasn't the only one irritated by her actions. It was something with her the whole time, whether it was picking her nails, tucking her tucking, flipping her hair, smacking the gum, pulling her socks, etc. It was plainly obvious to me that when the officers were in the room she was trying very hard to flirt with them especially when it came to flipping her hair. I dunno how anyone could stand to watch the entire video because I was nuts after 10 minutes. Truthfully, it's downright sickening to watch her and I really hope that they show this at her trial because I think it will go a long way towards showing that she just didn't give a crap about Caylee period.
One of the TH's on NG said that KC was playing the cops like a fiddle. I thought that was a rather stupid comment since the cops got to go home that night and KC hasn't seen home since. She isn't playing anyone at all. She is a player in her own mind.

They just let her rattle on and on as they sat there calmly and politely. She thinks she is so smart "I don't know whether you have buckets of evidence down there, or. . . or. . .or. . . just speculation. . . ". Cop response - blank stare. She was waiting for them to show their cards as if they have NEVER done this before. Hahahahaha! She is an idiot of the first degree.

I personally have never met any English speaking person who is as unskilled in the use of words as she is in her everyday communication.

The tape makes me want to shake her to death. Too bad CA didn't finish her off on the 15th when she had the chance. Caylee would still be here and everyone who ever knew KC would testify that it was a justifiable homicide.

There was one sided flirting -cops will play whatever game you play to get you to talk. They weren't flirting with her. They were just playing along, giving her all the rope she wanted.

This video has just made my jaw drop. Here sits Casey who was just indicted for MURDER for killing her 2 year old daughter... Her daughter been missing for months, and she is so calm, cool and collected. Smacking her gum, and giggling. WTH?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
I think a very telling part of the video was her ability to recite Jose's phone number to LE without hesitation or thought. She couldn't give one number for ZFG, a person she knew for years and left her child with almost every day. A person she left Caylee with over night and allowed to take to the beach, Universal, etc (if you believe Casey).

I don't have words to describe her behavior in that room. What happened to the oh-so-sad-crying Casey during the press conference in front of JB's office right before she was arrested? She didn't seem disturbed, unhappy, or even sad in that room. In fact she seemed quite happy with herself at times. She must be the most arrogant person I've ever seen or the dumbest (probably a mixture of both).

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