2010.02.08 - Today's Current News - ***NO DISCUSSIONS HERE PLEASE ***

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2010.02.08 - Today's Current News - ***NO DISCUSSIONS HERE PLEASE ***

*Released Late Evening 2/7/10

ONLY ON KFOX: El Paso Investigator Takes On 'Baby Gabriel' Case
Posted: 8:31 pm MST February 7, 2010
Updated: 9:16 pm MST February 7, 2010
"We're searching all over,&#8221; Armes said from his Lower Valley compound. &#8220;My insticts are that the baby is still is alive, because there has been no sighting of any blood or any cadaver.&#8221;

"I've sent some agents out of town on some leads and they're pretty good, they're pretty believable," Armes said.

Armes said Gabriel may have been taken to Mexico, but he is investigating every possible situation.

VIDEO REPORT: El Paso PI Hired In National Missing Baby Case 1:39

UPDATED: Police say baby Gabriel case is now a murder investigation
Last Update: 2/08/10 Last Update: 9:07 am
Weather permitting, the search is planned for Monday. The announcement of a landfill search comes after detectives announced they are investigating the case as a kidnapping and homicide, allowing them to search for a body.

McQueary formed an investigative team of his own. Along with family members and the world famous private detective Jay J. Armes, McQueary has been making his rounds, passing out flyers and visiting hotels, gas stations, bus stops and fast food restaurants Johnson may have visited before Gabriel was last seen in San Antonio. Armes said he believes Gabriel was the victim of an "underground adoption," and has made a trip to Mexico to look for the child.

McQueary's efforts are all paid for by the Gabriel Johnson Trust Fund, which has raised $4,000 so far in public donations. The McQueary family's fundraiser was an attempt to raise enough money for McQueary to continue his trip, increase reward money and to donate the remainder to charity if Gabriel is found.

"I look forward to the day we can stand up here in front of the camera and announce that you all are invited to Gabriel's welcome home party," said Kelli McQueary at the fundraiser. "Logan's message and the whole family's message to Gabriel remains, hang in there Gabriel, Daddy is on his way."

*Much More Info At Link!

Video: Police expected to search landfill for missing Tempe baby 1:55

Video: Police now calling case of missing Tempe baby a homicide 2/7/10 2:00

Police Probe Missing Ariz. Baby Case as Homicide
Febuary 8, 2010
San Antonio police announced Saturday that they are investigating the case of an Arizona baby missing for more than a month as a kidnapping and homicide, allowing them to search for a dead body. Police Chief William McManus said officers will search a landfill for the body of 8-month-old Gabriel Johnson once weather permits, adding that he still hopes authorities will find the boy alive.

Peg Mulloy, a spokeswoman for Arizona-based Republic Services Inc., which owns the 1,000-acre landfill that police plan to search, told the San Antonio Express-News that part of it has been blocked off since authorities contacted the waste management company.

McManus said police had been planning "for a long time" to search the site but rainy weather had caused delays.

UPDATED: Expert: Baby Gabriel May Have Been Adopted
New Evidence Suggests The Accused Kidnapper Planned To Give Baby Gabriel Away
POSTED: 11:44 pm MST February 7, 2010
UPDATED: 5:33 pm MST February 8, 2010
After talking to an adoption expert who helps the FBI in the world of underground adoptions, the McQueary family learned some startling connections. The Homegate Hotel where Elizabeth stayed is well known in adoption circles. Agencies put girls up there for meetings with families, and to complete paperwork.

&#8220;It just seems like it is a place that mothers go when they&#8217;re trying to give up their children,&#8221; said Lisa Peters.

The adoption expert, who didn't want to be identified, also had plenty to say about the San Antonio Six Flags. &#8220;Often girls go to Six Flags to meet with the adoptive family. There&#8217;s a lot of people in and out there, and there&#8217;s also security there, and it&#8217;s a safe place for both the mother and the family to meet, often to bring the child, introduce the child to the family,&#8221; said Lisa Peters.

Johnson and Gabriel were spotted on surveillance footage outside the Six Flags on Dec. 26, the same day she took the last known photos of Gabriel in the Homegate hotel room. That was also just two days after she posted two comments on her MySpace page stating, "Where there's a will, there's a way" and "Excited to start my new life."

*More info at link!

VIDEO: Why No Amber Alert Issued For Baby Gabriel? 2:33
Should Texas authorities have issued an Amber Alert for missing baby Gabriel Johnson?

VIDEO: New Texas Laws Make Adoption Easier 2:57
Experts speculate that there's a chance Elizabeth Johnson put her missing baby Gabriel up for adoption in Texas.

VIDEO: Woman: I Saw Elizabeth Johnson, Baby Gabriel 2:18

VIDEO REPORT: Was Baby Gabriel Victim Of Underground Adoption? 2:49
The search for baby Gabriel gained momentum Sunday when new evidence surfaced that suggests it was Elizabeth Johnso...

Video: Father of Missing Baby Continues Search-February 7 2010, 10:09 PM CST
The search begins for a young father looking for his missing 9 month old son.
Logan Mcqueary is in town searching for anyone or anything that leads him to little Gabriel Johnson. Our Yami Virgin followed Mcqueary this afternoon with his cousins as they hit some of the spots Johnson visited.


Video: Baby Gabriel Update February 8 2010, 10:32 AM
February 8 2010, 10:32 AM
The search for baby Gabriel at a local landfill could be as early as today.
Police say they plan to search the Tessman road landfill depending on the weather. Our Sylvia Rincon is in the newsroom with the very latest on the case.

Baby Gabriel's dad believes his son was adopted in S.A.
Posted on February 8, 2010 at 12:13 PM
Baby Gabriel's father says two locations in San Antonio where Elizabeth Johnson and Gabriel were last spot spotted lead him to believe that the baby was adopted.

Despite these clues, the San Antonio Police Department plans to search the landnfill for the baby's body as soon as the weather cooperates.

Video: Baby Gabriel's dad believes his son was adopted in S.A. 1:19

UPDATED: Baby's Father Retraces Johnson's Steps in Texas
McQueary believes Gabriel is "out there and alive"
Updated: Monday, 08 Feb 2010, 5:34 PM MST
Published : Monday, 08 Feb 2010, 7:33 AM MST
Meanwhile, the baby's father, Logan McQueary, spent the weekend going to area businesses and talking with investigators. He's holding out hope the baby is still alive.

Police Chief William McManus said officers will search a landfill for the body of 8-month-old Gabriel Johnson once weather permits, adding that he still hopes authorities will find the boy alive.

Heavy rain is delaying the search in Texas, but they plan on continuing soon.

*2-Videos Included In Article Link!


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