2010.12.20 Hearing

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who is that man sitting next to Cindy. he is always with her. Could this be the hollywood producer?, if so then this is where Cindy got the money for her desinger purse. grrrr

It is Mark Lippman, their current attorney.
Did you notice that Kathi was chomping gum like there's no tomorrow?

I laughed and laughed loudly when I saw that! :D

I think she is a very funny, smart, spirited gal, one that sure has been a breath of fresh air compared to the softball interviews the defense and family get from others. I love that quote in your signature. Let's get this straight according to her, her mother is a bit--, her brother and father are child molestors and ...what...therefore she can't help who she is? Can you imagine having only two people on this entire planet willing to come see you, seeing your mother cry, she is clearly a shaking nervous wreck, at her wits end, practically leveled to the floor begging you for clues, knowing she is literally ill and depressed and barely holding it together and rather than be grateful for her devotion, you call her a bitc=, a name others would NEVER ever use against their own mother? It tells us who she is.

May is coming Casey.


Although this hearing was sooo short, it was a treasure trove.
No Andrea
No Linda Kenney Baden
Casey's BFF Jeannette Barret is getting benched
now possibly no Dr. Lee

Baez better break out his Lexis Nexis free umbrella....
the rain has set in.
ICA looks very nervous, disheveled, making strange motions with her mouth

I think we would all be making strange motions with our mouth if we were sitting at a hearing dealing with witnesses to be called when she is found guility and faces the death penalty.

I really don't think they are going to hand down the death penalty. I think it is life without parole.

did someone tell me on this Board (if you remember) that in order to bring up sexual abuse at the sentencing phase, that it has to be brought up at trial.
Wow, this is the worst KC has looked in a long time. Her hair looked absolutely dirty - to the point it was "separating". The blouse does not look fresh - notice back of blouse when she is walking in. "Disheveled" is the word of the day for her appearance.

Well, if they're trying out different "looks" for use at trial, this one is not a winner.
I'm thinking of Susan Smith. I don't think the sexual abuse by her stepfather came in at all until the penalty phase because I remember it being a big shock. And in that case it was admitted to so I don't know if it could come in without an admission or without Casey testifying. KWIM?
Did I hear Mrs. Finnell correctly, at about the five minute mark?
Did she say certain aspects of the victim could have a bearing on penalty?

Good grief, please for the love of God, don't tell me they are going to say Caylee somehow died of natural causes. What could she possibly be talking about?
That child did not tape up her own mouth and little nose and walk herself into those woods, climb into a bag and die.

This reminds me of one of the evidence photos from Casey's room that depicted a parenting book, with page marked about holding the line with a toddler during their temper tantrum. I remember feeling somehow ill reading that, for some reason, and I am no Ginny Lucas.

What was apparent to me now that I was able to watch the entire presentation by Mrs. Finnell is that she is concerned that these would be witnesses are so extremely reluctant that they will try to avoid subpoenas, they will MAKE THEMSELVES unavailable. What part of that is not clear? They will be hostile, at best, if they are MADE to come. It does not sound good for Casey. Indeed if the names are released and someone puts a mic and a news camera in their face, so angered that they were listed after being very clear they had nothing good to say, they may just say something the defense will regret being on the five o clock news. That is the pattern with the defense, they do not know when to stop. Jose and Cheney could not or would not accept no for an answer when the relatives told Mrs. Barrett no, so now here comes the defense same old song and dance, different person knocking on their doors again. Wow. Not wise. They never seem to think of what is the worst possible outcome if we do x y or z. Never.

Is that way you understood what Mrs. Finnell was saying, that some of them would be surprised and shocked to learn they are listed? Judge Perry even seemed surprised by this strategy in the last hearing Mrs. Finnell brought this up at, almost as if to raise his eyebrow to say , like a scolding parent to the child, stop that ever lasting whining before I come over there and give you something real to cry about. They would have been better off having Andrea regail her stories of how some on death row have done some good, ministering to others, or finding some small redeeming measure so therefore convincing them that Casey too possibly, one day, could do something of some redemtion in prison. That would resignate with folks better than calling a clearly reluctant witness. What in the world? God bless these jurors, in advance!

I'm fine with it if the judge does not release the names to the public until she is ( if she is ) found guilty. The state has the names, and I trust these seasoned prosecutors, all day long. They will handle this, with ease.

You just can't make this stuff up!
Hectic day at work today, no time for ICA or court...so I just read the last 10 pages of this thread and want to say "Thank you" to all of you who posted during the hearing. You're wonderful! Reading your post makes me feel like I didn't miss a beat!
Wow, this is the worst KC has looked in a long time. Her hair looked absolutely dirty - to the point it was "separating". The blouse does not look fresh - notice back of blouse when she is walking in. "Disheveled" is the word of the day for her appearance.

Well, if they're trying out different "looks" for use at trial, this one is not a winner.

If I didn't know that she does not have access to an iron and spray starch, I would think that she didn't plan ahead and used too much on her hair, not leaving enough to press her blouse. Cindy must have been horrified at her perfect daughter's slovenly appearance.
It is Mark Lippman, their current attorney.

ok thanks. I cant keep up with the revolving attorneys in this case. lol seems their all jumping ship and getting replaced with lthe less known type. lol

Has anyone ever discovered just how Cindy and George are getting by w/o working these days? That question has bugged me from the get-go. The thought of them raking in millions of dollars while the state of FLorida pays through the nose to defend Casey just upsets me. And poor little Caylee left in the woods to rot all while they entertain the media and demand money. grrrrrr
According to one article in the news thread, people who have know her her whole life don't want to help keep her off death row because they don't want to be hounded by the media. Let's see...I have a chance to help my family/friend NOT DIE...but no I don't want to be on t.v. Ummm I'm guessing these people still won't want to talk to AF if they got this motion approved because if she's not worth the bother of reporters, they probably don't care if she dies. Just sayin.

I didn't see the hearing, am just now catching up, but if this is the Defense's theory that is exactly the opposite of what actually happened. All of ICA's friends were willingly interviewed by LE and media when the story broke, hoping to shed some light on the situation and perhaps help in retrieving Caylee if that were possible. They have all since faded back into their everyday lives and apart from websites like this I would imagine most area residents would not recall much other than their names. I doubt they could document one friend who has actually complained of being 'hounded'.
Wow, this is the worst KC has looked in a long time. Her hair looked absolutely dirty - to the point it was "separating". The blouse does not look fresh - notice back of blouse when she is walking in. "Disheveled" is the word of the day for her appearance.

Well, if they're trying out different "looks" for use at trial, this one is not a winner.

Isn't the family responsible for the clothes for court? You would think that CA would make sure KC had something newly pressed for the hearings. Last week the clothes were brought in on a hanger and they still looked unironed. Plus the ruffles when Mom knows KC hates ruffles. So if the shirt were pressed do you suppose it became wrinkled when KC saw it and said, "Not this shirt again" threw it on the floor and then stomped on it. lol No "mother of the year" would let her child wear a shirt that looked like that, you would iron it for heaven sakes. jmo
I didn't see the hearing, am just now catching up, but if this is the Defense's theory that is exactly the opposite of what actually happened. All of ICA's friends were willingly interviewed by LE and media when the story broke, hoping to shed some light on the situation and perhaps help in retrieving Caylee if that were possible. They have all since faded back into their everyday lives and apart from websites like this I would imagine most area residents would not recall much other than their names. I doubt they could document one friend who has actually complained of being 'hounded'.

ITA ZsaZsa! I'm betting the defense is having a hard time finding anyone willing to speak up on casey's behalf during the penalty phase, and are trying to get the list sealed to conceal the fact that NO ONE other than her parents really cares much one way or the other whether she lives or dies. Either that, or they don't want G&C to know who's on the list, in case it might affect their support of ICA. Jmo, of course.
I was at the hearing today too. I don't think Ms. Finnell is a great speaker. I could hear everything she was saying, but she spoke in a low almost monotone. She was not animated at all. That could be a problem if she does this in front of a jury. I thought Cindy looked very tired and not well. KC's hair did look like it had not been washed and had been put 'up' quickly and haphazardly.

I will be interested in how JP rules on this. I do want to say that when he went to his computer, he was not ignoring Ms. Finnell. It looked like he was looking up the newpaper or journal that she cited towards the end of her time at the podium. It was in reference to a trial in some other county. He always seem to have all the relevant case law at his fingertips and this one seemed to surprise him a bit, so he immediately went to look it up. At least that was my impression.
Isn't the family responsible for the clothes for court? You would think that CA would make sure KC had something newly pressed for the hearings. Last week the clothes were brought in on a hanger and they still looked unironed. Plus the ruffles when Mom knows KC hates ruffles. So if the shirt were pressed do you suppose it became wrinkled when KC saw it and said, "Not this shirt again" threw it on the floor and then stomped on it. lol No "mother of the year" would let her child wear a shirt that looked like that, you would iron it for heaven sakes. jmo

I think Cindy does get the clothes for her and they look bad. So to hear she does not like ruffles is interesting. The clothes look extremely cheap. I am going to say the blouse is less than $10 and the slacks maybe 12 to 15. Sounds petty, but she looks very slovenly, but (and this is not going to go over well) she is very very pretty, messy hair or not and that is going to go a long way in saving her from the death penalty, imo.
I missed today's hearing but I am watching an update video.

I usually don't comment on the looks of the defendant but, wtf?! She looks crazy as sh...
I think Cindy does get the clothes for her and they look bad. So to hear she does not like ruffles is interesting. The clothes look extremely cheap. I am going to say the blouse is less than $10 and the slacks maybe 12 to 15. Sounds petty, but she looks very slovenly, but (and this is not going to go over well) she is very very pretty, messy hair or not and that is going to go a long way in saving her from the death penalty, imo.


I hear ya Solace, but so was Caylee. I wished it would have helped save HER life.
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