2011.03.24 Frye Hearing - Morning portion

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People have mentioned this before, but it bears repeating. I have never seen a defendant sift through binders/documents/take notes like Casey does. It's like she's gone back to high school, sitting at her desk every morning, sitting attentive and taking notes. It's bizarre.

She is a defense attorney..didn't you see her put that hat on...the chameleon that she is...
I never understood how a police officers hunch is an unconstitutional grounds for a search; but a dog’s indication, which is entirely interpreted by a police officer, meets the definition of probable cause. Dogs aren’t machines and so long as their behavior has to be interpreted by a handler it leaves the door wide open for the handler to abuse their authority.

Once again “new professionalism” trumps common sense. Now it seems to have gone even farther in that dog indications are used as evidence of a crime, even when no other evidence is available. Its guilt by accusation.

I looked up "handler bias" and here is what some people must think. That is not my opinion.
What is baez trying to prove with blind and double blind testing..I'm lost with it..

I think he's trying to say the dog doesn't have a lot of experience b/c he hasn't had a lot of practice ie. the double blind testing.
:maddening::maddening::maddening: STATEMENT OF FACT: I :innocent: AM A CANINE owner & LOVER! :seeya:

:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:STATEMENT OF BELIEF: JB has NEVER owned, appreciated or cherished a PET, never mind a DOG!

:twocents: REASON for BELIEF: ANIMALS "communicate" and IMHO, sometimes BETTER THAN "certain" humans I :innocent: have "experienced"......including but NOT limited to folks :loser: within this CASE! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

ITA---my dogs may not speak but when they go to the water bowl and there isn't water----they look at me....or want outside....they communicate...heck they even bark when they hear something strange...
Someone please tell me that when the trial starts Baez can't keep up these shenanigan's. He is making this trainer go through his whole log, when that is something that Baez and Company should of done already. The dog was certified. Lets move on already!:banghead:

It's only been 30 minutes and I'm ready to scratch my eyes out.
how do you guide a dog to give you "false" anything? Trying to get the dog stuff thrown out.


Actually: there WAS a "highly reputable" handler back in the day (name slips me) WHO DID "SET UP" the DOG HITS by sneaking cadaver material onto/into the search fields to insure her animals were highly regarded. Sad fact: the dogs WERE capable BUT her "bad acts" destroyed the discoveries/reputations.......and it was discovered years AFTER THE ACTIONS!

Dr. F. PROBABLY discovered this detail/factoid during HIS INTERNET searches/reading!:truce:
The whole defense is this: it is everyone else's fault. Even the dogs. The handlers were biased. Blame blame blame.

Its just all this is such a waste, a big waste.
People have mentioned this before, but it bears repeating. I have never seen a defendant sift through binders/documents/take notes like Casey does. It's like she's gone back to high school, sitting at her desk every morning, sitting attentive and taking notes. It's bizarre.

Yes but today she's flipping backwards, from back to front. She was flipping before the Judge even walked in this morning. It's really pulling my attention away from the testimony.
:maddening::maddening::maddening: STATEMENT OF FACT: I :innocent: AM A CANINE owner & LOVER! :seeya:

:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:STATEMENT OF BELIEF: JB has NEVER owned, appreciated or cherished a PET, never mind a DOG!

:twocents: REASON for BELIEF: ANIMALS "communicate" and IMHO, sometimes BETTER THAN "certain" humans I :innocent: have "experienced"......including but NOT limited to folks :loser: within this CASE! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Dogs definately communicate. Last night I said to my daughter it's time to go to bed...my dog ran into her night night crate. She knows words, she tells me when she's done something wrong, she has a hissy fit if I don't rub her belly, she tells me if her water bowl is empty. I say "go for a ride" and she goes nuts if I then don't go immediately to the car, she's so over the moon excited. Dogs CAN talk, IMO.
Good morning, All. First time posting, though I've been following from the beginning. I just need to know WHO keeps clicking their pen??? I think it's Baez and it's driving me INSANE!!!! :/

Morning Melissa, I am a newbie, too. First day posting here. :)
I truly wish somebody would "prepare" these witnesses and let them know that it is OKAY not to agree with the questioning attorney. JB badgers until the witness gives in and says what he is wanting him to say.
LDB will put this in perspective...jury will hate Baez...JMHO

:wave: LiveLaughLuv

I forget the other side gets to go! :lol:

Forgey just got his moxey and told Jose he was "jumping around" and is now questioning Jose!
Forgey said "you are jumping around and confusing me"...glad I'm not the only one who is confused.
"The only evidence that your dog was trained on those days is your word?"

There's a whole binder full of stuff, JB. Give it up, already!

The dog was tested twice in 2008 before July 17th.
I never understood how a police officers hunch is an unconstitutional grounds for a search; but a dog’s indication, which is entirely interpreted by a police officer, meets the definition of probable cause. Dogs aren’t machines and so long as their behavior has to be interpreted by a handler it leaves the door wide open for the handler to abuse their authority.

Once again “new professionalism” trumps common sense. Now it seems to have gone even farther in that dog indications are used as evidence of a crime, even when no other evidence is available. Its guilt by accusation.

I looked up "handler bias" and here is what some people must think. That is not my opinion.

Well then the other dog must of been in on it lol. This is just so ridiculous IMO. There is much more that Baez should be trying to get to before the trial. But come on, 2 dogs hit, he tries to confuse this guy and nothing is done about it. Makes me mad, wish someone would stand up and put a stop to this already.:banghead:
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