2011.05.26 SIDEBAR THREAD Trial Day Three (Evening Edition)

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Sandals? You're lucky - my grandma threw rocks - and she had excellent aim. All of us grandkids learned to scatter in different directions and take off running if we (or anyone of us) was in trouble. My grandma was so fast that she could scoop up two rocks and bean one of us in the back of the head and whip around and get another one too. If only they had Olympic rock throwing - she would have been a champ!

I think what's funny is that I (and all my cousins) never thought we were being abused and we all laugh about it to this day. But I would NEVER do such a thing to my kids and guaranteed if I did stand out in my yard hurling rocks at my children I would be reported. I would definitely consider it abuse if I did that but yet we all think of it as just another quirky trait of my Grammy's. Makes you think how it's all in the perspective I guess.

same here...we laugh over it and say how much we love our Nonna's and Mama's..we compare notes to see who got the shoe or spoon thrown at them the most.and then we would laugh some more.
And the judge can deny a mistrial, correct?

At anytime based on a bunch of different factors... jury misconduct, improper evidence, spectators acting out, etc... CM was quoting a case about witnesses testifying about the defendant not showing remorse. How can his defendant show remorse when she didn't do anything wrong? hmmm.... keep guessing CM... something *may* stick, but I doubt it. HHJP has ya'll's number!
the state needs to address


the jury heard about, (re. TL)


agree or not?

The judge will tell the jury to consider the evidence only. Unless ICA testifies, there will be no secret in either testimony or evidence.
TL testifies about an attempt with Lee, which Lee will debunk when he testifies, and blew JBs attempt at sexual abuse re George out of the water, big time. TL said nope, physical/hitting or nothing, it wasn't either physical or sexual.
I am back and pretty much missed everything after they came back from lunch. Fell asleep with migraine and never woke up til later. Laptop battery had died.

Now trying to catch up by watching JVM...Gawd help me if I can get through her screaming.
It becomes more obvious each day...this case is NOT about sexual abuse.It's about the 31 days and a happy go lucky Casey after Caylee was killed. Sex abuse doesn't begin to describe much of anything in this case.
I am back and pretty much missed everything after they came back from lunch. Fell asleep with migraine and never woke up til later. Laptop battery had died.

Now trying to catch up by watching JVM...Gawd help me if I can get through her screaming.

So far JVM is on the money
No juror is going to believe KC if she gets on the stand-- her credibility is shot already, on day 3, she'll be mincemeat two months from now. jmo
So I've been googling :rocker: for a few (slow work day) since the end of court today, basically going state to state to see if I could find ONE similar story of an accidental drowning that when unreported. I found NOTHING. I tend to think I'm a pretty good googler :rocker: so I'm pretty sure this whole theory would be a one in a million percent chance of actually happening. From what I've read (I'm now fully educated on pool safety 101) the first reaction is almost always panic and pulling the child from the pool. Most people will shake the child and do various other things to attempt to revive the child (several things should not be done...for more info check out the drowning prevention foundation) and/or calling 911. I found nothing related to an accidental drowning and placing the child in the trunk of a car....then proceeding to ride around partying and dating.
]The judge will tell the jury to consider the evidence only.[/B] Unless ICA testifies, there will be no secret in either testimony or evidence.
TL testifies about an attempt with Lee, which Lee will debunk when he testifies, and blew JBs attempt at sexual abuse re George out of the water, big time. TL said nope, physical/hitting or nothing, it wasn't either physical or sexual.

logicalgirl :) A voice of reason! :blowkiss:

Thank you! I can go on with my evening now. :blowkiss:

Jose is just stretching this out as much as he can, yeah? They got nothing. It is funny how the SA is not "answering" the defense('s "story), they are just heading forward with their case.

It is like two trials are going on, when the State gets up, the "real" story continues and there are breaks of a side story that makes very little sense...imho.


:yes: Thank you is not enough. That Vinnie guy is more wrong than anything I have ever heard. Words do not describe how idiotic the things are that come from his mouth. It is like he is just saying whatever comes to his mind, his closed down ignorant mind...

:eek:kay: I feel better now. :tyou: for your post.


I have always found him to be this stupid, so I am glad others are now seeing it :)
I am unable to single out anyone on HLN from anyone else as far as unbearableness...they have all turned into true media rhymes with doors.
same here...we laugh over it and say how much we love our Nonna's and Mama's..we compare notes to see who got the shoe or spoon thrown at them the most.and then we would laugh some more.

If we had a few more Grannies doing this today we would have less ICA's..IMO.
We don't know that it was spanking. It was testified that it was hitting as a child that Tony thought was in a disciplinary capacity. That could be anything from a slap across the face to slapping her hand to spanking. We just don't know what type of hitting it was.

It was just a figure of speech, denoting physical rather than sexual. I know we don't know if it was spanking or slapping or hitting or even if THAT is true.
I could swear that I remember the Jury being asked if they were sexually abused, if they knew someone who was or if they knew if someone was accused of sexual abuse.

Is my imagination making this up?

Well thanks for that info i didnt hear it!
It becomes more obvious each day...this case is NOT about sexual abuse.It's about the 31 days and a happy go lucky Casey after Caylee was killed. Sex abuse doesn't begin to describe much of anything in this case.

Yes, CM hollering and carrying on because the SA has been showing no remorse by all the enquiries with ICA past "friends" is such a load of carp - that's how he thinks he's going to get his big "mistrial". No way is HHJP buying that truckload.

And who was the 23 year old with the glasses. I can't remember because he didn't look like I thought he was going to. :crazy: ). I thought Mason's behavior with him was absolutely disgraceful for a lawyer in a trial. I don't fault the guy for his reaction - he was just shocked!
Here's a youtube with that segment on it--

YouTube - ‪Sierra1947's Channel‬‏

eta: the Lazarro business starts about 2:10

omg- absolute can not believe jose did this when everyone left. i was there today - all day. we were dismissed at about 4:45 . i am sure no one thought it would go on. unbelievable. yes, it was a very good day in court to see, hear , observe. i met nancy grace too- never think you will know what can happen in this case. it changes by seconds!
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