Abaroa's Second Wife Speaks Out


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Apr 26, 2005
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Abaroa's Second Wife Speaks Out By NC WANTED Staff
Posted: May. 12, 2009
Updated: 57 minutes ago


DURHAM COUNTY — The new wife of Raven Abaroa, a person of interest in the 2005 stabbing death of his first wife Janet, has come forward with startling details about her relationship with Abaroa that may assist the murder investigation.

Vanessa Pond, of Utah, told NC WANTED in an exclusive interview that during their short marriage, Raven was abusive both physically and mentally, profoundly deceitful, and prone to sudden, intense mood swings.

Investigators met with Vanessa, who was joined by her parents, Randy and JoDean Pond, while they were in Durham for the NC WANTED interview to gain a better perspective on the Raven Abaroa only a wife could know, and what that might mean for the Janet Abaroa murder investigation.

Vanessa Pond and Raven Abaroa met in early December of 2007 and were engaged six months later, on Mother’s Day. As the wedding approached, Vanessa said, Raven’s behavior shifted. He became violent.

“The day of my bridal shower was the first time. He threw me down and he pushed me around that day,” Vanessa told NC WANTED. She was reluctant to tell her story to the media, fearing for her safety in Utah with Raven nearby, but she ultimately felt that it was the right thing to do.

“I don’t want anyone else to ever be in this same position, ever. And he’ll keep on going. He’s starting to slip and he’s becoming more dangerous,” she said.

After two and half months of marriage, the couple separated on Christmas Eve 2008. Vanessa recalled the night he left:

“He was in the process of cursing me out and calling me names, telling me how much he hated me, and he didn’t care if I died. So he was pushing me around in the bathroom and wouldn’t let me out of the bathroom… Then he said, ‘you know what? I want to hit you so bad. I don’t care, I’m going to hit you; I can’t get in trouble for it anymore,’” she said.

“And later, as Raven was leaving, he went downstairs and grabbed Kaiden and said, ‘come on, we have to go. Mommy doesn’t want us anymore… Who does that to a child?”
You GO, Vanessa.
Maybe she can help LE FINALLY make this stick.

Durham widower's new wife talks to police about unsolved murder


Posted: Today at 6:02 p.m.
Updated: 5 minutes ago

Durham, N.C. — Four years after the stabbing death of Janet Abaroa, a pregnant Durham woman, police have new information about her widower, whom they have not ruled out as a suspect in the case.

Janet Christiansen Abaroa was found dead inside an upstairs bedroom at her Ferrand Road home on April 26, 2005. Her 6-month-old son, Kaiden, was also in the home but was unharmed.

Police have said they do not consider the death random and that her husband, Raven Abaroa, is a person of interest in the case.

His new wife, Vanessa Pond, and her parents, recently traveled from Utah for an interview with Durham police investigators. Abaroa and Pond remain married but are estranged.

"He had me convinced that everyone was trying to frame him, everyone was out to get him, and (he) had me there on his side," Pond said in an exclusive interview with NC Wanted.

In an October 2007 interview with Fox 50's NC Wanted, Abaroa said he had nothing to do with his wife's death. He told police he was at a soccer game in Morrisville when she was killed. He found her when he returned home, he said.

Weeks after Janet Abaroa died, he moved to Salt Lake City to be with family and to raise Kaiden.

Abaroa and Pond met in Utah in December 2007, and on Mother's Day of 2008, they were engaged. The day of her bridal shower, Pond said, she saw another side to the man she was to marry.

"He threw me down, and he pushed me around that day," Pond said.

Pond said she searched the Internet for Abaroa's name and found the October 2007 NC Wanted interview.

"He told Vanessa he spent months preparing that interview," her mother, Jodean Pond, said. "And Vanessa was thinking, 'Why would you have to prepare?'"

Vanessa Pond said she also watched a Web video, made by Abaroa, which showed him opening a knife in front of his first wife, talking about it and saying how he likes to collect knives.

"The buck knife video – I was disturbed by it," she said. "He said he never had a knife collection and never had a fascination with them."

As their wedding day approached, Pond's parents said they decided to ask Abaroa directly if he killed his first wife.

"And Raven's response to that was, 'I loved my wife,' in a beating-around-the-bush kind of way," Jodean Pond said.

"Without answering the question directly," Vanessa Pond interjected.

Despite concerns, Pond said people seemed supportive, so she married Abaroa in Utah on Sept. 6, 2008.

"I found out later that nobody liked him," she said.

The Video had me in tears for Vanessa & her family. So many things stand out in all these articles and in the video.

It looks like Vanessa was very scared and nervous and my heart broke for her poor parents having to listen to what he did to her. She looks like she lost weight since her engagement. The pressure and the stress had to be horrendous for her and I really feel for her. I'm sure she has to be terrified for her daughter too because he is so volatile and she really was very brave to do this.

My first thought is Raven, you best not try to seek "retribution" and you for causing more heartache, more pain for another family.

I had heard from friends he was permanently banned from playing soccer, but to hear he actually kicked a guy in the back that was already down, with his cleats on, oh so Raven.

I noticed during the interview they showed a picture of Raven with Kaiden on his back, holding a picture of Janet. It looks exactly like a picture taken directly off Tears for Janet, the Memorial site for Janet, that he has nothing to do with. He must have scammed the picture, got it blown up and then worn the green bracelets used in SVU's Homecoming game so he can give it to NC Wanted for his 2007 Interview. I saw that picture during that interview, but never noticed he was actually holding that picture of Janet when he had that picture taken with Kaiden. That really truly makes me ill.

I noticed that Raven Abaroa Peters has been called POI on several occasions. I hope that the new crowd he's hanging with get wind of this, because I know he likes to pray on girls or women, that are vulnerable or that are going through rough times, or naive girls.

I don't know how he keeps pulling off the Good Mormon boy stuff if he's been excommunicated by the Church! I am really interested in this "excommunication". He left Janet while they were married and she was pregnant with Kaiden and he lived with another girl. He cheated on Janet several times, he was convicted of felony embezzlement, yet did not get excommunicated. He stole from Canyon Cycles, Hewlett Packard, no excommunication there. Did he tell Vanessa purposely he was excommunicated because of living with her, to perhaps start a psychological manipulation on her or was he really excommunicated?

"He told Vanessa he spent months preparing that interview," her mother, Jodean Pond, said. "And Vanessa was thinking, 'Why would you have to prepare?'"

Well, he had to prepare because that's what he does. Mr. Franklin Covey Planning himself, he planned and premeditated Janet's murder, hence no weapon or witness.

"The buck knife video – I was disturbed by it," she said. "He said he never had a knife collection and never had a fascination with them."

Well, the Video he took don't lie, but Raven does, over and over and so convincingly.

I am pretty sure Raven is going to go on a smear campaign against Vanessa and her family and make up stories and make it sound as though she was the bad guy. Vanessa stated "he would often try to convince Vanessa that she was suicidal, that her behavior was erratic, that everything was her fault." That's quite classic of Raven and I'm sure he has told anyone and everyone they knew as a couple the same thing.

I hope Vanessa files for divorce and moves on with her life and holds her head up high. Not all guys are creepy murderers like Raven, but I hope she takes time out for herself and her daughter. If anyone reads this that knows her please let her know there's a bunch of people that are standing behind her and care and will always be watching Raven. I myself am so proud that she has come forward and I'm floored by it and wish nothing but the best for your future.

Raven, another family touched by your psychopathic ways. You are pure evil dude and I can't wait until the day you are locked away, and the day I can sit at your trial.

You are the Person of Interest Raven, because you are the one that caused this. You think you are dealing with crap now? Dude, you are going to be damned for all eternity, deal with it.

Every morning when you wake up ask yourself why did I kill Janet, every night when you go to bed ask yourself, why did I kill Janet. Do you even know why you did it? Is it because you got to see how Jim was coddled and treated so well because he lost his wife? Did you think it would turn you into a super dad? Did you not want another child and were you ticked off that three days prior you had to sign papers to start paying rent again, and you were afraid you had to sell the vx?

Did you need the insurance money to try to get out of the embezzlement fiasco? Did Mommydearest want you back at home and Janet wouldn't go so you decided to kill her? Did Janet love Kaiden so much that she decided she didn't want to bring him up in a household with a madman and you didn't want her to leave? Why did you kill Janet Raven?

On April 26, 2005, you took Janet's and her unborn child's life and everything you touch you try to destroy Raven.
I am so glad to see this, altho I don't live in Durham any longer, very close to where Janet was murdered, I want this to be solved for Janet's family and Kaiden, and mostly to get Raven where he belongs...behind bars :behindbar
Hi Terminatrixator, I do appreciate your passion in Janet's case. I have followed Michelle Young's case closely and was always aware about what happened to Janet and that there was little movement in the case. I am of the feeling that JUSTICE in N Carolina moves slowly but surely. Like to drive Sleuthers bonkers!

It seems things are cooking now in Michelle's case and hopefully she and her family, including little Cassidy, will have justice after all of this time. I hope for the same with Janet and those who love her and the memories they have, being with her.

Maybe it took Raven getting involved again to have the truth about his personality come out in 'live time', or however one says that. Now let's hope the pieces of the puzzle start to fall into place quickly.

I've yet to finish reading this thread and haven't watched the video yet but wanted to post this right away.

Vanessa, I'm so sorry for what you've been through (and for what Kaiden apparently has to go through on a regular basis). I truly admire your strength in making what must truly have been a very difficult decision. You've done the right thing. I hope that you and your daughter can move forward and have a wonderful life together. You both deserve that.

OMG how heartbreaking! Thank God she got out when she did.
I pray something breaks in this case soon....for Kaiden's sake. Not only is Raven continuing to terrorize women, the trama that he is exposing Kaiden to must be stopped.
I would think that after this interview that Child Protective services should be hunting him down. No child should have to witness that kind of abuse and be dragged around by his Father in his quest to collect more women to abuse.
Also makes me sick to see in his last interview that he had a ribbon on from the first vigil held for Janet and her baby. He was NOT there, they were passed out to those who attened the vigil. He has alot of nerve wearing it, just another little thing that shows me what an imposter/liar/murderer he is. :furious:
I'm not a writer by any stretch of the imagination. I can barely write a grocery list but I can write interrogatories or a legal brief, an email, but writing has never been one of my strong suits.

When I post here at Websleuths and online I write quickly from my heart, I don't second guess myself, I don't proof myself. I usually write out of frustration, anger, excitement. I look at my posts after I hit submit reply button. Hence the Same Stuff Different Day - Grammatical, typos, etc.

I just noticed the personal blog section. I went back and looked through the requirements and it states no case discussion.

Now that I think about it, most of my posts are more like blogs because I don't really ask questions, I don't discuss, I just speak my mind, my opinions, without consequence of asking others opinions, I state mine and that's about it.

I hope that more people that have followed this case will review the new articles at NC Wanted and view the tape and post their thoughts and opinions too.

Doing the Right Thing.

I am still absolutely amazed and almost floored that finally someone in Raven Abaroa's life put doing the right thing before their own self-preservation.

What I am even more surprised about is it is someone that has the most to lose. Raven is not the one to take a slight laying down.

It seems to me that the patterns of an abusive, sociopathic husband came back to play again in this marriage, as I stated it would. I know it has manifested on several occasions with coworkers, friends other girls since Janet's murder, but one family had the courage to come forward and decided that doing the right thing was important.

The strength, courage and conviction shown by Vanessa Pond is amazing to me because she has more to lose than anyone else close to him. She has a young daughter and her safety to worry about, yet she knew she had to do the right thing and come forward with what she knows.

She took a lot of flack from myself personally prior to her marriage to Raven. Many of us here know his behavior and patterns and I in particular was harsh on Vanessa. She took a chance going public and facing so many people saying things like "you asked for it", "you were warned", but she did it anyhow. She probably has coworkers, friends and family members that thought the same thing, like how could you marry him, but she still came out and spoke.

Vanessa did not look like a girl that was going to do a story for her 15 minutes of fame, she definitely does not remind me of Karen Bolton, she looks like a woman that believes in doing the right thing. Hearing her say that he tried to convince her that she was suicidal or that their crumbled marriage was her fault really did it for me. I know Raven well enough to know that he's going to do whatever he can to discredit her and her family and she knows he's going to do so, yet she came forward anyhow.

We don't always do the right thing because we may be afraid to make waves, or dredge up memories that are sometimes best forgotten. Unfortunately, some of those bad experiences get repeated and if nobody speaks up, the same crimes can be perpetuated over and over again.

So many people close to Raven know what he has done, so many people know the nasty side of Raven but chose to keep their mouths closed out of fear. They chose to keep their mouths closed due to not wanting to get involved. They chose to keep their mouths closed because they do not want to admit out loud that Raven could have perpetrated the act of plunging a knife into his wife's chest while their child slept in a crib in another room.

The Pond Family did the right thing. The fact that Vanessa and her parents were side by side and united in doing the right thing caused me so many emotions. Most parents would say just get a divorce and get away from him, don't do this, but they stood beside their daughter so she could do the right thing. You can see the strength in the family even though I am sure they are quite aware that he lives near them and that he is very vindictive and he is the type of person that can coldly smile after he performs "retribution."

This fight for Justice for Janet wasn't Vanessa's duties, she's not getting anything out of this. She could have just got a quiet divorce or annul the POI because she was married only a few months. He obviously conned her and everyone for a while and played the grieving husband.

I've heard from many people over the past 4 years that know the Person of Interest. They all state the same thing, he's charming, he's good at making you believe he's been set-up, he's good at making you believe he's misunderstood and he's innocent. They also say the same thing, they believe he did it, yet they are afraid to come forward and do the right thing because they are afraid of him and his mother.

I can't get over how he took a young woman, who had a child and played the good Mormon boy, the poor widower, and then used "excommunication" as a way to make her feel like he sacrificed his goodness for her. That's how I read that "excommunication." I'm betting that he used more than that against her, and whittled her away, like I said in a post I made on Websleuths, he was going to save up all her flaws, past indiscretions, every blemish and one day bring every mistake up and jump her with them, and use that to control her. Vanessa obviously knows he's going to attempt to do that too, yet she chose doing the right thing anyhow.

I judged Vanessa for what I knew of Raven, not what I knew of Vanessa. I judged harshly and I am so sorry that I compared her to Karen Bolton. I am also sorry that yet another family has been hurt by him.

I am so grateful that Vanessa and her family are strong enough and compassionate enough to risk being out there in order to do the right thing.

There are people out there that must know more about Raven and have information that could help in the Murder of Janet her unborn child, but they chose not to do the right thing and come forward.

I'm new to your blogs on this matter, and am intrigued by the candor and compassion you have about this case, and this family.
I'm the one who interviewed Vanessa, and the host of NC Wanted. Let me say I've never interviewed a more courageous person, who had so much to fear. She clearly doesn't want anyone else to suffer, as she has, and more importantly, as Janet has. Vanessa was very nervous about the interview itself, but firmly committed to doing it for all the right reasons. Her parents were pillars of strength for her to lean on. And had they not been there, she wouldn't have done the interview.
This case has generated a lot of interest in our area. Posts like this show just how much. We will continue to follow this case until there's an arrest and conviction, no matter who walks into the courtroom in shackles.

Bunping for Janet.

If you haven't watched this video please do. This is what we've been talking about all along. Raven is waste of skin. He's WILL hurt another human, I think it is only a matter of time.

VP.... I am so proud of you for doing this interview. I am so proud of you for speaking up. Thank you!!!! You are a very strong woman and didn't deserve this nasty bird and his evil ways in your life. You did the right thing and even though I don't know you, I wish I could hug you!! You are in my prayers and in my heart.

Rave, how DARE you! What kind of monster are you turning your son into? How many women have already suffered at your hands? I have a pretty good idea! How many more will put themselves in danger when you start playing your games with them? You are disgusting. Your own wife says that you creep everybody out, and she's right. Take a look around Rave, your charming/christian front is rapidly disappearing. Where are you trolling for innocent women now? Back at the church? In the bars? Maybe at soccer games. I know you aren't playing much... you're the Red Card King. Who hasn't seen through your masks now? Who's going to go back and look at YOUR interview with NCWanted and not see and hear anything but lies? You can't even tell the truth when you know everybody that knows you will look at that interview and KNOW that things you said are not how they happened. You lied. You lied about stupid things. You lied about everything. Have you ever heard of Karma Raven? Well you should look up the word because it's right behind you and gaining FAST.
One more thing Raven.... have you been watching Drew Peterson go down in flames? How's that make you feel?
I'm new to your blogs on this matter, and am intrigued by the candor and compassion you have about this case, and this family.
I'm the one who interviewed Vanessa, and the host of NC Wanted. Let me say I've never interviewed a more courageous person, who had so much to fear. She clearly doesn't want anyone else to suffer, as she has, and more importantly, as Janet has. Vanessa was very nervous about the interview itself, but firmly committed to doing it for all the right reasons. Her parents were pillars of strength for her to lean on. And had they not been there, she wouldn't have done the interview.
This case has generated a lot of interest in our area. Posts like this show just how much. We will continue to follow this case until there's an arrest and conviction, no matter who walks into the courtroom in shackles.

Thank you for doing such a wonderful job with the interview and thank you and everyone at NC Wanted for your continued interest in keeping Janet's brutal murder in the minds of the public.

NC Wanted is a wonderful program and I am extremely grateful that your show has shown so much interest in showcasing Janet's case and spreading the word and helping to search for the truth as to what really happened on April 26, 2005.

Thank you also for being so kind as to join us here at Websleuths and give us your thoughts. I agree that Vanessa is a very brave woman and really happy that Vanessa has such wonderful and compassionate parents to help her through this ordeal.

How sad for Kaiden that he will not have this kind and loving family in his life.

My heart goes out to everyone that has been so touched by this crime.

Thank you again.
I'm new to your blogs on this matter, and am intrigued by the candor and compassion you have about this case, and this family.
I'm the one who interviewed Vanessa, and the host of NC Wanted. Let me say I've never interviewed a more courageous person, who had so much to fear. She clearly doesn't want anyone else to suffer, as she has, and more importantly, as Janet has. Vanessa was very nervous about the interview itself, but firmly committed to doing it for all the right reasons. Her parents were pillars of strength for her to lean on. And had they not been there, she wouldn't have done the interview.
This case has generated a lot of interest in our area. Posts like this show just how much. We will continue to follow this case until there's an arrest and conviction, no matter who walks into the courtroom in shackles.

Welcome and thank you to NCWanted for keeping Janet's Murder in the spotlight. There will be justice for Janet thanks to people like you and places like WS.

Did you hear that Rave? No one is giving up. This case isn't going to die down and go away. How many times have you looked over your shoulder today?
Way to go Vanessa! My prayers are with you and your family during this time.

Raven reminds me of my ex hubby in so many ways it literally makes me sick to my stomach. I was lucky to get out although it took 4 looong years to finalize the divorce. I wrote in my journal during that time that "he was going to kill me." I wanted to leave a trail behind if I turned up dead. It's not always easy to get out but you can do it! I sacrificed everything...home, car all, worldly goods... except my children and 3 little dogs. It was hard and we lived like paupers for awhile but it was worth it because as the kids got older, his rage became aimed at them. Stay strong and stay safe. Hold your head high. I'm praying for you.
Wow. I knew it, I knew she was being manipulated by him...I stated so even here. I like to hope that maybe possibly that something someone said here may have helped her realize what a despicable person he is. Regardless, I'm glad her and her daughter are both out out out!
I hope Vanessa's voice chimes loud and clear across all the Nation!!! I don't want anyone to ever be able to Google Raven's name without hearing Janet's story, without hearing Vanessa's story, and without seeing all that Raven has done!

It is true that many of us gave Vanessa a hard time, but my intent was to warn her. I hope that she can be that voice that can warn others. That other women may listen to. My hope is that Vanessa can find peace in her life and that she can help Janets family have peace by helping bring Justice to Janet!

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