Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #181

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Yes one day in the future it will be like the movie Gattica and they can just bring in a little vacuum and solve a crime on the spot by identifying the most recently shed human dna cells.
The criminals will have to become more cunning to outsmart the scientific and forensic advances.
In the interim we can still convict without DNA, the threshold of doubt is just higher to overcome without identifying DNA.
All my late night musings.
(Police forensic tech in a field next to a body drops a sample into a test tube, swirls it, and pours the mix into a portable lab device. There’s a beep, a flash, and a robotic voice.)

“His name is Wild Huncher, currently living at xxxx Lane in Mumbleville. Just now he’s sitting in the Mumbleville Denny’s in booth 12 having Moon Over MyHammy. Local LEs are en route. Anything else?”

Hopefully that will deter a lot of people from wanting to play for the other side.
This just occurred to me. Was RA at MHB twice that day? The earlier time to set up?

What time was it when Libby secured rides so that the two girls could go? I wonder if/how that was communicated online....

I keep seeing those dots from GHughes timeline video....the girls' movements, so benign, as they align unknowingly with the deliberate acts of one with evil intentions.
I think he was definately in the location of the murders more than once, but weather that was on Feb 13 or before that I don't know. I think he parked where he did so he could leave the crime scene without going back across the bridge and on the trail. Since I don't think this was a heat of the moment crime, I think he knew where he would take them and he had locations in mind. They make tripods that are very small.. hand size when folded up. I think he could have been carrying something like that on him or he could have went and set something up for sure.
Part 2 of the Contempt Hearing has an interesting paragraph when Hennessey is questioning Holeman pg 58:

View attachment 498579
Yes I caught that the day the transcript came out.
My mind immediately went to it being part of the crime scene and thinking it would explain the focus on recording devices and cameras in search warrants. But then I also thought it could have been used in documenting the crime by LE and perhaps a picture taken later after it was removed included the indention.
There was someone that took that helicopter footage on you tube from the day the girls were found and they zoomed in and used different filters and there was a three pronged metallic structure in the crime scene that resembled a tripod. I don’t usually give much weight to these type of things but I remembered it immediately when I read that transcript from the contempt hearing.
This just occurred to me. Was RA at MHB twice that day? The earlier time to set up?

What time was it when Libby secured rides so that the two girls could go? I wonder if/how that was communicated online....

I keep seeing those dots from GHughes timeline video....the girls' movements, so benign, as they align unknowingly with the deliberate acts of one with evil intentions.
Would explain why he came from the east on W 300 instead of the direct route. Stopped at the cemetery and dropped off equipment too cumbersome and obvious to carry.
Yes I caught that the day the transcript came out.
My mind immediately went to it being part of the crime scene and thinking it would explain the focus on recording devices and cameras in search warrants. But then I also thought it could have been used in documenting the crime by LE and perhaps a picture taken later after it was removed included the indention.
There was someone that took that helicopter footage on you tube from the day the girls were found and they zoomed in and used different filters and there was a three pronged metallic structure in the crime scene that resembled a tripod. I don’t usually give much weight to these type of things but I remembered it immediately when I read that transcript from the contempt hearing.

Would explain why he came from the east on W 300 instead of the direct route. Stopped at the cemetery and dropped off equipment too cumbersome and obvious to carry.
RA was seen walking on Country road N300. The driver past him so one going east the other going west. IIRC
DH claims he didn't get a certain item in Discovery, NMcL says it was sent in an email. He goes to find the email to prove it, but can't find it. So, NMcL says to the judge that he can't find it but it exists. End of story.

Just like the lost interviews aren't important because he says so. I mean, I'm not saying he's wrong, but I'm also not okay with just taking the State's word for it.

Why can we cut down every word the D has ever said, even when they attach exhibits that we can't see, but ignore the State's claims without any supporting evidence at all? I know I'm overstating it, but that's the feeling I get.

I understand the anti-D sentiments, but how does that negate the problems on the State's side? I wish I had legal training so I knew what the hell was going on. I don't feel things are working entirely as they should be. I tend to wonder if there will be more contempt motions filed after the trial, only against the State (at the very least the ex parte issue, but maybe others). IDK.
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I thought the "shoe prints" was interesting. Remember way back in the beginning it was reported that a set of foot prints led them to the bodies?

Two bodies were found by volunteers on Tuesday less than a mile from where the girls were originally dropped off. The bodies were found on private property, about 50 feet from the shore of Deer Creek. Sources tell Call 6 Investigates that a set of footprints are what led volunteers to the area the bodies were found.
Holeman mentioned in the Contempt Hearing Transcripts that searchers found the bodies first, before LE. That explains shoe prints to me. JMO

Volume 1 Page 72

3.18.24 Contempt - Google Drive
I wish I had legal training so I knew what the hell was going on. I don't feel things are working as they should be.
Quote o' the day.
Honestly, I have tried to ignore all the contempt nonsense aside from trying to glean new info. But this case is a recurring freaking nightmare. Can't get a date straight. Can't hold on to video. Can't follow up on the biggest tip of the case, or even locate it for half a decade. Look at this sketch. Look at that sketch. Disregard that sketch. Look at both sketches. Disregard both sketches. Beard. No beard. Younger. Older. Disregard all identifiers. Odin. CSAM Ring. Purple car. Smart car. RL. DN. KK. TK. EF. BH. JM. Ritual. Not necessarily ritual. No sign of SA. SA motivated. DNA. No DNA...
Does my head ever get to stop spinning?
RA was seen walking on Country road N300. The driver past him so one going east the other going west. IIRC
Let me be more specific. RA’s car was captured by the Hoosier Harvestore traveling west before the crimes.
Many have wondered why he was driving from the East ( the long way ) from his home which is located west and south of the crime scene.
An explanation would be that he stopped at the cemetery on the way to parking at CPS and dropped off equipment.
Holeman mentioned in the Contempt Hearing Transcripts that searchers found the bodies first, before LE. That explains shoe prints to me. JMO

Volume 1 Page 72

3.18.24 Contempt - Google Drive
The searcher followed footprints to the scene. One would assume the footprints they followed were from RA and the girls from the day before.
The searcher followed footprints to the scene. One would assume the footprints they followed were from RA and the girls from the day before.
I don't recall that being specifically stated anywhere CB. I thought KG said searchers saw a Nike shoe in the creek from the opposite side and she yelled back that Libby had those type and then the searchers proceeded on to the location of the bodies. Am I crazy in remembering someone thought it was deer?

Help me those transcripts fried my brain a wee bit. ;)

Let me be more specific. RA’s car was captured by the Hoosier Harvestore traveling west before the crimes.
Not sure if it's been brought up before or even significant, but the address of the Hoosier Harveststore also seems to be associated with self storage units: Delphi U-Store Could the plan have involved a storage unit?
I still think any camera that caught RA driving by should have been able to catch him walking by (obviously much slower).
Quote o' the day.
Honestly, I have tried to ignore all the contempt nonsense aside from trying to glean new info. But this case is a recurring freaking nightmare. Can't get a date straight. Can't hold on to video. Can't follow up on the biggest tip of the case, or even locate it for half a decade. Look at this sketch. Look at that sketch. Disregard that sketch. Look at both sketches. Disregard both sketches. Beard. No beard. Younger. Older. Disregard all identifiers. Odin. CSAM Ring. Purple car. Smart car. RL. DN. KK. TK. EF. BH. JM. Ritual. Not necessarily ritual. No sign of SA. SA motivated. DNA. No DNA...
Does my head ever get to stop spinning?
.... and then the damned cardinal points all the time, OMG.
I don't recall that being specifically stated anywhere CB. I thought KG said searchers saw a Nike shoe in the creek from the opposite side and she yelled back that Libby had those type and then the searchers proceeded on to the location of the bodies. Am I crazy in remembering someone thought it was deer?

Help me those transcripts fried my brain a wee bit. ;)

It was in a news article where a searcher was interviewed. I did post I several threads back. I’ll take a look for it today.
And yes there were 2 deer spotted near the crime scene. I think spotted by a searcher across the creek from the crime scene or he was in the creek. He then spotted the remains of these poor girls.
Not sure if it's been brought up before or even significant, but the address of the Hoosier Harveststore also seems to be associated with self storage units: Delphi U-Store Could the plan have involved a storage unit?
I still think any camera that caught RA driving by should have been able to catch him walking by (obviously much slower).
I believe the Hoosier Harvestore moved locations and the old location was bought by the Delphi U store.
If RA was walking in or directly near the road you would think so but cameras are funny.
We had our car stolen from our driveway on Father’s Day years ago and it caught the thieves driving up in their car and then caught our car backing out. But never caught the thieves leaving their car or approaching ours.
They used his car to steal 4 other cars so that was fun because his license plate was very clearly illuminated on all the neighbors cameras.
Just my 2 cents.
Just did a skim of the contempt hearings. D is alleging that not only were searchers first to come upon the CS, but they were the first to photograph it. Hence the provenance of some photos out there is open to question. Do I have that right?

Can that be right? What kind of—OK, advertisers, I won’t say it—joins a search and takes photos like that before the cops arrive?
Quote o' the day.
Honestly, I have tried to ignore all the contempt nonsense aside from trying to glean new info. But this case is a recurring freaking nightmare. Can't get a date straight. Can't hold on to video. Can't follow up on the biggest tip of the case, or even locate it for half a decade. Look at this sketch. Look at that sketch. Disregard that sketch. Look at both sketches. Disregard both sketches. Beard. No beard. Younger. Older. Disregard all identifiers. Odin. CSAM Ring. Purple car. Smart car. RL. DN. KK. TK. EF. BH. JM. Ritual. Not necessarily ritual. No sign of SA. SA motivated. DNA. No DNA...
Does my head ever get to stop spinning?
Something occurs to me that if LE has confused us with it's various statements, imagine how RA felt? Perhaps the purpose was not for tips to be called in, but for RA to call in again or come forward again to give some other statement.

Maybe they knew RA had came forward at some point and couldn't find the tip. They then release a sketch that doesn't look like him, talk about another car that wasn't his.. they are trying to draw him out because he was so helpful coming forward right away to say he was there walking that day and inserting himself. They knew it was possible he could do that again. Maybe he says I saw this other car or something? Just a thought I had reading your post. We are confused then so it the killer. Maybe this gives him confidence they aren't on to him and he comes forward you know trying to be a helpful citizen.
I believe the Hoosier Harvestore moved locations and the old location was bought by the Delphi U store.
But looking at Google Earth, whatever name it was going by in 2017, it was storage units. An intelligent perp could actually utilize known camera locations to avoid detection on foot and then use it as evidence of his absence. It could even have been a plan to secret the victims there. Just spitballing here...
Just my 2 cents.
2 cents can be invaluable!
It was in a news article where a searcher was interviewed. I did post I several threads back. I’ll take a look for it today.
And yes there were 2 deer spotted near the crime scene. I think spotted by a searcher across the creek from the crime scene or he was in the creek. He then spotted the remains of these poor girls.

Has that ever been confirmed by any statements by LE? I don't think so.
Agree. And he looks nothing like "BG" so even if he's guilty, he wouldn't need to change his appearance. BG is everyman and "NOman"..... not obviously Richard Allen.
I have thought a lot about why it took RA so long for him to be arrested given the evidence the state claims to have and the witness statements from the day.

IMO, the photo of the unknown man on the bridge shows a person in well worn clothing, clothing that looks molded to a person's body by repeated wear.
This clothing would, IMHO be recognized as an outfit by anyone who knew, or especially lived with this person, if he had worn this clothing before.
The hat, the jacket, jeans and brownish shirt protruding from under the jacket....
Only a person habituated to criminal activity would think to wear clothing that looks old but is new to themselves.
I am assuming his wife had washed his clothes numerous times.
I myself do A LOT of other peoples laundry........Was RA the type who washed his own clothes?
Wouldn't his wife, of all people (and many others in a small town) immediately recognize RA's clothing and stance?
Again, I am only guessing that any number of people from friends to coworkers to family members would have immediately recognized RA in the video clip.....even one that is not so good.
This must have been discussed here before?
Thanks for your time and attention.
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