Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #182

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If they could show that Libby was being tracked by cyberpeddos that needs to be thoroughly explored. Because that opens up for opportunistic stalkers who may have heard her every word and known where she was at all times. That is a game changer. Because it allows for different strategies to attack the victim.

The odinism needs to go away. Why talk about that BS? It’s basically legal self harming.

Pedofile stalkers and cyberbullies are real. Libby was in the crosshairs of at least one pike - unfortunately those ppl tend to trade/share, yet have an obvious reason to stay quiet.
lol no. But there are theories out there that they may have walked up on one, that's all I meant. It's not my current theory, but it's a theory that's out there.

And we don't motive.

Pretty sure that the motive is sexual with Homicidal ideation.

2 girls were forced to strip in the woods. Sock and underwear removed from the CS .

She wouldn't even be in the same room as him. She is so biased it's sickening, IMO. I don't even think she should be a judge at all IMO.

I'm very open to my mind being changed about her throughout the trial, though.

RA could not be transferred to the Judge's chambers for security and safety reasons for both the Judge and RA, which is SOP. Not because Judge Gull 'wouldn't be in the same room as RA".
If this revolved around someone that you loved or that I loved, you would likely not feel that way. It WOULD HURT.

On top of that imagine that the people that set up that fund used a Hashtag created by family seeking justice.

I will refrain from making further comments about the ,. because it's legal for them to do and my feelings about RA and the defense are irrelevant.

Are people (generally, not you specifically Raven!), really that upset about a hashtag? I would think that would work in their favor if the D was also using it - anyone who googles the hashtag would surely see what the case was about, and could then make their decision to support the D fund or not based on their findings / beliefs about the case? I think if we as a society are going to get bent out of shape over the use of a hashtag in this way or that, then we really need to get outside and touch grass. We've lost the plot.
Pretty sure that the motive is sexual with Homicidal ideation.
2 girls were forced to strip in the woods. Sock and underwear removed from the CS .
I just don't. In all that time it took to strip, murder, redress, pose, stage... it just seems to me like if sex was the motivator, sex would have happened.
Graphic and to the point:

We also don't know anything about SA. Could have used an object. Could have been post mortem. Could have been just the memory to live on and to be frequented whenever the killer wants.
I just don't. In all that time it took to strip, murder, redress, pose, stage... it just seems to me like if sex was the motivator, sex would have happened.

I am going to make this as modest as possible while still making my point.

I am trying to be respectful of the rules, but murder ain't ballet class.

What reason would a man instruct 2 teenagers to strip naked??
Do you think that there is NO sexual motivation watching young, terrified teens removing all of their clothing.

IMO he instructed them on what he wanted them to do while he satisfied himself and used that sock to do it.
The underwear were probably also used.

Sorry, but I don't have a single alternate idea why the girls were both nude at one point and a sock and underwear are missing from the CS .

Disgusting, but to me, the most plausible motive.
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Graphic and to the point:

We also don't know anything about SA. Could have used an object. Could have been post mortem. Could have been just the memory to live on and to be frequented whenever the killer wants.
This goes into the territory where I don’t want to speculate here. I just really hope the defense and the court does speculate, evaluate, investigate and close.
Are people (generally, not you specifically Raven!), really that upset about a hashtag? I would think that would work in their favor if the D was also using it - anyone who googles the hashtag would surely see what the case was about, and could then make their decision to support the D fund or not based on their findings / beliefs about the case? I think if we as a society are going to get bent out of shape over the use of a hashtag in this way or that, then we really need to get outside and touch grass. We've lost the plot.
The plot changes when your kids die.

The hashtag was how the family wanted to memorialize the lives of Abbby and Libby .. not to promote funding for the defence of their accused murderer. Perhaps it's only people who've had children die who can understand ... IMO it's akin to vandalizing gravestones in a pre-cyber world.
Not sex in my book, but different strokes. There is definitely a voyeuristic aspect to many of those elements - posing, stripping, redressing. The lack of signs of SA would even fit with that. Add in some following, watching, peeping, maybe got caught, maybe thought he'd teach them a lesson, show them what it feels like to be ashamed, maybe got carried away. Ugh...
Don't look too closely into the abyss
The plot changes when your kids die.

The hashtag was how the family wanted to memorialize the lives of Abbby and Libby .. not to promote funding for the defence of their accused murderer. Perhaps it's only people who've had children die who can understand ... IMO it's akin to vandalizing gravestones in a pre-cyber world.
I can't have children and it's still empathy that helps understand why this is not ok.
Wow, you hang with a weird crowd. I never heard anyone use bail and RA in the same sentence.
If I'm not mistaken (going on total recall here) RA originally had no bond and then it was changed to $20M.

In the June 13th or 15th? hearing D had made Motions on Transfer of RA and also Bail/Bond. Needless to say after the confessions came into the record, the Defense ultimately made a decision to reschedule these.

Everyone wants to blame JG or the State for every thing that has gone wrong with the case against RA. How can it not be possible that the D is doing their job (unethically at times IMO) defending an accused double child murderer and that RA might actually be guilty??

If some (as been said here) think RA is involved in some way, he's still guilty. Whether he led Abby and Libby down the hill at gunpoint and handed them off to someone other creep waiting for them, or worked in conjunction with someone else RA is STILL JUST AS GUILTY as anyone else according to IN laws.

Not sex in my book, but different strokes. There is definitely a voyeuristic aspect to many of those elements - posing, stripping, redressing. The lack of signs of SA would even fit with that. Add in some following, watching, peeping, maybe got caught, maybe thought he'd teach them a lesson, teach them what it feels like to be ashamed, maybe got carried away. Ugh...
Don't look too closely into the abyss
This. Back to my feelings of Abby on that bridge. I think he flashed them or did something real weird. Sadly I have up and close experience with a voyeur and child predator aka my own father. I feel a vibe from her picture that they just wanted to "pretend until it passed". Or even show heyyy we are here and can't you see we have a phone? You could get caught kinda vibe. Stuff me and my sister used to do.

But they don't care. The predator I know kept a hole cut in the pocket of every single pair of pants he owned. Nothing has to be out in the open with this type of voyeur.
You can show me all sorts of opinions. What's the end result you're looking for though, to have no prisons or to make prisons country clubs? No of course not. RA being transferred from county jail to a more secure facility was to keep him safe. Keeping him in custody was to keep the community safe. Isn't that what we do with people accused of viscous homicides? We refuse bail to keep the community safe.

The state also has the duty to keep the accused safe, from others but also from self harm. That's why the secure cell and surveillance. Then RA gets transferred out of the "POW" conditions into a new facility with actually better mental healthcare.

Perhaps now there's some other reason that will pop up for people to say, oh for pete's sake just let him out on bail already, for his trial. His, it seems, more that 25 confessions would lead a logical person to believe RA is right where he should be. And yes, I still think RA's defense attorneys and their attorney are full of it, hyperbole that is. AJMO
I don't believe moving RA was ever really about keeping him safe. They probably could have taken him up to their secure site north of town, they probably could have left him in White Co. jail, they probably could have even left him in the Reception Diagnostic Center in Plainfield, IN. But, NO, they really wanted him in Westville. IMO

Indiana seems pretty dived in places as far a getting out on bail; but as a whole, I think most of us are OK with leaving accused murders in jail.

Those 25 confessions are problematic. We will never know if those were true confessions because they chose to confine him in such a way that drives sane people insane. If we need more papers to understand what horrid conditions he's being kept in, I can probably add 70 more to the 70 that are referenced in the link.
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