ABC news anchor Bob Woodruff seriously injured in Iraq


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Sep 22, 2003
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ABC News co-anchor Bob Woodruff and a cameraman were seriously injured Sunday in an attack and explosion while reporting from Iraq.

The two journalists were traveling with U.S. and Iraqi troops near Taji, about 12 miles north of Baghdad, when an improvised explosive device went off, ABC News President David Westin said. Both suffered serious injuries and were taken into surgery at a U.S. military hospital in the area, the network said.
That's so sad. I've been watching him alot on the news lately. Father of four. I hope it is a concussion or something he can get over. Evidently they were wearing armor and helmet, but I'm sure that doesn't do much against a violent explosion.
Marthatex said:
That's so sad. I've been watching him alot on the news lately. Father of four. I hope it is a concussion or something he can get over. Evidently they were wearing armor and helmet, but I'm sure that doesn't do much against a violent explosion.
They said "serious head injuries" on the news. Let's hope they both come out of this O.K. There hasn't been a lot of focus on the number of seriously injured soldiers. The last I heard, the number of injured, versus the number of soldiers killed, was running at about 8 to 1. There were almost 17,000 injured soldiers. They were in the hatch of an Iraqi mechanized vehicle, not down in the vehicle, which according to the news, made them more vulnerable to the explosion. They have been in surgery for a few hours now.
Buzzm1 said:
They said "serious head injuries" on the news. Let's hope they both come out of this O.K. There hasn't been a lot of focus on the number of seriously injured soldiers. The last I heard, the number of injured, versus the number of soldiers killed, was running at about 8 to 1. There were almost 17,000 injured soldiers. They were in the hatch of an Iraqi mechanized vehicle, not down in the vehicle, which according to the news, made them more vulnerable to the explosion. They have been in surgery for a few hours now.

OMG that is so horrible. I wonder if they will now question the feasibility of "imbedded journalism".

Wouldn't it be interesting to do a research paper on the injured soldiers, how long they spent in recovery, what percentage have been able to go home, the percentage with lingering disabilities, how they are faring now, what they have to live on, and what they have to say about their experience at this point. If they feel they are getting proper treatment and benefits from the military.

I would love to do research like that. I wonder if they are going to be the forgotten ones.
Buzzm1 said:
They said "serious head injuries" on the news. Let's hope they both come out of this O.K. There hasn't been a lot of focus on the number of seriously injured soldiers. The last I heard, the number of injured, versus the number of soldiers killed, was running at about 8 to 1. There were almost 17,000 injured soldiers. They were in the hatch of an Iraqi mechanized vehicle, not down in the vehicle, which according to the news, made them more vulnerable to the explosion. They have been in surgery for a few hours now.

I sure hope they come out of it ok.....the injury numbers is staggering Buzz...
They were riding in an Iraqi mechanized vehicle which is not considered as safe as U.S. military. They were wearing goggles. Evidently it is shrapnel wound to the head, cameraman has broken shoulder also. Doug Vogt is his name.

It was a planned attack, followed up by small arms fire. They were trying to get a perspective from the Iraqi military; guess they did.
My prayers are with his family, this is so sad. I hope he pulls through this.
cheko1 said:
I sure hope they come out of it ok.....the injury numbers is staggering Buzz...
With time, we will be seeing more individuals with missing legs, and arms. I don't think the impact of the war, with respect to injured soldiers, has been felt by us yet. When soldiers sustain serious injuries, they spend so long of a time, going through rehab, that they aren't out in public for a fairly long time. I think, with time, we all will be noticing more of the effects of war, with respect to serious injuries.
Buzzm1 said:
With time, we will be seeing more individuals with missing legs, and arms. I don't think the impact of the war, with respect to injured soldiers, has been felt by us yet. When soldiers sustain serious injuries, they spend so long of a time, going through rehab, that they aren't out in public for a fairly long time. I think, with time, we all will be noticing more of the effects of war, with respect to serious injuries.
It was reported a long time ago that due to improved medical techniques, and efficiencies in getting the wounded to medical personnel, this war will produce more vetrans with amputated limbs than any war previously fought by U.S. forces. They will be alive, but will be living with the result of their serious injuries for the rest of their lives.

Disabled people's right will surely be a focal point in the years to come.
I hope they pull through this alright. So many soldiers have been lost to these IED devices. Prayers for Bob and Doug and their families.
ABC Anchor, Cameraman Stable After Attack

NEW YORK - ABC "World News Tonight" co-anchor Bob Woodruff and a cameraman were seriously injured Sunday when the Iraqi Army vehicle they were traveling in was attacked with an explosive device. Both journalists suffered head injuries, and Woodruff also has broken bones. They were in stable condition following surgery at a U.S. military hospital in Iraq, and due to be evacuated to medical facilities in Germany, probably overnight, said ABC News President David Westin.

"We take this as good news, but the next few days will be critical," Westin said. Woodruff and Doug Vogt, an award-winning cameraman, were embedded with the 4th Infantry Division and traveling in a convoy with U.S. and Iraqi troops near Taji, about 12 miles north of Baghdad. They were wearing body armor and helmets but were standing up in the hatch of the mechanized vehicle when the device exploded, exposing them to shrapnel. An Iraqi solder was also hurt in the explosion.
It is good news that they will be able to be transported to Germany. The head injuries are what worries me. I hope they both heal as good as new. My thoughts and prayers are with both men and their families. It has to be hard to have your husband, dad, injured and to be so far from them.
Marthatex said:
OMG that is so horrible. I wonder if they will now question the feasibility of "embedded journalism".

Wouldn't it be interesting to do a research paper on the injured soldiers, how long they spent in recovery, what percentage have been able to go home, the percentage with lingering disabilities, how they are faring now, what they have to live on, and what they have to say about their experience at this point. If they feel they are getting proper treatment and benefits from the military.

I would love to do research like that. I wonder if they are going to be the forgotten ones.

What needs to be brought forward to me is the gross injustices these wounded warriors have to go through once they are returned to the states. They can tell you stories that will make your hair stand on end and your cheeks will be stained with tears.

My son had tests run...they never called him back with results....he calls them gives personal ID.....they tell him the computer shows he is dead. Test had to be redone. Said test were negative..three weeks later he has appointment and they are talking about his two ruptured disc that he wasn't aware of as they told him the test turned out negative just three weeks before this. Gave him two types of medication to take together...his wife checks compatibility of meds.......these two meds together can cause death!

One VA advocate told my son that he had been trying to restore a man's disability check for 2 years....they too have him as deceased. He has taken birth certificate, military records and the LIVE vet with him......still no reinstatement. If you attend a VA hospital you will immediately see that the WWII vets are afforded no respect or kindness. I cannot stay there long it breaks my heart.

This needs to be exposed. They fulfill their duty the least we can do is see they are taken care of and returned to the highest level they can achieve. Some of these injuries are extremely serious.

I am so sorry to hear about Bob and his cameraman. Isn't there another journalist with that same name or is their's just similar?


Marthatex said:

I have always liked Bob. I also think he is a very attractive man.

I pray for him, the cameraman and the Iraqi soldier.


oceanblueeyes said:
I am so sorry to hear about Bob and his cameraman. Isn't there another journalist with that same name or is their's just similar?
Are you thinking of Judy Woodruff?

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