Access to Casey's Car - Defense Strategy?

They will be called for a deposition. Their attorney can and should be present. It is Baez chance to ask questions of the witnesses that have already been questioned by the other side. You are required to answer the questions, if you don't they can go in front of a judge, if that judge feels that you don't have a reasonable justification for not answering he can order you to, if you still refuse they can charge you with contempt.

This of course does not apply to 5th amendment issues or privileged information.

The advantage in this is that the defense is also privy to the depostitions already taken by the State. Therefore, the questions they ask will be designed to "lock them into testimony" or provide places of differing testimony.

For instance, what Simon B. testified, with regard to the car, will be compared to everyone else's testimony. Then Baez (or someone smarter than he, like say, anyone) should ask him whether it is his habit to avoid contacting police when there appears to be such a strong odor. Now Simon, if HE's smart, would simply say he had no reason to get that close to the car in the yard. Baez, if he's done HIS work, will have already the information of the "yard placement" of vehicles to see how close Simon would have had to get in the 15 days between the time of deposit into the yard and the time of retrieval of the Anthonys.

Further, he will then pin Simon down into just exactly what did Cindy and George do when they picked up the car. What did they say? How did they act? Does he make it a habit of tampering with potential evidence, since his testimony states that he knew that smell from a car with a recent suicide, so was he unwilling to do the right thing and contact authorities regarding the smell and further tampering with potential evidence by throwing out the garbage bag, or was there really no smell at all?

Oh, it could get interesting, indeed.
Just think of all the people who had to get attorneys because of Casey. If I were them, I'd sue Casey for my fees, for my involvement.
The advantage in this is that the defense is also privy to the depostitions already taken by the State. Therefore, the questions they ask will be designed to "lock them into testimony" or provide places of differing testimony.

For instance, what Simon B. testified, with regard to the car, will be compared to everyone else's testimony. Then Baez (or someone smarter than he, like say, anyone) should ask him whether it is his habit to avoid contacting police when there appears to be such a strong odor. ~respectfully snipped~ ~My Bold~

Spew!!! On the bolded part. Okay now that's the first time I actually did spew coffee on my keyboard, and I'm at work!!!! :bang:
I doubt the defense will be successful. From what I've read, LE followed the letter of the law in searching and impounding the car, and they had the motive because of the statements the parents made about the smell.

But without the car, the prosecution doesn't have a case. It is everything- the hair, the decomp, the chloroform- everything. It's the only thing that proves Caylee is dead.
I doubt the defense will be successful. From what I've read, LE followed the letter of the law in searching and impounding the car, and they had the motive because of the statements the parents made about the smell.

But without the car, the prosecution doesn't have a case. It is everything- the hair, the decomp, the chloroform- everything. It's the only thing that proves Caylee is dead.

That we know of. :)
I doubt they will be able to get it thrown out either, but they will try their hardest. The car has the most damning evidence of all.
This is the most sickening move Jose has made yet.

Is this a cowardly move?
And CA has even suggested that SOMEONE else planted SOMEONE else's body in the trunk .........OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I doubt the defense will be successful. From what I've read, LE followed the letter of the law in searching and impounding the car, and they had the motive because of the statements the parents made about the smell.

But without the car, the prosecution doesn't have a case. It is everything- the hair, the decomp, the chloroform- everything. It's the only thing that proves Caylee is dead.
So far.

I agree. I don't think the defense will get the car evidence tossed simply because it was an integral part of the original 911 call. It would be a stretch to say that searching the car was improper.

When you watch the video, be sure to catch the shot of the tow yard with its HIGH FENCE and barbed wire at the top. Makes Cindy's statement about someone getting into the tow yard and planting a body ludicrous - but then I think most of her statements ARE laughable. moo

Someone would have to know that the car was towed to this and only this towyard or to have followed the tow truck to the yard. GMAB, Cindy. You can do better than this.
I agree that I think it will be difficult to get the car evidence thrown out. The defense would need a really good reason for that, like it was searched improperly or something. And as far as the evidence we have seen so far goes, the only other people that even got close to that car besides KC was the tow guy who did not have a key and GA and CA. Of course, there is a strong possibility that they tampered with evidence but JB would have to tread very lightly on that one or he could hurt his case more than he could help it. IMO of course because the only thing I know about the law is what I see on tv.
It's all about creating reasonable doubt. They wouldn't be doing their job if they didn't try. They're whining that the defense team isn't being given enough time to find the body!!!! Hello!!! Isn't that an admission she is dead???
Isn't there also the issue where JB filed a motion to get possession of the car so they could do their own testing? What happened to that?
This is the most sickening move Jose has made yet.

Is this a cowardly move?

Jose is a Whiner .:boohoo:. makes me think of a boy we had in school that always went to the teacher and tell her "The Girls are Picking on Me " when he was pushed off the top of the Snow pile ..
3 yrs out of law school and he thinks it is going to make a name for himself!! Not the way that he is doing it .

I don't think in the state that I live that the defense can talk to the witnesses like he is going to do .. I could be wrong, but I have never heard of this before .. is this something new ??

The FBI is going to release their Tests results tomorrow .. 10/24 - according to the Nancy G. Show ..

My :twocents:

By interviewing the towing service and Amscot employees, the defense WILL establish that the vehicle was not in the care, custody, control and possession of KC from at least June 30th through July 15th. He MAY also be able to establish that the car was in the Amscot parking lot during the business hours of June 27th through June 30th. The defense will then maintain that anyone could have done anything to the car during those days and especially the nights it sat abandoned in the Amscot parking lot. If the tow lot is fenced and locked, it is unlikely that anyone except employess could access the car. Therefore, he will concentrate on the nights at Amscot to great reasonable doubt, i.e., KC was not in control of that car on those days and nights.

No one should entertain the idea that someone hid a stranger's body in the trunk temporarily or that someone else killed Caylee and put her in KC's trunk to frame her. Theses are not reasonable explanations in light of all of the other physical and circumstantial evidence.

Defense counsel HAS to talk to all the people that LE talked to, otherwise they are committing malpractice. He will also run criminal background checks on these people and research their employment history, education, etc. It is just part of putting on a proper defense - KNOW YOUR WITNESSES.
Yeah, throw it was dead squirrels in the engine compartment stinking up the trunk, for sure. And hair samples don't mean anything, according to Cindy.
Sounds like the new lawyer is getting on the ball. It's about the only defensive argument that takes into account the forensic evidence from the car because IMO I don't think they have a chance of disputing it scientifically.

I'm just not seeing the GA "It must have been someone elses dead body in my daughters car, and not my missing 2 year old grandaughters!!!" defense scoring many points in the realm of reasonable doubt?
It's simply too bad that his client discussed the stank of that car with so many people long before she abandoned said stanky car in a parking lot.
Other people having access to the car doesn't explain why Casey didn't report her daughter missing, didn't co-operate with the police to find her missing daughter, or why Anthony family hair with death bans is in the trunk. It doesn't explain why KC took police to Universal, lying she worked there, made up Zanni and took police on a wild goose chase to look for her daughter, or happily partied, cooked lasagna, slept with several men and shopped blithely at Target with money she stole while her daughter (she says) was kidnapped.

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