Recovered/Located AL - Casey White, prisoner, & Vicky Sue White (Deceased), CO w/sher office, Lauderdale, 29 Apr'22 *Reward* #5

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Had it been well-planned and executed they could have remained hidden for a good period of time.

I don't know about anyone else, but I was very wrong. The escape itself was relatively well-planned with the exception of the first orange getaway vehicle. They got out of the state before anyone knew they were missing, switched vehicles, and disappeared. I thought for sure she would have rented and stocked a hideout - a little cabin off the beaten path. Why purchase three vehicles and then stay in a motel? When and from whom did they purchase the other two vehicles? Why the green spray paint? And why leave a perfectly good running vehicle in a car wash bay? Did he not notice the camera in the car wash?

And LE in this case dropped the ball more than once, IMHO, from the jailbreak to not taking the car wash operator seriously.

I am glad this criminal is off the streets, but very, very surprised by the outcome.

RIP Vicky
Great Post! Thank You! I agree 100%.
Sheriff Singleton said he would not be surprised if the Vicky White gunshot wound was actually not self inflicted.
He says there is no evidence to suggest that -- and he will wait on forensics -- but that it is "possible."

IMO he would be better off not speculating on events he has no knowledge of. Perhaps he is still remembering the person he thought he knew and trying to put more gentle spin on her actions.
5/10/22 - VW autopsy will be performed

5/10/22 - CW Court Hearing Indiana, 10:00 am

5/10/22 - Press Conference, 11:00 am - Evansville, IN

5/10/22 - CW Capital Murder Trial, Emergency Status Conference Hearing, 12:00 pm
Yes, the deed documents that the title company filed with my county says "$10" I was floored when I saw it. It is a very common thing. There is also the possibility that she purchased only land also.
There is also the possiblity, since the property was right next to VW's house, that it was previously owned by family or a family friend and she bought it for a nominal fee
I truly wish that VW would have survived, even though she would have been spending the rest of her days in jail. I am sad that she's dead. I don't even know why. JMHO

During one of the interviews last night I believe it was a district attorney who mentioned the charges she would face and that her possible sentence would be about 10 years. I thought that was a pretty light sentence and do wonder if they would have tacked on more years after all of yesterday’s events.
In an Anderson Cooper interview, a marshall said that they bought all three vehicles. Frankly, I won’t believe it until I see it in print from reputable sources, complete with a description of how the sales happened.

I agree that it makes no sense at all. And there he was—parading in front of the car wash camera for about five minutes?!? Why?
Either way, I suppose LE tracked a stolen vehicles or a recently purchased vehicles that occurred the same day as right after the orange Ford being found abandoned, and again after the truck was located. One of her aliases perhaps? Or an interview with seller for description of buyer?

As for the car wash surveillance, he maybe presumed no way José is anyone going to check camera footage from a car wash.. Lucky strikes against them both led to the end of their run. Sorry she felt the need to end her life over it.
IMO he would be better off not speculating on events he has no knowledge of. Perhaps he is still remembering the person he thought he knew and trying to put more gentle spin on her actions.

I think he is grieving, too, like many others who have worked with VW for so many years. There would be shock and grief and coming to terms with the betrayal, and now grief for her death, complicated by the betrayal. It will take time.

He kept saying yesterday that "you never really know anyone." He will have to work this through and hopefully come to terms with this and hopefully redeem his positive memories and experiences of VW, as those were real and he did know her then.
During one of the interviews last night I believe it was a district attorney who mentioned the charges she would face and that her possible sentence would be about 10 years. I thought that was a pretty light sentence and do wonder if they would have tacked on more years after all of yesterday’s events.
And a 10 year sentence works out to just over 3 years of actual time served under Alabama's generous Good Time law:


And VW being in corrections for a couple decades should have been well-aware of good time credits. Although they typically only kick in for prisoners in state penitentiaries and are usually non-existent to difficult to accrue for prisoners awaiting trial etc in county lockups.
There is also the possiblity, since the property was right next to VW's house, that it was previously owned by family or a family friend and she bought it for a nominal fee
Wonder if that is her Moms property? Idk. It would go along with her history of “care taking” (ex, momma, CW etc).

The VW everyone knew for years was responsible and thrifty. She probably saw whatever $ she had left going for defense.

I already posted my medical opinion about her possible mental/depression. Taking her own life was her last way of taking care of momma. She would at least get VWs contributions to RSA (retirement systems Alabama) and any interest earned. Not the full retirement mind you, but still probably a good chunk of $

If she had momma listed as her direct beneficiary at RSA then momma will easily get that $$$ once she has a death certificate in hand. I am speculating but given what we know to be fact I would be shocked if she had it set up any other way.

Her final moments were a harsh look at reality for the first time in who knows when——and a desperate last action to take care of Mom (I think) and simultaneously avoid any of the embarrassment, accountability, teasing, questions, and mountain of media.

I feel for her loved ones, they truly “lost” her twice. Once, when she fled with CW. And again yesterday when she ended her life.
I only looked at a few sites that talked about marriage license requirements in Indiana. I didn’t look at Alabama or Tennessee but it seems they left those states quickly. While you can apply online in Indiana, on Mondays, you still have to appear in person to validate the application. At least that’s my understanding from the information in the link below. They require a lot of identification, more items than these two would likely have had for even fake names.

It seems unlikely to me that the pair could have married, partly because they were so recognizable. And if they used their actual names the person validating an application would have at least remembered them because the last names were the same. If by some stretch they actually managed to get married it would have probably been with fake names, so would it even be legal?

Did he actually call her his wife or did the person who reported it make that assumption when speaking in the interview? I think I’ll listen again.

I have heard it said that we are ALL just one bad decision away from jail or death. Sometimes I have to remind myself of that when I get too judgmental here. Sadly, VW's one very bad decision ultimately ended in her death. JMO
IMO, she had mutiple days/months to plan and execute this escape of a violent felon. Most people may have fleeting thoughts of doing something to escape their lives but the vast,vast majority do not 1) abuse their position and authority to free a dangerous convicted felon 2) potentially endanger others because of her selfish and reckless behavior 3) cause mental anguish and untold fear to the victims and their family who the felon had threatened to murder if he ever got free. I have empathy for the victims and not VW.
It sounds like they didn't steal a car, they purchased all three of them, from private sellers, for a total of about $20,000. Someone posted this interview with US Marshall on CNN in interview with Anderson Cooper, above. Seems that the Ford-150 was purchased for about $6,000 from someone who was selling it privately. I guess you could go to Craigslist in your community and pick out a vehicle for sale, or something like that. Maybe just sitting at the shopping center parking lot with a For Sale sign in the window, and you call them up and make a purchase.

The US Marshall interviewed on CNN by Anderson Cooper (interview posted above this morning), said that he was surprised also that they seemed to have a well-planned escape plan, but no destination.
Wow, so a good part of the $$ went to these vehicles. This shows they had a desire to keep going, so why the Indiana motel, car wash ? Very strange that there was no real plan for after the escape, on her part. I don’t get it…..
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