Identified! AL - Huntsville, Female 148UFAL, 15-19, Oct'97 - Cynthia Davis

You go you wonderful, scandalous one you! The only issue, which may fit in some way that we are not aware of is that of the dentals. Everything else looks like a possible match. If young Monique is no longer living, I sure do hope this is a match.(fingers crossed icon). We need a smilie for this, perhaps.

Excellent work rich!


Thx Lion!
I have been looking at different missing sites and what kills me is they have her listed as White on one, Black on another and Hispanic on still another.
Facts, facts, facts....get them straight!!! :bang:
Thx Lion!
I have been looking at different missing sites and what kills me is they have her listed as White on one, Black on another and Hispanic on still another.
Facts, facts, facts....get them straight!!! :bang:

Ring a bell? White, White/Hispanic, Hispanic? I heard that, "Hispanic" isn't even a considered to be an ethnicity according to forensic pathologists. It is a Race, which is different from ethnicity. Don't quote me on this. They still go by an old, yet possibly more accurate system. I pay little attention to race classification as a result of what I have seen, read, and heard.

I am anxious to know what the results of this are. You rock, friend!

thx, I was just looking over all the missing girls in tx for the princess blue case and it hit me that I had seen that face before! If I'm doing the math right the age would be the same, the only thing is she would have been kept alive for several years between missing and the death of the uid (if the TOD is correct).
I'm going to do a photo overlay tonight at work, will post what I find.

when I first saw the picture, I had in my mind to go look at the photo of the alabama remains to compare to, looks like your thoughts were just the same, very close match, the time line of the new york girl is really going to be the factor here, she would have had to been held for several yrs before her death, but I have seen weirder things happen, there is at least 1 to 1 and a half yrs to estimate since the remains were believed to have been in the woods.
this is a weird question, but can a body be frozen (say, in a deep freezer) for years, and be kept in a pretty good state?

I was just thinking if this is her, maybe she was killed but her body was kept frozen, and then dumped to try to throw investigators off with the date of death.

just curious!
Yes frozen bodies can be remarkably preserved. They one time found the corpse of an early caveman who had died thousands of years ago and his body was frozen in an iceberg. I saw pictures and, well, obviously he didn't look all that great, but his facial features were easily recognizable, and his clothes and belongings were all intact, and it said they were even able to determine what his last meal had been.
Wow! Great work. I can't wait to hear what they say
This could VERY well be a match according to that sketch. Hey rich, please tell detective Berry that Michelle G from Long Island says hello. He is the one who's handing my Angie Daley case :) They tallkkkk sooooo slllooooowww in Alabama but he is a sweetheart!

you guys should have seen my husband jump when I yelled out "oh he!!, i think they just did it again!". Lol, some people think I'm so dorky for being on this site, but if watching miracles happen is dorky-then so be it. Good job guys, I would be down-right shocked if this isn't a match.
you guys should have seen my husband jump when I yelled out "oh he!!, i think they just did it again!". Lol, some people think I'm so dorky for being on this site, but if watching miracles happen is dorky-then so be it. Good job guys, I would be down-right shocked if this isn't a match.
I had the same guys are amazing. Memories like steel traps. They look to me like a match. Hope it is her if she has passed. It could give her family some closure.
This could VERY well be a match according to that sketch. Hey rich, please tell detective Berry that Michelle G from Long Island says hello. He is the one who's handing my Angie Daley case :) They tallkkkk sooooo slllooooowww in Alabama but he is a sweetheart!



ps: don't know about the Angie Daley case. have to do a little research!
I had the same guys are amazing. Memories like steel traps. They look to me like a match. Hope it is her if she has passed. It could give her family some closure.

Missie and daphnec,

I hope we have contributed in some small way to lessen someone elses nightmares about a missing loved one.
The creeps that do terrible things to young women try to take away their identity...I hope to give identity back to the missing/murdered person with some dignity. That, imo is the only thing that makes us human and not animals.
I had the same guys are amazing. Memories like steel traps. They look to me like a match. Hope it is her if she has passed. It could give her family some closure.

They are good, aren't they! Relentless, tireless, and forever vigilant sleuthers, they are:).

Hey rich, Have you heard anything back from Detective Joseph Iwaniec yet? We're hoping for good news from him!
Good morning richandfamous,
I know you'll want to roll your eyes when you see this from me, and I don't mean to be the negative one, BUT...
if I am understanding these two that are being compared, wouldn't that mean that Monique would have not grown, or would have only gained an inch or two in all the years betwn. her disappnc. and the death if this UID? She was only 11 when she disapp'd., surely she would have grown at least a little in height from age 11 forward...? Well, I guess she may have been destined to not be any taller in life than 5 feet-ish. Certainly there are some full-grown women no taller than that. So maybe...

But the hair color also bothers me. Monique is clearly Hispanic w/ dk. brn. if not black hair. This UID's hair was light brown or dark blonde and maybe some kind of red enhancement. I know it could have been dyed. There are forensic tests for that...I wonder if they ran one on this UID? Sometimes hair on a UID can lighten up from being exposed to the elements, but sadly, this one was encased in plastic. Probabaly not receiving sun or wind damage.

The facial reconstruction on the skull (clay sculpture) and the facial reproduction (B/W drawing) look similar to each other in the nose and eyes, esp., but they don't really resemble the facial reproduction from NCMEC (color computer enhanced one). But, the latter DOES seem to grasp the multi-possibility hair color situation...Hmmm. I just don't know. But they all DO show this person (UID) with the longer type of face that Monique has/had. The earlier projection of what Monique may have looked like later in life had her teeth predicted as much bigger/longer than what the UID actually had. (The one on the TX MPCH site).

Have you heard anything back yet? Well, if it is true that Monique is no longer living, then I do hope you are correct in your match, rich.
How very sad...
I understand your concerns sloane, and I agree that they are a little problematic. The two biggest things for me are that if it is her she didn't grow much in height, if at all and that she would have been kept alive for 7 years and then murdered. I know that happens, but it is rare. I notice, too that although they look like sisters, Monique's chin is longer, and chins tend to elongate even further as a person grows into adulthood. So I am thinking that Monique's chin would be longer in adulthood that what I see in the Princess Doe. But, it is not impossible, and it is a very good call to check it.

Most of the time matches will not be made, but once in a while they are, and we must keep on trying and checking for any possibilities. If we don't one true match may slip through the cracks.

Although it isn't the norm, I have been my height since I was 8. 5'6"
Really?! Well, this is interesting...thank you for posting, Pandora. So it is possible...
Did we ever find out if this lead went anywhere? I cant believe the guy who gave her the lift and admitted to pleasuring himself as he watched her has nothing to do with it!

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