Found Deceased AL- Kamille "Cupcake" McKinney, 3, kidnapped from birthday party, Birmingham, 12 Oct 2019

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When Madelaine McCann was unattended and abducted, the parents were dragged through the mud for years. Now it's normal for children to be unattended. How things change!

Being left in a hotel room alone and playing outside alone are two different things.

I grew up playing outside alone all of the time. I don't think it's a big deal. Stranger abductions are very very rare. Most people don't live their lives worrying about stranger abductions or think it'll ever happen to them. It's just that rare.
When Madelaine McCann was unattended and abducted, the parents were dragged through the mud for years. Now it's normal for children to be unattended. How things change!

I do feel like leaving your kids alone in an unsecured hotel room in another country is a little different than a child at a birthday party surrounded by people they know in a complex that is likely familiar to the family in their own community/neighborhood IMO. Like PP said, I also grew up in public housing and I feel like it is a very specific communal/neighborly culture, especially when it comes to the neighborhood kids.
I do feel like leaving your kids alone in an unsecured hotel room in another country is a little different than a child at a birthday party surrounded by people they know in a complex that is likely familiar to the family in their own community/neighborhood IMO. Like PP said, I also grew up in public housing and I feel like it is a very specific communal/neighborly culture, especially when it comes to the neighborhood kids.

Apparently it doesn't make much different. Predators are looking for unsupervised young children and they don't care whether they are at the playground, in a fancy hotel room, or hanging out at the neigborly housing complex. If parents are not watching their children, the children are at risk.
Apparently it doesn't make much different. Predators are looking for unsupervised young children and they don't care whether they are at the playground, in a fancy hotel room, or hanging out at the neigborly housing complex. If parents are not watching their children, the children are at risk.

Of course, the outcomes are the same, I was just making the point that what is considered "normal" like your original post said - within in your own neighborhood and around people you know vs in a foreign hotel are very different and can't be equated as what is actually the social norm or acceptable IMO.
When Madelaine McCann was unattended and abducted, the parents were dragged through the mud for years. Now it's normal for children to be unattended. How things change!
I agree with you....... I do not think it is now or ever been a wise thing to do. Different cultural thinking seems to exist though on this matter...... If we were all alike it would be a dull world......moo
2 POIs in custody who "have" no information and LE believes others are also involved? WTH??

I don't get it - what's the motive? Surely if it's money then all these POIs could do better by stealing cars, not toddlers. Or selling drugs. Or lots of other things. Kidnapping a 3 year old is a way riskier act than just about anything else.
I have no idea. But in complexes or public housing units it's not uncommon for there to be "community" birthday parties. There are no invitations and it's not formal. It's just word of mouth and people find out and the kids end up at your house. I grew up in housing projects/apartment complexes and this is how it was.
When mine were little and lived in a “center court” type complex - we would get together for birthdays, etc. and sit outside in lawn chairs while the children ran around outside playing. Summer involved making a churn of ice cream. But I didn’t worry as much 25 years ago.
Does anyone know how many apartments are in Tom Brown Village? I doubt all the children playing on the playground were from that party, children from other apartments were probably there. Other people walking around, visiting other apartments roaming around. If these poi are not involved this just got a whole lot scarier.JMO
Apparently it doesn't make much different. Predators are looking for unsupervised young children and they don't care whether they are at the playground, in a fancy hotel room, or hanging out at the neigborly housing complex. If parents are not watching their children, the children are at risk.

No one can watch their child 100% of the time. It only takes a second. You can turn around to pick up a piece of paper and your kid could be gone.
2 POIs in custody who "have" no information and LE believes others are also involved? WTH??

I don't get it - what's the motive? Surely if it's money then all these POIs could do better by stealing cars, not toddlers. Or selling drugs. Or lots of other things. Kidnapping a 3 year old is a way riskier act than just about anything else.
The most obvious motive is revenge against somebody in Kamille's family. Her dad said she wouldn't get into a car with a stranger.
When mine were little and lived in a “center court” type complex - we would get together for birthdays, etc. and sit outside in lawn chairs while the children ran around outside playing. Summer involved making a churn of ice cream. But I didn’t worry as much 25 years ago.

I believe stranger abductions have gone down in the last 25 years. We are just more aware of it now due to the news and social media.
We can't link social media, but the birthday party discussions are really irrelevant because it wasn't Kamille's family having the party. There was a rented moonwalk jumper set up at another person's birthday party and that person said kids (including Kamille) came from the housing community and joined in playing.
2 POIs in custody who "have" no information and LE believes others are also involved? WTH??

I don't get it - what's the motive? Surely if it's money then all these POIs could do better by stealing cars, not toddlers. Or selling drugs. Or lots of other things. Kidnapping a 3 year old is a way riskier act than just about anything else.

I don’t get it either. Where is this little girl and why doesn’t it feel like they are any closer to finding her? Xx
The question is does her mother recognize the person of interest?

Yes obviously Mom would know if this guy could think Cupcake is his child. Although it’s sounding like he was just the minion here.... but just to be thorough. I’m still hoping for a happy ending here.

Also any other family members need to make sure they don’t know him. We’ve seen kids taken for extended family members misdeeds before.

I hope if anyone at all connected to Cupcake recognizes him that they tell LE.
2 POIs in custody who "have" no information and LE believes others are also involved? WTH??

I don't think POIs are nefariously named until there's been a long lag time (Chase Merritt, for example). I think an immediately-named "POI" within 24 hours of the crime, is just "someone whom we think has more information", and can be benign as easily as it can be sinister. I don't get suspicious until it's been clear said POI has been interviewed multiple times for months/years, and has yet never been cleared by the police.
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