All About KYRON ~ Pictures, Poems, Prayers, Well Wishes, Light a Candle ~



Please be found soon and safe, sweet Kyron. You are missed. It is so hard to see your smiling face and know it's only in pictures right now. :cry:

Prayers to all those who know you personally, too. This mother who did not know you hurts. I cannot imagine how much your friends and family hurt. May they find comfort during this unspeakably terrible time.

I came across this video someone made for Kyron.
Heavenly Father,

Thank you for this sweet little boy Kyron. Father, I pray you would bring him home. Comfort his family. Give those involved in this investigation wisdom and provide for their needs. Lord, be glorified in this situation. I pray for Your justice and Your mercy Lord. Let your light shine in the darkness and expose its deeds. Lord I pray that if someone has Kyron that you would change their heart to do the right thing Father. If someone knows the truth about where he is, Father, let them come forward. If Kyron is alive Lord protect him and and be his peace. If he is with you Lord then I thank you because he's full of joy and eternally in Your loving arms. God, your will be done. In Jesus name, Amen.
Your daddy misses you awfully bad, Kyron. I hope he can find you very soon. I'm so sorry this happened to you, sweetie.

Kyron, we love you! We miss you! Your Dad & Mom & all good people in God's world wish to protect you & help you find your way home!! God be with you ! God will bring you back to your loving family & friends.
Kyron, you are so sweet. I can see the love in your smile and in your eyes. I can see how very smart you are. I am so sorry that this has happened, but it is not your fault, baby. You are perfect and wonderful. I pray that you will be found and brought home so that you can continue to light up the world!
I was just putting my little son down for a nap, listening to his Raffi album, and I was holding his little hand, and thinking of his little, skinny boy arm - thinking of little Kyron and dear little Hasanni, and how fragile they are, and I found myself crying, thinking how lucky I am to be able to smell my little guy's soft hair.

Anyway, thinking of all the lost little ones, and I wanted to leave this song, one of our favourites, for Kyron and all the precious lost children:


a flyer for of missing seven-year-old Kyron Horman, are surrounded by signatures of well-wishers at "Kyron's Wall of Hope" in front of Skyline Elementary School in Portland, Ore. The first accounts of 7-year-old Kyron Horman's disappearance were a parent's nightmare: A boy vanishes from the safe haven of his elementary school. But over the course of two months, shock has turned into frustration as the case has taken bizarre twists. Suspicion rests on the boy's stepmother, who is mute about what happened the morning the child disappeared, while lurid tales of infidelity and even a murder-for-hire plot swirl.​


A sign for missing 7-year-old Kyron Horman hangs outside Skyline Elementary School in Portland, Ore.​


Kaine Horman, father of missing seven-year-old Kyron Horman, reads notes sent by well-wishers on "Kyrons Wall of Hope" in front of Skline Elementary School in Portland, Ore​

Heavenly Father,

Bring this boy home. Comfort his family and continue to give LE wisdom. Lord, let someone come forward with more information. Be glorified in this situation.

In Jesus name,
Tell us where you are Kyron; we are looking for you, sweetie. <3

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