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Yes they may be free to say this and that but it is not correct to say that he is committing criminal offences while in there without being charged ect.

I have 22 years prison service and I for one can tell you that this behavior is not excepted in any form, at any time, by anyone.

Oh OK thanks KTK, interesting, and you've just answered my question. Cheers :)
This is interesting Keentoknow, and something I've never really thought about before. I understand you have experience in the prison system, so can I ask a question please?

One hears of a lot of dodgy behaviour that goes on inside prisons, such as violence and drug taking. Is it true that this type of thing happens, and if so is it generally dealt with according to the law? Or do you think some prison officers just turn a blind eye to it?

If found turning a blind eye you are sacked. You also get a VERY long sentence when found guilty.
The prison is laden with cameras and an officer will soon get found out as Master Control moniters these cameras 24 hours a day.
Should an officer do this eg drugs he is placing many other officers lives at risk. We also have Internal Affairs Branch that investigate officers and prisoners.

Prison is a very volitile place.
Yes they may be free to say this and that but it is not correct to say that he is committing criminal offences while in there without being charged ect.

I have 22 years prison service and I for one can tell you that this behavior is not excepted in any form, at any time, by anyone.

I really appreciate you clearing that up K2K.
Ditto Possum, thank you Keentoknow :)

It must be a fascinating, if not stressful workplace.
Ditto Possum, thank you Keentoknow :)

It must be a fascinating, if not stressful workplace.

You do see too much for the human mind to comprehend at times, but follow the guidelines, and take nothing in or out of the prison and the job is excellent.

The prisoners have weeks to organize a problem and officers have seconds to fix it.

A large percentage of prisoners themselves do not like disturbances. If you upset one in there you upset them all, so man management skills are a must.
If he was displaying this behavior in prison he would have been charged immediately.

The law in prison is no different to your local shopping centre. Exposing himself while masturbating in public is a criminal offense. It is NOT tolerated by anyone in prison be it an officer or anyone else. I believe the above not to be true.

Why would an officer go and tell you this without charging him????????

Thank you Keentoknow. It is good to hear from someone who has experience in the prison system.

I thought gbc was in protected area and doesnt that mean that they spend a lot of time in their own cell. Is masturbation not allowed in the privacy of one's cell?
Thank you Keentoknow. It is good to hear from someone who has experience in the prison system.

I thought gbc was in protected area and doesnt that mean that they spend a lot of time in their own cell. Is masturbation not allowed in the privacy of one's cell?

Like your home . Do what you like in privacy. Do not expose yourself like inferences made here earlier.

He is not in a cell on his own all day. He will be in a unit with up to 24 or more other protection prisoners.
Guys it's all starting to go off topic again...please stick to the topic.

There's no evidence to date which mentions GBC has any type of mental disorder, so please stay off that as well.
Like your home . Do what you like in privacy. Do not expose yourself like inferences made here earlier.

He is not in a cell on his own all day. He will be in a unit with up to 24 or more other protection prisoners.

Thank you for your response, really appreciated. For some reason the site wouldnt accept me just pressing the thank icon.
IMO I am not going to think along the lines of gbc having some diagnosable mental illness. I am seeing him as a guy who is just full of himself and maybe thinks he is a bit of a stud, possibly prone to a bit of domestic violence (maybe physical and mental) and just took his anger too far and isnt man enough to fess up.

Please keep in mind I have never met the guy or any of those associated with this whole sad story. It is just my opinion from what I have gathered from this site.

One thing that really "gets up my nose" is the fact that his denial is just dragging more and more people into the mix e.g. family, friends providing financial assistance, past work colleagues.
Guys any further questions re topics/moderation please go to this thread & ask questions...

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ETA: mods don't always read all the posts...if you feel a post should be removed please use the alert button
On a positive note, it was so nice to hear of the money raised at the golf yesterday and also money raised previously to help Allison's family with the care of the girls.

It is very touching and humbling to see that despite finances being tight for many Australian families that people have still been able to dig deep and contribute.

Very inspiring and great show of "Aussie Spirit"
On a positive note, it was so nice to hear of the money raised at the golf yesterday and also money raised previously to help Allison's family with the care of the girls.

It is very touching and humbling to see that despite finances being tight for many Australian families that people have still been able to dig deep and contribute.

Very inspiring and great show of "Aussie Spirit"

Oops also forgot to include any others from other countries who may have contributed. Your donations are greatly appreciated.
The one thing I really cant get my head around, no matter how hard I try, is how did someone with a finance background and a father with a finance background get into so much financial mess.
If gbc had grandiose ideas and wanted to spend recklessly to make himself appear to be a high flyer, wouldnt nbc be able to step in and tone down some of these grandiose ideas e.g. moving to Toowong Towers when your business is struggling and realestate itself isnt exactly booming. People are being cautious. How could two heads together not be able to see common sense, personality issues or not?

You know these old pearls of wisdom:

1. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree
2. A mechanics car always runs badly
3. An accountant is great with everybody's money except their own.

The one thing I really cant get my head around, no matter how hard I try, is how did someone with a finance background and a father with a finance background get into so much financial mess.
If gbc had grandiose ideas and wanted to spend recklessly to make himself appear to be a high flyer, wouldnt nbc be able to step in and tone down some of these grandiose ideas e.g. moving to Toowong Towers when your business is struggling and realestate itself isnt exactly booming. People are being cautious. How could two heads together not be able to see common sense, personality issues or not?

i think having a finance background or education in this case just hasn't been enough!! You only have to go and investigate ASIC to see the tangled mess of attempted business ventures made by the family, to see that they really didn't have much success.... like father, like son? you learn a lot more growing up, than you do at uni!!
Yes they may be free to say this and that but it is not correct to say that he is committing criminal offences while in there without being charged ect.

I have 22 years prison service and I for one can tell you that this behavior is not excepted in any form, at any time, by anyone.

I have to agree with K2K having worked with numerous offenders in the psychological capacity. GBC may well be in a protected cell but as k2k says there are laws and rules he must abide by. He is on surveillance camera constantly that part of the prison. Perhaps it is best to say this. In my experience most of the incarcerated masturbate. Some inmates do have sexual issues but these are often managed by medication and therapy.

I feel reasonably confident saying that if GBC was engaging in this sort of behavior it would be dealt with swiftly from multiple angles. Like many prisoners he would receive medical and psychological treatment where appropriate. I think the exposing himself part etc might be related to the camera surveillance in that part of the prison as he's protected. However, I find it a leap to think he's been actively and publicly exposing himself - to who? Guards? I think that very unlikely and wouldn't go beyond the first incident.

My understanding is that he apparently keeps to himself a lot. He, like many, has lost weight and I believe this was reported also in the CM. I don't believe GBC would put himself at such risk engaging in that behaviour. As a psych I can tell you that would only complicate his pending matter and put him at great risk within the prison pop. If he was indeed suffering psychologically and doing that without being fully cognizant then I think he would be moved to medical. I also think that as GBC maintains his innocence he would be unlikely to use that behaviour as an angle for any reason at all. I feel strongly his legal team would jump on it immediately also.

K2K is quite right about prisons. If they misbehave there are further consequences guards will impose. GBC would be even more stupid if he was to have anything other than a perfect prison record.

Not saying the poster is inaccurate in their statement at all. Just saying what my ideas are. Each to their own:)

I think people have dropped off as we just go in circles frantically seeking answers. It's like a never ending cluedo game!
Keentoknow is there a time limit to how long a prisoner can be in protective custody, does it cost more to run this part of the jail and what criteria does a prisoner have to meet to be eligible for protective custody?
You know these old pearls of wisdom:

1. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree
2. A mechanics car always runs badly
3. An accountant is great with everybody's money except their own.


Hey as an accountant I resent that remark LOL.

Anyway what about adding …

4. Psychiatrists are crazier than their patients lolol.
Keentoknow is there a time limit to how long a prisoner can be in protective custody, does it cost more to run this part of the jail and what criteria does a prisoner have to meet to be eligible for protective custody?


Queensland Corrective Services has a duty of care to provide a safe environment for all prisoners.

A prisoner may only be approved for protection following a dynamic risk/needs assessment and it is determined the prisoner cannot be effectively managed within the mainstream prisoner population. Consideration must be given to the risk the prisoner may present to existing protection prisoners..

It is the responsibility of all corrective services staff to take appropriate action to ensure the safety of all prisoners.

The general manager or nominee of a corrective services facility has the authority to approve and to withdraw protection status.

Centre sentence management staff are to ensure a prisoner's Offender File and IOMS are updated with relevant information relating to the prisoners protection status.

prisoner may be assessed as being at risk from others and require protection as a result of, but not limited to-

appearing as a court witness offering assistance to the Crown;
being a human source by giving, or offering to give, information to law enforcement or correctional authorities;
the nature of the offence (eg. a prisoner who has committed an offence, which is likely to make him or her the target of aggression from others);
personal or psychological characteristics (eg. a prisoner who exhibits physical, emotional, psychological or intellectual characteristics, which are likely to make him or her the target of aggression or intimidation from others); or
cultural issues (eg. a prisoner who is assessed as being at risk of harm due to cross cultural, religious or particular tribal issues);
prior protection status; or
public profile of prisoner. (ie media interest
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