Amanda Knox tried for the murder of Meredith Kercher in Italy *NEW TRIAL*#12

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i hadn't ever seen this before -- wow.


I understand that it is probably surprising that lawyers, doctors, crime scene analysts, investigators and other professionals that deal with gruesome situations on a daily basis crack jokes about their circumstances, but that's life. Give them a few drinks if you want to really take advantage of the humor.
What is fake about a website that hosts information about a murder case? Many times, information from Injustice in Perugia is referenced and linked on this forum. What makes makes one source that hosts information "fake" and another not "fake"?

Nothing on the site is accurate except for the primary source documents. It's an agenda driven deceptive website which is all opinion not fact.
Believe it or not, prosecutors joke about gruesome murders scenes too. That doesn't mean that they're not qualified to be lawyers, it means that humor is one of the methods for coping with the brutality of murder.

They didn't know how to use the equipment. You know C&V played a DVD for the jury showing how incompetent they were which made the jurors laugh?
Thank you! So can we stop calling TMB a confirmatory test please? I am not sure why that dr is not considering Luminol, because TMB is certainly not more sensitive than Luminol. Not even close.

What is the sensitivity of luminol in your opinion? 1:100 000 000?
The bathmat boogie story was told later in a story to her lawyers. Iirc

IMO its her explaining why some of her footprints are there because she accidentally stepped off a few times. What doesn't make sense is why any woman would use a bathmat this way that you assume is dirty with your roommates period blood. I wouldn't even dry my feet on that mat to be honest.

And finally, regardless of how disgusting it is to think of, could stepping on the bath mat and then the floor in Amanda's bedroom and the hallway have left those faint dilute footprints? It would be another explanation for why there are only prints from one foot.
citing a blog site that is biased against the defendants isn't acceptable imo. neither is quoting follain, who's book was found to contain several errors.

instead, is it possible to see the actual court testimony you originally referred to?

Yes. Where is the actual testimony with quotes and page numbers for any claims made?
All I can say is that you seem to be willing to believe that this particular woman did many things more disgusting and horrible than that.

I do partially because her story of that morning is so ridiculous IMO.

Her friends and family email was actually the first thing I read when I started researching this case on my own. I seriously couldn't believe what I was reading.
citing a blog site that is biased against the defendants isn't acceptable imo. neither is quoting follain, who's book was found to contain several errors.

instead, is it possible to see the actual court testimony you originally referred to?

Links were requested and provided, but now they're not good enough? They are good enough for many, and they are good enough for me in terms of gaining insights into the facts of the case.

I linked a well researched and referenced wiki site that contains mountains of information and documents about the case, and a well researched, respected book about the case. I accept this information as valid. Others prefer to reference the Injustice in Perugia forum. To each their own.
Nothing on the site is accurate except for the primary source documents. It's an agenda driven deceptive website which is all opinion not fact.

I understand that it is your opinion that the wiki site has no purpose, and that there are forums that provide greater insights into the case. I hope you respect my opinion that it is a well referenced and researched wiki.
Believe it or not, prosecutors joke about gruesome murders scenes too. That doesn't mean that they're not qualified to be lawyers, it means that humor is one of the methods for coping with the brutality of murder.

i would suggest it means they are insensitive and don't take their job seriously...

if the victim was a family member, would you feel the same?

Yes. Where is the actual testimony with quotes and page numbers for any claims made?

I understand that you read Italian, so I would recommend that you read the cross examination of Conti and Vecchiotti from the Appeal (see Knox blog or the wiki site for trial testimony transcripts). I don't read Italian, so I rely on those that do, such as the contributors to themurderofmeredithkercher wiki.
They didn't know how to use the equipment. You know C&V played a DVD for the jury showing how incompetent they were which made the jurors laugh?

Conti and Vecchiotti had to rely on ridicule to make a point? That's sad.
Links were requested and provided, but now they're not good enough? They are good enough for many, and they are good enough for me in terms of gaining insights into the facts of the case.

I linked a well researched and referenced wiki site that contains mountains of information and documents about the case, and a well researched, respected book about the case. I accept this information as valid. Others prefer to reference the Injustice in Perugia forum. To each their own.

in the plethora of threads here in the AK forum several errors have been located and cited re: both sources, so no, they are not "good enough" imo.
i would suggest it means they are insensitive and don't take their job seriously...

if the victim was a family member, would you feel the same?

There's a video of Meredith's possessions being trashed and man handled. I'll see if I can find it. In John Kerchers book he writes about how the family had hardly any of her things returned to them.
i would suggest it means they are insensitive and don't take their job seriously...

if the victim was a family member, would you feel the same?

Prosecutors take their jobs very seriously, but after years to doing the job, they need an outlet for a job that eventually consumes them. A friend, a senior prosecutor for 30 years, phoned me from work one day, in tears, because he was so overwhelmed by the facts surrounding the murder of two young children. Humor was one of the few things that made the job possible. He retired before the case went to trial and took another position in the justice system.

Victms, on the other hand, are sometimes gracious, but more often demanding and unaccepting if the verdict does not meet their expectations. Who do you think they blame?

Humor is used by people that face death on a daily basis as part of their jobs, and I don't think that it is justified to suggest that people that choose to do that service should be labeled "insensitive" if they need to lighten the mood to cope.
in the plethora of threads here in the AK forum several errors have been located and cited re: both sources, so no, they are not "good enough" imo.

Have you contributed to the wiki to correct that information?
I mean I don't argue that there can be false negative TMB tests for blood. But there can also be false positive luminol tests for blood. Therefore when faced with a test that is +luminol and -TMB, it is INCUMBANT to do additional tests. The fact that Steffanoni did not do those tests suggests either incompetence or a serious prosecutional bias (she interpreted the results the way the prosecution wanted her to when she had NO scientifically justifiable right to do so).

I would add that this is the same behavior exhibited by the rogue forensic scientist from North Carolina (as described by Harmony2) above. Otto wonders why members of this forum besmirch the reputation of "respected professionals"? Steffanoni not only did the above but also directed the keystone cops collection of the bra clasp, stored the bra clasp after initial DNA testing in a manner that allowed it to rust and thus be unusable for retesting, didn't sample DNA from the people in her forensic group to see if their DNA matched the 2-4 people's DNA also found on the bra clasp ( if present it would imply contamination) and performed a suboptimal analysis (by International Standards) of the site on the knife that purportedly contained MK's DNA. She still insists that the knife unquestionably contained MK's DNA.
I can't make it more clear and I say this as a scientist with 30 years experience, Steffanoni is an embarrassment to ALL honest competent forensic scientists. She is either incredibly incompetent, dishonest or both. I can think of no other interpretation of her work
That is what the information in the link says. 1 in 1,000,000 to 1 in 100,000,000 vs TMB 1 in 10,000.

And it's completely false. That comes from a study done in 1939 involving hydrochloric acid that was shown to be completely wrong in another study done in 1977 and showed the opposite was true when using hydrochloric acid.
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