Anthony Verdict & Terri Horman

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They need to find Kyron before they can move forward with this case. If Kyron is dead, his body won't have any forensic evidence. But if they decide to charge Terri with murder, it would help their case to show that Kyron is dead. I don't know whether they would charge Terri with 1st degree, 2nd degree, or manslaughter. They would have to find proof that she planned to murder Kyron if they go for 1st degree. The emails where she apparently shows hatred for Kyron could be used as proof, but they would have to go well beyond the normal parent/stepparent venting. I still don't know if those emails would be enough to convict her on 1st degree unless she confessed in them. Also, could Terri be charged with kidnapping? Or would that charge not apply because she was Kyron's stepmom so it wasn't against the law for her to be driving Kyron to wherever she murdered him?
They need to find Kyron before they can move forward with this case. If Kyron is dead, his body won't have any forensic evidence. But if they decide to charge Terri with murder, it would help their case to show that Kyron is dead. I don't know whether they would charge Terri with 1st degree, 2nd degree, or manslaughter. They would have to find proof that she planned to murder Kyron if they go for 1st degree. The emails where she apparently shows hatred for Kyron could be used as proof, but they would have to go well beyond the normal parent/stepparent venting. I still don't know if those emails would be enough to convict her on 1st degree unless she confessed in them. Also, could Terri be charged with kidnapping? Or would that charge not apply because she was Kyron's stepmom so it wasn't against the law for her to be driving Kyron to wherever she murdered him?

She wasn't a custodial parent, so I don't know how kidnapping would work. I know kidnapping can be as simple as holding a person against their will, even in their own home in some cases, so it is possible she could be charged with that (assuming TH did this.) But first-degree murder will be very difficult to prove; even if she took him from school for some reason i.e he wanted to leave, he was misbehaving, for example, she could have killed him by accident or via punishment. But no one will ever know, IMO, because as you say, it will be impossible to determine cause of death, unless he has a noose around his neck, or bullet wounds. And her DNA on Kyron or his clothing would not be proof of anything.

If TH really did this...he must be somewhere near her phone pinged on that day, between a fairly tight period of time 9am-11:40AM, IMO. Unless he is in water, he should be able to be found...but searching would have to be on-going and extensive...
You can search and search and search and not find in that area - unless you've lived there, that won't make sense, because it's hard to understand the amount of BRAMBLES - mainly blackberries, some raspberries, salmonberries - the amount of stinging nettles as tall as your head, the amount of undergrowth, and all of it usually dripping wet, loads of leaf mould, the ditches, etc. Kyron was so small.

I still do think people should look, though. Even though I truly believe with this KC verdict that they'd never charge TH - they have treated her with kid gloves and she's got a lawyer that struck me as an older version of JB.

I bet she keeps her $#%^& mouth shut even tighter now, a la KC.

I'm not going to post more right now because I am still too steamed about the mischief those jurors in the KC trial have unleashed on the entire country with their inability to THINK. IMO, of course.
They need to find Kyron before they can move forward with this case. If Kyron is dead, his body won't have any forensic evidence. But if they decide to charge Terri with murder, it would help their case to show that Kyron is dead. I don't know whether they would charge Terri with 1st degree, 2nd degree, or manslaughter. They would have to find proof that she planned to murder Kyron if they go for 1st degree. The emails where she apparently shows hatred for Kyron could be used as proof, but they would have to go well beyond the normal parent/stepparent venting. I still don't know if those emails would be enough to convict her on 1st degree unless she confessed in them. Also, could Terri be charged with kidnapping? Or would that charge not apply because she was Kyron's stepmom so it wasn't against the law for her to be driving Kyron to wherever she murdered him?

I could be way off here, but even if they do find his body, how do they link it to TH? She is seen at the FM's and the gym with baby K and no Kyron. So how is this any different than KC's case??? There is no proof she did any thing. She dropped him off at the class room, he was alive, she has a picture to prove it. So once again, I don't think she would do any time and the jury would let her off. The was WAY more evidence with KC killing Caylee and yet no conviction.
I could be way off here, but even if they do find his body, how do they link it to TH? She is seen at the FM's and the gym with baby K and no Kyron. So how is this any different than KC's case??? There is no proof she did any thing. She dropped him off at the class room, he was alive, she has a picture to prove it. So once again, I don't think she would do any time and the jury would let her off. The was WAY more evidence with KC killing Caylee and yet no conviction.

Bern, I guess we can hope they have evidence we don't know about, although I am skeptical. But I guess it is possible that Kyron is what they are lacking...perhaps they have a witness who did see Kyron leave and get into the truck, for example, and just are unable to prove what she did next until they find him. Maybe something like that, and the emails, if they are the way Desiree describes them, would be enough. I'd like to think that this case is different enough from Caylee's in that Casey was not the only person in the family that presented badly to the jury and offered them enough doubt to end up acquitting. I don't believe that circumstantial cases can no longer be proven; the Anthonys break the mold as witnesses and as a family, IMO...
I think the Anthony case has made me realize just how important it is to wait until they have a rock solid case. Many people have asked why TH hasn't been arrested if she's suspected, why they haven't named her etc.. and the Anthony case has just shown that as hard as it might be, waiting for justice for Kyron, if things are done too fast, he might never get justice.
I think most people are in shock over CA's verdict. And compared to Kyron's situation, they had loads of evidence. Poor little Kyron has nothing to show what happened to him even. We don't even know if he's alive or passed.

I honestly think what hurt the Anthony case was the PT went with unproven scientific evidence and witnesses rather than using proven Scientific methods. The hair banding and the Body Farm evidence needs many more years of testing before it is reliable therefore they were not believed. Also the duct tape was not on the remains but was just the PT's theory.
I honestly think what hurt the Anthony case was the PT went with unproven scientific evidence and witnesses rather than using proven Scientific methods. The hair banding and the Body Farm evidence needs many more years of testing before it is reliable therefore they were not believed. Also the duct tape was not on the remains but was just the PT's theory.


The duct tape was on the skull, so much that it had to be cut away from the hair for it to be removed.
I'm sure the next "Casey Anthony" will be made an example of.
During Casey's trial, Jose Baez said: "She may be a no good lying *advertiser censored*...but she's not a murderer." Many people felt that Casey's lies (especially the 31 days) would make sure that she was convicted. I think the equivalent to that in Kyron's case would be the sexting and the emails. I could see Terri's lawyer arguing that like all stepmoms, she sometimes began frustrated by her stepmom, and after he disappeared, she may not have acted appropriately, but that doesn't mean she's a murderer.

I hope they have a lot of more convincing evidence against Terri, because Terri's behavior doesn't make me think that she was definitely involved, unlike Casey's behavior.
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