April 22 weekend of Sleuthiness

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The timestamps for open hand and closed hand should not be identical with each other. Should at least be tiny variations.

The timestamps for the open hand were the same for created accessed modified. The timestamps for the closed hand were also the same for created accessed modified. The times of the open hand and closed hand were not the same as each other.
Did he have to scan a badge to get in somehow to his office/bldg at Cisco? If so, why didnt the pros get that information to show that between Lowe's and work there was missing time? If they don't have it, do you think that means he went straight to work, and don't want that information entered? I still would like to know what time he left 'home' that morning. Is that entered/verified anywhere? Depo maybe?


ETA: I see there were cell phone pings...that makes sense. Still would have liked to see that evidence coberated with a sign in of some nature at Cisco.

I didn't think the cell phone ping information was quite that useful. They weren't showing the map for BC calls so it was hard to tell where the towers were they were discussing and there were towers missing. In addition, his phone didn't necessarily have to be pinging a tower when he was at work if he had a SIP client on the blackjack.
Everybody makes mistakes. That's what a murder investigation IS. Looking for the one little mistake. Brad's a human being.

They make much more than one. A poster on another board once posted a link to the statistics. If I can find it, I'll post it. The number was in the fifties if I remember correctly. Brad may have been a computer guru, but he made mistakes.
He knew from the git-go he was a suspect, so he's going to leave a search of the site on his computer to be found?

He said he saw a map of the site after the body was found and reported by the media.
The timestamps for open hand and closed hand should not be identical with each other. Should at least be tiny variations.

I think this is the million dollar question...and the google guy may clear that up??..OpenHand/ closed Hand search may only indicate exit from site of particular search..not entrance and exit??..Why would a site need to document that anyway, as they only use it to hasten preview again if visiting same view on their site in future??..
He would have had to have scanned his badge to get into the building, the time he hooked his computer to the internal network from his desk would also indicate the time he was in the office and at his desk. For some reason there has been no mention of either time, but I have seen speculation on this website about it. That tells me he was at work when he was supposed to be or it would have been brought up.

It is an interesting piece of evidence that would definitely tie into the need to show premeditation. It would tie all the pieces together for sure. Dot all the i's so to speak, proof on top of proof. No minute is unaccounted for.

So, in actuality it speaks to 2 views posted here, BC was the only suspect so CPD was not as industrious as they could have been in soliciting/uncovering all the pieces of the puzzle or the evidence did not equal the direction they were going. The latter, I don't believe is very harmful in some evidence as there is always something that no one can explain that gets placed to the side. But, in this case if CPD/PRos was saying that this was on his computer, he was searching the dump site, you would think they would solicit/uncover the information needed to say he only needed an aerial view because he had already looked the area over (i.e. missing time span between Lowe's and work) he knew what it looked like he was only checking. Or in the end, are they hoping that the jury will infer that he opportunity during the 7 days NC was gone with her family?
If those 500 other files have similar timestamp problems, then tampering is about the only thing remaining. Even a Google update would give you slight variations in the time stamps. Certainly not from anyone deleting them. Not from an OS upgrade.

Most likely scenario to me is creating the search on another machine, forcing the date to 11 Jul ... and copying via thumb drive, etc. to BC pc. Time could also be forced after inserting the files onto his computer.


But doesn't that seem a little crazy? That suggests that some investigator is framing people. It's not entirely impossible, but seems very unusual.
They make much more than one. A poster on another board once posted a link to the statistics. If I can find it, I'll post it. The number was in the fifties if I remember correctly. Brad may have been a computer guru, but he made mistakes.

He was an expert in IP telephony but not necessarily in computer files. That is a whole different area of certification. I have not heard that he had that. It is very possible that he tried to delete some things from his computer and didn't get it all so the evidence was left behind and the FBI agents were able to pull it out. MOO
He was an expert in IP telephony but not necessarily in computer files. That is a whole different area of certification. I have not heard that he had that. It is very possible that he tried to delete some things from his computer and didn't get it all so the evidence was left behind and the FBI agents were able to pull it out. MOO

Brad had a degree in computer science. He knew what he was doing with computers.
Why didn't they seem fishy to the FBI? If it's so easy to figure out that they were planted, why didn't the FBI figure it out? And if the FBI figured it out, why did they proceed to testify for the prosecution?

What has to be alleged, in order for this scenario to carry any weight, is that CPD and FBI are corrupt and colluding, to frame an innocent man for ??? reason. (IS there a good reason? LE seems okay with the paper delivery person murder being unsolved...they haven't framed HER boyfriend.) Why go to such convoluted lengths...to plant the files, risk calling in the FBI, when they could have put a teaspoon of soil from the site in the soles of Brad's shoes.

What's more likely, to me, is that Brad Cooper is good with computers. He can manipulate files, phones, access computers remotely, cover his tracks at will, and had motive means and opportunity to do all these things.


Not that I necessarily disagree with you, but that's just the thing, he didn't cover his tracks well. The phone stuff (the stuff he's an expert on) was sloppy, with calls littered all over the phone log. The computer zoom stuff is sloppy, why would he only delete one file instead of all the history? I don't have a degree in computer science and even I know that.

For someone who is good with computers, he did stuff that seems weird for someone with that type of knowledge.
He was an expert in IP telephony but not necessarily in computer files. That is a whole different area of certification. I have not heard that he had that. It is very possible that he tried to delete some things from his computer and didn't get it all so the evidence was left behind and the FBI agents were able to pull it out. MOO

This feels like closer to the truth. BC thought he had done it, he forgot to do it or he did do it but didn't go far enough to delete it correctly.

But doesn't that seem a little crazy? That suggests that some investigator is framing people. It's not entirely impossible, but seems very unusual.

It would make for a much more exciting book by AL (and Lifetime Movie)!
Brad had a degree in computer science. He knew what he was doing with computers.

It seems that he didn't know as much about computers as the FBI or at least he didn't have access to their tools.
It would make for a much more exciting book by AL (and Lifetime Movie)!

This whole AL thing is one of the reasons I believe virtually nothing printed in the newspapers. I find it horrible that her book is already taking orders when the trial isn't over. I find it extremely distastful that they do not have an unbiased person reporting for the paper, one who isn't interested in making big dollars and make sure her book matches exactly what the newspaper said happened.
He was an expert in IP telephony but not necessarily in computer files. That is a whole different area of certification. I have not heard that he had that. It is very possible that he tried to delete some things from his computer and didn't get it all so the evidence was left behind and the FBI agents were able to pull it out. MOO

BC's college degree is in Computer Science. (Kurtz made it a point to work that little factoid into Det. Chappell's cross.)
It seems that he didn't know as much about computers as the FBI or at least he didn't have access to their tools.

I said when it was revealed about the google search that I'm pretty sure he never thought that the zoom info would be able to be captured. That would be why he only zoomed for the zip code.

One thing we haven't heard was if Fielding was the only location that the map was moved to and zoomed, or was the map moved multiple times all over the place and just zoomed at specific places. What I mean is did he type the zip, that move the map straight to fielding and nowhere else (this would indicate he already was familiar with the location)? Or was he scanning different areas and noticed that area?
I said when it was revealed about the google search that I'm pretty sure he never thought that the zoom info would be able to be captured. That would be why he only zoomed for the zip code.

One thing we haven't heard was if Fielding was the only location that the map was moved to and zoomed, or was the map moved multiple times all over the place and just zoomed at specific places. What I mean is did he type the zip, that move the map straight to fielding and nowhere else (this would indicate he already was familiar with the location)? Or was he scanning different areas and noticed that area?

IIRC, it was the only location. Not 100% sure as I was in and out that day since it was a black out day.

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