April 29 weekend of Sleuthiness

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I use them for other things when I'm done running in them. I used to alternate pairs, now I don't. But once I'm done running in them, they become regular wear shoes, then lawn shoes. I need to throw some of them away.

I agree, runners keep their runners for running for only a couple of months, and then they need new running runners, but their old running runners are too new to throw away so ... as you say ... they become regular shoes, then work shoes, then garbage. For Nancy to have 5 or 7 pairs of runners doesn't seem unusual at all, for a runner.
Thanks JBean for creating a poll for guilty/innocent. I think I'm going to hold off voting until I hear the remainder of the evidence. I'm leaning towards not guilty, but I'm not yet sure.
Thanks JBean for creating a poll for guilty/innocent. I think I'm going to hold off voting until I hear the remainder of the evidence. I'm leaning towards not guilty, but I'm not yet sure.


There is a category for "Unsure". The Poll asks Guilty, NG, or Unsure. Just saying....
My theory is he didn't want to leave a scent for search dogs because it would not take them from the house but towards it. (And that is what happened anyways.)

Do you really believe when BC had not done NC's laundry that this was the morning he decided to do everything? And so conveniently not have a single item of clothing or towels she used left undone? Is it really possible for this to be only coincidence?

Excellent point about the scent, d-m.
Does anyone know if there is any witness tomorrow since HC stated his witness can't testify until Tues and wants his witness list done in a particular order?
OT - All of the US News and the three major TV networks announce that Osama bin Laden is DEAD. Killed in Pakistan. An order authorized by President Obama. US Navy Seals a major factor. Pres. Obama announced this at 11:35 pm tonight. Throngs celebrate at Ground Zero.
While I appreciate all the hard work, I really think those wanting to see the necklace, are just that, wanting to see the necklace.

The first time I saw the photos with the drawn circle on them, I squinted, put on my glasses, and thought... "maybe I see it!"

Then I realized I was focusing on the circle, and wanting to see it..sort of like those pictures where you have to focus and unfocus and maybe you'll see a sailboat in the swirls and squiggles.

I made myself just stare at the picture WITHOUT the drawn circle.

I see a smudge. It could have been dirt. it could have been part of a tan mark where the necklace was usually worn. Yet, I do not believe she was wearing the necklace in that picture. I really, really, really don't.

I am not afraid of being wrong, certainly wouldn't be the first time. I will admit, the snarkiness on the boards aimed at those who don't see it, almost made me hesitate to state my opinion. Those who believe there is a necklace is in the picture have become downright hostile in some posts :(

I decided to post anyways because I don't feel its right for those whose opinion is an unpopular one to be kept from stating theirs.

The defense presented this video as evidence that NC didn't always wear the necklace. It remains to be seen if the prosecution will attempt to refute it.

I don't see what it truly matters. I don't believe the necklace was broken when located. Why would BC remove the necklace to throw NC away? If he had left it on her body. he would have gotten it back when they returned her belongings to him as the next of kin (if he was worried about the cost of the jewelry) If he wanted it to appear to be a theft, he would have thrown the necklace into an empty box of cereal or something, into the garbage, and poof, gone forever...or if he had wanted it to "disappear" for a decade or so until the heat was off, I'm sure he could have found a zillion hidings spaces...from sunk into the bottom of a bottle of shampoo, to the spine of a high school yearbook..to buried in a hole in the backyard. What in the world would be the REASON to take the necklace off of Nancy and then toss it on a desk? What sort of bonehead move would that be? If it did break during the altercation, why not just drop it where he dropped her as further evidence of a struggle? It just doesn't FIT into either a premeditated scenario, or a furious attack. The necklace as a piece of this puzzle is just not working either way. It's a red herring. I really think sometimes a duck is just a duck, or a necklace just was tossed in a decorative box..for whatever reason.

Does anyone know if there is any witness tomorrow since HC stated his witness can't testify until Tues and wants his witness list done in a particular order?

If there aren't any tomorrow, the jury is going to be pissed.
I agree, runners keep their runners for running for only a couple of months, and then they need new running runners, but their old running runners are too new to throw away so ... as you say ... they become regular shoes, then work shoes, then garbage. For Nancy to have 5 or 7 pairs of runners doesn't seem unusual at all, for a runner.

how many pairs of shoes do many people have for the same foot
OT - All of the US News and the three major TV networks announce that Osama bin Laden is DEAD. Killed in Pakistan. An order authorized by President Obama. US Navy Seals a major factor. Pres. Obama announced this at 11:35 pm tonight. Throngs celebrate at Ground Zero.

you could post that the world was coming to an end, some would just keep posting!
this is exciting news, until in the morning when people start 2nd quarter backing
you could post that the world was coming to an end, some would just keep posting!
this is exciting news, until in the morning when people start 2nd quarter backing

Been listening to CNN non-stop, although I can't stand Wolf Blitzer. :( Where oh where is Anderson Cooper?
Does anyone know if there is any witness tomorrow since HC stated his witness can't testify until Tues and wants his witness list done in a particular order?

I believe I heard the prosecution state they had a list of rebuttal witnesses for tomorrow, or rather, today, now.
Gotta throw in some $.02 here...

The people that feel JP could be behind all this point to his obvious hinkyness on the stand. Yet two pages back from this one, there is discussion of how he was made aware that the defense was going to try to point suspicion his way.

It is human nature, in light of that, for him to look funny, appear hinky, an seem unnatural in all sorts of ways. It does not make him a murderer. It means he's painfully aware that people are trying to point a finger at him. Under those circumstances, how could he get on the stand and behave as if he were at a nice little meeting among friends? (BC on the other hand, who is not just accused of murder but on trial for it, has remained cool as a cucumber from July 12 onwards...make of that what you will, when you're pondering what reactions might be expected from folks under the circumstances. IMO, common sense flies out the window here with alarming regularity.)

Put me in the squarely guilty catagory please, when you're adding up names in the poll. Also put me in the category of people who can definitely see a necklace.
OT - All of the US News and the three major TV networks announce that Osama bin Laden is DEAD. Killed in Pakistan. An order authorized by President Obama. US Navy Seals a major factor. Pres. Obama announced this at 11:35 pm tonight. Throngs celebrate at Ground Zero.

OMG. I did not know this. The first thing I do in the a.m. is come to this stupid site!!!!!! BC is taking over my life. Thanks for the info.
Been listening to CNN non-stop, although I can't stand Wolf Blitzer. :( Where oh where is Anderson Cooper?

Anderson was probably dining at Buckingham Castle with the royals. He's probably VERY mad now he covered the wedding!
Gotta throw in some $.02 here...

The people that feel JP could be behind all this point to his obvious hinkyness on the stand. Yet two pages back from this one, there is discussion of how he was made aware that the defense was going to try to point suspicion his way.

It is human nature, in light of that, for him to look funny, appear hinky, an seem unnatural in all sorts of ways. It does not make him a murderer. It means he's painfully aware that people are trying to point a finger at him.

Bottle Cap,

Its not really his testimony (yes, he was aware of what defense would do)...listen to the police interviews (especially the second) from 2008. THAT sets off the hinky meter.

Also, watch Judge G's reactions to his in-court testimony...its telling.
Funny, but you could say the same thing about BC.

BC was a suspect. BC was charged. BC was indicted by a grand jury. BC stands trial or the murder of his wife. Can't slander BC - it's a known fact there is evidence against him. Not so of other witnesses.
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