AR - Josh Duggar Admits Molesting Girls As A Teenager - #1

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Her logic (lolololol) is that a person who is not transgendered will pretend to be, so they can harm children.

What, so she thinks a guy, who wants to molest children, will spend the day in a dress just so he can go into the female bathroom and molest kids? Dear god.
So on the "" site linked previously, they seem to believe the sister who was not abused is also the one who has a fraternal twin brother.

Do you think Josh avoided her because she'd have been more likely to tell her twin brother (being that twins are supposedly exceptionally close)?

They say pedophiles are very careful about who they abuse for obvious reasons, I wonder if this is an example of that?

**I tried to type that out w/o using anyone's name, as per site regs, but if it is too specific please delete**

I don't know much about this family. Definitely not how old the children are. However, having worked in an advocacy center, I can say that in a lot of cases...certain siblings were not abused because they were not as vulnerable (more likely to tell, less likely to be coerced or manipulated, not as much access to them, etc) or simply that the sibling was no longer prepubescent. Ick. That feels awful to have even typed that.
I don't know much about this family. Definitely not how old the children are. However, having worked in an advocacy center, I can say that in a lot of cases...certain siblings were not abused because they were not as vulnerable (more likely to tell, less likely to be coerced or manipulated, not as much access to them, etc) or simply that the sibling was no longer prepubescent. Ick. That feels awful to have even typed that.


The sister I'm referring to is the eldest, iirc.

Ick, indeed.

No wonder she missed the warning signs in her own house then.

I'll probably be shot down for this, but I really do think there is a great chance that the extreme sexual repression in the household (while parents made a huge show of propagating the species) played a role in this, and Josh may have grown into a man with normal sexual appetites now that he is married and doesn't have to repress his own sexuality so much, it's probably way too much to ask, but it would be great if he learned the lesson and let his kids have a little more chance to have some sexual outlet during their teen years.

Yeah, I know, no chance, they'll probably all be wearing those neck to knee garments too.
Just pondering.

I would really like to see some statistics regarding

1. the incidence of women and children being sexually assaulted in public spaces such as locker rooms and restrooms


2. how many of those assaults were committed by convicted child predators pretending to be women.

The whole argument is ludicrous IMO.
And the lies just keep coming. Part of a statement from JD's wife, which was posted on the Official Duggar Family Facebook Page:

At that point and over the next two years, Josh shared how the counseling he received changed his life as he continued to do what he was taught. And when you, our sweet fans, first met me when Josh asked me to marry him... I was able to say, "Yes" knowing who Josh really is - someone who had gone down a wrong path and had humbled himself before God and those whom he had offended. Someone who had received the help needed to change the direction of his life and do what is right. I want to say thank you to those who took time over a decade ago to help Josh in a time of crisis. Your investment changed his life from going down the wrong path to doing what is right. If it weren't for your help I would not be here as his wife — celebrating 6 1/2 years of marriage to a man who knows how to be a gentleman and treat a girl right. Thank you to all of you who tirelessly work with children in crisis, you are changing lives and I am forever grateful for all of you."

One of the comments under this article:

"Inappropriate relations between siblings that are isolated from the world, left to raise each other, and fed an extremist version of Christianity. Somehow that single statement manages to describe both the Duggars AND the plot to Flowers in the Attic" :thinking:
One of the comments under this article:

"Inappropriate relations between siblings that are isolated from the world, left to raise each other, and fed an extremist version of Christianity. Somehow that single statement manages to describe both the Duggars AND the plot to Flowers in the Attic" :thinking:

Oh my....Flowers in the Attic. I forgot about that book. <ick, shivers>
One of the comments under this article:

"Inappropriate relations between siblings that are isolated from the world, left to raise each other, and fed an extremist version of Christianity. Somehow that single statement manages to describe both the Duggars AND the plot to Flowers in the Attic" :thinking:

What You Need to Know about the Josh Duggar Police Report - See more at:

Interesting article
Page 14 of the report (I think it's 14) states the elders of the Duggar's church wanted Josh to go into a treatment program. One of the elders was a chaplain at Piney Ridge program at Vista Hospital. JimBob said no, he was concerned Josh might be exposed to other offenders and other things they did not want Josh exposed to.:notgood:

I was a huge fan of The Learning Channel when it was a learning channel. I have watched knee replacement surgery, all kinds of operations and thought wow I can do that. ;) When the station changed to all the reality shows I stopped watching. I have never watched their TV show. Just started reading about the Duggars yesterday.

The Duggars that have married, have they married spouses with the same subservient beliefs and religion?

BBM. This. This is why people are not successful at recovery. I wonder if JBD realizes how those words sound considering the people Jesus associated with.

I wonder if the two attorneys JBD tried to hire would not take Josh on as a client since JBD was unwilling to consider church recommended treatment.
And the lies just keep coming. Part of a statement from JD's wife, which was posted on the Official Duggar Family Facebook Page:

At that point and over the next two years, Josh shared how the counseling he received changed his life as he continued to do what he was taught. And when you, our sweet fans, first met me when Josh asked me to marry him... I was able to say, "Yes" knowing who Josh really is - someone who had gone down a wrong path and had humbled himself before God and those whom he had offended. Someone who had received the help needed to change the direction of his life and do what is right. I want to say thank you to those who took time over a decade ago to help Josh in a time of crisis. Your investment changed his life from going down the wrong path to doing what is right. If it weren't for your help I would not be here as his wife — celebrating 6 1/2 years of marriage to a man who knows how to be a gentleman and treat a girl right. Thank you to all of you who tirelessly work with children in crisis, you are changing lives and I am forever grateful for all of you."
(from queenie to anna).......a word of advice deary..........stop typing on your laptop and go check your children NOW!
The sealed Washington County Circuit Court file for "Josh Duggar vs. the Arkansas Department of Human Services," CV 07-921, was found in 2007 by a Northwest Arkansas Times reporter, who now works for the Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. A trial in that case took place Aug. 6, 2007, according to notes attached to the file. Sealed cases aren't supposed to be left in public view, but the Duggar case file had been left in a stack of routine court filings at the circuit clerk's office. The reporter saw no other information on the case at the time.

Amy Webb, spokesman for the state Department of Human Services, said she couldn't comment on any case involving a minor and couldn't confirm or deny there had been a case, she said Wednesday.

Both Josh and Jim Bob Duggar were asked about the case in 2007, and both declined to comment.

Messages sent Wednesday and Thursday to Josh Duggar through social media weren't returned.

Maybe yet more dirt under the rug?


IMO...Could very well be...:waitasec:
BBM: Wow, just wow. Michelle's words from the robocall:
'We should never place the preference of an adult over the safety and innocence of a child.'
'Parents, who do you want undressing next to your daughter at the public swimming pool's private changing area? I still believe that we are a society that puts women and children first.'
But what Michelle, now 47, did not reveal was that, 12 years earlier, in 2002, her eldest child, Josh, had admitted to her and Jim Bob Duggar, that he had molested at least one young girl at their home.
At the time, the family had a meeting, but did not tell police. A year later, 'several' more minors came forward to say that Josh had touched them as they slept, and the teen was sent away for treatment

My Mother always told me..."Actions speak louder than words"

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(from queenie to anna).......a word of advice deary..........stop typing on your laptop and go check your children NOW!

Just jumping off...

And if she did and found Josh doing something he shouldn't?

What could she be expected to do, given their beliefs that the husband is the head of the household and the wife should submit to him?

Yes they have

Eta: I'm hoping someone knows better than me, but I thought I remember reading the father actually chose who the daughters will court.

Lets just say he "vets" them at least. He did sort of engineer the meeting and relationship between Jill and her husband Derick who was JimBob's prayer partner who he introduced to Jill, purposefully. He also moved Jessa's husband in with the family before marriage and the boy works for him.

Otherwise, in their culture, if a guy feels interested in a girl, he asks her father first if he can talk to her. Next he asks permission to court and finally, to marry.

Eta: The fathers quiz the prospective suitors on their religious beliefs before they approve further involvement with their daughters. They tend to ask two main questions of the suitors: "Will you trust God with the size of your family?" And "Will you have open/joint social media accounts with your mate."

At 14 I was a freshman in high school and had my period for a year. So Josh damn well knew what he was doing. Just because he was "only fourteen" is not an excuse. (This is not directed at you, I'm just jumping off your post) if someone of the age of 14 murdered someone.. Is it still they are only fourteen???

Sent from my iPhone 6 using Tapatalk

JMO if someone with normal intelligence is fourteen and doesn't know that they probably shouldn't murder anyone or that they probably should keep their hands to themselves and not molest their sisters, it seems to me that the parents failed big time.
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