Identified! AR - Whitehall Motel in El Dorado, WhtFem, 81UFAR, 18-21, Jul'91 - #1 - Kelly from VA

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If this a repeat of info, my apologies.

Cheryl Ann Wick
DOB 11/13/1970
K400001295 (court file #)
00603514 (case #)
DWI-Alcohol or Controlled Substance
WASHINGTON CO JAIL (Woodbury PD) Arkansas

Shannon Wiley
DOB 10/13/1968
Texas DPS Record
No information available

Shannon Wiley
DOB 1/30/1982
Arkansas Criminal Record
No information available

Shannon D/Dale Wiley
DOB 9/28/1974 and 9/29/1974
23 criminal records in Virginia
No information available

Shannon R Wiley
DOB 7/19/1969
2 Oklahoma DOC records
No information available

Shannon Rene Wiley
DOB 10/13/1968
Texas DJC record
Texas DPS record
No information available

What strikes out at me is the 10/13 and 11/13 DOBs with 1-2 year variations. Safe bet these are all the same person. The others I am not so sure about.

Not much info for Kelly/Kelli Karr/Carr. Quite a few records in Florida/Maryland, but DOBs don't seem right.

FYI (I live in North Texas. About 15 miles west of Wylie, Texas. If you need something checked out, let me know.)

The video on youtube about ElDorado Jane Doe shows a card from Boyd Sound Studio-address 103 N Ballard, Wylie TX
Almost all the birth months and days use a combination of 1, 0, and/or 3.The name Wiley is an anagram of Wylie.
Shannon Wiley
DOB 1/30/1982
Arkansas Criminal Record
No information available

I found this one to be interesting... DOB 1982?
A safe bet this is a different person or at least a mistake in their database?
I'd bet on it being a different person. If you search that name on Facebook you get quite a few of them. BTW, does anyone know the status of McAlphin? Last I heard he was being held on $50,000 bond in the jail in Arkansas. I think this might be his 3rd (or more?) felony conviction, but from the newspaper article I read, it sounds like the cousin he slashed is afraid for his life, and I am not hopeful about him cooperating with the prosecution of JRMcA. I have been trying to figure out where and how Jane met JRMcA. Anyone know anything about that? Anyone know where JRMcA worked or what he did to support himself?
I meant to say potential future felony conviction. He was arrested,not convicted.
Please take a look at Tracy Ann Byrd.
Tracy went missing at the age of 14. She is from PA this could explain our Doe's east coast connection.

Also there seems to be a good resemblance see side by sides addition I also see a resemblance when I compare her frontal morgue photo (namus) with the picture in the bottom right corner off the side by side.

:( The height is way off-I grew a few inches after turning 14 but not 10-11 inches.

Update: I submitted Tracy Ann Byrd as a potential match for El Dorado Jane Doe. Unfortunately, I just received word that she was excluded by dentals.
I was very thankful to find it also. It's the first one I've been able to find one anywhere.
Huh, yeah, the facial resemblance is rather startling, especially that unique nose. And the ear looks close, too.

I would like to know how tall the adult women in Tracy's family are, whether late growth was likely, because that's a lot of inches to account for.

It appears that Tracy has been ruled out. Namus updated yesterday.
I'd bet on it being a different person. If you search that name on Facebook you get quite a few of them. BTW, does anyone know the status of McAlphin? Last I heard he was being held on $50,000 bond in the jail in Arkansas. I think this might be his 3rd (or more?) felony conviction, but from the newspaper article I read, it sounds like the cousin he slashed is afraid for his life, and I am not hopeful about him cooperating with the prosecution of JRMcA. I have been trying to figure out where and how Jane met JRMcA. Anyone know anything about that? Anyone know where JRMcA worked or what he did to support himself?

Since I work for a police department in a civillian capacity, I get access to information that is not available to the public. Maybe because my dad was a lawyer and I had a partial debate scholarship in college (which explains my inquiring mind, I ask questions a lot). I have had many people come in for police incident reports and background checks that have intrigued me ( So I start doing research with databases not open to the general public). So I do all the research I can. My guess from this post is this person has quite a history and his police reports/ incident reports hold a lot of intriguing information not open to the public.

What do y'all think about Lisa Stasi? She is listed as a victim of John Edward Robinson in Kansas, but no remains have ever been found...

She disappeared in 1985 from a very scary situation-- perhaps she ran before he could kill her? She was originally from AL, so she had a definite connection to the south--

Specs match-- Brown hair, Blue eyes, 5'11-- she was listed as 115 lbs in 1985- very, very thin, IMO. (It makes sense that she would be thin then as she was essentially homeless) It's hard to tell from the one picture of Lisa if she looks enough like our Jane Doe to be a possible match. If you look at our AR JD, her face is more filled out than Lisa's-- which would happen if Lisa gained weight, as she likely would in the ensuing years. She would also have aged 6 years from the last known picture of Lisa, putting her right in the target age range.

It just really struck me that if Lisa was able to run away, she may have gotten into a less than ideal lifestyle to support herself-- she had fallen in with a scary man before she disappeared. She certainly might have been afraid that he would find her. Both of those aspects would likely lead her to use alias names. Perhaps she met women with those names at the shelter she went to?

Also, Robinson, who had been in prison, was released in 1991...
Updated list of Rule-outs per NAMUS and other posts in this thread...

Tracy Byrd 1968 Pennsylvania
Melinda Creech 1900 Indiana
Tricia Kellett 1973 Illinois
Kim Leggett 1962 Texas
Staci Madison 1970 Arkansas
Michelle Mulcahy 1961 Florida
Lisa Sexton 1966 Ohio
Sherri White 1964 Alaska
Lisa Wilson 1960

Lori Julian, Arizona
And I thought it was mentioned that Kelly McGuiness was a R/O as well???

Any that I missed?
AnnieOakley, thanks for chiming in! I don't think they look anything alike, though, to be honest with you. Also, the man who killed this Jane Doe was arrested and charged for her murder and it wasn't Robinson.
I learned about 81ufar after I read about Lisa Stasi and started trying to find LS. I, too, thought the circumstances, age, coloring and height were a great fit. I even submitted the possible match to LE in January of this year(2010). But after reading everything I could find about her and realizing she'd had a baby and 81ufar is NOT listed as having given birth, I stopped pursuing LS's information(for this match, anyway.I still want to find her). LS's dtr. was taken by Robinson and apparently sold to a relative of his. The dtr, who is now in her 20s, was "found" within the last few years and learned her true identity. But still no sign of Lisa Stasi,I found very little info about her after MANY late-night searches, and, maddeningly, only that single picture available of her...
Danaya- I honestly couldn't be sure of the looks based on the only picture I could ever find of Lisa Stasi (so frustrating). I also felt like she could have gone with JRMcA because he seemed like the lesser of 2 evils (compared to Robinson!) OR, maybe Robinson used other people, such as McAlphin, to keep his "girls" in line.I say "girls"plural because Robinson is linked to other girls' disappearances. McAlphin could have been doing someone else's dirty work.

I think Lisa was killed shortly after she terminated her last phone conversation. I believe she was killed so that Robinson could sell her baby. He obviously did a "good job" disposing of her body. I don't believe she ran away for six years and left her beloved baby alone without contacting anyone. Robinson was charged with her murder so I presume he murdered her shortly after she was last seen alive. He was connected to the black market selling babies, not prostitutes and thus doubtful he had relation to McAlphin.

I just don't think she looks like JD or the circumstances and timeline fit at all.
He could have made LS, C Clampett and P Godfrey become prostitutes..The tru crime library has a long article about Robinson that sort of made me think that...but I agree with you that she probably didn't voluntarily leave her dtr. Either way, I no longer like her as a match for 81 UFAR
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