Arrest Warrant for Courtney Love


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Aug 13, 2003
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Los Angeles Superior Court Commissioner Dennis Mulcahy ordered her arrested because he could find "no legal excuse" for her failure to appear for arraignment on what he said was a "serious matter".

Love's attorney, Michael Rosenstein, told the court that Love, who was celebrating her 40th birthday on Friday, was in New York and was confused about whether she was required to be at the hearing."

Jeana DP your girl is in trouble again!!
LOL Jeana ~ where are you? are you partying with Courtney again?

" weeping and cursing Courtney Love was rushed from her SoHo apartment to a hospital wearing a camisole and handcuffs yesterday on her 40th birthday, after telling cops she had an abortion.
A distraught Love, wearing a lace-trimmed camisole and covered with a white sheet, yelled "What?" and "Help!" after photographers snapped pictures as EMS brought her outside on a stretcher around 6 p.m. "
Oh Good Lord! :doh:

Happy Birthday Courtney Love!!

I turn 40 in December... I can assure you nothing like that will be happening to me :snooty:
:laugh: Cass, if you freak out and make news on your 40th, I shall post it in the Bizarre News Forum.
Newswolf said:
:laugh: Cass, if you freak out and make news on your 40th, I shall post it in the Bizarre News Forum.
I would not expect anything less of you, my friend :crazy:
HOLY COW!! That girl has given a whole new low meaning to the word "*advertiser censored*." I heard on television that she's claiming to have had a "miscarrigae," not an abortion. I wonder whose baby it was and whether he knew about her plans to abort it. :loser: :loser: :loser: :loser: :loser:
:crazy: Ms. Love isn't the brightest among us..!!

Exactly what did she think it ment.!! Arraingments always require the party to appear. :waitasec: Or at least find out if your Lawyer can make the appearance for her..!! :rolleyes:

She needs to get in rehab, and clean up..!! :crazy:
she appears to be intent on self-destruction...and will never get her child back until she receives effective treatment. i feel sorry for her child. what a mess. :(
Courtney always struck me as the kind of girl that would enjoy being cuffed to a bed.. but I don't think she had this in mind. :bang:
Casshew said:
Courtney always struck me as the kind of girl that would enjoy being cuffed to a bed.. but I don't think she had this in mind. :bang:

Its always done a lot for me. ;)
Sounds like a complete meltdown.

"The woman who can't stop drawing crowds — to her concerts, to her court appearances, to a fetid ladies' bathroom and, lately, to the gawking area of her own private hell — seems very much alone.

What happened to you?

Listen, Courtney. The public has no enthusiasm for another pathetic rocker's self-immolation. They're laughing at you now, not with you.

So even if you don't give a damn about yourself, somewhere deep in the cobwebs crowding your common sense, you must care about something. I beg you — do it for your fans. Do it for your daughter......"
Fully engaged BPD in action...

imho, Courtney is a classic example of this personality disorder.

And btw, it is NOT that she's mentally ill. Not by a long shot. It's a personality disorder.

jmho, of course.
I agree Sprocket. BPD and drugs do not mix! :angel:

Maybe this time she'll get the help she needs. I feel so sorry for her daughter. She's adorable and looks just like Kurt, which I heard if you say in front of Courtney, she'll beat your head in. :waitasec:

"Embattled diva Courtney Love is a "troubled rock star" who now has a legal guardian and has been admitted to an "institution" in the eastern United States, her civil lawyer has said.

The revelations came during a civil court case in Los Angeles on Tuesday, held four days after the widow of grunge rocker Kurt Cobain was rushed to a New York hospital just hours after a warrant was issued for her arrest because she failed to turn up in court to face unrelated criminal charges.

Civil attorney Robert Ring made the comments as he represented the 40-year-old singer and actress in a lawsuit in Los Angeles in which she is accused of failing to settle her legal bills.

He did not elaborate on why 40-year-old Love now had a legal guardian or what kind of institution she had been admitted to........."
Sprocket said:
Fully engaged BPD in action...

imho, Courtney is a classic example of this personality disorder.

And btw, it is NOT that she's mentally ill. Not by a long shot. It's a personality disorder.

jmho, of course.
I found your comments most interesting - just what is the distinction between personality disorder and mental illness, you seem to be knowledge about it and would like to hear it - thanks - she seems hopeless to me but maybe she isn't if she has a personality disorder??

"After landing in Bellevue, Courtney was administered a pregnancy test and a physical, said a source close to her.

The test read negative, the source told me. Plus, "there was no miscarriage."

Was she lying? Not so, close friends insist.

"She had convinced herself that she was pregnant," said one pal. The drugs helped in her delusion, the friend maintained, because, "they mess with your cycles. There hasn't been a period in a long time."

Now she was 40. And her "baby" was gone.

Courtney Love, who'd been hanging onto the edge by her fingernails for so long, went completely off the deep end.........."

Courtney Love was sentenced Tuesday to 18 months in drug rehab, closing one chapter in a troubled saga that began when she was accused of trying to break into her ex-boyfriend’s home while high on cocaine.

Superior Court Judge Patricia M. Schnegg gave the rocker until Oct. 29 to enroll in a drug counseling program, which will require frequent drug testing. She will be permitted to travel, but will be barred from taking non-prescription drugs, drinking alcohol or being in places that serve alcohol.
“I have to stop drinking. That’s funny,” Love said outside court, firing up a cigarette. “I think I can do it.”

The 40-year-old widow of Nirvana singer Kurt Cobain showed up to her sentencing 15 minutes late, dressed in a two-piece lavender suit and purple high heels. She sat down and immediately began reading the British music magazine NME.
Love appeared demure during the hearing, despite a history of being admonished by judges for courtroom outbursts. Several times she put her hands over her face and shook her head.
“Thank you,” she told the judge when it was over.
Love still faces a felony case in Beverly Hills Superior Court for allegedly possessing illegal painkillers. She could face up to three years and eight months in prison if convicted of possessing hydrocodone and oxycodone.
Last month, Love was arraigned in New York City on charges of assault and reckless endangerment for allegedly striking a fan with a microphone stand at an East Village club in March. She was scolded by the judge for showing up more than five hours late.

Here's her chance to clean up her act. I'll be surprised if there is no backsliding into drugs but hey, maybe she's hit bottom and there's no where to go but up.

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