Found Alive Australia - CC, 3, Bundaberg QLD, 10 April 2014 - #1

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Maybe the intruder was watching the family through the window? Standing on the car roof to get a better view? Was he able to see the girls asleep in the lounge, entered through the window and then simply left through the door with the sleeping child? A predator hunts, they observe, they are prepared and when the opportunity presents itself they strike!

Children usually sleep pretty soundly too. I can totally see how the rest of the family didn't wake, if he was quiet. Should really say he/she. :twocents:
Just had a thought. It sounds as though people (at least one man has been confirmed to have been there drinking)had been visiting there earlier that night. .what if someone purposely opened the latch a little before they left the house? This truly creeped me out typing that just now.

Please be safe little Chloe :(
Just wanted to let you all know I started a media, map, and timeline link...

Got a few articles pulled over haven't had a chance to check to see if you all have made any maps yet will do that when I can or if someone else has them it would be greatly appreciated if you could bring them over.

I do hope Chloe is found soon :(
Please let her be found safe, these stories always make my hinky meter go off and sadly my meter has been right most times.
Imo, it would be a two-person job to actually do this via the window and car roof.
MYSTERY DEEPENS: Did someone take Chloe in the night?

April 11, 2014 12:00AM

Police yesterday interviewed a man who was drinking at the home earlier in the evening as they launched a massive air and ground search.

Bundaberg Inspector Kev Guteridge the man was not a suspect. He would not confirm if the family had other visitors that night.

“We just need to speak to anyone that’s got any information,” he said. “We’re anxious to speak to anyone else.”

I wondered about that. It's not that unusual to stay up until 1 a.m., but when I hear that I wonder if folks were partying and stuff. My drinking days are long gone but that's about the only reason I would stay up until 1 am . Mooo
In Elizabeth Smart's case they forgot to set the alarm that night and it caused a lot of unjustified suspicion.

I can think of two cases where an intruder broke in and took a child... but claimed they didn't break in with that intention.

Riley Fox (about this age) and Heather Dawn Church (13 years old.) :twocents:

Staying up till 1am isn't odd at all. I was up until 3am last night and then awake at 8am.
With a baby I'd often stay up till 1am to feed baby one more time so they'd sleep longer. :twocents:
Sounds to me as tho dad may have some concerns about the drinking guest from that night.
Please be safe little one
Sounds to me as tho dad may have some concerns about the drinking guest from that night.
Please be safe little one

I also have some concerns about him...
I don't really see how this could just be a random abduction. Had to be someone who knew what was going on that night imo. Could well have been someone outside watching but I'm more leaning towards someone close to the family as the father already suspects (and probably with good reason).

Praying for her safe return
There was a case in Dallas about 2 or 3 yrs ago where a family was having a big party , lots of drinking and celebrating ( nothing wrong with that , let me be clear ) . In the morning their daughter was missing, I think quite a bit older than Chloe, maybe 8 or 9 . IIRC. Turns out it was a male from the party who watched her when she went to bed, left party a bit later and snatched her, knowing the house was full of loud , joking , music, etc. and no one noticed. :(
There was a case in Dallas about 2 or 3 yrs ago where a family was having a big party , lots of drinking and celebrating ( nothing wrong with that , let me be clear ) . In the morning their daughter was missing, I think quite a bit older than Chloe, maybe 8 or 9 . IIRC. Turns out it was a male from the party who watched her when she went to bed, left party a bit later and snatched her, knowing the house was full of loud , joking , music, etc. and no one noticed. :(
This is kinda what I thought happened to Celina Cass. A bad man at the house drinking, gets evil intentions for the little girl and watches where she goes to sleep. Then waits for the adults to go to bed before making his move. I wonder if Chloe was in the bedroom or on the couch. It's not clear from the news reports.
I'm confused - was she in her bedroom or in the lounge, the article says

Chloe and her two older sisters, Janae, eight, and Britney, five, have their own room in the house, but on Wednesday all three girls slept in the lounge.

'When Janae woke to go to the toilet in the morning, Chloe wasn't in the lounge room,' said Mr Campbell. Janae, he said, had then thought that her younger sister had sneaked into her parents' room because she had not been well lately.

'It's got to be someone who knows they got in, where she sleeps,' said Mr Campbell. 'They knew she was sleeping in front of the TV.'

I think the confusion might arise because Chloe's bedroom is the lounge. So the parents say she was taken from her bedroom and then that gets printed in the media, and along the way it gets lost that the lounge and bedroom are the same. That's how I'm seeing it anyway.
Chloe has been missing for about 24 hours now... it is 5:40am there. :please:
MYSTERY DEEPENS: Did someone take Chloe in the night?

April 11, 2014 12:00AM

Police yesterday interviewed a man who was drinking at the home earlier in the evening as they launched a massive air and ground search.

Bundaberg Inspector Kev Guteridge the man was not a suspect. He would not confirm if the family had other visitors that night.

“We just need to speak to anyone that’s got any information,” he said. “We’re anxious to speak to anyone else.”

Interesting .. if not a suspect why mention him so specifically.
I know the Aussie ladies and gents will be waking up soon and this thread will be booming!!

was hoping to read about a breakthrough when I woke up this morning, but sadly nothing.

I have a feeling this may be connected to the recent abduction attempt in nearby Hervey Bay and I hope police are looking into a possible connection: comfit photo here.

The family friend comforting the father in the news video (his name is given in a caption) - do you think he was the person drinking there that night??
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