GUILTY Australia - Lisa Harnum, 30, killed in 15-storey fall, Sydney, 30 July 2011 #1

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Murder-accused Simon Gittany's girlfriend Rachelle Louise stands by her man

OCTOBER 24, 2013

"She has known Gittany for five years, before he dated and got engaged to Ms Harnum, but she only became romantically involved with him about a year ago - long enough to be convinced of his innocence.

Despite some of the damning evidence that has been presented to the court, Louise said: "I'm not worried about any of this because I know he didn't do it.""

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it would be a rather spectacular leap to clear that and not leave any fingerprints, especially with only a 3 metre run up (and 60 seconds to do it)

but having said that, I dont think it would be an easy task to forcibly pick someone up and drop them over something that height either if they were struggling. especially since there is that 'extension' bit past the actual balcony.

it's a very sad and horrific story about a very toxic relationship, no matter how 'the ending' came about.
Murder trial witness says he heard 'deranged scream' and looked up to see man drop ballerina to her death from 15th floor balcony

24 October 2013

"Mr Rathmell, giving evidence at the Supreme Court in Sydney, said he was walking through the central Hyde Park when he heard the disturbance.

He told jurors: ‘I heard what I thought was deranged screaming from a male voice.

‘My perception was that it was a male voice, very emotional, it sounded guttural.’

When he looked up he saw a man with no shirt carrying what appeared to be ‘black luggage'.

He added: ‘It was being held horizontally in the man’s arms. His arms were outstretched with the object lying across.

‘I saw the man load the object off the balcony and in what I described as a fluid motion, turned and went straight back into the apartment. I didn’t really follow the item.’ "

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Wow ... what a horrendous case. Thanks enzeder for telling me about it. Just finished reading the thread and all the articles.

These words sum up this creep's attitude to women IMO ....

''I couldn't find a woman that was going to serve me, going to love me''.

I also feel very sorry for new girlfriend, Rachelle Louise. Sounds as though she has completely fallen for his 'charms' ... I would guess that she won't be dressing like the photos in this article for much longer .... he'll keep her happy while she is his beautiful public support, then she'll be ground to mulch too. Hopefully he'll be in jail before then.

I can't see how he can possibly get away with this. While it may have been difficult for him to pick Lisa up and throw her from that balcony, he looks strong, and I'm sure the angry adrenalin coursing through his veins would have enabled him to do just that - more than I can see a bulimic, upset, manhandled young woman whose mum was coming to rescue her doing a ballerina-style leap over that balcony (... what the!)

I don't know how many here people have spent time in apartments with that type of balcony .. but they are made accident proof/climb proof/shatter proof .. Lisa would have had to climb on a table then try to climb over the glass, of which the upper rim is not even comfortable to lean on let alone put your whole body weight on your hand, while jumping over. Not possible or even probable IMO .. not in 60 secs!

And that is why she 'bounced' at the 14th floor ledge, because he would have had difficulty throwing her out far enough for to drop straight down. If she leapt, she would have had a better chance of dropping straight down without bumping off the floor below.

Sorry for the monologue ... but grrr ... abusive, murdering swine!
From the committal hearing. BBM

'Deranged scream' heard before woman pushed off balcony

Jan 15, 2013

Giving evidence via video link, Joshua Rathmell said he was on his way to work when he heard screams coming from The Hyde apartment building.

"The best words I could use to describe it are emotional and deranged," Mr Rathmell said.

"I believed it to be a male voice ... it was deranged, incomprehensible."

Mr Rathmell said he thought the screams were coming from "a junkie on an ice bender".

He said he looked up at the apartment building and saw a bare-chested man standing on a balcony "unload" what he initially thought was a piece of luggage or a black duffel bag.

"I saw him in quite a rapid movement unload (it) off the edge of the balcony and then push himself back in immediately," he said.

"He went straight back inside the apartment almost in one swift movement ... He certainly wasn't watching the object."

As Mr Rathmell walked on down the street, he saw people trying to resuscitate a woman.
From the committal hearing. BBM

"He went straight back inside the apartment almost in one swift movement ... He certainly wasn't watching the object."

Yep, had to quickly get back inside, and into that white shirt and stripey pj bottoms, before anyone else saw him and figured out what happened!

Thank goodness for that witness. He sounds strong enough to take the harsh defense questioning. Let's hope he can help bring justice for Lisa.
Wow ... what a horrendous case. Thanks enzeder for telling me about it. Just finished reading the thread and all the articles.

These words sum up this creep's attitude to women IMO ....

''I couldn't find a woman that was going to serve me, going to love me''.

I also feel very sorry for new girlfriend, Rachelle Louise. Sounds as though she has completely fallen for his 'charms' ... I would guess that she won't be dressing like the photos in this article for much longer ....

I can't see how he can possibly get away with this. While it may have been difficult for him to pick Lisa up and throw her from that balcony, I'm sure the angry adrenalin coursing through his veins would have enabled him to do just that - more than I can see a bulimic, upset, manhandled young woman whose mum was coming to rescue her doing a ballerina-style leap over that balcony (... what the!)

I don't know how many here people have spent time in apartments with that type of balcony .. but they are made accident proof/climb proof/shatter proof .. Lisa would have had to climb on a table then try to climb over the glass, of which the upper rim is not even comfortable to lean on let alone put your whole body weight on your hand, while jumping over. Not possible IMO .. not in 60 secs!

And that is why she 'bounced' at the 14th floor ledge, because he would have had difficulty throwing her out far enough for to drop straight down. If she leapt, she would have had a better chance of dropping straight down without bumping off the floor below.

Sorry for the monologue ... but grrr ... abusive, murdering swine!

BBM - my thoughts precisely SouthAussie especially when you consider the below quote!

"Mr Tedeschi said Gittany had alienated the dancer from all her friends and hired a personal trainer to come to the apartment so she wouldn't go to the gym, where he believed men would look at her."

The court heard Ms Harnum's fingerprints weren't found on the balcony railing or balustrade.
Uh oh - I see that the girlfriend's FB page, the one with all the extremely revealing photos, has gone. Interesting.
Uh oh - I see that the girlfriend's FB page, the one with all the extremely revealing photos, has gone. Interesting.

Well, well ... what a surprise. It has started already. Can't have anyone looking at her. At least till he is in jail, there go her modelling and acting dreams. :notgood:
Well, well ... what a surprise. It has started already. Can't have anyone looking at her. At least till he is in jail, there go her modelling and acting dreams. :notgood:

Exactly! - I was actually surprised that the page stayed up so long. May have something to do with the fact that the girlfriend's name has only just been brought to light in MSM. imo

Murder-accused Simon Gittany's girlfriend Rachelle Louise stands by her man - OCTOBER 24, 2013
Witness heard 'deranged screaming' from balcony before seeing body fall

October 24, 2013

The court heard that about five minutes after his fiancee's body hit the ground, Mr Gittany ran from the apartment building to her side.

''He was saying 'come back baby, come back' over and over,'' Rae Cornish, who rushed to help the young woman, told the court.

''He was kneeling and poking her head,'' Ms Cornish said, gesturing to the middle of her forehead.

''He was poking her in a very unusual manner, to the point that the doctor asked him to back off, asked him to move back so he could work on her.''

The doctor was Angus Gray, an orthopaedic surgeon who was driving along Liverpool Street when he saw Ms Harnum fall.

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Exactly! - I was actually surprised that the page stayed up so long. May have something to do with the fact that the girlfriend's name has only just been brought to light in MSM. imo

Murder-accused Simon Gittany's girlfriend Rachelle Louise stands by her man - OCTOBER 24, 2013

her twitter is still there Enzeder, but the comment asking for legal help in a high profile case have been deleted.
It would be interesting to know if there was a coroner's report floating about - maybe she was unconscious before she (allegedly) was 'offloaded' - I am sure they would have done one, but I wonder if it showed any suggestion of her being hit or strangled.
I feel sorry for the witness, apart from being affected by what he saw, I would be feeling a bit scared if it was me, with all these stories of threats against the psychologist etc.
her twitter is still there Enzeder, but the comment asking for legal help in a high profile case have been deleted.

I checked earlier and saw the request for help was gone. :rolleyes:
I feel sorry for the witness, apart from being affected by what he saw, I would be feeling a bit scared if it was me, with all these stories of threats against the psychologist etc.

Me too, EveD, but thank goodness for him .... without good people like him, bad people would get away with a lot more. So many people cannot speak out due to fear, and so the bad people gain more and more power.

Let's hope that police have offered the witness every protection that they can. SG sounds as though he has already proven his willingness to go to great lengths to shut people up ... thinking about his threats to Lisa's councellor, and the fact that she moved following the threats ... as well as Lisa's texts (yeah!) to her friends to leave her alone. :facepalm:

He could just be a big bully though .. will pick on women, but afraid to pick on men.

I noticed in one of the articles that his sisters were attending court to support him. No brothers? Could be one of the reasons he expects complete servitude and adoration from women? Raised as the only god-like boy, perhaps?!
I dont want to sound like I am being 'racist' or stereotyping so PLEASE whoever reads this, do not take this that way. I do wonder what his ethnic background is, and how much of that has influenced his attitudes. I am not say all people from certain backgrounds have such misogynist attitudes, but I am just trying to understand 'the big picture'. At the same time I am not using that as an excuse for whatever comments he has (allegedly) made. Also, does anyone know what profession/type of work he is in?
I would just like to get some background information to get an idea of his personality.
I can't find any information at all on SG's employment. On his Google+ page, his cover photo is for something called 'Health Delivered' which I cannot find anywhere either.
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