AZ - Gabriel Johnson, 8 months, 26 Dec 2009 - last seen in Texas - #1

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At 7:31PM on Dec. 15, 2008 AM said: hey just wondering how your search is going?

At 9:18pm on December 15, 2008, Tammi Smith said: We actually just did insems a few minutes ago! If you need anything, .let me know. Good Luck, Tammi
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Are you willing to do a TS? What state do you live in? We have been looking for a while!!! My 3 year old daughter is getting very antsy wondering when her new baby sister or brother will come, lol.....I do missions in Africa but they won't let anyone outside africa to adopt! So we are going the surrogate route since I had an emergancy hysterioectomy about 10 years ago (age 26). Please email or call us at

Are these the papers that were not issued by the court? With the county written on them, they have an official look. Were these to be later filed at the court house? Or were they written up to look official, complete with an official looking detective present?

What am I missing here?

O/T: Now I have to run to the grocery store to beat nurse's snowstorm!
I give temp. guardianship to anyone that has my kids more than 48 hours. That way medical decisions can be made if I can't be reached. I don['t see that part as odd.

I've never given temp. guardianship to anyone. When I have left town without my kids, I've just given a medical release along with insurance cards in case anything medical was needed. I'm not sure if that would constitute as temp. guardianship but I didn't think so.....I could be wrong.
Another post by Tammi on the Surrogate site
My name is Tammi and we are looking for a surrogate. Yes it would be nice to go through the pregnacy with our surrogate, but it's more important that we actually have a baby. We would be there probably once during preg. and of course for the birth.
Are these the papers that were not issued by the court? With the county written on them, they have an official look. Were these to be later filed at the court house? Or were they written up to look official, complete with an official looking detective present?

What am I missing here?

O/T: Now I have to run to the grocery store to beat nurse's snowstorm!

These are the papers TPS produced...the problem is they were never filed. They were drawn up and signed but never filed with the courts so they are in fact worthless and she knows it.
Another post by Tammi on the Surrogate site
My name is Tammi and we are looking for a surrogate. Yes it would be nice to go through the pregnacy with our surrogate, but it's more important that we actually have a baby. We would be there probably once during preg. and of course for the birth.
ding ding ding ding!
(sound of nurse's hinky meter)
At 7:31PM on Dec. 15, 2008 AM said: hey just wondering how your search is going?

At 9:18pm on December 15, 2008, Tammi Smith said: We actually just did insems a few minutes ago! If you need anything, .let me know. Good Luck, Tammi
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Are you willing to do a TS? What state do you live in? We have been looking for a while!!! My 3 year old daughter is getting very antsy wondering when her new baby sister or brother will come, lol.....I do missions in Africa but they won't let anyone outside africa to adopt! So we are going the surrogate route since I had an emergancy hysterioectomy about 10 years ago (age 26). Please email or call us at

Wow, I guess I'm pretty naive, I just checked out the surrogate site and had no idea people offered to be a surrogate and search for a surrogate that way!
I'm still stuck on the fake court papers/detective thing. If a detective saw that they had these fake papers made up, why wasn't anything done about that? I can't imagine anything involving fake papers and adoption is legal.

Were they fake or just strange - I know I have never heard of giving someone temporary custody via some POA thing. I'm suspecting the Smith's have lawyers who are doing these iffy thing/advising them. Notice how Tammi uses the legal lingo of a "closed adoption" - doubt that Elizabeth used these words.

Also, someone elsewhere said it was confirmed that Gabriel was seen in a park in San Antonio. Not sure if this was true, but again, it sounds like a set-up or something. Either make sure that Gabriel was seen by someone or in case he was seen, then we have the second strangers/couple story. Then we have Tammi pointing out in a TV interview that it sounds credible because ti's sort of the same story as how she met Elizabeth - yeah, right.

It seems also that Tammi goes to Mexico often - don't know if it is for work or R&R. I'm really wondering if the child was handed off and whoever has him went straight to Mexico?

Also, it appears that Tammi's children were living in Louisiana with their father having full custody - evidently Tammi claimed she handed them over or something because he was turning them against her? I don't know, this is based on comments online, I think myspace - her tammifay profile is set to private and I can't view it even when logged in.
Asked why she would tell Logan McQueary she had killed Gabriel, Johnson said for revenge.

“He had ruined my life,” Johnson said. “He hurt me and I wanted to hurt him and that was the only thing I could say that would hurt him.”

“I was emotionally a wreck and was completely out of my mind and just upset,” she said.

But Gabriel's father, Logan McQueary, says he gave Elizabeth and the baby a good life.

“I’ve been thinking about how I made her life miserable and I don’t see it. Anything she ever wanted, I did for her. Tried to provide for her anyway I could. I went to work every single day and scrounge for money. We didn’t have much but I pretty much did everything I could. I don’t know what exactly I did wrong,” said McQueary.

Johnson said she has told police everything about the Texas couple who has her son. She said she isn’t concerned who has custody.

Johnson said even though she did not harm her baby, she’s not worried about his safety now.

When asked whether she’s worried her baby is dead or alive, she said, “No, I’m not.”

But the boys father is desperate to find him. And said this to anyone in San Antonio who may know where Gabriel is, “I want them to know he has a loving family here and to bring him back, or call. Call somebody and even if they don’t want to get in trouble, just take him somewhere so somebody can find him.”
The temporary custody papers:

A Tempe detective was at the Smith home when they took in Gabriel and saw paperwork on the matter, though spokesman Sgt. Steve Carbajal said it's unclear if there the documents had any authority since they weren't court-issued.

So... are we assuming that legal looking papers were drawn up (the one pic earlier shows some that look like they went through a court) or that this article is just intimating that this kind of process may not be legal or wth?
Don't know if these pictures have been posted yet...

I don't know what pictures 7, 8 and 9 are about, but they are in the same group of photos as the others of Gabriel.

They are photos from when EJ went nuts and ransacked and started destroying things (I heard cutting up baby clothes too) Pic 8 looks like a mirror...unsure what 7 is and I can only assume the knife is what she used to cut things.
So... are we assuming that legal looking papers were drawn up (the one pic earlier shows some that look like they went through a court) or that this article is just intimating that this kind of process may not be legal or wth?

I'm guessing they got the forms online, filled them out, signed them but never filed them.
Okay, I'll be honest, I have no expertise in this particular subject, so I'm winging it here, but what are the "legal signature" laws for AZ?
Here, pretty much anything becomes useful in court if signed by a notary, and pretty much unarguable if signed by a notary with two impartial witnesses.
I don't know how AZ handles it though. Might the detective also be a notary, and detective was just a more media-happy word? Or was he a friend that the Smiths, or EJ, had there to put a good reputable name on as witness?
(I am sorry, this detective thing is eating me up.)
The article I posted earlier has been updated with this info:

"Johnson did not check into the Motel 6, but could be seen on surveillance video driving into the parking lot of the motel about 11:45 a.m. on Dec. 27, according to Hitu Eatel, manager of the motel.

“She was alone,” Eatel said. “She could be seen walking out of the parking lot about noon.”

Johnson walked toward a bus station across the street, Eatel said.


McQueary said Wednesday that he hasn’t heard of any developments in the case, but remains hopeful that Gabriel will be safely returned.

“I’m just watching the news like everyone else,” McQueary said.
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