AZ - Gabriel Johnson, 8 months, 26 Dec 2009 - last seen in Texas - #17

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Oh yes, Tammi was all into the health craze...maybe she convinced EJ that a colonic would work better than her meds.:crazy:


:crazy: yes, we're getting into TS' head -- and I'm praying for everyone's safe travels back, including my own
Aye Luckygirl and momtective -
Oh yes, Tammi was all into the health craze...maybe she convinced EJ that a colonic would work better than her meds.:crazy:

I think this is really plausible, depending on how long these two really knew each other. I can totally see TPS going off about natural medicines, colonics, etc. and how that would help EJ get rid of side effects of her meds, make her so she wouldn't need her meds, etc. etc.


:crazy: yes, we're getting into TS' head -- and I'm praying for everyone's safe travels back, including my own


I've been trying to get into EJ's and I think that's a much scarier place. :nerves:
Oh yes, Tammi was all into the health craze...maybe she convinced EJ that a colonic would work better than her meds.:crazy:

This is something that I can actually believe about this case. One of VERY few things that is actually plausible in this case.
I don't know where to put this, so I'll stick it in this thread, and then forget later where I posted, lol.
Does AZ have state inspections of vehicles? I was wondering if it was recent, or if the oil was changed recently on the car (like right before the roadtrip) and they put a sticker on the windshield with the miles? It would be great if they had an idea of the miles of the vehicle before the trip, then they could compare to the GPS. If there was a huge difference, it could suggest a long trip out of the some of us were thinking to Victoria or Padre. Of course, I'm sure LE or the FBI would have looked for that.
Okay Kamille, here is my attempt into getting into the mind of EJ -- probably with the opposite approach of most giving her some benefit of the doubt

First of all --
I think it is very wrong for a parent to deny another parent's right to contact or involvement with a child -- morally, ethically, and legally wrong
I think it is very wrong to kidnap a child in the process of above -- morally, ethically, and legally wrong
I think it is very wrong for anyone to text that they have murdered a baby -- ethically and morally wrong

Okay here I go --
But what if this is all EJ did, and what if she did the above because someone experienced in shady custody and adoption deals convinced her that it was somehow right, that the ends justify the means?
What if EJ like many young mothers simply wanted to be able to give her child a better life than she had and decided maybe a little too late to try to give Gabriel that better life?
What if she is now hearing from all sides --lawyer telling her to keep quiet because she's going to get 20 years either way --LE telling her to talk or they might have to charge her with murder -- the Smiths' who she seemed to trust turning against her

IF all of the above is true, I can say she is a misquided, poor me, selfish, short-sighted, confused, seriously needing counseling and meds young woman, but not an evil monster

If I find out that she gave her child to some random couple in a park, that would have an effect on the perspective, because in the mindset above I did not account for that extent of naiveté

If I find out that she murdered Gabriel, then she's more evil than I could ever attempt to try to explore

Yes all above is the opinion of an optimist who gives too many people the benefit of the doubt lol
TS just posted on her FB page that they will start digging the landfills today or tomorrow. She used the word digging I didn't. I would have chosen the word searching. :furious:
TS just posted on her FB page that they will start digging the landfills today or tomorrow. She used the word digging I didn't. I would have chosen the word searching. :furious:

She's one of those foot-in-mouth peeps!
San Antonio police said Monday that they had one more tip to follow-up on before making a decision on a landfill search. Tuesday night, police would not say if that tip materialized.

My dear friends,

We need tips, and we need them today. Please call in or email in anything and everything you think may not have been submitted, no matter how small.

If you have any question whether something has been submitted, please call or email it in.

If you are not sure how to submit a tip, just call the tipline and tell them you're not sure how to get the info to them, and they will walk you through it.

Thank you.
Okay now that we know that TPS's first contact with LM to try to get him to sign adoption papers was on the 22nd, and we can imagine that there was much more to that exchange on that day, I find the conversation the babysitter reported with EJ's "grandmother" the following day making much more sense...

Analisa, when -- who was it that called her on the phone and they were -- it was very contentious, they were arguing on the phone? Who was that?

URIAS: She told me it was her grandmother. I mean I don`t know if that`s who it really was but that`s what she told me.

GRACE: OK. Grandmother. All right, Analisa, what, to the best of your recollection, was she saying back to the grandmother?

URIAS: I remember her saying, what am I supposed to do? Just go back? And, you know, that`s all I pretty much heard her saying. The whole time it was the lady on the other end screaming at her.

GRACE: So the only thing you recall her saying is, what am I supposed to do? Go back? That`s the only thing you recall her saying?

URIAS: That`s the only thing I recall her saying, yes.

GRACE: How long did the conversation last?

URIAS: Maybe a few minutes, maybe -- no more than five minutes.

GRACE: Could you hear what the woman was saying on the other end?

URIAS: I couldn`t hear. All I know is that she was screaming loudly.

GRACE: What did Elizabeth Johnson say to you after she hung up from that conversation?

URIAS: She told me, I`m sorry, that was my grandma. She`s scared because my baby`s dad is threatening her to tell her where we are and we`re in a custody battle.

So we can cut the nonsense that this was her grandmother she was talking to. We know that LE has verified that she was not talking to her grandmother. We know that the only person at that point who knew where she was and her phone number was TPS so we can assume that it was TPS on the other end of that phone IMO.

So EJ tells the babysitter that "whoever is on the phone" is scared because LM is threatening her and demanding to know where EJ and Gabriel are. Well I can imagine after receiving that text and whatever conversation and texting that went on between TPS and LM after that, that LM would be threatening TPS to give up EJ's location and would most likely have told her that if EJ didn't return that this could be considered a kidnapping and that TPS would be facing charges for aiding and abetting too I'm sure. I'm sure his father was involved in that conversation also and the fact that he is an LE officer, they both had to have had TPS getting pretty nervous at that point.

So TPS got on the phone to her "attorney" and "adoption" friends to try to see if LM could actually do this considering LM did not have full custody at that point and tried to figure out a loophole around this and she found out there was no way they could "legally" do this. And she knew at that point that there was already a LE officer involved who just happened to be the child's grandfather and I think she tried to pull the plug on the plan at that point. So she called EJ and told her the plan was off and she had to come back. But EJ had already cleaned out the trailer and had no intention of coming back. She had her new fake identification and she was ready to move on. And TPS scrambled for the rest of that week trying to get her to come back while EJ tried to figure out what to do.

Once again as per the babysitter...

URIAS: I thought it was kind of weird the way he was acting and the way she was treating him. I did consider calling CPS, but again, after that I lost her number so I wasn`t able to contact her or anybody else.

And also, I didn`t know how long she would be staying there because she told me she wasn`t -- she didn`t know what she was going to do next.

So after that phone call, she told the babysitter that she didn't know what she was going to do next. Well I guess not if TPS was bailing out of the original plan and telling her to come back and she had no intention of going back. So I guess the big question is did TPS come up with another plan sometime during that week or did EJ make her own decision on what to do on the 26th of December? If LM had signed those papers, who was supposed to go to SA and pick up Gabriel? Was EJ going to bring him back and go back to living in the trailer as a single woman? What was the plan if he signed the papers? :waitasec:

Okay now that we know that TPS's first contact with LM to try to get him to sign adoption papers was on the 22nd, and we can imagine that there was much more to that exchange on that day, I find the conversation the babysitter reported with EJ's "grandmother" the following day making much more sense...

Analisa, when -- who was it that called her on the phone and they were -- it was very contentious, they were arguing on the phone? Who was that?

URIAS: She told me it was her grandmother. I mean I don`t know if that`s who it really was but that`s what she told me.

GRACE: OK. Grandmother. All right, Analisa, what, to the best of your recollection, was she saying back to the grandmother?

URIAS: I remember her saying, what am I supposed to do? Just go back? And, you know, that`s all I pretty much heard her saying. The whole time it was the lady on the other end screaming at her.

GRACE: So the only thing you recall her saying is, what am I supposed to do? Go back? That`s the only thing you recall her saying?

URIAS: That`s the only thing I recall her saying, yes.

GRACE: How long did the conversation last?

URIAS: Maybe a few minutes, maybe -- no more than five minutes.

GRACE: Could you hear what the woman was saying on the other end?

URIAS: I couldn`t hear. All I know is that she was screaming loudly.

GRACE: What did Elizabeth Johnson say to you after she hung up from that conversation?

URIAS: She told me, I`m sorry, that was my grandma. She`s scared because my baby`s dad is threatening her to tell her where we are and we`re in a custody battle.

So we can cut the nonsense that this was her grandmother she was talking to. We know that LE has verified that she was not talking to her grandmother. We know that the only person at that point who knew where she was and her phone number was TPS so we can assume that it was TPS on the other end of that phone IMO.

So EJ tells the babysitter that "whoever is on the phone" is scared because LM is threatening her and demanding to know where EJ and Gabriel are. Well I can imagine after receiving that text and whatever conversation and texting that went on between TPS and LM after that, that LM would be threatening TPS to give up EJ's location and would most likely have told her that if EJ didn't return that this could be considered a kidnapping and that TPS would be facing charges for aiding and abetting too I'm sure. I'm sure his father was involved in that conversation also and the fact that he is an LE officer, they both had to have had TPS getting pretty nervous at that point.

So TPS got on the phone to her "attorney" and "adoption" friends to try to see if LM could actually do this considering LM did not have full custody at that point and tried to figure out a loophole around this and she found out there was no way they could "legally" do this. And she knew at that point that there was already a LE officer involved who just happened to be the child's grandfather and I think she tried to pull the plug on the plan at that point. So she called EJ and told her the plan was off and she had to come back. But EJ had already cleaned out the trailer and had no intention of coming back. She had her new fake identification and she was ready to move on. And TPS scrambled for the rest of that week trying to get her to come back while EJ tried to figure out what to do.

Once again as per the babysitter...

URIAS: I thought it was kind of weird the way he was acting and the way she was treating him. I did consider calling CPS, but again, after that I lost her number so I wasn`t able to contact her or anybody else.

And also, I didn`t know how long she would be staying there because she told me she wasn`t -- she didn`t know what she was going to do next.

So after that phone call, she told the babysitter that she didn't know what she was going to do next. Well I guess not if TPS was bailing out of the original plan and telling her to come back and she had no intention of going back. So I guess the big question is did TPS come up with another plan sometime during that week or did EJ make her own decision on what to do on the 26th of December? If LM had signed those papers, who was supposed to go to SA and pick up Gabriel? Was EJ going to bring him back and go back to living in the trailer as a single woman? What was the plan if he signed the papers? :waitasec:


This is interesting. I had not heard LM's father was in LE. Hummmm.....
Kamille, i like your take on this. Until the phone exchange on friday between these 2 dimwits, i could see EJ just doing her own thing, but now i'm back to thinkin TS still held her hand through all of this.
Well I think we can at least talk about TPS's quotes from them on NG can't we?

JOSTAD: Well, also, Tammi, were you exchanging any kind of messages, whether it was e-mails, IMs, FaceBook messages? Were you in contact with Elizabeth Johnson during that time after she left San Antonio?

SMITH: Yes. Like, I`ve got some MySpace here. You know, December 29th, I say, I believe in my heart that you would never hurt him, but detectives have recordings -- your reporting (ph) that you killed the baby. And it says, We are also distraught. We love Gabriel and you. And it goes on to talk about, The lead detective of this case really feels for you and he wants to help you. You can call Detective Aguilera (ph), and it gives his phone number. He truly wants to help you.

You know, it goes on and on. She sends a message back saying, Tammi, I will never come forward. Yes, what I said was wrong. I wanted him to hurt like he hurt me, so that`s why I said that. And she says, Me and Gabriel are fine. In fact, we`re great. And she goes on through the whole story.

And then at the end, that, I had to let you know that we are all right because I know you must be worried sick, and I am so sorry for that. I really am. You and Jack are really good people.

JOSTAD: Now, Tammi, did you know...

SMITH: You know, there`s just -- there`s a lot of that. There`s text messages back and forth, you know, asking her to come back, to come to court, we`ll get an attorney for her, things like that. So you know, now the police have all that evidence, and now, hopefully, they will see that and -- you know, because before, we told them, but they never did get it. They never looked at it. So hopefully, that will show them that this is -- that, you know, we should not even be persons of interest at this point because we obviously were looking out for her best interests and making sure that she did everything correct and legal.

so whats the whole story as told by Elizabeth... did she say to Tammi that Gabriel is with her...
Watching our local SA news...alot of rain, wind and cold is on the way. I hope if they r searching the landfills they get after it.
Watching our local SA news...alot of rain, wind and cold is on the way. I hope if they r searching the landfills they get after it.

same here...moving in tomorrow and through Friday with wintery mix. Jessi...curious, have ya'll had a lot of rain days since Dec.27 th....and if so, wouldn't that compromise the landfill ????
Okay Kamille, here is my attempt into getting into the mind of EJ -- probably with the opposite approach of most giving her some benefit of the doubt

First of all --
I think it is very wrong for a parent to deny another parent's right to contact or involvement with a child -- morally, ethically, and legally wrong
I think it is very wrong to kidnap a child in the process of above -- morally, ethically, and legally wrong
I think it is very wrong for anyone to text that they have murdered a baby -- ethically and morally wrong

Okay here I go --
But what if this is all EJ did, and what if she did the above because someone experienced in shady custody and adoption deals convinced her that it was somehow right, that the ends justify the means?
What if EJ like many young mothers simply wanted to be able to give her child a better life than she had and decided maybe a little too late to try to give Gabriel that better life?
What if she is now hearing from all sides --lawyer telling her to keep quiet because she's going to get 20 years either way --LE telling her to talk or they might have to charge her with murder -- the Smiths' who she seemed to trust turning against her

IF all of the above is true, I can say she is a misquided, poor me, selfish, short-sighted, confused, seriously needing counseling and meds young woman, but not an evil monster

If I find out that she gave her child to some random couple in a park, that would have an effect on the perspective, because in the mindset above I did not account for that extent of naiveté

If I find out that she murdered Gabriel, then she's more evil than I could ever attempt to try to explore

Yes all above is the opinion of an optimist who gives too many people the benefit of the doubt lol

Now we have 5 stories told by Elizabeth

1. Random couple in a park- Smith didnt know them
2. Random couple in the hotel- Smith didnt know them
3. Killed Gabriel put in daiper bag and then the dumspter
4. The Smith set up everything the person, the place and the how but she cant give any detail on how it went down???
5. Then the texting to the Smiths in Miami - that she and Gabriel were "great"

This is really starting to remind me of how KC gave out details and the detectives listening to all this is:banghead:
same here...moving in tomorrow and through Friday with wintery mix. Jessi...curious, have ya'll had a lot of rain days since Dec.27 th....and if so, wouldn't that compromise the landfill ????

Yes actually I think I may have posted something about that the other day regarding people wondering about Gabriels little cheeks being red in the photos. Around that time more late Dec early Jan we had a major front come in and initially it had brought rain. It rained here straight for like 2 days. I believe it was during that time period but regardless since this happened yes we have had a significant rain event.
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