AZ-Gabriel Johnson, 8 months News Media and Updated Information ONLY. No Discussion.

Father awarded custody of missing baby Gabriel
Mar. 26, 2010 12:45 PM
A Maricopa County Superior Court Judge awarded custody of still-missing baby Gabriel Johnson to the boy's father in a hearing Friday morning. Logan McQueary will take custody of the baby if he is ever found.

Gabriel will turn 1 year old on May 3, but Johnson has refused to say if the child is alive or where he is.

Johnson has been indicted on charges of kidnapping, child abuse, conspiracy to commit custodial interference and custodial interference. She refused to answer any questions about Gabriel's whereabouts to avoid incriminating herself on those criminal charges.

McQueary's attorney, Craig Mehrens, asked McVey to find Johnson in contempt for violating his December ruling that awarded visitation rights to McQueary.

McVey set a hearing for April 28 to review the contempt allegation. Mehrens said McVey could order Johnson to produce the baby, or force her to remain in jail in contempt of court until she does.

Johnson's attorney, Mitchell Cohen, said he "didn't expect the judge to do anything different," than award custody to McQueary.

Judge grants father of missing baby Gabriel sole custody
Last Update: 1:20 pm
Logan McQueary. "I have always believed, and continue to believe, that my son is alive."

McQueary says he will continue searching until his son is returned home.

"It is frustrating and baffling," said McManus. "I can't figure out why [Johnson] is not talking except for the obvious reason. It doesn't make sense to me. She claims she didn't kill the baby but yet is not giving up where it is."

Johnson reportedly told McQueary that she killed Gabriel, but the McQueary family believes the boy is alive. McQueary released a statement expressing relief that no body had been found saying that he continues to believe that his son is alive.

McQueary said he has not visited Elizabeth Johnson in jail, but has thought about it. "I'm not exactly sure what I would say to her, other than I just want her to be honest," said McQueary.

Baby Gabriel's mom takes the Fifth
March 26th, 2010 @ 1:38pm
The mother of a missing Valley boy appeared in Maricopa County Superior Court Friday, but refused to talk about the child or his whereabouts.

Elizabeth Johnson, 23, invoked her Fifth Amendment rights against self incrimination when Craig Mehrens, an attorney for her missing son's father, started asking questions.

Judge Michael McVey granted sole custody of the boy, Gabriel Johnson, to his father, Logan McQueary.

Gabriel, who will turn 1 on May 3, vanished in December after his mother allegedly took him from the Valley during a custody fight with McQueary.

McVey set an April 28 hearing on Mehrens' request that Johnson be held in contempt for violating an earlier ruling that gave McQueary visitation rights with Gabriel

Dad wins sole custody of missing 'Baby Gabriel'
March 26, 2010 - 3:20PM
Johnson appeared in court wearing a striped jail inmate suit, looking haggard and nervous. She was called to the stand twice to testify, first by McQueary&#8217;s attorney and then by McVey. Johnson broke down and cried while being questioned by McVey, and would not say when she last saw Gabriel, the last people she saw the baby with, or tell the court who she gave the baby to. She would not provide the location of the baby or his state of safety and well-being.

McQueary&#8217;s family could be heard expressing sighs of relief after McVey handed down his ruling despite the defense questioning McQueary about his criminal history from a 2004 solicitation to commit burglary conviction and his admitted drug use in the past. McQueary did not comment after the hearing, but had earlier told the Tribune he has been clean for about three years.

His attorney, Craig Mehrens, had asked McVey to find Johnson in contempt for violating his December ruling that awarded temporary custody rights to McQueary. McVey set a hearing for April 28 to review the contempt allegation against Johnson.

Mehrens said McVey could order Johnson to produce the baby, or force her to remain in jail in contempt of court until she does. &#8220;I&#8217;m expressing sadness not only for my client, but his son,&#8221; Mehrens said. &#8220;I had to do my job and ask her what she did with the baby and where it&#8217;s at. The judge should find her in contempt because she&#8217;s already violated I don&#8217;t know how many court orders.&#8221;

Private investigator Ken Gamble, who is working with the McQuearys in the search for Gabriel, said there is no evidence indicating that Johnson sold Gabriel in an underground adoption, but said there are indications she gave him to someone she entrusted who has the boy in hiding.

McQueary&#8217;s father, Frank McQueary said after the hearing, &#8220;It&#8217;s a shame the judge is putting Elizabeth Johnson&#8217;s rights before the safety of the child. The safety of the child is paramount, and the attorneys are doing their job of protecting Elizabeth&#8217;s rights, but they are putting the health, safety and welfare of the child at risk.&#8221;

UPDATED: Baby Gabriel's Dad Awarded Sole Custody
March 26,2010

RAW VIDEO: Elizabeth Johnson At Custody Hearing 11:18
Baby Gabriel's mom, Elizabeth Johnson, testifies at a custody hearing in Phoenix.

RAW VIDEO: Logan McQueary At Custody Hearing 11:05
Baby Gabriel's dad, Logan McQueary, testifies at custody hearing in Phoenix.

RAW VIDEO: Baby Gabriel's Dad Awarded Custody 6:27
Closing arguments are heard in a Baby Gabriel custody case in Phoenix.
UPDATED: Father awarded custody of Baby Gabriel
Posted on March 26, 2010 at 6:48 AM
Updated today at 5:21 PM
Appearing in court for an evidentiary hearing Friday morning, Elizabeth Johnson, 23, cried and refused to answer any questions about where her son is or if he is alive. Gabriel has been missing for three months.

After hearing from Johnson and Gabriel's father, Logan McQueary, the judge took custody away from Johnson and granted sole legal custody to McQueary.

Johnson faces a variety of charges including custodial interference, child abuse and kidnapping.

The investigation is ongoing. Anyone with information about Gabriel Johnson is asked to call 1-800-THE-LOST.

RAW: Elizabeth Johnson in court 5:10
RAW footage of Elizabeth Johnson at a court hearing where she pleaded the fifth amendment.

Video: Father awarded custody of Baby Gabriel 1:52
A judge awarded custody of a missing Tempe baby to the child's father.

Dr.: Mom Not Interested In Baby Gabriel
POSTED: 9:38 pm MST March 26,2010
UPDATED: 11:02 pm MST March 26,2010
After viewing a video of Friday&#8217;s custody hearing about missing baby Gabriel Johnson, well-known Valley forensic psychologist Dr. Erin Nelson said Elizabeth Johnson didn&#8217;t appear interested in her child. During the hearing, Johnson broke down in tears on the stand when Maricopa Superior Court Judge Michael McVey questioned her about Gabriel&#8217;s whereabouts.

"The one thing I take away from today is that clearly Elizabeth Johnson is somebody who has her own interests as her number one priority,&#8221; said Nelson. Johnson only became emotional when she was being questioned about issues that could impact the charges against her.

She did not visibly react when the judge awarded custody to McQueary and revoked her right to spend time with Gabriel. &#8220;Her behavior doesn't bode well for her level of interest in the child,&#8221; said Nelson. "It is noteworthy that at the time that custody is awarded to the father, she is stoic."

"For certain people, just that level of control can be intoxicating,&#8221; she said. &#8220;To have people all over the world hanging on your word, that's a pretty powerful place to be and that could a feeling she's not ready to relinquish.&#8221;

Nelson said nothing that happened in court Friday clearly indicates whether or not Johnson harmed her son, but the fact that Gabriel has been missing for almost three months is a concern. &#8220;That amount of time without any significant hit or any that I'm aware of doesn't bode well for a happy ending,&#8221; she said.

VIDEO: Expert: Gabriel's Mom Has Own Interests In Mind 3:09
A body language expert tells what baby Gabriel's mother may have revealed on the stand in her custody hearing.

Father awarded custody of missing Baby Gabriel
March 29, 2010 Last Update: 6:02 am
A judge awarded custody of a still-missing Arizona baby to the boy's father on Friday.

Logan McQueary will take custody of Gabriel Johnson if the baby is ever found.

The child's mother, Elizabeth Johnson, has refused to answer any questions from a Maricopa County Superior Court judge or McQueary's attorney about where Gabriel is.

The baby will turn 1 on May 3, but Johnson has refused to say if the child is alive or where he is.

UPDATED: Private Eye Finds Park Where Gabriel Was Given Up
Updated: Wednesday, 31 Mar 2010, 6:44 PM MDT
Published : Wednesday, 31 Mar 2010, 1:01 PM MDT
Ken Gamble is the private investigator hired by Gabriel Johnson's father, Logan McQueary. Gamble believes Gabriel's mother, Elizabeth Johnson, did not hurt her baby, but rather brought him to a San Antonio, Texas park as she was told to do.

"We have been able to confirm through the investigation so far that this is the park where Elizabeth handed the baby to a couple." said Gamble. "That information is supported by her own handwritten notes in her journal. She wrote down directions to the park...she arrived..the couple was already sitting in the park so we now know they were sitting at one of those tables..they immediately got up and they greeted her. They said something to her which we are not revealing at this point to identify themselves."

Gamble is asking anyone in San Antonio who saw the meeting to come forward. He says he's confident the mystery couple will be found.

*2-Videos Included In Article!

New Details in Baby Gabriel Case
Wednesday, March 31 2010, 08:47 AM CDT
Ken Gamble, the private investigator in the baby Gabriel case, is asking for the public's help. Gamble says that after looking at a handwritten journal kept by the baby's mother they know that she went to Raymond Rimkus park on the morning of December 27th. Around 10 a.m. Johnson says she met a couple who had been sent by a third party she trusted. If you wish to contact the family's private investigator in this case you can go to our links section. New Details in Baby Gabriel Case

*Video Included In Article! "New Details in Baby Gabriel Case" 2:40

Private investigator says Baby Gabriel's mom kept journal
Last Update: 7:28 am
Private investigator Ken Gamble told News 4 WOAI Gabriel's mother, Elizabeth Johnson, kept a journal with directions leading to Raymond Rimkus Park off of Huebner Road and Evers Road. Reports surfaced after Baby Gabriel went missing that Johnson visited Raymond Russell Park. Gamble believes that information is incorrect.

Video: Search For Baby Gabriel 0:31

PI: Missing Baby Gabriel Johnson Still Alive
Private Investigator Says He Believes Mother's Handwritten Journals

POSTED: Wednesday, March 31, 2010
UPDATED: 9:56 pm CDT March 31,2010
Gamble said Wednesday that he has looked through the journal and it puts Rimkus Park off Evers Road in San Antonio at the center of the investigation into the case of the missing baby.

"She also wrote down directions to this park in her journal," said Gamble. "And that is a key piece of evidence because it shows her story about coming to the park is credible. You can't get any better evidence than handwritten notes made by herself."

Gamble said Wednesday that Johnson also describes the park in detail: from the jogging trail, to the wooded area, and the park bench where she says she met a couple on the morning of Dec. 27.

Gamble said he believes that the couple was sent there by a third party who she trusted.

"I was able to see the handwritten notes and it's very compelling, because it tells the story of what she did when she was down here," said Gamble. "It gives details about her contacting women's shelters, crisis centers."

"We have good reason to believe the baby is alive and again we can't say why at this point, but we have very good reason to believe that the baby is being cared for by persons that are not known at this time," said Gamble.

Video: PI: Missing Baby Gabriel Johnson Still Alive 1:22

PI believes Baby Gabriel is alive
April 1st, 2010 @ 8:16am
"I was able to see the hand-written notes," said Ken Gamble, an investigator hired by the missing boy's father, Logan McQueary.

He said Elizabeth Johnson's journal "is very compelling because it tells the story of what she did when she was down here (in San Antonio). It gives details about her contacting women's shelters, crisis centers."

Johnson fled the Phoenix area with Gabriel in December to avoid a custody hearing. She and the boy were last seen at a San Antonio motel Dec. 26. Johnson -- who was arrested a few days later in Miami -- has told conflicting stories about what happened to her son, including one story that she gave him to an unidentified couple in a San Antonio park.

"She wrote down directions to this park in her journal," Gamble said. "And that is a key piece of evidence because it shows her story about coming to the park is actually credible. You can't get any better evidence than hand-written, contemporaneous notes made by herself."

Mom's diary shows she was drunk, depressed, when Baby Gabriel was given to couple in Leon Valley Park
PI says indications are Gabriel is still alive

Thursday, April 1, 2010
"There were some entries in the journal which would suggest she had been drinking," Ken Gamble says. "There were some cryptic notes cowards the end of the journal which she had written, making reference to the death of her parents. She was very distraught."

For the first time, Gamble explains why Elizabeth Johnson came to San Antonio around Christmas time last year. He says she chose San Antonio as her new home.

"In the first few days, there was a lot of evidence that she was actually trying to set herself up down here. She was contacting women's refuges and shelters and crisis centers. And then something changed around about December 23, December 24. She was backed into a corner and she thought there was there was nothing else she could do but put the baby into hiding and someone gave her that opportunity."

In that journal, Gamble says Johnson wrote specific directions to the park where she met a couple in their 30's.

"The male was six feet tall, he had short, dark brown hair, and he was of a medium build, wearing a white polo shirt, the female had long blond hair," Gamble told 1200 WOAI news.

The hand off happened about ten in the morning on December 27th. She then fled to Miami, where she was arrested.

Baby Gabriel's Face Adorns Texas Billboards
Baby Gabriel Johnson Missing Since Dec. 26

POSTED: 12:54 pm MST April 1,2010
UPDATED: 1:09 pm MST April 1,2010
The billboards are the result of an effort by Arizona resident Cathy Dean, who was first alerted to the possibility of billboards in a discussion on the Facebook group "Bring Home Gabriel Johnson."

"(I thought,) 'Gosh, that's a great idea,'" Dean said, and with the blessing of the McQueary family, she began to research billboards.

Dean called Lamar, who agreed to run the notice free of charge on its digital billboards.

"(Digital billboards) allow us to be able to do this kind of (public service) work at a good price," said Chris Stokes from Lamar.

Less than 24 hours after Dean's first phone call, Lamar was running the message.

"We'll continue to run it, hopefully until baby Gabriel is identified," Stokes said.

Clear Channel Communications has also expressed interest in putting Gabriel's photo up on its digital billboards.

Missing Baby Gabriel Still Alive, PI Says
Baby Gabriel Victim Of Illegal Adoption, Ken Gamble Says

POSTED: 1:49 pm MST April 1,2010
UPDATED: 2:50 pm MST April 1,2010
Missing baby Gabriel Johnson is alive and probably the victim of an illegal adoption, according to a private investigator hired by the boy's father. "I do believe he is alive because I do believe the meeting here occurred," Gamble said. "I believe a third party is involved. This is what the evidence is suggesting."

Gamble said he thinks the third party set up the meeting where Johnson gave Gabriel to the couple. Gamble said the mystery couple probably knew the adoption was illegal.

"It's very unlikely that the couple don't know what's going on," he said. "They just have very strong beliefs about the child." It's unlikely that Gabriel is still in San Antonio, Gamble said. The couple probably drove to Texas to pick up the baby.

Johnson has cooperated with authorities, Gamble said. "She's made full admissions to police," he said. "At this stage, some of that information we can't discuss because it's still under investigation."

Gamble also said he's waiting for more information, including records and subpoenaed documents, but he's "very confident we can find out who was involved."

"Someone out there knows," Gamble said. "Someone has enabled these people. Someone must realize that these people have taken in a baby recently."

Raw Video: Baby Gabriel Is Alive, PI Says 7:08
Private investigator Ken Gamble, who is trying to find missing baby Gabriel Johnson, says the boy was probably given to a couple in a San Antonio park.

UPDATED: New Leads In Baby Gabriel Case
Elizabeth Johnson Kept Journal While On The Run

POSTED: 11:02 pm MST April 1,2010
UPDATED: 9:49 am MST April 2,2010
When Elizabeth Johnson&#8217;s refused to tell a judge what she did with her missing boy at a custody hearing last week, Gabriel&#8217;s father was sitting just feet away, seeing his ex-girlfriend for the first time in months. Every one of her denials was maddening to Logan McQueary. And Johnson refused to look him in the eye. &#8220;I wanted Elizabeth to tell the truth when my lawyer questioned her and, when the judge questioned her again. It looked like she really wanted to talk and I was just wishing that she would,&#8221; said McQueary.

But what he couldn&#8217;t get from her testimony, his private investigator has now found in the journal Johnson kept while on the run. She left written directions to Raymond Rimkus park on the morning of Dec. 27. McQueary said they have evidence a third party arranged for Elizabeth to meet someone at a park bench at 10 a.m. that morning, and hand the boy off to a couple she&#8217;d never met.

&#8220;I know he&#8217;s out there and he&#8217;s alive and he got handed off to a couple and we pretty much believe we know who they are,&#8221; said McQueary.

That&#8217;s why Thursday, McQueary&#8217;s private investigator met with the San Antonio Police Department and gave authorities every bit of evidence they have gathered. &#8220;I think we opened up their eyes a little bit more. I think we did point them in the right direction today,&#8221; said McQueary.

The FBI has even come forward, telling McQueary they want to do more to help in the search. But unless the San Antonio Police Department changes the case from a homicide to missing persons, the FBI can&#8217;t even open a case file. &#8220;We&#8217;re really close. Closer than we&#8217;ve ever been,&#8221; said McQueary.

If the San Antonio Police Department changes the classification of the case, McQueary wouldn't have to count on the whim of the woman behind bars. With more resources, McQueary truly believes they will soon find Gabriel on their own.

&#8220;It doesn&#8217;t matter to me how much time she gets or how little time she gets. She can go along with her life and I can go along with mine. As long as I have Gabriel. That&#8217;s all I want,&#8221; said McQueary.

Video: Baby Gabriel's Dad: We Will Find Him 2:39
Logan McQueary, the father of missing baby Gabriel Johnson, says he's confident he will find his son.
*Don't miss this video...sounds very hopeful! :crossfingers:

Baby Gabriel: Logan McQueary talks about the search for his son
Posted on April 8, 2010 at 7:34 AM
Updated today at 7:54 AM
It's been 106 days since Gabriel Johnson vanished.

Thursday, Gabriel's father, Logan McQueary, gave Tara Hitchcock the latest on the investigation. Mark Palmer from Jessica's Law Now also weighed in and talked about an event this weekend at Toby Keith&#8217;s I Love this Bar. The event is to help raise money for the search for Gabriel.

Video: Baby Gabriel: Logan McQueary talks about the search for his son 3:41

Logan McQueary, Missing Boy&#8217;s Father, Mark Palmer, Jessica&#8217;s Law Now -- Baby Gabriel Update & Benefit
Thursday, April 8
Benefit for Baby Gabriel will be at Toby Keith&#8217;s I Love this Bar on Saturday, April 10. This is a fundraiser for the search for Baby Gabriel to include an auction and a silent auction of memorabilia from sports figures, musicians and actors. The Silent Auction is from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. and the main auction event will be from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. For more information, call 480-844-TOBY(8629). Toby&#8217;s is located at 1065 N. Dobson Road in Mesa.


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