AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #18

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He also uses the words "of a sensitive nature" in reference to sealed warrants.
Im thinking that they have something that could potentialy be very dangerous for the general public to involve themselves in & also LE treading very carefully as it is very daugerous for them also. JMHO

And it's getting very close to the time when those warrents would be able to be provided to the public.
I also read somewhere that SC will not be allowed back with the boys until this case is finished, I will try to look for the link. Anyone remember reading this?
You know, now that I'm thinking about it, not much area has been searched and one has to wonder why that is.

They seemed to be a lot of searching near a golf course last week I believe. Wondering if there are any ties to the golf course that we know of?
Just to give some hope to those who are dejected about this case, I will share something. I am following a murder case which is at trial right now.

Thirty days after the crime occurred, the judge ruled that the search warrants for the crime scene were to remain sealed to protect the integrity of the investigation...literally a day or two later[/U], the detectives got their DNA results from having surveilled their suspect (who the public had no clue about) and obtaining his DNA from a cigarette butt. Just like that, BAM, they swarmed the perp, took him into custody and solved the case, one or two days after ordering the warrants remain sealed.

You know, I always wondered what they put in the trunk of that car for all to see during the re-enactment. It seemed so staged. Could it have been a glass that someone drank out of that they were putting in the trunk for the DNA? (This wouldn't apply if they also brought this object into the house first, can't remember now).
From what I have found, the second person is referencing the first "I saw a comment on another site..."

And those two heard it separately, independently.
He also uses the words "of a sensitive nature" in reference to sealed warrants.
Im thinking that they have something that could potentialy be very dangerous for the general public to involve themselves in & also LE treading very carefully as it is very daugerous for them also. JMHO

bbm: sensitive nature means imhoo that it is investigative info that they do not want placed on the buffet of public consumption (and for good reason).

It may be days, months or years now that we hear why or what... now that the public briefings are over and done with (unless they are able to find Isabel).

So sad that so many cases come to this point..
---not related to presser, but do we know if it was common for RC to go into work early? Or was this a "once in a blue moon" thing? Another star in perfect/imperfect alignment that night/morning?

I searched but couldn't find anything.
---not related to presser, but do we know if it was common for RC to go into work early? Or was this a "once in a blue moon" thing? Another star in perfect/imperfect alignment that night/morning?

I searched but couldn't find anything.

It might just be me, but I always figured the person who said she was "very early" just meant that it was early in the morning, not necessarily that she was extremely or unusually early to work, but that was just my take...that 7am is early in the morning. JMO
Ok, for the many of you that are vehement that SC, BC or both were the abductors of Isa, what is your theory of how they hid her and where she could be? Since we know she was seen at the LL game that evening, it doesn't leave a lot of time until 8AM the next morning to hide her, or dispose of her remains... So far no one has elaborated on a theory other than who dunnit AFAIK

I'll preface both scenarios by saying that whatever happened, I believe SC, RC and at least one son know something about it.

If she's dead:
I don't know what could have happened in that house to cause her death and send her family into a cover-up, but it would have had to have been something secret, and sad, and something they wanted to keep hidden (even now). So if she is dead, I think she was handed off to someone at 6:30 a.m. who helped dispose of her, or SC did the deed, hiding her very well to keep any evidence that might be revealed on her body well-hidden.

If she's alive:
SC and RC handed her off to someone for collateral or as part of some sort of enrichment scheme that has now gone awry (Balloon Boy).

This case is difficult for me because these are two competing scenarios with very different motives and outcomes that I see as equally viable and possible.
It might just be me, but I always figured the person who said she was "very early" just meant that it was early in the morning, not necessarily that she was extremely or unusually early to work, but that was just my take...that 7am is early in the morning. JMO

That's also what I took from it. Meaning she was NOT late that day.
I also read somewhere that SC will not be allowed back with the boys until this case is finished, I will try to look for the link. Anyone remember reading this?

What if the case is never closed? Doesn't sound right to me.
Especially since, IMO, this shouldn't be about how they are perceived, but about keeping Isa's case visible and in the public eye.

The vigil wasn't about Isa, it was about Sergio. That is just disgusting. Of course, IMO, they already know Isa isn't coming home and they also know why.

If my child were missing, I could give a flying duck if I got 'heckled' or if someone asked pointed questions or pointed out my inconsistencies. I'd be out there every day, keeping the case alive!!!!!!!

Jeebus! SC and RC are adults and they need to suck it up and quit the pity party. This should be about finding their daughter and if they were innocent, it would be. IMO they are responsible for what happened to Isa and LE knows it.

I hope LE can make their arrests and at least give Isa that much. I am tired of pussy-footing around it; this case stinks to high heaven and it's coming from SC and RC.


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I still didn't read flying duck correctly LOL
Bringing a post here from thread nr 14, this was said by LE a week ago:

-bolded by me-

The above contradicts today's presser, imo.

This is where I am confused. I believe I know what information they thought to be true during this time and I'm wondering if they came to a dead end. Now I'm not sure what road they are taking.
I also read somewhere that SC will not be allowed back with the boys until this case is finished, I will try to look for the link. Anyone remember reading this?

I do. I just read it today, in fact, but I don't recall where. I raised an eyebrow because I hadn't heard that before.
Just finding stuff that seems interesting to me and what we have all been talking about.

It's day six in the search for missing Isabel Celis, and there's still no sign of her. But her father, Sergio Celis, showed up at Tucson City Court this morning.

He walked on past cameras and ignored questions.

"He attended Tucson City Court on a matter that's related to animal violations, dog violations, I believe one of those dogs running at large, the other a vaccination violation," said Tucson police Lt. Fabian Pacheco.

Sergio Celis will have to reappear in court next month.
In a statement from the family Wednesday, Rebecca Celis hopes the search for her daughter remains top priority.
What if the case is never closed? Doesn't sound right to me.

I thought one of our lawyers said something about a 90-day review period, not sure how that would apply in case of "voluntary" compliance. But maybe at that point, CPS would either have to move forward officially or let Sergio move home with the family.

This could certainly drag on for 90+ days...or years...JMO
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