Baby Lisa's half brothers being interviewed Nov. 10

The latest video states that the interviews ended at 730pm. BS also states that he does not feel that the interviews would reveal anything to help the case, but yet he himself has never questioned or talked to the boys, nor has DB (so she says) So how or why could he make the statement that nothing would reveal any help towards the case.

Not to be really picky but it's unclear whether the interviews ended at 7:30 pm OR whether at 7:30 p.m. is when police told media that the interviews were over. A subtle but important point. Interviews could have ended at 7 pm but media wasn't told until 7:30. The interviews almost certainly began before the media was told so would stand to reason the ending would do the same way.
Maybe this is why Deborah and Jeremy returned to the bro's home. Maybe CPS said the the parents cannot be near the kids so the kids are at the grandparents. I wish they could go visit Hazel. :(

Could I be refreshed on who Hazel is?
The latest video states that the interviews ended at 730pm. BS also states that he does not feel that the interviews would reveal anything to help the case, but yet he himself has never questioned or talked to the boys, nor has DB (so she says) So how or why could he make the statement that nothing would reveal any help towards the case.

Maybe he believes that an intruder kidnapped baby Lisa when the boys were asleep and they have no knowledge of the crime.

IF DB was NOT drunk that night then there would be NO reason to remove the boys because she was drunk/negligent.

I posted: "If those boys told anything to the person interviewing them that would cause the interviewer to question the safety of these 2 children then by all means, do whatever is neccessary to keep them safe."

I didn't say the children should be removed if DB was drunk. I don't know that the children have been removed. For all we know they spent the night with friends or relatives.
Pensfan, I understand that you think her kids should get taken away. I don't fault you, I understand the logic. I don't have enough information to agree, so I'm just stating that I find it unlikely in this situation based on what we know. That's MOO, based on my experience with DHS in this region. it's certainly possible, but if that happened IME it's because something BIG was said. There is some burden of evidence if you initiate an emergency removal. Of course it is completely possible that something BIG was said. We can't know.

IF they are following strict protocol of emergency removal, they would go to foster care unless one of the family members have been approved by the state (home study, etc).

I've seen that worked around before, but not often. Usually if DHS is going to place the kids, they have a procedure for approving the home first. It's a liability for THEM to place the kids somewhere and have harm come to them.

ETA- work-around= sometimes if the parents seen it coming, they will sign temporary guardianship over to a relative until things can work out. With JT there, that is a possibility too.

Didn't we read that the family is relieved? (After the interviews. I can't remember who said it.) That could be a sign that there is a benign reason the boys are not with their parents.
No I think it's more like scary that you might have your boys taken because your daughter was abducted.

I disagree, respectfully.
I think the boys were eye witnesses to something bad that happened in their home that night. IMO

IMO a mother who drinks 5 to 10 glasses of wine when she is supposed to be watching her children should be real scared that she might loose custody of her son and step son.

I think DB was relieved because the interviews were over and she wasn't arrested. IMO
I disagree, respectfully.
I think the boys were eye witnesses to something bad that happened in their home that night. IMO

IMO a mother who drinks 5 to 10 glasses of wine when she is supposed to be watching her children should be real scared that she might loose custody of her son and step son.

I think DB was relieved because the interviews were over and she wasn't arrested. IMO

I would imagine whether she's guilty or innocent of a crime she's relieved that she wasn't arrested.
I know I am going a bit off topic but between all these high-profile 'missing' children cases lately, I'm afraid this is going to make people feel that, inserting a RFID into your young childs' body, seem like a GOOD idea.

I am not sure what RFID means...but i am thinking about the security tracking chips like we put in our pets? I don't know if that could become too restrictive, but just thinking...if they were inserted at birth, then removed when the individual became an adult, or another agreed upon age?
I don't know...I am rambling...I think that this would bring so many children to safety, but the privilege of privacy must be protected, as well.
Who's to say someone wouldn't remove it from the child? :eek: No easy answers.
I am not sure what RFID means...but i am thinking about the security tracking chips like we put in our pets? I don't know if that could become too restrictive, but just thinking...if they were inserted at birth, then removed when the individual became an adult, or another agreed upon age?
I don't know...I am rambling...I think that this would bring so many children to safety, but the privilege of privacy must be protected, as well.

It looks like it needs to be a tool in the near future. Sounds more humane to me than living through years of hell or the other scenarios I've heard.
Yes...thechip situation would have to be well thought aut before implementation.

Also..I have a wild thought...could the boys be leading lE/FBi to where Baby lisa may be?

I know this is wild, but IMO it is good to offer any/all ideas to help reach some sort of a solution.
The boys were interviewed for 2 hours

"Irwin family attorney John Picerno told FOX 4 News that the children were interviewed for a total of two hours on Thursday evening by a forensic interviewer flown in to Kansas City from Washington, D.C. by the FBI. "

So maybe someone else took them home, aunt, uncle, grandparents, etc and the parents stayed to discuss the boys interviews w/authorities?
For all we know the interview could have taken place at the grandparents house.
Can you imagine what school life has been like for these little guys? Don't you know other children bombard them with questions? Kids talk. If they knew anything everyone else would by now. And so would the teachers. I would love to be a fly on the wall as to the teachers opinion as to guilt/innocence.
I'm glad they don't have to be interviewed again.
I am falling asleep on my keyboard, so I better get to sleep. I just read my other posts, and the abundance of typos indicate this is a good idea.

I only have one request...would you all please solve this case tonight and bring Baby Lisa home safe, so that when I wake up in the morning it will be like Christmas?
A police spokesman described the development a "baby step," saying detectives still want to test the boys for DNA and bring in both parents for new interviews.

Read more:

Whaaaaat?? They still haven't allowed that simple, easy, non-intrusive DNA swab?


Don't you want them to be able to eliminate the family members' DNA and move further in identifying the intruder's DNA among all the other traces?
A police spokesman described the development a "baby step," saying detectives still want to test the boys for DNA and bring in both parents for new interviews.

Read more:

Whaaaaat?? They still haven't allowed that simple, easy, non-intrusive DNA swab?


Don't you want them to be able to eliminate the family members' DNA and move further in identifying the intruder's DNA among all the other traces?

Makes about as much sense as not wanting to question the boys that were in the house when she disappeared.That to me is even more questionable than drinking.If a kidnapper,you'd want to know every single detail of what could have been seen or heard,you'd be desperate.

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