Book released by Defense Attorney, Nov 2015 #2

Nurmi gave JA a defense that she will never successfully appeal IMO. I hated what he helped her do to Travis, but he did the job JA wanted him to do, saved her life, and there won't be endless death penalty appeals. Looking at the big picture, I thank him. Continued anger at him and scorn seems kind of pointless at this point. But that's just me.
JMO, MOO, etc.

For me it's not anger and scorn, just shock and dismay. I wasn't expecting a well written book, but I expected it would at least be free of Jodivision, now that Nurmi is no longer required to sing Jodi's tune. I assumed his performance in court was just a performance. A vile performance, certainly, but I didn't think he actually believed the lines, and the lies, he was spewing. I figured he was "just doing his job," albeit in a despicable and desperate way. I am truly shocked by the excerpts I've read here (thanks YESorNO).
Lol. He sure didn't like Yreka or the Arias clan either. How "cold" and untidy their home was...they didn't seem to care about their daughter etc. He liked the grandparents a bit. Their home was a bit "warmer". Nurmi went in Jodi's little pink bedroom there and realized he was probably standing in the very place Jodi planned her murder trip.


That he oddly, later on, claims to be "heat of passion." Errr, can't have it both ways...

See, this is exactly why I think Nurmi is counting on social media to group-edit his book. It's self-published and print-on-demand, so he can fix the errors as fast as we find them. He definitely owes you a thank-you note for this one.
L's opinion- that media attention already paid to case, "motivated" State to seek DP for the murderer

So when JM methodically explained to the jury point by point exactly why Jodi was eligible for the death penalty, he was what... wrong? These things didn't apply in this case? Or he was mistaken about any specifics of the Arizona death penalty? He really didn't seem like he needed any motivation outside of the laws of the state. (Sorry, can't find a clip.)
"Now those of you who want to call me all sorts of names for supposedly calling Mr. Alexander a pedophile, something I never done (THERE'S THAT TOO CUTE BY HALF DEFLECTION) may not like facing a reminder of this particular fact."

L wants us to remember that TA reference 12 yr old girl having her 1st orgasm, "corking the pot" of 12 yr old girl during convo with the murderer..


(And he genuinely is baffled why The Trial Watchers are offended he has the gall to repeat this carp in his book???)

Even Nurmi's attempts at linguistic sleights of hand are predictably ham-fisted. Does he really think that his little smart-*advertiser censored* word games will garner the respect he clearly wants and feels unfairly denied?

(Note to Nurmi: They won't. In fact, just the opposite.)
His job wasn't to prove she was lying about pedo or abuse. That was JM's job, which he did very effectively.

As Nurmi explained, he couldn't prevent her from taking the stand, period. And he couldn't prevent her from spouting whatever lies she wanted to unless there was PROOF that she was lying. There wasn't. JM had to use circumstantial evidence to refute those lies (nothing noteworthy to report in journal, etc).

Nurmi's job was to dig for evidence and experts that supported the lies, however flimsy and unconvincing.

Maybe this is (part of) the reason Nurmi's direct was so plodding and deliberate (and seemingly scripted). He needed to prevent Jodi from telling provable lies and he needed to be sure he had "plausible deniability" for any lies she did tell. I expect Jodi knew exactly what constitutes suborning perjury on the part of a lawyer and she knew how much trouble Nurmi could get into depending on her testimony. Not that she'd ever intentionally get him in trouble...
Big thanks, Yes or No :takeabow:

Now, we'll just wait for the next volume. :thinking:

Nurmi may never have mentioned the word "pedophile," but he sure did a lot of "hinting," and eliciting the term from his experts.

I finally got up the guts to actually watch the main portions of the retrial, skipping through the endless defense expert witness testimony. Of all the "evidence," the defense elicited, the worst was Mr. Neumeister. Thanks goodness the defense yanked him from the line-up in favor of Anonymous/Mr. Smith. Although Neumeister claimed there were thousands of *advertiser censored*/pedophilia hits, Mr. Smith told the truth. There were only a couple of hits with zero reference to pedophilia. Travis was totally exonerated on that level.

The fact is, Nurmi had to rely on the proverbial ONE Juror to save Ms. A's life. Well, call it a life, if you will. I believe she ended up with a living death.

Yes, Mr. Nurmi, you WON and proclaimed it yourself publicly after the verdict. Since you won, why even bother with a book? IMHO, you did as many mental gymnastics to justify your defense as you did in the trial itself.

Now, thanks to Yes or No, I can now detach mentally from the mess and concentrate on packing for a wonderful visit with my BFF and her husband over Christmas and a wonderful Caribbean cruise. No, I will not touch a computer for two weeks!

Nurmi finally lost me with that accusation. I've really been trying to look at his book objectively and give Nurmi the benefit of the doubt and a lot of leeway. But saying JM made it a DP case to get a better book deal is waaaaaay over the top. If he wants his book to be taken seriously by reasonable people, he needs to leave that stuff out. Even if he thought it, writing it is TMI and ugly. I hope Juan's book stays on a high road.


Yah. Me too. I withdraw my offer of compassion. I've no doubt that it was damaging in many ways to have been in such intense constant contact with that psychopath client of his. I don't even hold it against him that he had to dirty Travis - up to a point- in order to save his client from the DP.

What I hold against him is that even after the trial, when all that is at stake is his own ego, Nurmi persists with his highly personal, baseless, ugly attacks on so many, including (and most offensive) Travis.

One of the first tweets Nurmi wrote about his book said that the trial for him wasn't about winning or losing. What total BS. Reading between the lines from Y/N's last excerpts, it is clear that Nurmi believes he could have won her a second degree murder conviction, or even manslaughter, if....

If she would have just listened to him and stayed off the stand. If she hadn't demanded that he accuse Travis of pedophilia. If she had allowed him to make his case that she was a victim of sexual and physical abuse as a child, and that Travis used and abused her until she snapped.

If she had allowed him to defend her on his terms, she wouldn't have alienated the jury so much that they bought into JM's claims of premeditation.

And the JM ifs. If JM hadn't insisted on making it a DP case. If JM hadn't tampered with evidence. If JM hadn't bullied Nurmi's witnesses. If JM hadn't turned the trial into a media circus. If JM hadn't colluded with Flores and Horn to tailor testimony.

So many ifs, Nurmi, and all of them evidence of a very sore, ethically challenged loser. Compassion withdrawn.
Yah. Me too. I withdraw my offer of compassion. I've no doubt that it was damaging in many ways to have been in such intense constant contact with that psychopath client of his. I don't even hold it against him that he had to dirty Travis - up to a point- in order to save his client from the DP.

What I hold against him is that even after the trial, when all that is at stake is his own ego, Nurmi persists with his highly personal, baseless, ugly attacks on so many, including (and most offensive) Travis.

One of the first tweets Nurmi wrote about his book said that the trial for him wasn't about winning or losing. What total BS. Reading between the lines from Y/N's last excerpts, it is clear that Nurmi believes he could have won her a second degree murder conviction, or even manslaughter, if....

If she would have just listened to him and stayed off the stand. If she hadn't demanded that he accuse Travis of pedophilia. If she had allowed him to make his case that she was a victim of sexual and physical abuse as a child, and that Travis used and abused her until she snapped.

If she had allowed him to defend her on his terms, she wouldn't have alienated the jury so much that they bought into JM's claims of premeditation.

And the JM ifs. If JM hadn't insisted on making it a DP case. If JM hadn't tampered with evidence. If JM hadn't bullied Nurmi's witnesses. If JM hadn't turned the trial into a media circus. If JM hadn't colluded with Flores and Horn to tailor testimony.

So many ifs, Nurmi, and all of them evidence of a very sore, ethically challenged loser. Compassion withdrawn.

I knew you'd see it my way. :wink:

When he is worthy of compassion, the compassionate, yet intelligent and sensible, people of WS will give it to him. Like respect, you have to earn it after the harm he's done and unethical "strategy" he used. I will not and can not forgive the flat out LIE he told the jury. How is that worthy of any strategy kudos? Desperate man. Twenty WSers had the cite in video that proved his lie in 10 seconds.
Nurmi may never have mentioned the word "pedophile," but he sure did a lot of "hinting," and eliciting the term from his experts.
The fact is, Nurmi had to rely on the proverbial ONE Juror to save Ms. A's life. Well, call it a life, if you will. I believe she ended up with a living death.

Yes, Mr. Nurmi, you WON and proclaimed it yourself publicly after the verdict. Since you won, why even bother with a book? IMHO, you did as many mental gymnastics to justify your defense as you did in the trial itself.

On Nurmi's gymnastics regarding the pedophilia thing.....he seems to be arguing that these gymnastics saved Jodi's life even though he might have ruined his own reputation.

Clap yourself one on the back, Nurms! Juan applied the word "pedophile"! Didn't let it disappear. And called your bluff. This was a courageous gamble. No doubt he didn't want it to be hidden but rather wanted the jury to see the extent of the evil before them. JM never let the word get lost in the mix, even though it's an awful word to be throwing around.

And so, you weren't able to conceal anything from anybody. Everyone knew exactly what you were about, namely keeping "that which cannot be spoken" just subtle enough where it might be helpful to your client but not sound like character assassination.

It didn't work, Nurms. The only thing that worked in your "favor" as far as meeting your defense strategy was a crooked juror. Nothing you did.

And the Perryville Princess has a fate far worse than the death penalty. This is where you scored BRILLIANTLY, KN: you stuck it to Jodi good!

PS If you read here, KN, why not do something positive with your abilities that won't eat you up inside?
Nurmi must really be worried for his personal safety now that he's started, ahem, publishing his Jodi vilification book, but maybe he doesn't care any more because of his life threatening condition?
I knew you'd see it my way. :wink:

When he is worthy of compassion, the compassionate, yet intelligent and sensible, people of WS will give it to him. Like respect, you have to earn it after the harm he's done and unethical "strategy" he used. I will not and can not forgive the flat out LIE he told the jury. How is that worthy of any strategy kudos? Desperate man. Twenty WSers had the cite in video that proved his lie in 10 seconds.

Which lie? The gas can receipt?
Which lie? The gas can receipt?

I can't remember the exact wording, but it had to do with what she told the jury? I'd have to look it up again. I don't have time right now, but I will link it when I do. I just remember we all collectively yelled and gasped when he told it. And within 10 seconds, WSers had the video proof of it. It was blatant and outrageous and deliberate.

EDIT: found it.


Here it is. With the evidence. Nurms knew this. He tried to slip a fast one past the jury.
Nurmi's life is only in danger from his illness, not from any JA haters (afterall, she's in prison for life), nor JA supporters (and he helped keep her off of death row), and certainly not JA herself or anyone in her family.

To me it's apparent Nurmi wants to be understood and accepted and I don't think acceptance is going to happen, though if at least some recalcitrant trial followers can manage to grok the basics of defense attorney 101 requirements, some understanding may occur. I say 'may' because there are those who simply refuse to accept a defense attorney is necessary in the process of an adversarial justice system (Hope4More, none of this has to do with your comments).

And finally, Nurmi needs to understand his tactics, excuses and mistruths were within his control and have been noted, and he's not going to get a pass for those.
I knew you'd see it my way. :wink:

When he is worthy of compassion, the compassionate, yet intelligent and sensible, people of WS will give it to him. Like respect, you have to earn it after the harm he's done and unethical "strategy" he used. I will not and can not forgive the flat out LIE he told the jury. How is that worthy of any strategy kudos? Desperate man. Twenty WSers had the cite in video that proved his lie in 10 seconds.

I differentiate between Nurmi's trial strategies in direct defense of his client (he's allowed exceptional latitude as the defense, and more because it was a capital case) and what IMO are his very personal and unethical attacks on the integrity of his adversaries, including JM, Flores, and Dr. Horn.

The former are (largely) understandable, IMO, the latter, definitely not. But there is a BIG difference between the two.
Yes, Mr. Nurmi, you WON and proclaimed it yourself publicly after the verdict. Since you won, why even bother with a book? IMHO, you did as many mental gymnastics to justify your defense as you did in the trial itself.

The tone of Nurmi's book makes me think he's not exactly basking in the glory of his triumphant victory -- he's making a lot of "ends justify the means" noise about his ethical mandate to save Jodi from an undeserved death sentence (winning her instead a fate-worse-than-death sentence), and also his professional obligations to save her from the unfair charges concocted by an over-zealous, power-crazed, self-interested prima donna prosecutor who had to go after the death penalty to avoid professional embarrassment.

Not getting a victorious vibe from Nurmi, and definitely not getting an embarrassed vibe from Juan Martinez.

How does Nurmi justify to himself the stubborn fact that the "winning" attorney in this case did not get a book deal, and the "losing" attorney did?

(Ahem: "A Pyrrhic victory is a victory that inflicts such a devastating toll on the victor that it is tantamount to defeat. Someone who wins a Pyrrhic victory has been victorious in some way. However, the heavy toll negates any sense of achievement or profit. Another term for this would be 'hollow victory.'")

The tone of Nurmi's book makes me think he's not exactly basking in the glory of his triumphant victory -- he's making a lot of "ends justify the means" noise about his ethical mandate to save Jodi from an undeserved death sentence (winning her instead a fate-worse-than-death sentence), and also his professional obligations to save her from the unfair charges concocted by an over-zealous, power-crazed, self-interested prima donna prosecutor who had to go after the death penalty to avoid professional embarrassment.

Not getting a victorious vibe from Nurmi, and definitely not getting an embarrassed vibe from Juan Martinez.

How does Nurmi justify to himself the stubborn fact that the "winning" attorney in this case did not get a book deal, and the "losing" attorney did?

(Ahem: "A Pyrrhic victory is a victory that inflicts such a devastating toll on the victor that it is tantamount to defeat. Someone who wins a Pyrrhic victory has been victorious in some way. However, the heavy toll negates any sense of achievement or profit. Another term for this would be 'hollow victory.'")

Well said. I totally agree with you.
In a weird way, I kinda get what Nurmi is saying. Do I think JA deserved the DP? Yes. But what he's also asking is why not the mother of Jerica Hunter, who starved and murdered her? Why not also a man who stabbed his wife 27 times, admitted it, and then turned himself in? The man, Nurmi says, was charged with 2nd degree. The mother of the little girl, 1st degree. Is it because the media told us over and over again how amazing Travis Alexander was? And I'm sure he was a great guy. However, the job of a lawyer isn't to side with who's a good guy or not. It's to provide a defense. He even tells this in an example.

This book is a dying man, or a man who very well may be dying, that's trying to explain why he defended a monster. It was most likely traumatic for him, as well. I'm sorry that some people feel he's whining. Dude is probably spooked. Obviously, he couldn't get out of it. If he lied to a jury, then I'm sure JM would've charged him with perjury.

Sent from my SM-T310 using Tapatalk
In a weird way, I kinda get what Nurmi is saying. Do I think JA deserved the DP? Yes. But what he's also asking is why not the mother of Jerica Hunter, who starved and murdered her? Why not also a man who stabbed his wife 27 times, admitted it, and then turned himself in? The man, Nurmi says, was charged with 2nd degree. The mother of the little girl, 1st degree. Is it because the media told us over and over again how amazing Travis Alexander was? And I'm sure he was a great guy. However, the job of a lawyer isn't to side with who's a good guy or not. It's to provide a defense. He even tells this in an example.

This book is a dying man, or a man who very well may be dying, that's trying to explain why he defended a monster. It was most likely traumatic for him, as well. I'm sorry that some people feel he's whining. Dude is probably spooked. Obviously, he couldn't get out of it. If he lied to a jury, then I'm sure JM would've charged him with perjury.

Sent from my SM-T310 using Tapatalk

The decision whether or not to ask for the DP seems arbitrary because if looked at nationally, it IS applied in a seemingly arbitrary fashion.

That's partially true because each state gets to decide which offenses are DP worthy, because some states are more pro-DP than others, etc. etc. etc.

Add in that the Supreme Court has ruled that equity in sentencing options isn't mandatory. In other words, Wilmott could have presented JSS with 20,000 cases in which other defendants convicted of similar or worse crimes received lesser sentences than LWOP and it still wouldn't matter. Arizona has explicitly rejected utilizing that standard. If Arizonians want equity in sentencing, they can lobby their state legislatures to rewrite the law.

Until then, it is what it is. State Attorneys get to decide which offenses are DP worthy and they don't need to compare offenses to decide. The idea that the State decided to go for the DP because they idolized the victim or demonized his killer or because JM wanted to be famous is absurd.

I think JM saw her very clearly from the very beginning. She is a cold blooded murderer who delighted in making her victim suffer before killing him 3 times over, after driving 1,000 miles of a premeditated murder route to get there. Ever since she's demonstrated utter contempt for LE and courts and absolutely zero remorse whatsoever. She's an incredibly dangerous psychopath who as likely as not was on her way to kill again when she was finally removed as a threat and caged.

In reality, even at trial's beginning this case was simply no big deal anywhere other than locally. The killer had sought and was gifted PR beforehand, but she was unremarkable and so was this murder, frankly.

The trial became a big deal for some months because of NURMI. His relentless sex sex sex sex drew in cable which increased their ratings which led to more coverage. Profits and purient interest drove all that, not intrinsic interest in Travis the person, much less in his killer.

Nurmi needs to get a grip. He wasn't involved in the trial of our lifetime, or even a decade, or even of that year. Obviously felt that way to him, but in real life 97% of "The Trial Watchers" didn't even pay attention to round 2. Travis wasn't a fictional love-struck character in a grade B tragic farce, much less in a great Shakespearean tragedy, and the killer was just an unstable, delusional, malicious psychopath thinly camoflagued as an unemployed high school drop out waitress with many delusions.

The process wasn't fixed, there were no conspiracies, and Nurmi simply got thumped daily and overall by a vastly superior trial attorney in JM. Big whoopy- e-doo.
The decision whether or not to ask for the DP seems arbitrary because if looked at nationally, it IS applied in a seemingly arbitrary fashion.

That's partially true because each state gets to decide which offenses are DP worthy, because some states are more pro-DP than others, etc. etc. etc.

Add in that the Supreme Court has ruled that equity in sentencing options isn't mandatory. In other words, Wilmott could have presented JSS with 20,000 cases in which other defendants convicted of similar or worse crimes received lesser sentences than LWOP and it still wouldn't matter. Arizona has explicitly rejected utilizing that standard. If Arizonians want equity in sentencing, they can lobby their state legislatures to rewrite the law.

Until then, it is what it is. State Attorneys get to decide which offenses are DP worthy and they don't need to compare offenses to decide. The idea that the State decided to go for the DP because they idolized the victim or demonized his killer or because JM wanted to be famous is absurd.

I think JM saw her very clearly from the very beginning. She is a cold blooded murderer who delighted in making her victim suffer before killing him 3 times over, after driving 1,000 miles of a premeditated murder route to get there. Ever since she's demonstrated utter contempt for LE and courts and absolutely zero remorse whatsoever. She's an incredibly dangerous psychopath who as likely as not was on her way to kill again when she was finally removed as a threat and caged.

In reality, even at trial's beginning this case was simply no big deal anywhere other than locally. The killer had sought and was gifted PR beforehand, but she was unremarkable and so was this murder, frankly.

The trial became a big deal for some months because of NURMI. His relentless sex sex sex sex drew in cable which increased their ratings which led to more coverage. Profits and purient interest drove all that, not intrinsic interest in Travis the person, much less in his killer.

Nurmi needs to get a grip. He wasn't involved in the trial of our lifetime, or even a decade, or even of that year. Obviously felt that way to him, but in real life 97% of "The Trial Watchers" didn't even pay attention to round 2. Travis wasn't a fictional love-struck character in a grade B tragic farce, much less in a great Shakespearean tragedy, and the killer was just an unstable, delusional, malicious psychopath thinly camoflagued as an unemployed high school drop out waitress with many delusions.

The process wasn't fixed, there were no conspiracies, and Nurmi simply got thumped daily and overall by a vastly superior trial attorney in JM. Big whoopy- e-doo.

And to you I say.... YOU GO GIRL!!!! I seriously hope he gets better and becomes cancer free. With that being said he is, was, and more than likely always will be a butt-hurt whiner. I simply cannot stand a grown cry baby. NURMI, GET OVER IT ALREADY!!! He needs to mend his flaws and seriously he might want to think about a different career as his skin is way too thin. Thumbs down to me buying Volumes two and three.... #1 was all I needed to see and to be blunt... it sucked!


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