Brianna Denison 19yo Reno NV #5

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First, what an excellent point! I've had BTK on my mind for weeks now! This guy blended in like camoflage, no one had any reason to suspect him.

Having stated that it has struck me as odd that although he does attack from behind, whether or not these victims have seen him or not, they don't appear to be alarmed in any way.


That is part of my profile...Non-threatening, unassuming, sounds almost like this guy could be clergy of some sort.


That is interesting that you think he could be a part of the clergy. That is possible.
I just don't get the *advertiser censored* actor angle. I understand that the crimes are sexual but how many rapists are *advertiser censored* actors? I just don't understand the connection.
I was thinking about this since I came home from work: As of right now, none of this perp's victims has actually been forced to have intercourse, provided the October case is not linked (which I personally don't think is). The November victim screamed and was never assaulted, the December victim had to give or got oral sex and Brianna's abduction, we are told, was "sexually motivated," but not rape persee. This makes me think even more along the line of other posters who think the perp is married or has a gf. Maybe he's getting relations from that significant other, but not certain things, like oral sex (sorry to be graphic). I'm just wondering if anyone else has thoughts about that.
Hi Newshound,

What I can tell you is that the vast majority (I'd say 90%) of sexual assaults occur off campus, such as in the fraternity houses across from UNR on Evans St. or several blocks from where brianna was taken. So, if I was investigating other assaults, I would look through records at those locations rather than ON campus.

As far as the house she was taken from, I graduated from UNR 2 years ago (in grad school now) and I remember going to that house and partying my freshman year. I do not recall the same roommates that have been on the news, but it is a high-turnover address. I remember "Block Parties" of all the houses on Mackay Ct. (5-6) where one would have kegs and one would have liquor, etc. on the weekends. I haven't been back there recently but I suspect it is the same. You must understand that all of those houses are owned by landlords that own several houses in the area and lease them out for 6-months at a time, usually to students. There are VERY FEW families living in that area. Actually, I don't know of any families that live within 4-5 blocks of that address. Its an ideal party spot-- walking distance from 7-eleven, the dorms, the biggest college bar in Reno, and the frat houses.
Does anyone have a link that elaborates as best as possible on the attack that took place in the parking garage of the police station? Serial rapists/killers generally choose victims from within their comfort zone.

They choose for other reasons, too. They choose based on a particular age and/or physical characteristics and can be opportunistic. But, one constant is that they almost always choose from within their comfort zone. If it is true that he actually attacked a young women in a police parking garage, I would really like to know why that would be a place he would attack.

And as far as UN-reported rapes, I'm sure that there are MANY. I would suspect that they may not have been reported to the police, but UNR has a huge counseling center on campus that is utilized by nearly all students. I don't know about the legality of this, but victims may have gone to the counseling center afterward. One reason that they are rarely reported to school police is that I have never once seen a UNR PD officer that is female. MOST are males in 20s-30s, and girls probably don't feel comfortable--just a guess. but may feel comfortable going to the counseling center.
First, what an excellent point! I've had BTK on my mind for weeks now! This guy blended in like camoflage, no one had any reason to suspect him.

Having stated that it has struck me as odd that although he does attack from behind, whether or not these victims have seen him or not, they don't appear to be alarmed in any way.


That is part of my profile...Non-threatening, unassuming, sounds almost like this guy could be clergy of some sort.

I'm thinking more along the lines of someone who works outdoors (construction, landscaping, etc), who'd get very tanned arms during the summer, or maybe plays baseball for his arms to still be more tanned in winter than the rest of his body. That kind of job or sport would also explain his build, that he's "not flabby but not a bodybuilder" and he'd also be allowed to wear that facial hair (as opposed to someone who works in an office setting). That he approaches his victims from behind and grabs them as he does seems to me that is a control issue on his part.
Just our point Dee, isn't a college or university a school? Would you want yur son or daughter rooming with or sitting ina classroom in college veside a known rapist or child molester?

I wonder if colleges are not included in the, "schools" category because for the most part the students are 18 and older.

I think all pedo perps, rapists and the like should live in their own desolate prison--permanently. I don't think there is any way to ever rehabilitate any of them with any degree of surety that they will not re-offend.

I just don't get the *advertiser censored* actor angle. I understand that the crimes are sexual but how many rapists are *advertiser censored* actors? I just don't understand the connection.
I just brought it up because the caller (former LE) to Nancy's show suggested it, but I can't see the connection either. Is Reno a mecca for filming *advertiser censored* movies? I hadn't ever heard that and didn't think it was.
Welcome skippermd:)! And, thank you very much for the detailed info about Reno!

Welcome to WS, Skippermd! Wow! Your posts blew me away!

One would have to assume that LE has gotten all the surveillance tapes from the surrounding areas, but some of those would only have tape lasting a short time before they are taped over so it would depend on how soon they got to them.

I had considered the person being in security, but not in LE. A security guard would work nights and have time to leave the post depending on the type of job. Some travel from building to building to check them.

If you work out at that gym, take the time to really check out the men there. (I don't mean for the shaved area. LOL) was reported he wore a bright blue with red trimmed jersey type top and a black raider's shirt. Don't go by the sketch, but by the description given by the second victim. Brown or dirty blonde hair, a 1/2 inch or inch of soft hair from chin, 28-40yo, fit body but has a slight bulge in the belly when sitting down, and no noticable accent. Probably doesn't smoke. Keep your eyes peeled especially the guys doing crunches (he may be working on his pudge there.)!

Thanks for all the great information. Keep it coming!
I'm thinking more along the lines of someone who works outdoors (construction, landscaping, etc), who'd get very tanned arms during the summer, or maybe plays baseball for his arms to still be more tanned in winter than the rest of his body. That kind of job or sport would also explain his build, that he's "not flabby but not a bodybuilder" and he'd also be allowed to wear that facial hair (as opposed to someone who works in an office setting). That he approaches his victims from behind and grabs them as he does seems to me that is a control issue on his part.
Did I miss hearing about the perp having tanned arms?
I'm trying to catch up with all the responses today and haven't read all the posts yet, but wanted to throw this question out.

Does anyone know if there's been any murders in Reno in the past couple of years that went unsolved?

What I'm wondering is if there were any unsolved murders in the past couple of years, in which the victim was a woman and raped? I'm wondering if the owner of the underwear is deceased and the suspect is calling attention to another murder victim???
I'm trying to catch up with all the responses today and haven't read all the posts yet, but wanted to throw this question out.

Does anyone know if there's been any murders in Reno in the past couple of years that went unsolved?

What I'm wondering is if there were any unsolved murders in the past couple of years, in which the victim was a woman and raped? I'm wondering if the owner of the underwear is deceased and the suspect is calling attention to another murder victim???
Good question, Leila. I wonder if it could also be possible he recently (like last fall before the assaults started) moved to the Reno area?
Does anyone have a link that elaborates as best as possible on the attack that took place in the parking garage of the police station? Serial rapists/killers generally choose victims from within their comfort zone.

They choose for other reasons, too. They choose based on a particular age and/or physical characteristics and can be opportunistic. But, one constant is that they almost always choose from within their comfort zone. If it is true that he actually attacked a young women in a police parking garage, I would really like to know why that would be a place he would attack.

Hope this helps.
I think they're talking about it on NG. I'm on the East Coast, so she's not on for another half hour here.
They seem to talk about many things on NG that aren't reported by LE anywhere. Perhaps that is where the confusion about the police parking garage started. All the media reports I've read talk about it happening in the victim's apartment parking garage.
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