CA - 13 victims, ages 2 to 29, shackled in home by parents, Perris, 15 Jan 2018 #7

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I actually think I saw Louise's lip quiver and a gulp (nervous? upset?) during the latest court appearance, which surprised me.
In articles about this case LT was initially described as 'perplexed' that law enforcement came into her house last Sunday. When she was arrested and taken off to jail, it's reported she spat on the ground.

In the first hearing last Thursday, she was laughing and smiling as if that hear was some sort of social event.

Then in today's hearing, she learns that she's not to have any contact with any of her children for 3 years and her reaction is to smile adoringly at her attorney.

It's as if she thinks this is about someone else, not her.

I have completely noticed that also..
Its almost like in her head she is Finally in her Own Reality TV Show and loving all the Attention.. Even if its negative, its still attention, its Attention on Her! Cameras flashing at her, people interviewing her, giving her clothes to wear etc... I do not think anything else at all has really registered in her head past that point.

HE on the Other hand has the look of.... The world as I knew it ... IS GONE. I think he is more in touch with reality at the moment.
If I cared about my kids at all, even if I knew this was coming, I'm sure I would have cried if I was told no contact for THREE YEARS.

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Cared, is the word here. I think she may have cared when they were infants to toddlers. I saw a pic of her where she looked to be beaming at the last newborn. I've never seen her touching the other kids though. It seems DT always had a hand on her shoulder or waist though.
There was a case in my own town that happened a little over 20 years ago. The kid's name was Wesley and he lived with his mother, stepfather, and siblings right on Main Street. His step-dad was even magistrate for awhile (or something big, I can't quite remember). Wesley had attended school for most of his life, had a lot of friends, etc. but suddenly, at the age of 12, he just kind of disappeared. At 14 he showed up at his friend's house, covered in bruises (and with a few broken bones). For the past 18 months he'd been chained to the toilet in the family's bathroom. He was beaten and starved and emotionally abused. They family had gotten away with it by telling people that he'd moved in with his dad in another town.

This happened on Main Street. Wesley could see our court house from the bathroom window.

Twenty-one years later and my town is STILL trying to recover from the awful crime. He was a sweet boy, very polite. I didn't go to school with him but I lived 6 doors down from his house and the pool hall his step dad owned. (I attended the school where my mother taught, but he and I were the same age. I knew him by sight.) In hindsight our citizens could piece things together and think, yeah, that doesn't seem right. At the time, however, we were all floored.

Wesley made the talk show rounds with Dave Pelzer there for a while. Montel had him on at least twice. After years of therapy, and living in a facility where he got mental healthcare, he is now an adult with a family of his own. I don't live in his head so I can't say how "well" he is doing, but from the outside it appears that he was able to make a life for himself.

I have hope for these kids. In Wesley's case, the abuse escalated quickly. He went from a kid who was heavily involved in school and extracurricular activities to one who wasn't allowed to leave the house and as abused. His mother wouldn't even use his name.

ETA: The step-father is out of jail now. No kidding, he is running for our state senate. Welcome to my state.

I've been looking for him for such a long time... He was on a talk show with Dave Pelzer talking about the abuse,and I could never find him .Dave Pelzer wrote book about his childhood and all the abuse he suffered at the hands of his mother. .A Child Called "It". Just as bad and called a thing.

rosemaddrerlake Faber Castells?
Word of caution:

This is the statutory language being tracked in the complaint. California Penal Code 206 is the crime of "Torture" and this is the statutory definition of that term. It does not mean that all of these things apply. Any one, or some, or all could be relevant in the instant case.

I'm pretty sure the torture charges will be dropped to get them to plead guilty to the other charges. I think it would be difficult for a jury to unanimously agree on the torture charges. The other charges should be easy to get a conviction on.
In a case like this with two defendants accused of the same crimes (although DT does have the lewdness charge to boot) do the attorneys collaborate with each other on how they intend to defend their clients or is it each man for himself. Is the trial conducted as one trial with everything being presented one time from the prosecution but each defending attorney gets a chance to cross examine and present their own defense? I apologize if my questions are too basic. It’s just after seeing the very different countenances on the two of the defendants faces I kind of wondered. If I was DT I’m not so sure I’d feel like LT was taking this whole thing all that seriously!
I keep seeing the age disparity being mentioned.. Actually, if numbers that have been presented are accurate, LT and DT have 6 years and 7 months age difference. Not ten years, or eleven as suggested by '27 or 28yo'.
DT was 23 yrs 4 mos, and LT was 16 yrs 9 mos when they married 2-11-85.

Currently DT is 56, and LT is 49.

(I am sensitive to the age thing.. My late husband was 17 years older than me. We were together happily for 24 years. I have never thought that someone would think about us what you are suggesting about them based on age difference, Perhaps they did and I never knew it.)

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Thank you!! I get a bit bristled at the age thing too. There was close to 20 years between my paternal grandparents. My first husband was 13 years older than me and we were married for 13 years. I married right out of h.s. We had some bad times but they weren't all bad and I'd take nothing for our children. We didn't have our first child til we'd been hitched for five years, so it wasn't a "have to" shotgun wedding, case. My second spouse is ten years old than me. I've never dated anyone, seriously, who was my age, or younger. I've just no interest.
I’d say that about sums it up.
An evil nut.
A nut that needs to be locked up for the rest of her miserable life. She can try all that coquettish grinning on a prison matron and see how far it gets her.

Amateur opinion and speculation only

Hopefully there's not a hard up guard. I'd hate to see her get preggers again.
In a case like this with two defendants accused of the same crimes (although DT does have the lewdness change to boot) do the attorneys collaborate with each other on how they intend to defend their clients or is it each man for himself. Is the trial conducted as one trial with everything being presented one time from the prosecution but each defending g attorney gets a chance to cross examine and present their own defense? I apologize if my questions are too basic. It’s just after seeing the very different countenances on the two of the defendants faces I kind of wondered. If I was DT I’m not so sure I’d feel like LT was taking this whole thing all that seriously!

It's a good question. I believe the attorneys can collaborate if they want to. It's one trial with everything being presented.
There are more pictures in the Daily Mail. In one of the captions, it is reported that the attorney for DT demanded that the video cameras not picture the shackles (so the Daily Mail took a picture and posted it).

I also just read where the children were never given access to watch any TV or listen to the radio. I am not sure how far this goes back, but it sounds like it goes all the way back to at least when they moved to California in 2010.

Does anyone remember the case in Tracy CA of a young boy held captive in shackles, starved, and beaten in a fireplace for over a year who escaped by jumping over a wall and going to a nearby fitness center? He used a trampoline to escape and jump over an 8 foot sound wall - It was in the newspapers and TV all over California, but I am not sure if this made nationwide news.

I thought that the Tracy horror would be the worst case of child torture that I would ever hear. This Turpin case is far worse.

Oh wow, ya'll, note his "look". I bet he's worse than she is! I don't like to use this term, but he looks like evil incarnate in this photo.



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This begs the question, did either of them know what they did to their children? Oh yes they did, over and over... But now he knows it's over. Imo. He knows his life is over.

Yes, he might be brainy and got taken by a daddy's girl type, but she is stuck in some kind of daddy's princess loop... It's in every picture of her.

How this transpired into unimaginable cruelty might be found in a combo Greek tragedy.
Fantastic assessment
I'm running two days behind in reading this thread, now, but I would like to bring up a picture that was posted in thread #6

I would estimate the date to be around 2010, approximately when the charge sheets have the start date for the charged abuse (which doesn't mean there was no abuse/neglect prior to that date but they've had to pick a date that I presume is about as far back as they can develop decent evidence for).

Looking at the arms on those kids/young people, they look so much healthier in weight. Slim, but not the emaciated look that are apparent in more recent photos. There's a 'chubbiness' on the younger girls' arms that 'should' be there, not fat but 'normal' .... it's hard to find 'good' words to use to explain what I'm trying to say.

But either this was a time in a 'feast and famine' scenario where they were actually getting better amounts of food, or the food situation deteriorated a lot more over time from this point? Malnourishment doesn't have to equate with starvation, you can still lack vitamins and minerals and not look emaciated, so I'm not suggesting anything about the quality of the diet at that point, but they do look to me like they've been getting significantly more food than in later years.

The clothing seems to me like bulk buys of matching items and maybe having the intention of hand-me-downs, but also maybe the person buying those clothes didn't really focus so much on how well the clothes would fit as on making sure they were reasonably matched/identical (considering the frequency in photos of three or more siblings wearing identical outfits). So it might be a case of "here's 12 pairs of pants, grab something that roughly fits your waist and put it on", and if malnutrition has contributed to smaller than average heights, then you'd expect a lot of the clothing legs to be too long for the waist size of a lot of the siblings, hence they have to turn up the bottoms.

Also the Krispy Kreme photo, the eldest son in that image also looks like he might have been undergoing a period of improved quantity of food, it's the only photo where his arms don't look excessively thin to my eyes, and maybe that coincides with his college courses?

There's also been some speculation about the 2-year timespan for this 'plan' or desire to escape. That seems to coincide with the eldest son's college times, so that might contribute to their desire to 'escape' if he's coming home and telling the others about college and about the other people he's around in those classes and how there's a life out there that other people his age and younger are living that's very, very different than the siblings' life.

The eldest daughter in the post c2010 photos does appear to be 'thin' in every one, but I would have said more like 95 to 100 lbs on a 5'4" approx frame? And now she's down to around 82-86 lbs. The eldest son's college classes, according to that transcript, end in spring 2017, and I'm wondering if that's the period where the more severe emaciation occurs in the eldest daughter and probably other siblings. I think a lot of things might have gone into this desire to 'escape', and it might have started out as "I wish I/we could get out of here...but it's an impossible dream" to becoming something not just a desire but a necessity.

And the media have said that the girl who escaped had another sibling with her who turned back. It must have helped so much that they started out as two, and the bravery of the sister who tried to go with her must have been an enormous help to the girl who did make it out to call the police. Thinking of that, and that other siblings were probably morally supporting them in the escape, and then seeing that one sibling who was running to the vehicle when the police got the siblings out of the house that day. The sibling who called police has been described many times on here as a hero or a shero, and she is, and so's her sister who tried so hard to go with her, and so are the others who waited and hoped and prayed that help would come, even though it must have been so, so frightening to think about the unknown and the fear that the attempt might fail and they'd probably all face punishment if they were caught conspiring to escape and supporting the girl who did call police.
I've been looking for him for such a long time... He was on a talk show with Dave Pelzer talking about the abuse,and I could never find him .Dave Pelzer wrote book about his childhood and all the abuse he suffered at the hands of his mother. .A Child Called "It". Just as bad and called a thing.

rosemaddrerlake Faber Castells?

As sad as that book is, it's one of my favourites.
Another relative, David's brother, Randy Turpin, is the president of a Christian college in Ohio. He wrote a book about the spiritual benefits of fasting. A source close to the investigation told CBS News Randy told authorities in California on Tuesday that he wanted to explore the possibility of adopting the children. But before those discussions can happen, officials want to talk to him about another matter: whether he knew about the past abuse.

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Oh no...Googled the school....

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Wonder why aren't wrapped in paper? Seems any evidence on them could get contaminated, no gloves either and placing in back seat. Yikes!!

That made my skin crawl. I'd have had on a coveralls, eye protection, a hat, muck boots, and leather gauntlet gloves. I can deal with horse, cow, goat, and dog crap (and feline, if I have too), but human? Glove up, gear up, and get me a barf bag handy! :hand:

Thank you!! I get a bit bristled at the age thing too. There was close to 20 years between my paternal grandparents. My first husband was 13 years older than me and we were married for 13 years. I married right out of h.s. We had some bad times but they weren't all bad and I'd take nothing for our children. We didn't have our first child til we'd been hitched for five years, so it wasn't a "have to" shotgun wedding, case. My second spouse is ten years old than me. I've never dated anyone, seriously, who was my age, or younger. I've just no interest.

I've never understood why people put so much emphasis on the age difference between LT and DT. My dad's parents were 20 years apart. I don't know what kind of marriage they had though, since my grandma died before I was even born...

And my parents are only 5 years apart, which isn't such a huge deal now but when they were younger it would have been an issue. My dad was 21 and my mom was 16 when I was born 😂 They married young as well, and spent 15 years together before separating in 2007.

I've never been one to care about the age difference between people. It is what it is.
Maybe, but I'm just saying it's possible. Neither of the two calls I'm talking about had any reports of odor. And no one, not even LE (who are the BIGGEST wimps when it comes to hoarder houses - LOL - really big babies IME), noticed a smell until we were in. (Then the cops whipped out their masks and gloves, while we went to work without, because if you look freaky you aren't going to gain the trust of scared animals.)

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Dog crap isn't as bad as human though. Human and cat is just horrid, but human is the worst though. My spouse and son went on in to get the items that the girl had left in her previous home, and there was cat crap and pee everywhere, but in corners and under stuff. I only saw a couple cats before my exit, but was told there were several. They didn't know us though, so, like some cats, most of them hid.
Nothing about where they planned to live but her brother said she told him last time they talked that they were moving and were hoping to buy an old school bus but I'm unsure if they planned to live in it on land or ? Creepy to think about.

The video in this link states that sources told ABC News DT was getting a job transfer to Oklahoma.

This is the first time I’d heard this. Maybe ABC is the only station reporting this info?
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