CA - Child *advertiser censored* charges against John Mark Karr dismissed

Details said:
I think they didn't want any defense attorney questioning the sample or the legality with which it was retrieved. I think they also figured that he needed to be brought back anyway - for California or Colerado - he'd be going on one charge or another.
I believe you have the correct take on the situation. The way it was reported and what I posted, made it sound like the same ineptitude Boulder LE was known for in the past when JonBenet was murdered.
Buzzm1 said:
From what I am seeing, it appears that the media is going to be massing; the local stations, and newspapers, all seem to have reporters in Santa Rosa.
I do wonder if NG is going to be hosting her own program tonight and providing "color commentary" on his commercial flight to Oakland yesterday???!!!
09-06-06 San Francisco attorney Robert M. Amparan told Sonoma County Superior Court Judge Cerena Wong that Karr was asserting his right to a speedy trial, meaning the case would have to be heard within 30 days (which would be by Oct. 6)

09-14-06 Karr's Sonoma County, CA arraignment scheduled for 8:30AM before Sonoma County Superior Court Judge Cerena Wong. Attorney Robert M. Amparan will represent Karr. Chief Deputy District Attorney Joan Risse will handle the prosecution.
I think this could prove to be an exceptionally interesting case, especially considering the law firm defending John Mark Karr.

Karr has been charged with 5 counts of S311.11, possession of child *advertiser censored*, plus he wiil be charged with flight from prosecution. He has no prior record that we are aware of at this time. Karr has already served almost six months.

Karr plead not guilty to the S311.11 charges in April, 2001. There is also an apparent issue with the legality of entering Larr's home, and seizing his computer. Karr also apparently stated that he had been set-up by Wendy Hutchens, who was the one to alert LE to him.

This will test the legal system.
What kind of LE would not have a test kit for compaison. The Boulder Le are idiots .Period. The thais offered to test him .He even agreed to be tested but because LE had no kit they bought him home.Come on. All that way just to be tested? This is a spin story IMO.
kazzbar said:
What kind of LE would not have a test kit for compaison. The Boulder Le are idiots .Period. The thais offered to test him .He even agreed to be tested but because LE had no kit they bought him home.Come on. All that way just to be tested? This is a spin story IMO.
kazzbar, all complaints about the Boulder PD should probably go on the Jon Benet Forum. John Mark Karr is in CA, and we're looking forward to an interesting trial.
Buzzm1 said:
kazzbar, all complaints about the Boulder PD should probably go on the Jon Benet Forum. John Mark Karr is in CA, and we're looking forward to an interesting trial.
Ahhhh Buzz, be nice! ;) Karr was originally brought back here by Boulder LE, not California. I'll agree, this should be very interesting. Wendy Hutchens is partly to blame for this mess, in my opinion.
panthera said:
Ahhhh Buzz, be nice! ;) Karr was originally brought back here by Boulder LE, not California. I'll agree, this should be very interesting. Wendy Hutchens is partly to blame for this mess, in my opinion.
We'll be forever thankful to the good people of CO for bringing Karr back.

With Karr's legal team, and Wendy Hutchens possible complicity in entrapment in this matter, and the possible search and siezure issue, I wouldn't be at all surprised if this case gets thrown out of court.
Buzzm1 said:
We'll be forever thankful to the good people of CO for bringing Karr back.

With Karr's legal team, and Wendy Hutchens possible complicity in entrapment in this matter, and the possible search and siezure issue, I wouldn't be at all surprised if this case gets thrown out of court.
That is exactly where I think this case is going. There must be a good reason why experienced counsel would want a speedy trial with all the negative publicity that Karr has received.
Buzzm1 said:
I feel sorry for Karr's ex-wife Lara, and the three boys, ages 16, 14, and 13, who still live in Petaluma. Santa Rosa, where John Mark Karr is being held, is 17 miles North of Petaluma. This has to be a difficult time for them.
I feel sorry for them too. This has to be a very tough situation for the family.

I think if I was Lara, I'd be inclined to relocate to another area far from Petaluma and Santa Rosa. Perhaps she has family back in Alabama that would help her.
Buzzm1 said:
kazzbar, all complaints about the Boulder PD should probably go on the Jon Benet Forum. John Mark Karr is in CA, and we're looking forward to an interesting trial.

Sorry Buzz, but it wouldn't have been interesting, if it hadn't had something to do with JonBenet. ;)

My :twocents: then I'll shut up, imo that is a total crock about the DNA testing kit. The first investigator was there for days before all He)) broke out! Ever hear of sending one over, like over night-even two nights? I know it can be done, I have done it! It's been done for me going either way, so there Lacy/Tracey, put that in your pipe and smoke it! :razz:
Leila said:
I feel sorry for them too. This has to be a very tough situation for the family.

I think if I was Lara, I'd be inclined to relocate to another area far from Petaluma and Santa Rosa. Perhaps she has family back in Alabama that would help her.
The family had only been in Petaluma for about nine months when in April, 2001, all hell broke loose with John being arrested. I don't know what it was that kept her there at that time, but whatever it was must have had a strong hold on her. Admittedly Petaluma is nice place to live, close to a lot of very nice amenities--a short drive West to the Ocean, Tomales Bay, Bodega Bay, Jenner, the Russian River, a short drive East to Napa/Sonoma wine country, a short drive South to San Francisco, a short drive North to the Redwoods. It's all good.
LaCavalière said:
"The dynamics evolve day to day," Cogbill said, adding to the mystery surrounding an already bizarre case. "There are huge dynamics going on that could change the whole course of this." He said he would be able to talk more freely early next week.

"There is a whole other dimension to this that I'll probably be able to talk about later, but not today," he said.

Cogbill said it is still the intention of local authorities to return Karr, 41, to Sonoma County to face charges.

"That could change," he added.
Has anyone heard anything about the huge dynamics going on that he was probably able to talk about this week? Since JMK was returned to Sonoma County, I'm guessing whatever it was never happened.
Ca-Sun said:
Has anyone heard anything about the huge dynamics going on that he was probably able to talk about this week? Since JMK was returned to Sonoma County, I'm guessing whatever it was never happened.
He was referring to the possibility of this becoming a Federal case, and the misdemeanors being elevated to felonies. There is still background chatter about that, but unless the Feds eventually find good reason to take over the case, that won't happen. At this point in time, Karr is a first-time offender, and that is only if the charges stick; there are still some legal issues to be argued through before that happens, and Karr has a tough law firm representing him. John Karr said that Wendy Hutchens set him up, and his prior public defenders were trying to argue that the search and seizure was illegal.
Buzzm1 said:
He was referring to the possibility of this becoming a Federal case, and the misdemeanors being elevated to felonies. There is still background chatter about that, but unless the Feds eventually find good reason to take over the case, that won't happen. At this point in time, Karr is a first-time offender, and that is only if the charges stick; there are still some legal issues to be argued through before that happens, and Karr has a tough law firm representing him. John Karr said that Wendy Hutchens set him up, and his prior public defenders were trying to argue that the search and seizure was illegal.
Thanks, Buzz. Based on what little we know, I'm not surprised the Feds were unable to make a case. So, if the charges don't stick here, the people of Boulder paid for a champagne flight home for him, the people of Sonoma paid for a flight to California, and both states paid room and board for him. It is scary to think he could possibly walk very soon. I hope it doesn't happen - he needs help; he doesn't need to be walking the streets looking for little girls. And, still there is no closure for little JonBenet. Sad. Very sad.
Ca-Sun said:
Thanks, Buzz. Based on what little we know, I'm not surprised the Feds were unable to make a case. So, if the charges don't stick here, the people of Boulder paid for a champagne flight home for him, the people of Sonoma paid for a flight to California, and both states paid room and board for him. It is scary to think he could possibly walk very soon. I hope it doesn't happen - he needs help; he doesn't need to be walking the streets looking for little girls. And, still there is no closure for little JonBenet. Sad. Very sad.
That's why this case is going to be so interesting. Disregarding all that we know of John Mark Karr, we have a substitute teacher with no prior record being accused of being in possession of child *advertiser censored*. There is some question as to illegal search and seizure, and also possible entrapment.

Now, even that we know so much about John Mark Karr, and how sick he is, and how he shouldn't be walking the streets, it isn't part of this case.

How does the court system deal with John Mark Karr??
Buzzm1 said:
The family had only been in Petaluma for about nine months when in April, 2001, all hell broke loose with John being arrested. I don't know what it was that kept her there at that time, but whatever it was must have had a strong hold on her. Admittedly Petaluma is nice place to live, close to a lot of very nice amenities--a short drive West to the Ocean, Tomales Bay, Bodega Bay, Jenner, the Russian River, a short drive East to Napa/Sonoma wine country, a short drive South to San Francisco, a short drive North to the Redwoods. It's all good.
I've been there, and it is beautiful country! Hopefully, Lara has an unlisted telephone and address, and she will have the means to cope with this.
Lots of GAPS that need FIXING in our world.

Trying to PRE discover small children, and youth in their early years, who will turn into John Karrs, is an undiscovered art so far.

So given that even IF any efforts were being done seriously to find 'them' before they become a danger to OUR world, WHAT then should be done with them or FOR them? Could they be REPAIRED before they do damage to others?

Wonder what Dr. Freud would have to offer on this problem?

Married couples divorce by the thousands, how can you LOVE a person one day and dislike them enough to get them out of your life the next? WE have not solved that problem either, YET.

I just hope that 'a' John Karr NEVER finds their way into my or my familys life. Funny thing though, bet there are many of them running around, and who are near us everyday.

For the sales of *advertiser censored* to be so enormous, I am guessing that the chances of no 'John Karr' type, living or being near us are most likely slim and none.

Will be watching to SEE what happens to our Mr. K.

His wife knew early on, and got him out of 'her' life. Now indeed, what will our 'society' do with him.

Leila said:
I've been there, and it is beautiful country! Hopefully, Lara has an unlisted telephone and address, and she will have the means to cope with this.

It sure is beautiful! I was just in Sonoma this past July,it is truly "God's Country".

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