CA - Christopher Dorner kills 4 in tri-county rampage, Feb 2013 - #3

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Am I in Court now lol.............

Of course not! I just think that posting something you can't back up as if it were fact is foolish, at least if you intend to have people take the point you're trying to make seriously! It just seems to be common sense to me.

Obviously I don't mean this personally, so if offence was taken, it was not intended!!
A google search for violence against cops (or similar wording) may get you what you are looking for.

ETA: a lot of info here

National Center for the Prevention of Violence Against the Police.

But experts caution against the conclusion that criminals are ramping up a new "war on cops," instead suggesting that the statistics merely show an end to a 40-year decline in officer fatalities.

From that article.
Tale of the Tape for last 24 hours:

[ame=""]The Beatles A Hard Day's Night - YouTube[/ame]
Of course not! I just think that posting something you can't back up as if it were fact is foolish, at least if you intend to have people take the point you're trying to make seriously! It just seems to be common sense to me.

Obviously I don't mean this personally, so if offence was taken, it was not intended!!

The information is out there through searches.

I have found several sources but continuing to post them will steer the thread way off topic IMO.

&#8220;This one you just never know if the guy&#8217;s going to pop out, or where he&#8217;s going to pop out. We&#8217;re hoping this comes to a close without more casualties. The best thing would be for him to give up,&#8221; MacKay said.

From those few sentences you can tell this was a great guy. He appears to have wanted to take Dorner alive.

RIP Jeremiah MacKay
From that article.

There are several others.

I was trying to be courteous since the new member was looking for info.

Cops are often the targets for violence as we have seen in THIS CASE.

They risk their lives to save ours.

Not sure why the thread is so derailed.
Of course not! I just think that posting something you can't back up as if it were fact is foolish, at least if you intend to have people take the point you're trying to make seriously! It just seems to be common sense to me.

Obviously I don't mean this personally, so if offence was taken, it was not intended!!

ragamuffin-I love your yourself here.
Sorry if I came off too stridently.
Love common sense myself when it is available. My own included. You are correct in your post.
Okay so theoretically even if they DID start the fire I don't understand what the big deal is.

Dorner was shooting plenty so he wasn't incapacitated. In addition no one else was in the cabin and the adjacent rental properties were also empty.

All things considered, start a fire and he either leaves or dies. I don't have a problem with that, seems rather practical. Why let the situation go on for hours more and allow other LE to get shot/killed plus it is also very expensive (that manhunt had to cost a fortune!). All things considered, if someone on LE's side came up with the idea it was a good one. (I am not saying LE DID start the fire, just saying I wouldn't have a problem with it IF they did).

I hope in the search for evidence that all the bullet casing in the house that are from weapons CD used are collected and counted, that will be interesting know.
What about....

"Burn this MF "

"we’re gonna go forward with the plan, with — with the burn,”

“Copy 7, burners deployed. We have a fire.”

I'm not saying we have all the evidence of what transpired and when, just that we have this and it's not only ok to question, but a good idea.

As far as we know, it was something else or more than the incendiary tear gas/CS gas canisters.

All of the quotes above lead me to believe they were, in fact, talking about hot gas.
DORNER MANHUNT: Harrowing new details emerge

Two game wardens with lights and sirens on began chasing Dorner downhill. Dorner made a move to pass the school buses on the left to evade authorities. He then made an immediate sharp right turn onto Glass Road, Hughan said.

The wardens tried to follow Dorner by also passing the school buses, but they didn’t see Dorner make the turn and lost sight of his vehicle. Both wardens headed back up Highway 38 toward Big Bear Lake and the site of the spike strip.

The suspect vehicle spun out and crashed into a snow berm on the side of the road. The crash broke the windshield and caused the airbag to deploy.

Authorities who came upon the SUV found a high-caliber sniper rifle with a silencer in the back seat, a backpack full of survival gear and smoke canisters.

More at the link:
The most interesting bit (for me) from the CSMonitor article linked to above:

"“Law enforcement changed its policies because they got all these government grants to obtain paramilitary equipment and then felt compelled to use it all the time, even just to serve a warrant," says Mr. Franklin. "It has led to lots of unnecessary violence.”"

The title of the article actually belies the actual content of the article. It seems to be a fairly balanced article that looks at both sides of the issue and does not conclude that there is an overall spike in violence against police.
ST. LOUIS, MO (KTVI) &#8211; The number of police officers killed in the line of duty is rising. Last year the number jumped 14 percent nationwide. Six died in Missouri, 2 in Illinois.
Our Fox 2 special report examines why this is happening. Criminals are not afraid to shoot and kill a police officer. The International Association of Police Chiefs says 85 percent of agencies nationwide have been forced to reduce their budgets and cut manpower and equipment. There were 58,000 police officers assaulted nationwide last year.

Whether its increasing or not that number is ridiculous.
God bless them for what they do!
A San Bernardino County sheriff&#8217;s deputy killed by a gunman believed to have been Christopher Dorner knew of the danger he faced and had told a reporter Saturday of the tremendous risk as he scoured the mountains for the alleged cop killer.

"This one you just never know if the guy&#8217;s going to pop out, or where he&#8217;s going to pop out," Jeremiah MacKay told the Associated Press on Saturday.
more at the link: Dorner manhunt: Slain San Bernardino deputy identified (

&#8220;This one you just never know if the guy&#8217;s going to pop out, or where he&#8217;s going to pop out. We&#8217;re hoping this comes to a close without more casualties. The best thing would be for him to give up,&#8221; MacKay said.

From those few sentences you can tell this was a great guy. He appears to have wanted to take Dorner alive.

RIP Jeremiah MacKay

I just wanted to say that I value everyones opinion. And i think everyone should be allowed to voice their opinion without being made to feel that they are the "enemy," or that they hate all LE..etc....

There will be many questions raised in the upcoming days, weeks, months..and i believe that we as adults should be able to discuss them. IMO that is how we learn...

And yes i realize that this is a victim friendly site-but just because a person has a question -or thinks that LE made mistakes, doesn't mean they wanted the victims harmed!!...

just my thoughts...(will be quiet now)

still praying for the victims in this tragedy..:please:
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